My One And Only Love

Chapter 229: end


On the seventh day of the fourth month in the twelfth year of Yong'an, King Ping of Yan got married.

That day, the sun was particularly bright, as it was the end of spring and the beginning of summer in the imperial capital. The previous night, it had rained heavily all night, washing the entire imperial city clean.

Shang Rui got up early and wandered around the imperial garden.

The air in the capital after the rain was very pleasant. He stood by the Liubo Lake and took a deep breath, but he didn't expect that the cold morning wind would enter his lungs and he couldn't help coughing. He had injured his chest and lungs, and he had been coughing since he recovered. He had endured a whole winter but still hadn't recovered, and his cough kept coming back. Li Ji also advised him that being too heavy-minded was not conducive to recuperation.

Ming Lian was about to persuade him to get on the imperial carriage, but he saw Qi An coming from the direction of Kangning Palace.

"Is there something?" Shang Rui stopped under the tree.

"Someone asked me to pass a letter to the emperor." Qi An replied.

He laughed and said, "Who is so capable that he can send the Imperial Censor Qi to do something?"

As he spoke, he took the letter from Qi An. When his eyes fell on the envelope, his expression suddenly froze and the smile froze on his lips.

There are four words written on it - Master Hong Qi.

He later saw this handwriting on the medical records she left at Taoye Residence, and had copied it countless times in his mind.

Shang Rui looked up at Qi An.

Qi An nodded and left silently.

He stood under the tree for a long time holding the letter.

The early morning sunlight was not yet hot, and the bright golden light poured down from the sky, filtering through the gaps between the branches and leaves of the trees, leaving colorful shadows on his shoulders.

He lowered his head and unfolded the letter with his fingers.

There was only a very short sentence on a piece of plain paper:

I wish you had let go and always stayed in the morning sun.

(End of full text)

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