My One And Only Love

Chapter 108: Species role model (1)


The day Yu Xiaolu came back, she was a little surprised to see Sang Wuyan and Su Nianqin being so close, but then she quickly concealed her emotions.

Regarding the relationship between her and Yu Xiaolu, Su Nianqin said that she was a relative's sister, and she had nowhere to go so she stayed here and could take care of herself. Sang Wuyan was surprised that someone like Su Nianqin could admit to her face that someone was taking care of him.

"I will take care of you from now on." Sang Wuyan said while holding Su Nianqin's arm.

Later she thought, since she is a relative's sister, then she is also a relative, why not just say cousin, sister, niece, or something like that

Her thoughts were not complicated, and after a while she forgot about this doubt.

During that time, they occasionally went to the cinema to watch movies. In order to avoid Su Nianqin's discomfort, they bought a couple's box. The seat there allowed Sang Wuyan to put his head in the crook of Su Nianqin's neck, watching the pictures while gently describing the plot to him.

"Then he walked into the room and hid in the corner, waiting for the mummy to appear. At this time, the black shadow appeared again, and the mummy..." Sang Wuyan said with a pale face. He was so scared that he didn't dare to look anymore and hid his face in Su Nianqin's clothes.

"What should I do? It's so scary." She was like an earthworm, trying hard to drill into his arms.

"Then we won't watch it." Su Nianqin said.

"The more scared I am, the more I want to see it." Sang Wuyan said with a bitter face.

Su Nianqin laughed, let her sit on his knees, and then rested his chin on her shoulder.

Sang Wuyan was so nervous about the plot that she completely forgot to describe the scene. Su Nianqin could only see the flickering lights and shadows on the movie screen in front of her.

The more afraid I am, the more I want to see it - this sentence reminds him of the feeling of love, which is like opium.

On the way back, at the subway station, it was around six o'clock and the crowd was at its peak.

The subway arrived, and she held Su Nianqin's hand in front, avoiding the crowd and waiting to get on the train last. At this time, several people who were rushing over to save time suddenly pushed them aside, and then squeezed Sang Wuyan into the crowd and took her on the train.

When she walked back, she found that the door was closed.

She didn't know if Su Nianqin had also boarded the train, and she didn't dare to call his name loudly in the carriage for fear of embarrassing him, so she looked around. She was not tall, so she had to stand on tiptoe and look back and forth.

On the left, on the right, in the seat.


Her heart began to get anxious.

Su Nianqin must still be at the station. He was rarely alone in such a public place, and there were so many people there. He was so stubborn that he would definitely not ask for help. If I had known earlier, I would have asked Yu Xiaolu to drive here. I didn't know if he knew the way, and whether he would meet bad guys. His cell phone was in his backpack.

The more she thought about it, the more anxious she became, and tears welled up in her eyes.

As soon as the subway stopped, she got off and took the same train back on the other side.

There were fewer people in the return train. She stood close to the door, and outside was a dark tunnel that stretched on and on. It seemed like a century had passed before the subway saw the light outside again. The loudspeaker in the train announced the station name, and then it slowly stopped.

She looked through the window glass and saw Su Nianqin standing there from afar.

It was the place where they had staggered, motionless.

He is tall and has a striking appearance, so it seems that one can find him at a glance without any particularly eye-catching signs.

Sang Wuyan ran over, threw himself at him and hugged his waist.

He said lightly, "So fast!" as if he was still waiting to see the end of his wait.

"I was terrified."

Su Nianqin touched her head and said, "Don't worry about it. I will wait for you wherever you are lost."

Sang Wuyan worked in the news group at the radio station with Yuanyuan, and was soon transferred back to Nie Xi's studio. Wu Wei said, "Sister Xi told the director that she insisted you come back."


Wu Wei thought for a moment and said, "Any reason is possible, but it's definitely not because of your work ability." Then he looked at Sang Wuyan with contempt.

Sang Wuyan pretended to be angry and said, "You little brat! Do you believe I can strangle you to death?"

"To die under the peony flowers, I will be romantic even as a ghost." Wu Wei stuck out his tongue and pretended to be a ghost.

While the two were playing around, Nie Xi walked in and said coldly, "Sang Wuyan, I didn't transfer you here to flirt with my people. You have to sort out the materials I just gave you immediately. I will use them tomorrow."

"Oh." Sang Wuyan lowered his head, said nothing more, and started working.

The person who will be interviewed by Nie Xi tomorrow is Qingfeng, a young writer who has recently risen. After his works became popular on the Internet, they swept the entire publishing industry. In less than half a year, he became a big name and attracted much attention. Nie Xi is a very rigorous person and always does his homework. Now Sang Wuyan is going to systematically organize Qingfeng's personal information, his work style, a general introduction, the characteristics of the characters in his representative works, online reviews, and publisher reviews for Nie Xi.

In the past, Ye Li and Wang Lan were the only ones who did these things. Sang Wuyan was about to call them but was stopped by Nie Xi, "They have other things to do. You've been here for almost half a year, and you can't even do such a small thing?" Her tone was extremely sarcastic, and she was completely different from the Sister Xi that Sang Wuyan knew.

After Nie Xi left, Ye Li asked quietly, "Sang Wuyan, did you offend her?"

"No." Sang Wuyan was puzzled. "She asked the director to let me come back. I haven't seen her for a long time."

"Did you see a ghost?" Ye Li shook her head.

Sang Wuyan looked at the pile of information, feeling quite puzzled.

At night, Sang Wuyan worked overtime until very late. She was a science student and was not interested in this kind of stuff. She was confused by all the fiction, history, martial arts, and fantasy. She finally got out of it and sorted out Qingfeng's personal work history, and then combined some real personal situations and readers' comments to come up with the general content of the interview.

When she went downstairs, she opened her bag and wanted to call Su Nianqin, only to find that her phone was out of battery.

Sang Wuyan returned to his rental house and just as he walked in, the phone rang.

It’s not Su Nianqin, it’s Mama Sang.

"Wu Yan, why aren't you here so late?"

"I'm working overtime at the station."

“Come back earlier next time. The public security is so bad now. It’s not safe for a little girl to walk on the road at night…” Mother Sang started the family education like a machine gun. It took a lot of effort to finish. As soon as she hung up the phone, the phone rang again.

"Where did you go so late at night?" This time it was Su Nianqin's turn to ask, "My phone isn't working either."

"Overtime." She continued to explain.

"I wanted you to come over for dinner."

"Eat? You cooked it?" She was still worried about his cooking ability.

Su Nianqin heard the trick and remembered that day when he kindly fried eggs for her to supplement her nutrition. She even asked him with disgust if eating them would cause death.

He couldn't help but feel a little angry, "Sang Wuyan, you..."

Sang Wuyan hastily changed the subject and said, "The number of people lining up to eat Yi Jin's cooking must be at least a regiment, if not a division. So quickly forget what I said last time."

"Stop talking nonsense."

Sang Wuyan chuckled.

The two of them talked on the phone for a long time. When they hung up, Sang Wuyan still had a sweet smile on his face. In fact, he also liked to talk.

The next morning, Sang Wuyan went to the radio station and handed in his work to Nie Xi. Nie Xi glanced at it and said, "No. The perspective and starting point are not good." Then he pointed out a lot of shortcomings in the manuscript and ordered Sang Wuyan to continue to revise it.

At lunch, Sang Wuyan ate a few mouthfuls and continued to work hard. When she gave it to Nie Xi, Nie Xi was using the computer and said, "Leave it there" without even looking at it.

At night, Sang Wuyan was outside the live broadcast room recording a program. The director was still playing commercials and kept asking the two people inside to get ready.

Ye Li suddenly pulled Sang Wuyan mysteriously and whispered, "Nie Xi asked Wang Lan to prepare the information about Qing Feng last week. She doesn't need your information at all."

Wang Lan beside her nodded and said, "Yes. I am busy with this. You didn't ask. I also come here during the day. I just heard about it from Lili."

"Have you offended someone?" Ye Li asked.

Sang Wuyan was so surprised that she didn't say anything for a long time. She turned her head and looked through the glass at Nie Xi who was smiling at Qingfeng. She felt very complicated. Nie Xi was not such a woman originally. She was generous, patient, and had no airs at all. She was also kind to others.

Was it because she hadn't done well enough before? Was it because she lacked this kind of training

Stunned, she suddenly remembered what Li Lulu said before, "Sang Wuyan, once you leave school and the protection of your parents, you will be nothing."

Due to various reasons, she and Su Nianqin were not always together, and sometimes they didn't see each other for two or three days.

The place where the two met most often was at Su Nianqin's home.

She liked to lie down beside him and watch Su Nianqin playing the piano. Seeing his fingers sliding across the keys, either gently and softly or passionately and wildly, was a very enjoyable visual sensation.

It was hard for her to imagine that he had really grown up in an orphanage, and how the teachers and aunts in the orphanage had taught him so well.

"When did you start learning the piano?"


"Are you studious?"

“It’s not easy to learn.”

"Are they good to you?" Sang Wuyan suddenly asked, "I mean the aunts who take care of you."

Su Nianqin said calmly, "It's hard to say whether it's good or bad. Taking care of orphans is their job, not out of love or any other feelings. Of course they will have some children they prefer. Besides, sometimes I can't really recall those things."


"I only stayed until I was seven."


He paused and said calmly: "I don't want to continue this topic."

Sang Wuyan was slightly stunned. Is it so unbearable to look back

At this time, Sang Wuyan's cell phone rang.

"Wu Yan, why are you not at home again?" It was Mother Sang.

Sang Wuyan glanced at Su Nianqin, mumbled something to his mother into the microphone, and walked out of the room.

"Come back at the end of the month. I've contacted a middle school with your dad, and although they hired a new person last November, they can give you a quota now."


"Bring your resume and those certificates. You should also prepare yourself first, because the school still needs an interview."

Sang Wuyan sighed and said, "It's not convenient for me to discuss this with you now. Let's talk about it when we get back."

"What do you mean by inconvenient? You're not an underground party member, and you've been acting sneaky lately." Mother Sang muttered and hung up the phone.

Sang Wuyan sneered. They were the underground party. If her family knew about her and Su Nianqin's affair, it would definitely not end.

When she returned to the room, Su Nianqin asked, "Who's calling?"

"Mom, tell me about work."

"Yeah." He didn't ask much about Sang Wuyan's university and internship. Sometimes Sang Wuyan even suspected that he didn't even know which school she was attending.

In the afternoon, the weather suddenly cleared up. The sun cast a golden glow all over the yard, which was particularly attractive. Sang Wuyan took Su Nianqin to the park. The weather was very good, and there were quite a few people coming to bask in the sun.

Sang Wuyan was lying on the lawn, his head resting on Su Nianqin's legs. He was sitting against a tree trunk, his eyes half asleep, with earplugs in his ears, listening to the radio.

From time to time, he would touch Sang Wuyan's hair. Her hair was fine and dense, and felt very soft. In addition, her hair was short and fluffy, and felt very much like cat hair.

Thinking of the word "cat hair", Su Nianqin couldn't help but curl the corners of her mouth, and her eyelashes moved slightly.

"Why are you grinning like an idiot?" Sang Wuyan asked. She was lying on her back, so she could see his expression clearly from below.

She is the only one in the world who would call this kind of smile a silly smile.

"Just telling a joke." He pulled out his earplugs.

"What channel are you listening to?" She found that when he was not reading or playing the piano, he would pass the time by listening to TV news or the radio.

"A storyteller."

"Why don't you listen?"

“Always ads.”

"Do you listen to our station?"


He opened his eyes, raised his face and turned towards the sun.

"Can you see the light?"

"Very faint."

"Can't it be cured?" There were too many mysteries and unknowns about him that made her want to know.

"It can't be cured." He said calmly, "There's a problem with the central visual nerve, it's congenital." His tone was unusually flat, but Sang Wuyan still caught the faint trace of pain that flashed across his face.

"Did you bring any books to read?" Sang Wuyan asked, changing the subject.

"Hmm. What?"

"I'll help you read any book you want in the future. It'll save you a lot of trouble."

Su Nianqin thought about it, then handed the book to her and said, "You read it."

“… This one won’t work, and I don’t know Braille.”

At this time, a voice came from not far away, and it happened to be singing the song "Libyan Shells". Sang Wuyan frowned, "The lyrics are mixed up, this sentence is from the second paragraph."

Su Nianqin raised her eyebrows and asked, "You can do it too?"

"Of course." Sang Wuyan raised his head, "Do you want me to sing it for you?"

"Don't!" Su Nianqin said hurriedly, "Don't."

"You despise me? You think I don't sing well?"

Su Nianqin didn't say anything, obviously not wanting to discourage her.

Sang Wuyan was anxious, "Su Nianqin, let me tell you, people say I have a nice voice, otherwise they wouldn't have chosen me to be the announcer."

"That—" he said, "I have reservations."

Sang Wuyan went back to the school dormitory to get her things and met Xu Qian on the way. Xu Qian called her.

"I heard you were in love."

"Yes, you can finally rest assured." Sang Wuyan said embarrassedly.

"Wei Hao and I have found jobs in City B. We have signed the contracts and will be back in June."


Xu Qian shook her head, "Sang Wuyan, when will you grow up?"

"It's fine like this. Otherwise, how could you have flirted with me for so many years without me knowing?" Sang Wuyan said, "I won't forgive you."

"You..." Xu Qian smiled bitterly.

"The most important thing as a friend is honesty. Why did you lie to me?"

The next day, Sang Wuyanyi was in Su Nianqin's arms, and she told him about her experience of meeting Xu Qian yesterday. She couldn't keep secrets, and she had to report any movement in time, otherwise she would feel uncomfortable.

"If you lie to me about something, I will never forgive you." Sang Wuyan said hatefully.

Su Nianqin's hand was originally touching her hair, but when he heard this, his hand paused slightly.

In the evening, as soon as Sang Wuyan came back from Su Nianqin's place, Cheng Yin said, "Your mother called again and told you to come back."

"Oh." Sang Wuyan suddenly felt like a deflated ball, his expression immediately dimmed.

"You should talk to your mother and the others. After all, this is for your own good."

"But they have no right to decide my future. What I want to do and whether I want to continue studying are all choices that I should make on my own."

As they were talking, the phone rang again. Cheng Yin gave them a look that said, "It must be you." "You'd better just give in, or I'll go crazy."

It was indeed Mother Sang.

"Mom, I really want to stay and never go back. I've been here for four years and I like it here."

"Will mom and dad harm you? It's all for your own good. Look how mad you have made your dad. There are so many people in the college who want to squeeze in to study but can't, and you didn't even want the place specially given to you. You've only been out there for four years and you've already become wild. We shouldn't have let you run away to another place." Mother Sang spoke in dialect at a very fast pace as she scolded Sang Wuyan, giving her earnest advice.

"I'm not going back."

"Wu Yan," Mother Sang paused, "Are you hiding something from your mother?" She felt that something was not right with her daughter recently and she always stayed out very late.

"Mom... I..." She thought for a moment and finally said, "I have a boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? When did you meet? How old is he? Where is your home? Are you from the same school? Why didn't you tell mom earlier so she could see it?"

It had to be faced, so Sang Wuyan could only muster up the courage to give a complete report. When it came to Su Nianqin's visual impairment, Mother Sang suddenly fell silent on the other end of the line. After a long time, she left a sentence "I'll take a plane over there tomorrow" and hung up the phone.

What happened next was different from what Sang Wuyan had imagined, because what her mother brought was not a heavy rain but a gentle breeze and drizzle.

According to her mother's personality, she thought she would scold her as soon as she arrived, but Mother Sang did not. From the airport to home, Mother Sang did not mention a word about Su Nianqin.

In the taxi, Sang Wuyan happened to receive a call from Su Nianqin.

"have you eaten?"

"Not yet." Sang Wuyan spoke every word with trepidation, afraid that his mother would find out.

"Wu Yan, what's wrong with you?" Su Nianqin was extremely sensitive.