My One And Only Love

Chapter 2: Mr. Beaver VS Ms. Astro Boy (2)


I clenched my fists, and suddenly remembered a proverb: enemies are jealous of each other. This man was none other than the fake teacher who disappeared from my school like a puff of smoke after catching me cheating last time.

Nowadays, it is really like searching for something everywhere but finding it in vain, but now it is obtained without any effort.

"Teacher Chen has gone out of town for training, so I'm teaching Russian to you all in his place," said the man.

A girl raised her hand and asked, "Teacher, are you teaching Russian? Why haven't we seen you before?"

I know what this woman meant: Teacher, if you are a teacher from the Foreign Languages College, how did you avoid our gossip probe

The man said, "No, I'm not a Russian teacher."

Everyone said "oh" in unison.

"You're not a Russian major, yet you dare to say you can substitute for the class." I said hatefully.

"But..." The man paused, "I have been in Russia for many years, and my level is probably not much different from your teacher Chen."

Everyone said "oh" together again, and the meaning was different from before.

I curled my lips, so conceited.

Is it a big deal to be able to speak a few words of Russian? Can you understand me when I speak English

Anyone who is annoying is really annoying from head to toe, from the heart to the appearance.

At this time, another girl asked: "Teacher, can you tell us your name?"

"My last name is Mu." After saying that, the man picked up the chalk on the table and wrote three handsome and elegant words on the blackboard: Mu Chenghe.

He turned around, his brows relaxed: "Classmates can call me Teacher Mu, Little Mu, or Old Mu. Of course," he gently threw the chalk between his two fingers back into the box, raised his eyes, and smiled, "If you want to call me Chenghe in private, that's fine too."

Bai Lin suddenly grabbed my hand and said excitedly: "Xiaotong, this teacher's smile is really..." She frowned, "How should I describe it? It's a four-character idiom. It's the kind that means you think the other person is very good-looking. How do you say it?"

I gritted my teeth and answered: "It will bring disaster to the country and the people!"

Bai Lin: “…”

In addition to English and Chinese, many languages have lip-splitting sounds. Russian has a [р] in its alphabet, which is a lip-splitting sound.

When a person cannot pronounce the sound [р], it becomes [л]. [л] is pronounced similar to the lateral sound “l” in Chinese pinyin.

Chen Ting had taught it several times before, but I still didn’t understand it. However, Bai Lin and the others understood it immediately.

So, [р] became my Achilles' heel in Russian, and anyone who mentions it gets me angry.

Bai Lin and I were exactly two minutes late for class that day.

There is only one door in the classroom, and each time you enter or exit, you can only walk in from the side of the podium under the watchful eyes of everyone, so being late is an extremely painful thing.

Bai Lin called for the report awkwardly, interrupting Mu Chenghe's words.

Mu Chenghe's black pupils swept over me, causing me to shrink behind Bai Lin. He probably didn't notice me, and nodded kindly, saying, "My two classmates, being late isn't a bad thing, but I was afraid that you wouldn't have a seat if you were late."

Then, Bai Lin and I followed his gaze and saw that the area under the podium was full of people. The large classroom that could originally seat 80 people suddenly had no empty seats.

Just when Bai Lin and I were in a dilemma, a life-saving hand waved towards us.

"Xiaobai, I have an empty seat here."

Bai Lin pulled me and ran over quickly.

"Why are you here to attend classes in our department?" Bai Lin asked. The one waving was Bai Lin's fellow villager, who was studying in the Department of Mathematics.

Xiao Bai said, "I came here because of its reputation."

I wondered: "Admiration?"

Xiao Bai nodded and pointed to a group of girls in front: "These are from our department, and those over there are from the Chinese department."

Bai Lin was anxious: "You have so many men in the Mathematics Department, and we only have these few in the Foreign Languages Department. You want to snatch them away too? Is there any justice in the world?"

Fellow villager Xiao Bai laughed and said, "Xiao Bai, don't be so stingy. Let's share resources, share resources."

Resource Sharing…

Mu Chenghe kept talking on the phone: "Someone told me before that Russian is difficult to teach because students are not very interested. Now it seems that they were just worrying for nothing. Now China and Russia have increasingly close relations, and Russia has become China's largest energy partner..."

Fellow villager Xiao Bai put his chin on the table and stared at Mu Chenghe who was talking eloquently with a confused look: "Even the voice is so nice."

What would Mu Chenghe think if he knew that the real reason for the revival of Russian was actually him

"What a lack of taste." I wouldn't even want a girl like that as a gift. I buried my head in taking notes with disdain.

"Let's review the words we learned in the previous classes. I'd like a classmate to read them. Is there anyone who would like to raise their hand?"

As soon as Mu Chenghe finished speaking, all the students lowered their heads instantly, especially those from other departments, who lowered their heads quickly and in unison.

Mu Chenghe looked around, but no one volunteered.

He never brought a roll call, so he casually asked, "Did Mr. Chen have a class representative in class before?"

"Yes." A classmate answered in a low voice.

"Then let's go to the class representative," he said.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then raised their heads again. Those who were being infatuated continued to be infatuated, and those who were taking notes continued to take notes.

Bai Lin gave me a complicated expression.

"Class representative, I'm calling you." Bai Lin nudged me with his elbow.

I was stunned for a moment, and then I realized that I was the unlucky Russian class representative...

"Class representative?" Mu Chenghe called again.

Then, more people who knew the situation looked at me and I couldn't even pretend to be absent.

I stood up awkwardly.

When Mu Chenghe saw me, he didn't seem to have any unusual expression. He nodded and said, "Read the words on page 34." Maybe he had forgotten them.

It was fine at first. When I read the word Россия, I knew my weakness and tried to get away with it. My tongue flashed past it quickly, but I didn't expect that it couldn't escape Mu Chenghe's ears.

He said, "Wait, read it again."

I read it again with a guilty conscience.

He noticed something was wrong and corrected it: "Read after me - Россия."

I repeated mechanically.

He glanced at me and seemed to see something: "Class representative, don't you know how to send it?"

I bit my lip and didn't answer.

He asked the others, "Is there anyone in our class who doesn't know how to do it?"

None of the students knew what he was up to, so no one dared to say anything and the room suddenly fell silent.

"No?" he pressed. "All?"

Continue to be quiet.

"Then after class, the class representative can come to my office and I will teach him privately."

When I heard this, I was stunned at first, and then angry. Was it my fault that Chen Ting asked me to be the class representative? Was it my fault that I was born without the ability to pronounce the twang? This man humiliated me in class, and now he wants to torture me after class.

Thinking of this, it is inevitable that my hatred for him increases.

After I sat down, I found that my female classmates were all sighing and regretting.

Xiao Bai held my hand tightly, and said with mixed feelings: "Classmate, you are so lucky. Remember to tell us what it feels like when you come back."

It felt as if I was not going there to get an education, but to devote myself to it.

Mu Chenghe did not have an office in the Foreign Languages Department, so he still occupied Chen Ting's desk.

The two classes ended at nine o'clock in the evening, and there was no teacher. I deliberately dawdled for a while and went to find him at around nine and ten. Only Mu Chenghe was in the office, and there were few people in the corridor.

Mu Chenghe was sitting at his desk, looking at the roster. When he saw me come in, he motioned for me to find a chair and sit down.

He put down what he was holding, clasped his hands together and rested his chin on them, and said thoughtfully, "I have never taught undergraduates, let alone language teaching experience. I know that the Russian majors in our school are taught in small classes, with no more than 20 people in a class, but this kind of large class for a second foreign language is quite difficult. If there is a problem with my teaching method, you can give me some suggestions as a class representative."

Suddenly I felt awkward seeing him being so modest: "No, no. It's fine."

"Then why doesn't it happen?"

"It's innate, what's the big deal? Lenin didn't have it either." I thought of the example Bai Lin found to comfort me.

"Can you compare with Lenin?"

"Add a dental stop [т] or [д] in front and try again."

I tried for a long time but couldn't play it out.

He stood up and waved at me unhappily: "Come here."

I stood there in confusion, wondering what was wrong with me.

Seeing that I didn't move, he walked around the table helplessly and came to me: "Don't think it's a trivial matter. You turned a good [р] into 'de'er'. You don't know how awkward it sounds. Look at my mouth." As he said that, he ordered me to look up, then open my lips so that I could see the position of my tongue clearly.

"Roll up your tongue, press it against the roof of your mouth, and blow air out." He asked me to watch the movements of his lips and tongue carefully, and then he slowly made a long and brisk tongue-tickling sound, and then asked, "What do you think?"

"Mr. Beaver."


"Colgate ad." Mr. Beaver, why are your teeth so white

"..." He looked at me, his eyes slightly glaring, "Classmate, I'm very scary when I get angry, so don't mess with me."

In terms of both parties' identities, I was in the disadvantaged group. A wise man would not suffer a loss in front of him, so I lowered my head and pretended to admit my mistake.

He changed the subject, narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Good boy, you are scared. Teacher Mu is broad-minded and has never lost his temper with students." Then he lifted my chin with two fingers and made me look up at him again.

He slowly demonstrated it two or three more times, then asked me to practice it myself.

"The tongue, the key is the tongue, don't be too stiff, relax it, and then squeeze the chest cavity," he said.

"Xiaotong, are you done?" At this moment, Bai Lin suddenly appeared at the door, jumping. At this moment, I was looking up, facing Mu Chenghe's face. Mu Chenghe was holding my chin with his fingers, and said to me in a bewitching voice: "Relax your tongue, let it become soft, and exhale slowly through your mouth."

Bai Lin stood there in amazement, then he came to his senses very quickly and said, "Go on, teacher. You guys go on. I didn't see anything." Then he quickly retreated.

"What's wrong? Xiaobai." The voice of Xiaobai's fellow villager came from the other end of the corridor.

"Nothing, Teacher Mu is still teaching Xiaotong to do homework."

That was the last thing I heard, and then there was no more sound in the corridor.

"That's strange, why is she running?" I asked suspiciously.

"Yes." Mu Chenghe agreed, "Come on, let's continue."

In the end, I used up all my strength and only moved my tongue back and forth two or three times.

"Remember the method and practice well when you go back. Learning cannot be achieved overnight." Mu Chenghe said.