My One And Only Love

Chapter 34: Bulgarian Rose (3)


This time, he was even faster than before. He stopped me and pressed me against him. He kissed me hard. His teeth hit my lips and it hurt. I tried to turn my head away, but he held my chin tightly and I couldn't move at all. The harder I struggled, the tighter he stuck to me. It was then that I realized that a man could be much stronger than a woman.

His breath came through his kiss, overwhelming and fierce. It was completely different from the first kiss, and even different from his usual self, so domineering that it almost made me dizzy.

Time seemed to stop.

I don’t know how long it was before he let me go, but we were still face to face and nose to nose.

I looked at him expressionlessly with my slightly bloodshot lips.

So does he.

We stared at each other for a long time, until our breathing gradually became steady, and I finally couldn't hold back and burst out laughing.

Mu Chenghe didn't laugh.

His expression had softened a lot, the redness around his ears had gradually faded, and his skin had become darker than before we went to the beach, but that did not conceal his elegance and spirit in the slightest.

He pulled me into his arms and said, "Don't leave. If you leave, I definitely won't have the courage to continue living here alone."

An extremely simple sentence, like the fragrance of nectar, gradually spread in the air, compromising my whole body and mind.

I responded to him slowly.

That afternoon, Mu Chenghe watched me empty the two bags like a child, and then put all the things back in place one by one.

People with high IQs do not necessarily have high EQs. It seems that what psychologists say is true.

During the holidays, the company provides pre-job training for new teachers. The so-called training is a meeting. The teachers in the personnel department of the school each have a topic, and each topic lasts one to two days. They will explain the school's rules and regulations and let us take notes.

Because it is a secondary college of the school, it is neither in the west area of the Normal University nor in the main campus, but in the old site of a junior college on the other side of the city. I was deceived by Mu Chenghe and agreed to stay with him, which made me go out an hour earlier every day. Fortunately, there is a subway line nearby, otherwise I think I would die on the road in this hot weather. And that single dormitory was used by me as a place to relax during lunch.

My roommate is also a new teacher this year, her name is Zhang Lili. She signed the contract before graduation, so she is more familiar with this place than I am.

She said: "These teachers are very caring towards me, so it's good to work here."

"You guys got to know each other so well so early?"

"Didn't I tell you? I graduated from here. Even though it's a second-tier college, it's still named University A, right?"


"Teacher Xue, where did you graduate from?"

"A University."


"Headquarters." I answered while taking notes.

Zhang Lili's face changed, then she smiled and said, "That's why it's so hard to find a job now. No matter what school you go to, no matter how glorious it is to be admitted to a prestigious university, everyone is the same after graduation."

I knew she was implying that she and I were coming to the same destination through different paths.

The next day, she sat next to me again at the meeting. The training content of the day was "How to properly handle the relationship between teachers and students." Teacher Wei, who was in charge of the lecture at the other end of the meeting room, asked: "How do teachers think the relationship between teachers and students should be handled?"

Zhang Lili whispered, "Xue Tong, this teacher Li is handsome, right?"

"Yeah, it's OK."

"He used to teach us educational psychology. He was very caring towards me. The one next to him who was a little younger than him was Teacher Wei. He was very nice to me. When we were in school..." She started to brag endlessly again, which reminded me of the "little Japanese" in the girls' dormitory who was pissed off by my "Yamei dad" and never came to our dormitory again when I was in school.

She just wanted me to envy her.

Unfortunately, I really don't care. If it were two years ago, I would have told her, "It's nothing. The legendary teacher at University A, who is so talented and handsome, who loves flowers and has flat tires when driving, also loves me very much. He loves me so much that he forcefully kissed me twice and even begged me to live with him."

But a few days ago, Mu Chenghe taught me to get along well with my colleagues and not to chatter all day long like when I was in school. So I followed Master's teachings and smiled and said to Zhang Lili, "Really? Then you are lucky."

At home at night, Mu Chenghe was in a very happy mood. He went to the racetrack during the day, and it was said that a top sports car company organized a global cultural tour and held a series of activities in City A to invite some people to test drive. A friend of Mu Chenghe knew that he liked cars, so he invited him.

While washing vegetables for me, he enthusiastically told me about his experiences during the day, like a child who came back from an amusement park to report his adventures to his parents.

"Drive it yourself?" I asked.

"First, there will be professional drivers from Italy and Germany to demonstrate, and then you can drive it yourself." He said, "Xue Tong, did you know? It only takes three seconds to accelerate to 100 meters."

I couldn't help but laugh at his excitement: "Then just wait, I'll buy you one when I make money."

"Okay." He smiled too.

The shredded potatoes were poured into the oil pan, making a puffing sound.

After the food was served, I sat opposite him and continued the previous topic: "Mr. Mu Chenghe, to sum up, what was your experience of the test drive?"

He closed his eyes as if he was savoring the memory alone. After a moment, he smiled and said with his thin lips raised, "It seems like I am flying close to the ground."

"Flying? I've never been on a plane."

"Then let's book a flight when we have the chance. We won't go anywhere. We'll just stay at airports on various continents and circle the globe one after another. You can have a blast all at once."

I chuckled: "I thought I was a satellite."

After finally waiting for the weather to cool down, Mu Chenghe actually went on a business trip.

He said, "You don't have to live here when I'm not here. Stay in the dormitory with your colleague for the next few days."

"Why? I'm fine."

"Don't live here alone." He didn't answer, but just repeated it lightly, but left no room for doubt.

"Oh." After seeing him off, I packed some things and went to school.

Zhang Lili asked: "Did you have a fight with your boyfriend?"

"No. He's on a business trip." I cannot deny that I felt extremely relieved when I heard the word "boyfriend".

"What does he do?"


"You two should go together."


"It's good to be a colleague, but it's also not good."


"We have the same schedule and common topics, but it's boring to be teachers. Both of us don't earn much, so we're tied to the same tree."

"So what kind of person are you going to find?" I asked.

"I don't know, but he must earn more than me," Zhang Lili replied.


"Don't tell me you haven't thought about this. Dating now is nothing like when you were in college, where you could just like whoever was enthusiastic, handsome, or good at studying. If they weren't suitable, you could try another one. Now that you're working, you can only develop a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship with the intention of getting married."

According to Zhang Lili's standards, she will definitely not find another teacher.

Then why does Mu Chenghe like me to be his teacher so much

Although he didn't say it, he was probably having a great time with my job now.

"However," Zhang Lili added, "there is another type of man. Even though he has average qualifications and is not as good as us, he has good parents. This type of man is also a scarce resource."

In the afternoon, when Zhang Lili came back with a package from the school mailroom in her arms, I smelled a strange smell in the air.

She answered a phone call in the toilet with her back to me, and said irritably, "I told you not to send it. My colleagues saw that all I sent to me were these country things. How embarrassing."

I turned around to continue reading and heard her come out of the bathroom and throw the whole package into the trash can.

Later, many new teachers from the same building went out to eat together, and they invited me along. On a hot day, we drank cold beer and ate hot pot. Amidst the noise, I suddenly missed Mu Chenghe, less than twelve hours after we separated.

Zhang Lili got into a fight with a group of male teachers. Although her target was not among them, it did not affect her enthusiasm for the opposite sex at all. I don't like girls who love to flirt with the opposite sex at every turn, nor do I like people who show off everywhere, and I don't like children who despise their birth or even their parents.

That’s why I don’t like Zhang Lili. She is ostentatious, hypocritical and snobbish.

After returning to the dormitory and taking a shower, I found that the package in the trash basket had been picked up and placed on the windowsill outside. For the next few days, the room was filled with that smell.

I told Bai Lin and Zhao Xiaotang this when I asked them to go shopping together on the weekend.

Bai Lin said: "When it comes to being flamboyant, snobbish and materialistic, who can compare to our Zhao Xiaotang? Why don't you seem to be annoyed by her?"

I said, “That’s different.”

Zhao Xiaotang asked herself: "Why is it different?"

Bai Lin replied: "You are narrow-minded."

Passing by an aromatherapy shop, Bai Lin asked, "What happened to your bottle of perfume? Is it still there?"


"What brand?"

"I don't know. I don't understand. Anyway, I've never seen you use it before."

"Why don't you buy some and take it back to comfort your teacher Mu?" Bai Lin smiled.

Finally, I bought a bunch of aromatherapy and essential oils there, and the owner also gave me an aromatherapy lamp as a gift.

Back in the dormitory, I curiously lit the aromatherapy lamp with a candle, filled it with water, and added some essential oils. After a while, the whole room was filled with the smell of lavender, and I immediately went to fold clothes in a good mood.

Zhang Lili pushed the door open and walked in, holding a half-full lunch box of boiling water borrowed from next door for making instant noodles.