My One And Only Love

Chapter 119: Leftover women blind date (3)


She couldn't help but refute him. Although the staff repeatedly emphasized before she came in that she should not disobey Mr. Su, she still did it impulsively. Because that accident was never a lucky thing for her father's life.

Su Nianqin turned around, with no expression on her pale face, and asked, "Is your father happy later?"

"The factory later blamed the accident on his operating error and fired him. After he was released from the hospital, he couldn't find a job for a long time and started drinking heavily. When he was drunk, he beat me and my mother. When he sobered up, he knelt on the ground and cried, saying how much he loved my mother and begged her not to leave him. He repented again and again but committed the same sin again and again."

"What happened next?" Su Nianqin asked again. In his calm expression, there was a hint of pain that was barely perceptible.

"My mother divorced him when I was less than ten years old," Xiao Qin said lightly.

She left the office and thought that the opportunity had fallen through, but unexpectedly she received a call a week later. The other party said, "Ms. Qin, Mr. Su has decided to hire you. Please come to work on Monday."

Xiao Qin entered the company and found that Su Nianqin was the most diligent boss she had ever met. She was like a perpetual motion machine that never stopped, and like a sponge that quickly absorbed unfamiliar knowledge. One day, she accidentally heard someone say that Su Nianqin had loved someone, and then that person left him. Xiao Qin immediately thought of his expression when he asked about her father's story. So did he give up on her, or did she give up on him

More than ten minutes later, the tormenting MP3 was found in the seam between the carpets under the bed. Many people wiped their sweat and breathed a sigh of relief. Yu Xiaolu happened to call, and Xiao Qin reported the situation to the boss's aunt.

Yu Xiaolu thought for a moment and said, "I'll send you an audio file later and you can save it on your computer. Then buy a few more MP3s of the same model and copy them to your computer for backup." In the evening, when Xiao Qin opened his email, he saw the attachment sent by Yu Xiaolu.

There is a 3G audio compressed file, the file name is: Wuyan.

She didn't like exploring privacy, so she didn't try to listen to the songs. She just unzipped the files and copied them one by one into the MP3 player she just bought as instructed. There were five of them in total, which she placed in her bag, drawer, and car to prevent any accidents.

Only then did Xiao Qin realize that what was important was not the machine, but the sound inside it.

The financial section of the newspaper said: "RD is seeking financing for our city's TORO company. According to relevant senior executives, the negotiations have entered the final stage."

Sang Wuyan finished reading the news and folded the newspaper.

It was indeed as Su Nianqin told her, he did not come to City B to find her.

In movies and TV series, there are often plots where the male protagonist waits for a woman downstairs every day in order to pursue her. But Su Nianqin would not do that, not three years ago, and it seems to be the same three years later.

"You have to accompany me tomorrow." Li Lulu said.

She has taken four days off and has made an appointment with the hospital to undergo myopia surgery tomorrow morning.

"What's the problem with wearing glasses? Can't you just not get the surgery?"

"You are talking without any pain. You have good eyesight, so of course you don't know the pain of poor eyesight." Li Lulu said, "Huang He is going, so you have to go too. This is the only place I know you two. If I die by accident, at least I can see you one last time." Huang He is Li Lulu's boyfriend.

Sang Wuyan rolled his eyes at Li Lulu.

In the afternoon, Sang Wuyan took Xiaojie by the hand and wanted to take a taxi. His illness made him not very adaptable to crowded places, and he couldn't stand crowds.

"Miss Sang!"

Suddenly someone called her in the car.

She turned around and saw a man parked his car on the side of the road. He looked gentle and wore a pair of glasses.

"You..." Sang Wuyan was suspicious and couldn't remember where he had seen this person before.

"We've met before, at the Holiday Inn, Wu Yu." the man reminded.

"Oh, Mr. Wu." Sang Wuyan felt a little apologetic.

"Where are you going? I just got off work and I can give you a ride."

“No, no.” Sang Wuyan waved his hand.

"It's my honor anyway. It's not easy to call a taxi with children at this time." He saw Xiaojie beside Sang Wuyan.

Sang Wuyan hesitated.

"If you refuse again, Miss Sang, the police will come and give me a ticket." Wu Yu smiled and threw out a reason that was impossible to refuse.

Sang Wuyan had no choice but to get in the car.

"Where are you going?" Wu Yu asked.

She sat in the back seat to take care of Xiaojie.

“Go to the KFC downtown.”

"Are you going to eat?" Wu Yu glanced at Sang Wuyan through the rearview mirror.


"It's a bit crowded there at this time. If the kids don't mind eating McDonald's, I know a quieter one." Wu Yu asked Sang Wuyan while looking at him in the rearview mirror.

"Well, thank you then."

So Wu Yu successfully turned the ride into a strange date.

When Wu Yu went to buy things, he was not familiar with this fast food that was popular among children. He felt a little apologetic when he carried the things back to his seat.

"I've never eaten here. I just passed by here on my way to and from get off work and found it."

"Men usually think that people with more immature personalities prefer this kind of thing." Sang Wuyan helped him out. The one who had this idea was Su Nianqin.

"My hometown is a small town, and there is no such thing. I came here to study in college, and I was not well off financially. A ten-dollar hamburger was too luxurious for me at that time.

He is very frank.

Totally different from that person.

Sang Wuyan looked at him with a smile and had a favorable impression of him.

"What job does Mr. Wu do now?" She forgot again.


"which aspect?"

"Economic matters, but we also accept other civil disputes."

“Is the winning rate high?”


"Then you can eat anything you want now."

Wu Yu was amused by her words.

Sang Wuyan put a straw in the Coke and placed it in front of Xiaojie, who drank it quietly. The delicate movements of holding French fries were a bit difficult for him, so Sang Wuyan taught him step by step.

"I've heard of this disease." Sang Wuyan explained it to him just now, and he suddenly had something to say, "His condition is already very good, right?"

"Yeah. The later the treatment is started, the more serious the condition will be. His disease is congenital and generally it is difficult to cure throughout one's lifetime." Sang Wuyan sighed.


"It's still too early to say with current medical knowledge. The most likely cause is some disease the mother had during pregnancy."

"He is your..."

"Nothing." Sang Wuyan touched Xiaojie's head, "It's just that I often take him to crowded places, hoping that he will see other children and have the desire to get close to them."

"Can he hear us?"

"Perhaps, autism can automatically filter out external information that they don't want to receive."

Suddenly, Xiaojie poked the straw and knocked over the cup of Coke, and Sang Wuyan hurriedly moved the object away. Wu Yu saw that Xiaojie's chest was stained with Coke, so he wanted to wipe it off with a tissue.

"Mr. Wu!" Sang Wuyan stopped him immediately, "Xiao Jie is not used to unfamiliar people touching him." Otherwise he would scream immediately.

Wu Yu's hand froze in the air.

"He treated me the same way at first. He needs time to accept someone else's closeness." Sang Wuyan hurriedly explained to ease his embarrassment, "The process is slow and painful."

Wu Yu said, "I'm sorry."

Sang Wuyan smiled and said, "It's nothing, just get used to it."

Wu Yu went to the cashier and ordered another cup of Coke.

When he came back, he accidentally saw the watch on Sang Wuyan's left wrist. Because the heating temperature in the restaurant was too high, Sang Wuyan rolled up her sleeves, and it was a men's watch with a big dial, which was a bit conspicuous on her slender wrist.

"Polley made in Switzerland, does Miss Sang have this hobby of collecting?" Wu Yu found a new topic.

"Huh?" Sang Wuyan didn't quite understand.

"I used to have a client from Hong Kong who was in this kind of collection business." Wu Yu was also a little curious because it was a watch for the blind.

"What do you think this is?"

"Polley, you can't buy the real thing in China. The price of one is enough to make me earn for many years without eating or drinking."

"No way?" Sang Wuyan was shocked.

Sang Wuyan thought, although the similar piece she got for Su Nianqin was hard to buy and she spent more than two hundred yuan on it with reluctance, she didn't notice much difference.

"It is said that all of them are hand-made to order." Wu Yu explained.


"I don't really understand this kind of thing. Anyway, it's very expensive, but why it's so expensive is beyond the understanding of most of us."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

After laughing, the atmosphere became a little awkward.

Wu Yu looked at the watch on Sang Wuyan's wrist again. "It is said that this kind of thing, like jewelry, has room for appreciation."

Sang Wuyan put down his sleeves and explained casually: "Actually... I bought this imitation product at a street stall. It looks pretty similar. After hearing what you said, I realized it's actually so expensive. No wonder the knockoff version cost me hundreds of dollars."

Wu Yu was relieved when he heard this. He didn't want the woman he wanted to pursue to have such wealth.

Sang Wuyan sent Xiaojie to the children's center and rushed to the radio station.

She is in charge of a psychological talk show, and in fact, the people who call the hotline are all asking about love.


She doesn't understand anything.

The first person to call tonight was a girl, she was sobbing while telling her love story. Sang Wuyan had to insert a piece of music to calm the girl down.

The girl said that she and her boyfriend were classmates in college and now they will graduate in less than a year, and they are facing various obstacles to love in reality.

Sang Wuyan was powerless except to say some comforting words to her. The only thing she could do was to let her talk and then listen attentively. Talking can help people find an outlet for their souls. For example, she liked to say to Cheng Yin.

At this moment, Su Nianqin just came out of TORO and was about to go back to the hotel. Xiao Qin was a little late, answering the phone.

Su Nianqin just took the time to stand outside the car and smoke.

At this time, a voice called him: "Mr. Su?"

Su Nianqin looked up when he heard the voice.

"I'm Wei Hao, I wonder if Mr. Su still remembers me?"

"Remember." Su Nianqin stretched out her hand to shake hands with him. Wei Hao was stunned at first, then immediately stretched out his hand as well.

"I'm working at TORO now. I saw you in the company a few days ago, but there were too many people and I didn't have a chance to say hello to you."

"Yeah." Su Nianqin nodded indifferently.

Sensing Su Nianqin's attitude, Wei Hao had no choice but to put away the words that he had been holding back in his heart, and after a few polite words, he turned around and said goodbye. After walking a few steps, he couldn't help it, so he turned around and said, "Mr. Su, Wu Yan has not been doing well in the past few years. I wonder if you know?"

How could he not know that she was not doing well

He knows all of it.

But so what

He no longer had any connection with her.

That day, she left the hospital in anger. He was immediately upset, but at that moment, the hospital received news that a liver matching his father's was found and would be sent over soon for surgery.

The operation lasted for more than ten hours. When he recovered, he couldn't find Sang Wuyan anywhere.

She doesn't answer the phone.

He went home to look for her, to her and Cheng Yin's residence, and even to the radio station. He thought of any place where she might appear, and asked Yu Xiaolu to accompany him to look for her many times. He was afraid that he would miss Sang Wuyan if he was not careful, and he was also worried that his father's condition would worsen after the operation. He couldn't count how many places he had been in the middle of the night.

It was almost dawn, but they still hadn't found it.

Yu Xiaolu was a little impatient with him. "Nianqin, Wuyan is not a child anymore. She has been here for four years. She won't get lost. She is angry with you and deliberately doesn't want to see you and is hiding from you. What's the point of you being anxious? You know you regret it now, so why did you make her angry and leave at that time?"

He stood downstairs of Sang Wuyan's building and didn't speak for a long time. The hospital called again, saying that the situation was a little abnormal and urged Su Nianqin to go back.

When it was daybreak and he came again, he met Sang Wuyan at the door.

Su Nianqin stood in front of the car, and for a long time she could not answer Wei Hao's question. After standing there for a long time, she forgot to say anything to Wei Hao, and returned to the car silently.

He later learned that Sang Wuyan's father had died that night. After that, he did not dare and had no right to appear in Sang Wuyan's world. He was a blind man who could only hurt people.

Isn’t Assistant Qin’s father a living portrayal of this

He was incapable of giving her happiness.

But he missed her so much that he hadn't missed a day or two in more than a thousand days and nights in three years when he didn't recall their past. This yearning grew stronger as time went by, and he wasn't even sure if these emotions would accumulate to the point where he would collapse.

But Sang Wuyan seemed to have truly forgotten him.

So sometimes he couldn't help hating her. He remembered all this so deeply, how could she just forget it, pretending to be nonchalant and going on blind dates, falling in love, getting married, and even heartlessly saying to him, "Su Nianqin, you seem to be doing well."

The way she said this sounded like a real asshole.

On the way back, Xiao Qin found Su Nianqin leaning on a chair with his eyes half closed, and he was not in a good mood.

Xiao Zhou, who was driving, also noticed that the atmosphere was a bit dull, so he said, "Mr. Su, would you like to listen to some music?"

Su Nianqin waved her hand.

"Master Zhou, what radio station do you have here?" Xiao Qin asked.

Xiao Zhou is the driver that the branch company temporarily prepared for Su Nianqin. He is a native of City B.

Xiao Zhou glanced at the time and said, "There's a pretty good talk show during this time slot. I listen to it all the time." Then he turned on the radio and searched for that channel.

Suddenly, he heard a nostalgic voice coming from the car through the radio waves: "Then please ask the director to connect to our second call today." It was Sang Wuyan's voice.

The driver tried to find a topic to talk about: "This host sometimes speaks so cutely."

Su Nianqin sat up straight, raised her hand, and gestured to the driver to keep quiet. She listened to the program attentively until the end, without missing a word.

Sang Wuyan came home from get off work, lay on the sofa, staring at the clock face in a daze. Suddenly he took out the lighter from his handbag.

This is the simplest frosted navy blue lighter that Su Nianqin threw there that day.

The two items were put together. This was the only memory Su Nianqin left for her. One was snatched away by force, and the other was picked up by himself after he forgot to take it. She had been with Su Nianqin for half a year, and he had never given her anything.

The book says that women are materialistic.

In fact, it's not about material things, but you can see the man's heart from there. He doesn't care about her at all.

It was the first time she saw him smoking. In the past, Su Nianqin was a person who stayed away from all bad habits and didn't even stay up late. Because he lost his eyes, he was particularly careful about his health. That day, she saw him skillfully lighting a cigarette, surrounded by smoke, and she was so heartbroken.

He was totally ruining himself.

After thinking about it, I looked at the watch again. I actually wore a very valuable thing for a long time and often forgot it in the bathroom.

"Such expensive things, when we can't afford to eat one day, we can pawn them for money." Cheng Yin came out of the house and said.

"Why would I live with a materialistic woman like you?" Sang Wuyan sighed.

"What can I do? It's your fault for always following me, as if you can't live without me." Cheng Yin sighed.

"Should I give it back to him?"

"That's great, you can meet him openly again." Cheng Yin teased.

Sang Wuyan is silent.

"Wu Yan, do you still love him?" Cheng Yin asked.

"do not love."

"If you don't love it, then why are you picking up lighters thrown away by others?" Cheng Yin hit the nail on the head.

“I…” Sang Wuyan was at a loss for words.

"Wu Yan," Cheng Yin looked at her, "After so many years, have you found someone who suits you better than him?"

"It's just that I haven't encountered it yet. Maybe he will appear soon." Sang Wuyan said lightly.