My One And Only Love

Chapter 120: Who destroyed whom? (1)


The next day, at the hospital, Li Lulu took Sang Wuyan's hand while Huang He went to pay the bill and said, "I haven't told you that Huang He and I are planning to get married in the second half of the year. I want to be a beautiful bride, so I decided to have the surgery."

"It seems that your love IQ is not very high."

"At least taller than you." Li Lulu looked down on her.

"Every surgery has risks, and Huang He said that the bandages cannot be removed for two or three days after the operation, and you won't be able to see anything. What if there are sequelae in the future?" Sang Wuyan still disagreed.

"There's no risk. This minor surgery is like pulling a tooth."

"Extracting teeth can also kill people," said Sang Wuyan.

"You are such a dog that you can't even spit out ivory." Li Lulu pinched her.

Before being pushed in by the nurse, Li Lulu suddenly said, "Sang Wuyan, let's make a bet."

"What bet?"

"If I didn't die gloriously, how about you go talk to Su Nianqin?"

"Then I will definitely lose. It's just a small operation. If you think you can't beat me, the doctor won't agree."

"That's not necessarily true. Some people can choke to death when drinking water. Didn't you just say that having a tooth pulled can also kill you?"

"Pooh, pooh, pooh." Sang Wuyan was angry.

"We really should talk."


"You can talk about anything, just calmly talk about your feelings back then. Even if you two don't intend to get back together, talking about it like this can help you let go of that relationship."

"You've done all the psychological counseling on me?" Sang Wuyan smiled.

After the operation, Li Lulu was taken back by Huang He.

"She has been blind these days, so please take good care of her, otherwise you will be the one to blame," Sang Wuyan instructed.

Huang He stood at attention and said, "Make sure to complete the mission."

"Sang Wuyan." Li Lulu stretched out her hands and waved them in the air and called her.


"Remember, you promised me."

When she got home, she thought of Li Lulu's helpless look with a white bandage on her face and her hands stretched out to call out to the Yellow River, and she felt a little distressed. Thinking of this, she thought of Su Nianqin again. Li Lulu felt uncomfortable after not seeing her for just a few days, so what about Su Nianqin

Her hand that was originally writing suddenly stopped, and she went back to the bedroom to rummage around. After searching for a long time, she found an eye mask that she had never used before and covered her eyes with it.

The eye mask wasn't particularly tight, and a little light could be seen coming in from under the nose.

"What are you doing?" Cheng Yin asked.

"Try what it's like to be blind."

She groped her way back from the bedroom to the living room, and at first she walked along the wall. When she reached the center of the living room, she couldn't figure out the distance, and was afraid of bumping into the stool, so she half-crouched and took a step, feeling forward, and only took the second step after making sure there was nothing. Only then did she realize how necessary it was to have a stick to explore the way.

So she took a feather duster as a cane and went to the kitchen again. This time it was much easier, and she was a little proud of herself.

Cheng Yin said: "You remind me of a famous quote that I adapted."


"It is not difficult to be blind for a while, but it is difficult to be blind for a lifetime."

As soon as Cheng Yin finished speaking, Sang Wuyan's forehead hit the corner of the kitchen cabinet door, and she almost cried in pain.

"You didn't close the door when you took something just now. It has nothing to do with me." Cheng Yin explained.

"I know!" She rubbed her head in pain.

"You finally realize how much trouble your habits have caused others."

Sang Wuyan pulled off the blindfold in frustration. Just as he calmed down for a while, Li Lulu called.

"Sang Wuyan, go find him now," Li Lulu said, "or I will end my friendship with you."

In the evening, Sang Wuyan went to a nearby supermarket to buy daily necessities. On her way back, she passed by a small stall selling wontons. She knew that the urban management on this street was very powerful, and vendors usually dared not set up their stalls until after seven o'clock. Some time ago, provincial leaders came to inspect, and they cracked down on it for a while. Now that the storm has passed, it has started to revive again.

The wonton stall was also opened a few days ago, with just two pots and a few simple tables. The couple selling wontons were about fifty years old, and there was a girl lying on the greasy table doing her homework.

Sang Wuyan inadvertently glanced at the woman who was making wontons in the light of the incandescent lamp and felt that she looked familiar. Then he took another look and recognized her - she was Huang Xiaoyan's mother.

Mother Huang also noticed Sang Wuyan's gaze and said with a smile, "Girl, eat wontons."

Sang Wuyan stood still, "Auntie, I'm Sang Wuyan. Do you remember me?"

"Who are you?" She obviously couldn't remember.

"Xiaoyan's elementary school classmate."

"Oh, it's you." Huang's mother suddenly realized, "Sit down, sit down quickly."

She wiped the stool and said to the child, "Come on, Honghong, call me sister."

Honghong opened her mouth timidly, then put away the book and went to the other side to help her father collect the dishes. Sang Wuyan then remembered that she was the baby back then.

"You've grown so big?" Sang Wuyan said, looking at Honghong's back.

"You're a grown-up girl now, how can she still be a little girl?"

Sang Wuyan smiled.

Later, Mother Huang brought a bowl of wontons and watched Sang Wuyan eat while chatting with her about family matters.

"If our Xiaoyan were still alive, she would probably be able to get married." Mother Huang finally sighed.

Sang Wuyan put down the spoon and looked at her overly old face. After so many years, being a mother still has regrets.

"Auntie, you still have Honghong. She will double her filial piety to you along with Xiaoyan's."

Huang's mother tucked her hair behind her ears and sighed calmly, "After all, this child was adopted. He is not as close as one born by myself."

“Brought here with you?” Sang Wuyan was surprised.

"Yes, a country relative brought her here and said he would leave her in front of his noodle shop. When I heard that, I thought, if we could do some good deeds, Xiaoyan could be saved," said Mother Huang.

On the way back, Sang Wuyan was full of worries.

When she reached the gate of the community, she closed her eyes again and walked on the road of the community. As she walked, she became slanted. When she stepped from the concrete road to the grass, she almost screamed.

"Are you afraid of even grass?" Cheng Yin said behind him.

"I was so scared, I thought I stepped on something." She patted her chest.

"So, it's not easy to be a blind person." Cheng Yin shrugged.

She went home and dug out her elementary school graduation photo. She had forgotten what she looked like then, so it took her a long time to find Huang Xiaoyan in the second row.

The truth of the matter that she hadn't let go of for so many years was completely different from what she thought.

When Huang Xiaoyan died, Sang Wuyan kept blaming her parents. How could they treat her like that? She was still alive and they were planning to have a second child. Did they ever think about Xiaoyan's feelings, or about healing her and helping her recover

Because of this, Sang Wuyan had never visited her home again in more than ten years. At the elementary school reunion ten years after graduation, everyone sighed when Huang Xiaoyan was mentioned, and then they pooled money to visit her parents.

Sang Wuyan didn't go either.

She was resentful. If she hadn't happened to meet him today, she would probably have been resentful for the rest of her life.

However, I never expected that the truth would be like this.

"So, people should communicate more with each other." Cheng Yin said, "Sometimes, don't just look at things from your own perspective and standpoint. You should also think about others."

Sang Wuyan said nothing.

Cheng Yin added, "It's just like you and Su Nianqin. When you lost your father, his father was also on the verge of life and death. He was arrogant on the surface, but he was extremely inferior in his bones. And you just said something harsh and left. How did he feel?"

At night, Sang Wuyan dreamed of Huang Xiaoyan.

Huang Xiaoyan sighed and said, "I know you hate them for me, but now it's finally over."

It was very easy to find Su Nianqin. After get off work in the afternoon, she just wanted to give it a try, but he actually didn't change his number, and the call went through.

It rang three times, and then a refreshing female voice said, "Hello."

"Hello." Sang Wuyan said guiltily, "My... my last name is Sang, and I'm looking for Su Nianqin."

"Ms. Sang, Mr. Su is in a meeting. What can I do for you?"

"I want to see him, is it convenient?"

Xiao Qin had a very good memory. She suddenly remembered that she had met this woman named Sang downstairs that day. She was obviously a very important personal friend of Su Nianqin. She glanced at Su Nianqin inside and saw that she was very busy. So she made a rare decision and agreed without authorization: "No problem, but I guess you will have to wait a while after you come."

Xiao Qin told the hotel and room number and hung up the phone.

"Ms. Qin, Mr. Su asked you to find the minutes of yesterday's meeting." Manager Zhao from the branch office leaned over and said.

Xiao Qin hurried to the study to look for it.

Thirty minutes later, someone rang the doorbell.

Xiao Qin went to open the door and it was indeed Sang Wuyan. Xiao Qin looked towards the small living room and said, "Miss Sang, please wait a moment. I'll go call Mr. Su."

Sang Wuyan looked over and saw a heated discussion going on inside. Su Nianqin was smoking a cigarette and listening attentively to what everyone was saying with a frown on his brow.

She hurriedly grabbed her and said, "You guys do your thing. I'm not in a hurry. Let's talk about it after we finish the work."

Xiao Qin thought so too. Su Nianqin was famous for his concentration on his work and hated being disturbed. No one could figure out what would make him suddenly angry if he was interrupted now.

"Then please go to the study and wait. I'll make you some tea."

The hotel suite was very large, with a living room, a small reception room, a study, a bedroom, and a guest room. She didn't dare to think about how much it would cost to stay there for a day, and she was trembling with fear when she came, fearing that she would make a mistake.

Sang Wuyan was waiting there, feeling a little nervous. She took off her watch out of habit and fiddled with it in her hand.

Li Lulu has summarized that there are many ways to find out if an ex-lover is single. For example, you can ask: "Long time no see, when are you going to invite us to your wedding?" If he is still single, he will usually say: "No, no, I don't have a target yet." This way you can find the right person.

Sang Wuyan rubbed his forehead. Why did he look so much like an underground party member

But how could Su Nianqin infer the behavior of a normal person? No matter whether he had a partner or not, he would not fall for it. At the very least, he would sneer and say, "Miss Sang, don't worry, the wedding invitation will be delivered." At worst, he would fly into a rage.

She leaned on the sofa in the study, and turned her head to see Su Nianqin sitting at the back of the conference room through the living room. The heating was sufficient, so he was only wearing a black shirt, and his indifferent expression that had not changed for many years was particularly elegant among the crowd.

Su Nianqin pinched a cigarette in the ashtray and said, "The market share of new products cannot be completely pinned on the advertisements released by the head office. Do you know that the company's annual..."

The conversation went on and on, and Xiao Qin took notes quickly.

After the work was done, everyone wanted to stretch their bodies, but they held back because of Su Nianqin's face that never smiled. Director Zhao was a straightforward person, and he dared to say, "You've all worked hard, why don't we let Director Su treat everyone to a meal?" Except for Su Nianqin, who had the highest position, the others were all junior staff who rarely worked with the boss for half a day.

"Okay, you can choose any place you want." Su Nianqin rarely agreed.

Everyone cheered, especially the ladies present.

Su Nianqin asked Xiao Qin to get his suit jacket, and Xiao Qin suddenly remembered, "Mr. Su, there is a lady named Sang waiting for you in the study."

Su Nianqin paused, "What did you say?"

Everyone was a little surprised to see Su Nianqin's sudden change in expression.

"She didn't come over to say hello, so she should not have left." Xiao Qin quickly ran to the study to check.

Thank God.

Xiao Qin let out a long sigh. She was still there. If she was allowed to leave like this, she felt that Su Nianqin would probably fire her on the spot.

But at this moment, this woman took off her shoes unscrupulously and curled up on the sofa and fell asleep.

Su Nianqin walked in afterwards.

"Uh—she fell asleep." Xiao Qin explained.

Su Nianqin nodded, and walked very lightly. He suppressed his anger and said in a low voice, "Take them there first, find a place to eat, and call me when they are settled. Ask Xiao Zhou to wait for me downstairs."

Xiao Qin didn't dare to say anything more and quietly left with the suspicious group of people.

Su Nianqin stayed there for a long time. He heard Sang Wuyan's gentle breathing, shallow and soft, just like before. He touched the front of the sofa and called out tentatively, "Wuyan."

She didn't respond.

Su Nianqin touched the watch, it was already eight o'clock in the evening. She was still so sleepy, she could fall asleep even lying down with her clothes on. But he didn't have the heart to wake Wu Yan up, not because he was afraid of disturbing her sleep, but because he was afraid that once Wu Yan woke up, he would not be able to possess her so quietly and share her breath.

But if I curl up on the sofa like this, my whole body will definitely ache when I wake up.

So he leaned over and picked up Wu Yan. She was of such a light and petite figure that he could hold her in his arms with just a gentle embrace.

She was very familiar with his embrace, and huddled in it like a kitten, mumbling two words: "Nianqin."

At that moment, Su Nianqin felt a warmth flowing from every limb to her chest, and her empty heart was immediately filled.

He suddenly recalled the night three years ago when he held her in the same way in that dark and narrow corridor. That was the first time he held her in his arms.

Su Nianqin slowly moved back to the bedroom and put her on the bed so she could sleep more comfortably. He felt reluctant to let go of her, so he touched her hair. She had actually grown her hair longer, changing her previous fluffy image, and now she looked a little gentle and mature.

Su Nianqin was almost addicted to the sweet scent of her hair.

He wanted to touch her. He hadn't seen her for three years, and wondered if she had changed. As he was thinking this, his hands had already started to move, touching her hair, ears, cheeks, forehead, eyes, nose, and then his fingers touched her lips.

His hand trembled and stayed there, and then he wanted to kiss her, he wanted to kiss her very much. This desire almost tore his heart apart, and his breathing began to become disordered.

He held her chin, determined the position of her lips, and then lowered his head. As soon as he touched her soft lips, Sang Wuyan turned her head away in her dream as if she was ticklish and changed her sleeping position, causing Su Nianqin to think that she was about to wake up, and she hurriedly sat up straight.

After calming down for a while, he realized that her movements were just unintentional and she showed no signs of waking up at all. Just like before, she could not be awakened even if the sky fell. Su Nianqin began to feel a little happy and thought: It turns out that the feeling of being a thief when stealing a kiss is very good. No wonder she had attacked him twice in a row before.

So Su Nianqin lowered his head and continued the gentle kiss, sucking her lips lightly. His Adam's apple moved, and he began to unbutton her coat like a possessed person.

Suddenly, he stopped, quickly withdrew, and retreated back to the living room.

Su Nianqin, what are you doing? He asked himself, can't you find a woman to satisfy your desire? He asked himself angrily.

He lit a cigarette and took a few puffs, then went to the bathroom to wash his face. Since Sang Wuyan didn't want to be with him, he shouldn't treat her like this.

Su Nianqin took off his watch and ran water over his face. After calming down a bit, he called Xiao Qin and asked where they were having dinner. He didn't want to disturb her sweet dreams, and of course he didn't dare to be alone with her, otherwise he couldn't guarantee that he would still be so self-controlled in the remaining hours.

When leaving, Su Nianqin thought: Let’s wait until she wakes up before we talk about everything.

Sang Wuyan woke up and found herself sleeping in a completely unfamiliar bed. She turned over so quickly that she almost rolled off. The entire suite was empty. She walked around barefoot before finding her shoes in front of the sofa in the study.

Everyone is gone? She just woke up and was a little confused. Does that mean that so many people saw her ugly sleeping posture just now? She subconsciously wiped the corners of her mouth, and there were traces of saliva. Fortunately, Su Nianqin couldn't see, otherwise it would be so embarrassing in front of her ex-lover, drooling in her sleep. She sighed.

Sang Wuyan went to the bathroom to wash her face. When she turned off the lights, she found her watch next to the faucet and put it in her coat pocket.

She was a little frustrated. She had taken so much courage to talk to Su Nianqin, but the man just slipped away without waking her up. She had to wait for him. She was so hungry that she didn't know when he would come back from his night out.

Sang Wuyan sighed, closed the door and left.

Su Nianqin was absent-minded while eating.

Xiao Qin asked: "Has Miss Sang gone home yet?"

"She was still sleeping when I left, so I didn't wake her up. I'll bring her some food later."

When Xiao Qin heard Su Nianqin's words, he looked at him in disbelief. The boss had changed his personality today and suddenly became very considerate.