My One And Only Love

Chapter 121: Who destroyed whom? (2)


But when Xiao Qin accompanied Su Nianqin back to the room with the steaming delicious food, Sang Wuyan had already left quietly. Su Nianqin's eyes were depressed and lifeless again.

"Where is my watch?" Su Nianqin asked in the bathroom.

"Did you wear it just now?"

"No." Su Nianqin's voice was slightly higher, indicating that she was about to get angry again.

Watch, watch, watch. Xiao Qin searched everywhere for the watch that Su Nianqin wore on her wrist every day.

"I just left it on the washstand."

She was lamenting in her heart why Miss Yu didn't let her buy a few more watches to use as self-defense.

Just when Su Nianqin was about to explode, Xiao Qin found it on the coffee table in the study.

"Here—" She quickly sent it to Su Nianqin.

The moment Su Nianqin got the watch, his expression changed and an even greater anger rose between his brows.

He finally understood why Sang Wuyan came. He wanted to return his things and make them even from now on.

The next morning, Sang Wuyan went to school. When she put on her watch and found that the strap was loose, she realized that the watch was not hers. In other words, it was the one she had given to Su Nianqin before. She was stunned on the spot.

By accident I took the wrong thing.

Because she didn't expect Su Nianqin to have been using it all the time, and what she didn't know even more was that Su Nianqin had thrown it away in anger, and then desperately went back to find it. The surface was broken, and it took a lot of effort to find someone to repair it. As a result, the pointer was very inaccurate, but the man was still reluctant to replace it.

He treasured every thing she left behind.

Love. The obsession he was born with.

After Cheng Yin found out, she said bitterly, "It's over, it's over. I went there and lost both my wife and my army, and I didn't even get to talk to him and I got a broken watch instead. You ruined the most valuable thing in our family."

"Go to hell." Sang Wuyan kicked her.

"What's wrong with me? I got beaten for telling the truth." Cheng Yin laughed.

"I'll just beat you to vent my anger."

While she was playing with Cheng Yin, her cell phone rang. She answered the call while laughing, without even checking the incoming call. "Hello—"

Su Nianqin listened to the laughter over there and frowned unhappily: Isn't it just taking a watch back? Is it worth her being so happy

"Hey—" Sang Wuyan stopped and repeated.

"It's me." He simply uttered two words.

This was the voice on the phone, the one I hadn’t heard for three years.

She was so surprised that she couldn't help but let out a cry.

"I'm Su Nianqin." He thought that her "ah" meant she didn't know who he was, so he gave his name even more unhappily.

"Oh, hello." She was immediately tongue-tied, and could only think of these three words.

Of course she knew he was Su Nianqin, and she would recognize him even if he turned into ashes.

"I heard from the secretary that you came to see me yesterday." He said condescendingly, pretending that hugging her and kissing her while she was sleeping yesterday had nothing to do with him.

"Uh, yes." She naturally had no idea what Su Nianqin was thinking, so she nodded honestly.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"I, I..." She was speechless and couldn't really say anything.

"You what?" he demanded.

"You, when are you going to invite me to your wedding?" She blurted out Li Lulu's bad idea in a hurry. After she said it, she couldn't help but frown.

She thought over and over again, and in desperation she chose the most horrible sentence.

Sure enough, Su Nianqin was stunned for a second, and then said bitterly: "You are eager for me to marry someone else, right?"

Sang Wuyan felt like he was about to bite his teeth off as he listened.

She hurriedly shook her head and explained: "No, no, no. Why would I want you to marry someone else?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the silence on the other end of the phone was even longer than the previous one.

Uh—it seems like I said it wrong again, Sang Wuyan scratched his hair.

"Oh." The man said meaningfully.

It was still not right, and she felt like crying but had no tears.

"Have you eaten?"

"I ate." She confessed honestly, but then she thought again, it was strange that he asked her what she had eaten for no reason? Was he going to treat her to a meal

So she quickly changed her words and said, "I didn't eat it."

"Did you eat it or not?" He frowned.

She gritted her teeth and said reluctantly, "I ate it." Seeing that reason had overcome emotion, she added, "But I'm not very full."

This time, he fell silent again.

Cheng Yin eavesdropped nearby, and whispered in Sang Wuyan's ear, "He must have been thinking about how he hasn't seen you in a few years, and his brain is going crazy. He can't even answer whether he's eaten or not."

Sang Wuyan covered the phone and chased Cheng Yin away.

"Then come out and eat something. I haven't eaten yet." He asked casually.

"Okay." She agreed immediately, cutting the Gordian knot.

Su Nianqin put down the phone, and her palms were actually sweating.

He wanted to see her, to hear her talk, to touch her face, very, very much.

This thought, which had started when he hugged her yesterday, suddenly intensified violently, almost tearing his chest apart and devouring his remaining sanity.

Sang Wuyan never expected that Su Nianqin would ask her to eat hot pot. He never ate chili peppers before and was the kind of person who got a headache when he heard the word hot pot.

The hotpot restaurant was the most popular one in City B. It was not high-end, but it was famous for its delicious taste. When they arrived, it was past the peak period, but it was still crowded. By chance, the person in front of them left and a table was vacant.

Sang Wuyan looked around at the noisy surroundings and suddenly felt that he had made the right choice of this place. Even if two people started quarreling, it would not attract much attention.

Unexpectedly, he was not mean to her. It can be said that he hardly spoke to her except for saying "whatever" when ordering food.

He didn't eat anything, and didn't even move his chopsticks. I guess the smell was enough to make him unbearable.

Originally, she was supposed to accompany him for dinner, but it ended up being her who was eating while he sat beside her and "watched".

She looked up and couldn't help but say to him, "You can have the white soup, or I can help you with something else you want to eat." So she helped him pick up some bamboo shoots and mushrooms and put them in the bowl.

He took two bites and put down his chopsticks.

In the end, Sang Wuyan stopped eating and let the soup in the pot bubble and swell. She looked at his face through the spicy mist.

She couldn't help but say, "I understand that it's hard for two people to be friends again after breaking up, but I don't want our relationship to be so strained. When we broke up, I was very impulsive, so I said something that hurt you. If you still mind, I apologize."

She finally breathed a sigh of relief. She had been holding it in for so long and finally said it out. She felt relieved immediately.

Just now, the driver dropped him off and left. Now that they had finished their meal, if he were to take a taxi back alone, Sang Wuyan would feel uneasy, fearing that he would get lost in an unfamiliar place.

She asked him tentatively: "Can you find the way back?"

He turned around and answered her with his blind stick, "I can't find it." Very straightforward.

“…” She was puzzled. This person used to be very unwilling to admit defeat, why did he become like this now

She had no choice but to take him back to the hotel.

The car was stuck at an intersection before it reached the hotel.

The driver said, "Little sister, there may be a traffic accident ahead that will take a while to get through. You can walk to the next intersection in two or three minutes. How about I just let you off here so I can turn around? Is that a convenience?"

The driver had a nice attitude and spoke reasonably. Sang Wuyan looked at the road and saw that they were not far from the hotel, so he got off the car with Su Nianqin.

She couldn't help but shake her head. Fortunately, she didn't let him go alone. Otherwise, he would be thrown here and he wouldn't know where to go. That would be a big trouble.

She and he walked on the busy street like this. She stood beside him, matched his steps on the blind path, and occasionally held his elbow to avoid vehicles. At that moment, Sang Wuyan almost felt that time had gone back to the past.

They passed by a piano shop, where a girl of about six or seven was sitting in front of the piano near the door, learning to play "Chopstick Dance". She played the piece in a discontinuous and stiff way. She seemed very dissatisfied, frowning and looking very serious.

Sang Wuyan couldn't help but smile slightly, "I haven't learned this song yet."

"Really? Is the teacher so bad?"

"Although my teachers didn't play as well as you, they all had more patience than you." She laughed, "It's just that I'm not interested in learning anymore."

After a while, Sang Wuyan said again: "Now when you play the piano, I guess no one dares to bother you anymore." She no longer has the right to make trouble around, and she revealed a hint of emotion when she said this.

What are you lamenting about

Sang Wuyan himself couldn't explain it.

After a moment, he said calmly: "I haven't touched the piano in the past few years."

Sang Wuyan looked up at him and wanted to ask why, but swallowed the words back.

When they broke up, Su Nianqin suddenly stopped and said to her, "I accept it."


"I accept your apology just now," he said calmly.

Sang Wuyan returned home, his nose crooked with anger.

"What's wrong? You were fine when you went out just now, but why are you so angry when you come back?" Cheng Yin asked.

"I apologized to him just to give him a way out. He could have just gone along with it, but he still said to me, 'You apologize, I accept it.' I... Bah!"

"Look at what you have accomplished." Cheng Yin looked down on her.

"What's wrong with me?"

"If you have the guts, scold him to his face."

"… "

At night, Xiao Qin waited in the hotel for the driver to bring Su Nianqin back. She found that he was in a good mood after returning. He even said to her, "Help me think of a quiet place with good food. I will treat people to dinner tomorrow." He added, "It's Chinese food."

"But there's a cocktail party tomorrow night," said Xiao Qin.

"Then let's have a midnight snack." He almost said to himself, "Or have dinner early."

Xiao Qin secretly glanced at Su Nianqin who was acting abnormally, and couldn't help feeling suspicious. Could it be that the boss was chasing after a woman

The next day, Wu Yu called and asked Sang Wuyan to go out.

Wu Yu said: "A friend of mine who came back from Japan brought back a set of children's picture books, which I think are very suitable for Xiaojie."

Sang Wuyan was not a teenage girl who had just begun to develop feelings. She knew what Wu Yu's purpose was. She smiled and replied, "Okay."

"Then when do you finish class? I'll pick you up."

"Half past five."

"I bought the tickets. Are you free to go to the movies with me?" He learned about Sang Wuyan's hobbies from Sang's mother.

Wu Yu had the wisdom of a lawyer and only needed one question to settle dinner and the rest of the night.

In Wu Yu's car, Sang Wuyan saw the set of books. Everything made by the Japanese was so exquisite. Although he didn't understand Japanese, pictures knew no borders.

"Not only Xiaojie, I want it too." Sang Wuyan said.

Wu Yu smiled.

"It's cold today, perfect for us to eat Korean barbecue."

Sang Wuyan readily agreed.

It seems that Wu Yu has won the favor of Mother Sang and knows all of Sang Wuyan's hobbies.

A very unique restaurant. When the grilled tenderloin was served with a few leaves of lettuce, Sang Wuyan's eyes lit up immediately.

Wu Yu ordered a bottle of wine.

It was more like an alcoholic drink than wine. The wine was placed in a green bottle and then poured out. It was light yellow. Sang Wuyan stretched out her tongue to taste it and it was sweet, so she drank it with confidence. Who knew it was very spicy, almost making her cry.

While asking the waiter for a bottle of mineral water for Sang Wuyan, Wu Yu said with a smile, "Wuyan, you sometimes really act like a child who never grows up." Unconsciously, he had changed his address from Miss Sang to Wuyan.

He picked up a piece of barbecue, dipped it in the sweet and spicy sauce on the plate, rolled it in lettuce and gave it to her.

Halfway through the meal, Sang Wuyan's cell phone rang.

"Hello—" Sang Wuyan wiped his hands with a tissue and answered the phone.

"Sang Wuyan."

"Huh?" Sang Wuyan almost choked. It was Su Nianqin. She should have known that she shouldn't have used her phone to call him last time.

"Come out." Su Nianqin's voice, trying hard to suppress her anger, came from the receiver.

"Where to go?" She was confused.

"Walk to the restaurant door and onto the street."

"I'm eating." She whispered, trying to stop him from making a fuss.

"I know you are eating! I'll give you five seconds. If you don't come out, do you believe I will set fire to the store?" Su Nianqin said angrily.

Wu Yu noticed something was wrong and asked, "What's wrong?"

Su Nianqin counted down: "Five seconds."



Sang Wuyan put away the phone and said, "I'm going to go out for a while." Then she ran to the door of the restaurant. She didn't dare to test Su Nianqin's patience.

On the side of the road, she looked across and saw nothing unusual, so she wanted to call him back and tell him to stop messing around.

As she was taking out her cell phone, her arm was suddenly grabbed by a strong hand. The owner of that strong and unavoidable arm dragged her without explanation, pulled her to a car on the side of the road, stuffed her into the back seat, slammed the door, and fiercely ordered the driver to lock the door.

She had a look of horror on her face, but she stopped screaming after she saw through the window that the person who kidnapped her was Su Nianqin.

Xiao Qin got out from the passenger seat and said, "Mr. Su, calm down and let's talk it over."

Some people were already looking over here. If Su Nianqin wasn't driving a Bentley, or was dressed decently, or didn't look like a gangster, even the woman standing by the street would have thought it was a kidnapping and called the police.

Su Nianqin then came in from the door on the other side with a sullen face.

"Su Nianqin, what are you doing?"

"Sang Wuyan, you are dreaming!" Su Nianqin said.

"Huh?" Sang Wuyan didn't understand at all.

"Unless I die, it's just a daydream for you to be with another man!"

Sang Wuyan began to understand.

Then Sang Wuyan's phone started vibrating, and she knew without even looking that it was definitely Wu Yu's call. But she hesitated whether to answer it or not, because she had no doubt that if she answered it, her beloved phone would be thrown out of the window by Su Nianqin and smashed to pieces.

She had to pinch it off.

"We... are just having a meal..." Even Sang Wuyan himself didn't know why he was hesitating.

"You've been drinking? You actually drank with him?!" Su Nianqin smelled the scent of alcohol sensitively.

“It’s not a question of whether to accompany or not. It’s normal for us to eat and drink together.” Sang Wuyan bravely refuted.

"It's the same in my eyes!" Su Nianqin raised her voice.

"Su Nianqin, can you please have some manly common sense?"

"You still know that I am a man!" Su Nianqin almost roared.

"What does that have to do with me?"

Xiao Qin was stunned. She had never seen Su Nianqin so angry. Usually, she would just make a face expression and say some angry words, but she had never yelled at anyone in this tone.

What surprised her even more was that this young lady surnamed Sang had the courage to add fuel to the fire and confront him.

Sang Wuyan began to get angry, "You are you, I am me, there is no relationship. Not to mention drinking with him, you have no right to interfere even if I sleep with him!"

"You dare!" Su Nianqin scolded.