My One And Only Love

Chapter 105: Attempted Stolen Kiss (3)


But those people didn't notice the lost expression of the child in his arms.

The dean continued, "Although she was abandoned by her parents and lost the love of her father and mother, the warmth of our society has made her happy again. Now, Xiaowei is studying in the third grade class for the blind. Look," the dean pointed in the direction of Sang Wuyan, "that's her homeroom teacher."

All the cameras and eyes suddenly shifted to Sang Wuyan, and some people even wanted to come over and interview her.

Sang Wuyan was at a loss for a moment, "What should I do? They are all looking at me."

"Ignore." Su Nianqin said.

"How can you ignore the law?" Sang Wuyan wanted to cry but had no tears. She didn't want to be on TV or in the newspapers. Besides, if someone recognized her as a fake teacher, it would be unbearable.

Su Nianqin said seriously: "Look forward, don't look to the side, and think back to the time when you tortured me."

"Pfft—" Sang Wuyan couldn't help laughing. This man was quite petty, still holding a grudge against the child's father.

With that smile, she really wasn't nervous anymore. She just said a few random words to the person who came to interview her with a stern face and that was it.

Looking back, the reporters' focus was on Xiaowei again.

Xiao Wei said like a little adult: "Thanks to all the people who care about us and help us. Although we don't have parents, this society is like a warm big family. Every aunt is like our mother, and every uncle is like our father. They love us, so we always have a grateful heart and are ready to give back to society when we grow up."

Sang Wuyan saw Xiao Wei speaking these words fluently in several breaths, just like she had invited him yesterday. It was obvious that she had prepared them carefully and recited them many times.

This sounds reasonable, but...

However, Su Nianqin looked very unhappy.

After a few minutes, the show began.

The entire performance was originally written and performed by the volunteers. However, in order to let the children in the welfare home feel involved, the first program was the children performing the sign language song "Thankful Heart".

Xiaowei and a group of chubby children, led by their aunt, walked onto the stage, fixed their positions, and then started playing music.

Before the children had sung half of their song, the leaders in the VIP seats quietly stood up and drove away. Also nodding and bowing as they left were the director and vice director of the welfare home.

Why did he leave? Sang Wuyan was puzzled and was about to look around, but the TV station's camera was framing the audience and the lens swept to her side. Sang Wuyan hurriedly sat up straight and focused on the stage.

After a few shots were completed, the people from the two TV stations discussed for a few words and left one after another along with some reporters.

Sang Wuyan was dumbfounded. The show had just begun.

"Why are they all leaving?" Sang Wuyan murmured.

Before the second program was announced, another vice president came to the stage and interrupted, "The leaders had an important meeting somewhere else just now, so they left first. Let us bid farewell to the leaders with warm applause." After that, the vice president was the first to applaud.

In fact, the leader's car had already left in a cloud of dust, so there was no way to hear the applause. Su Nianqin looked calm, but Sang Wuyan suddenly felt that even the bright red slogans hanging on the background of the stage were a little dazzling.

Amidst the enthusiastic applause, she remembered what Su Nianqin said when they discussed Xiaowei's issue last time.

He said at the time: “You don’t understand at all.”

Yes. They, even Sang Wuyan himself, did not understand what these children really needed. Or rather, it was not that they did not understand, but that they had never tried to understand.

When the event was over, there were a few reporters who arrived late and didn’t take any pictures, so they had to follow the staff’s instructions and find a few volunteers and orphans to interview.

Among them is Xiaowei.

During the interview, the reporter repeatedly mentioned sensitive words such as "abandoned, orphan, disabled" in front of the children. After hearing these words, some children calmed down, while others still showed some sadness that was not in line with their age.

Afterwards, Xiao Wei recited the long speech several times to different interview machines, becoming more fluent. Sang Wuyan vaguely understood why it made her uncomfortable.

When they were about to leave, Xiaowei walked to the door reluctantly to see them off.

"It's so early, let's arrange something." Sang Wuyan stated the real purpose of today's event.

"Not interested." Su Nianqin said.

"Su Nianqin, you should thank me. If I hadn't been here, people might have come to interview you. I bought two tickets to the amusement park across the street. Let's go together. It would be a shame if we don't go."

Xiao Wei pulled the corner of Su Nianqin's clothes, "Teacher Su, please agree to Teacher Sang. Originally, Teacher Sang said she would take me, but Auntie didn't agree. Now you should take her. Teacher Sang is usually very nice to me, and you are also nice to me, so you should be nice to Teacher Sang as well."

Sang Wuyan looked at Xiaowei with gratitude. This child was not loved in vain. She was really considerate at the critical moment.

Sang Wuyan quickly agreed, "I've already bought the tickets. Wouldn't it be a waste if I don't go? Really, I sincerely invite you."

“I don’t like exciting things.”

“There are also some that are not exciting.”

For example, the Ferris wheel.

No matter how stubborn a man is, he has to compromise in front of a stubborn woman.

This was Cheng Yin’s quote. Sang Wuyan tried it out and found it was true.

The two of them sat in the Ferris wheel, one on each side facing the other, as the round glass box gradually moved away from the ground.

At this time, it started to rain, and the raindrops fell on the glass and then flowed down one by one.

The whole city was shrouded in smoke.

Sang Wuyan suddenly thought of a line from a song by Su Nianqin.

"The city is hazy and the rain is drizzling." It sounds like a passage from a Song Dynasty poem.

Sang Wuyan suddenly felt that a blind person could also write about such beautiful scenery. Perhaps imagination is more romantic than seeing.

Su Nianqin seemed to be completely lost in a kind of self-contemplation, and he had not spoken a word. He sat in his seat with his back straight. His eyes seemed to be able to see, and his gaze fell on the distant view of the city behind Sang Wuyan.

Sang Wuyan looked at him carefully.

Perhaps because he doesn't often do outdoor activities, his skin is delicate and pale, and his eyelashes are long and thick, which makes Sang Wuyan worried. If he is not blind, will his eyelashes block his vision

Those unfocused eyes were very beautiful, a deep black like ink.

At this moment, Sang Wuyan was actually a little glad that he was blind, because it was because of this that she could stare at him so unscrupulously.

His lips were always tightly pursed, giving him an indifferent look. They were very thin and light in color, like a child's.

Suddenly, a strange idea came to her.

She—wanted to kiss him.

Sang Wuyan was shocked by his own bold and strange idea.

She had kissed her parents on the face, Cheng Yin, and even the runny-nosed Wei Hao when he was a child, but she had never kissed the face of such a handsome adult man.

But the next second, she was so ashamed of this horrifying thought that she forced herself to turn her head away and stop looking at him.

A man like this would probably be disgusted even by holding hands, so how could he let people kiss him

Speaking of hands, she thought of the place where she had been burned, so she couldn't help but turn her head back. Both of his hands were on the cane, white and long, and his knuckles were like jade.

I raised my eyes inadvertently and those lips appeared in my peripheral vision.

At this moment, he opened his lips slightly, making his lower lip look fuller than his upper lip.

But it was a golden opportunity, and she thought she could just simulate it since no one would see.

Thinking of this, I actually felt a little happy.

She gently leaned over, getting closer to his face, and then held her breath, afraid that she would be exposed if he sensed her breath.

When their faces were two inches apart, she stopped. She couldn't get any closer. A blind person's perception is very sharp.

She slowly and gently closed her eyes and let her heart sink for a moment.

Since she couldn't get his kiss, it would be good to simulate it, she convinced herself.

In such a small glass house, in the mid-city sky, accompanied by a drizzle, it seems that time has been intoxicated.

Unexpectedly, in such a quiet and frozen moment, Su Nianqin suddenly said: "This kind of thing seems to be initiated by men."

His warm breath hit Sang Wuyan's face along with those words. She screamed in fright and quickly fell back into her seat.

The series of movements caused the entire carriage to shake.

"You..." Sang Wuyan looked like a thief caught in the act, his face as red as a big tomato, "How did you know?"

"Ms. Sang, did I ever tell you that I'm blind?"