My One And Only Love

Chapter 36: Dear Oak(1)


"I didn't expect Mu Chenghe to be so cunning." Bai Lin said.


"Haven't you read the story of the red rose and the white rose before? Zhao Xiaotang was bored that day and asked Mu Hai which one he would choose. As a result, no matter what answer Mu Hai gave, he was beaten by Zhao Xiaotang. Whoever he chose was wrong, and he was tormented for several days."

"Pfft" I laughed. I could imagine how embarrassed Brother Mu Hai was at that time.

"Mu Chenghe is so smart. He said directly, darling, you are neither red nor white, but a pink rose. You are unique, combining the purity of a white rose and the enchantment of a red rose. You are unique."

"… "

In short, I fell in love with the name Роза unknowingly.

It was drizzling in the morning, very refreshing and cool, and we went hiking together. Halfway up the mountain, some people were trying to warm up their voices, and when I reached the top, I couldn't help but shouting down the mountain: "Роза." The tongue sound was deliberately prolonged as if to show off.

"I taught you to flick your tongue so that you can sell kebabs?" He glanced at me.

I giggled.

By the time we were walking to the parking lot midway up the mountain, there were already more people and cars. The road was narrow and the bends were sharp, so we had to stand aside from time to time to avoid the cars going up the mountain.

After walking for a while, I found a traffic jam.

At this time, a minibus honked next to us.

Mu Chenghe pulled me aside.

It still honked.

The car window opened and the driver shouted to Mu Chenghe, "Xiao Mu, it's so early."

Mu Chenghe looked at the other person and said, "Oh. Teacher Qin. What's wrong with you?"

"We're going upstairs to pick up a distinguished guest who's visiting the school. Principal Liu is also here." As he spoke, the window of the back row of cars opened, and the person sitting there was indeed President Liu of A University.

Principal Liu said, "Xiao Mu, do you want me to take you there?" This Principal Liu was the one who had enthusiastically asked about Mu Chenghe's lifelong affairs before the winter vacation. It was estimated that he was quite familiar with Mu Chenghe and his family since he asked that much.

"No, I just came out for a run."

Principal Liu's gaze fell on Mu Chenghe's hand holding mine, and he was about to say something with a smile on his face.

At this time, another voice came from the co-pilot seat and said: "Principal Liu, it's really Mu Chenghe. You have good eyesight." The person who spoke was Secretary Wu from our School of Foreign Languages.

Secretary Wu looked over and saw Mu Chenghe first, then me.

"Isn't this Xue Tong?" he said.

"Hello, Secretary Wu." I nodded.

Principal Liu couldn't help but glance at me when he heard this: "Does Old Wu know me?"

"She is a recent graduate of our English Department. You should know Principal Liu. When she was admitted to our school, the TV station reported it. Her father is a martyr."

Principal Liu seemed to have some impression, so he put away his smile and nodded.

"Come to think of it, Chenghe also taught their class."

"Yes." Mu Chenghe said, "I taught them Russian." Then he unleashed the hand that was holding mine without leaving a trace.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, the road ahead was cleared and their car slowly drove away.

The two of us walked on the road, one in front of the other, and I didn't say another word to him until we drove home.

I admit that I was angry. It’s not so much that I was angry, but I felt uncomfortable.

As the new semester approaches, more and more teachers from University A return to the faculty, breaking the tranquility of the summer vacation. Since that incident, I have tried my best to avoid being with him outside.

My mother called and said that Uncle Chen was going to visit me at home, but he heard from others that I hadn't been home for a long time.

"Which Uncle Chen? Chen Yan's father?"


"Oh." Then I knew who she was talking about.

"Auntie Zhang downstairs said you were robbed and moved out."

"Yeah. Almost a month."

"Why didn't you tell me such a big thing? Did you steal something?"

"No, were you scared away by me?"

"Where did you move to?"

"At a friend's house."

My mother was silent for a moment, "Boyfriend?"

"Yeah." I said.

"Former classmate?"

"No. I've already started working."

"The guy who accompanied you to see Chen Yan last time? His last name was Mu?"


"I heard Xiao Li, who was driving, talk about this Xiao Mu."

"Oh." I knew it.

"Xiao Li said that you only introduced us as a friend at the time, but he guessed that it was definitely not just an ordinary friend, otherwise why would he care about you so much and travel more than a thousand kilometers to accompany you overnight. You are a very nice person."

"Yeah." I said.

"Why are you always making these umming and ahhing noises to me? How old is he and what does he do?"

"He is six years older than me and is a teacher."

"Well, I'm not the kind of rigid and conservative person. Whatever you think is good is fine. Now that you've found a job and have a boyfriend, I'm relieved."

I didn't know what to say to her further.

She mentioned at the time that she would not interfere with my relationship as long as the other person was good. Now that things have come to this, maybe there is nothing she can do if she still feels that the other person is not good.

In the afternoon, I was collecting documents at the school’s personnel office.

My mother called me again and said, "It's not appropriate for you to live in someone else's house now." I guess she went back to process my situation, and after a mental struggle, her lobbyist nature was revealed.

"There's nothing going on between us." Each of them had their own room, and they only held hands and kissed.

"What do your parents think of you?"

"He is the only one in his family."

"Has he told his family about you two?"

"I don't know. I don't know if he said that." Probably not, who else could he tell

"Have you figured out what to do next?"

"No." I was still doubting whether I was his girlfriend, so how could I think that far

"How about you find an excuse to move out first, saying that you're very busy at school and your workplace is too far away, so you live in the school? That way Xiao Mu won't be angry with you?"

"Let me think about it."

I said I would think about it, but actually I had no intention of moving out of Mu Chenghe's house. Recalling the desperate look in his eyes when he said he didn't want me to leave that day, I feel a little trembling now.

How do those mothers on TV scold their daughters who are just beginning to fall in love

I sat on the subway seat, looking out the dark window, silently talking to myself in my mind.


Yes, I am obsessed.

Not only was I possessed by the devil, I was also a bit of a heretic.

Thinking of this, I smiled bitterly and happened to see the young couple sitting opposite me in the car, who were in love. The girl pouted her lips when she said something, and the boy pinched her cheeks lovingly. But the girl pouted even higher, obviously continuing to act coquettishly. The boy couldn't help but kiss her.

I was embarrassed to stare at her, so I turned my face away.

A middle-aged lady holding a non-woven bag nearby snorted coldly and muttered: "How shameless! You think this is your own home."

I walked out of the subway station, walked two blocks, bought some snacks at the vegetable market and went home. Just as I arrived at the entrance of the professorial hall, I heard someone calling me. I turned around and saw a university classmate from the next class.

She saw the water spinach in my hand and asked, "Do you live here?"

"Yeah." I was glad that Mu Chenghe wasn't here. She and I had taken Russian classes together. If I had seen Mu Chenghe with me, and the two of us were carrying vegetables home, I wonder what would have happened.

"Where did you go to work later?" I changed the subject.

"I stayed in school. Now I'm doing some work in the Youth League Committee of another college. What about you?" she said.

"I'm at Normal University."

"That's fine. Let's leave our phone numbers." He then took out his cell phone.

"What are you doing here in this heat?"

"Hey, I'm waiting for my grandma. She finally went out, but she said she needed to go to the bathroom and asked me to wait for her here. Oh, Xue Tong, the Russian teacher who used to substitute for us, the handsome one, also lives here. I just saw him go in."

Before I could finish my words, the old lady who lived on the first floor of Mu Chenghe came out in a hurry, holding a fan in her hand. When she saw me, she said, "Hey, Xiao Xue is back from shopping? Xiao Mu just went back."

I said goodbye quickly to the old man and the young man and disappeared in a hurry.

When I got home, I saw Mu Chenghe buying exactly the same things as me and picking vegetables in the kitchen.

"What's wrong? It's like you're running for your life." he asked.

"I met my classmate." I said breathlessly.

Seeing that he had no expression, I added, "Her relatives live in this building."

Mu Chenghe raised his head and glanced at me without stopping picking vegetables.

I admit that at this moment, I was a bit devilish and was deliberately trying to piss him off. There were two voices arguing in my heart, one saying: You shouldn’t let everyone know, which would be embarrassing for him; the other saying: If there is anything, it would be best if the whole world knew about it.

At night, I turned over in bed and saw the light from the living room coming in through the crack in the door, and I suddenly felt uncomfortable again.

I had a high school classmate who went to University A with me. She was in the mathematics department. In my junior year, when I was arguing with Mu Chenghe, she said that a boy in their department was in love with her counselor.

This seemed very shocking to us at the time, so it became a widely circulated gossip.

But if you think about it carefully, isn’t it normal

College students are free to fall in love. They can like their fellow classmates, workers, farmers, businessmen, and civil servants. So why can't they like their teachers

It is said that the incident ended with the female teacher resigning.

The classmate said: "It's nothing, the school doesn't have a rule that teachers and students can't fall in love. It's just that many students and colleagues pointed fingers at her behind her back, saying that she seduced her students. The teacher had a strong sense of self-esteem, so she resigned."

In mid-August, the Normal University began to prepare for the admission of new students.

Zhang Lili and I were both going to be counselors for the new students, so the school held another meeting to record and emphasize the rules again and again. Teacher Wei, who had taught us "How to Correctly Handle the Relationship between Teachers and Students" a few times before, was talking about the same old things.

"Some teachers think that simply caring about students, being one with them, or developing friendships is the way to a successful teacher-student relationship. That is not true."

"No matter how close the relationship is, we must remember that the teacher-student relationship is always an intergenerational one, and the teacher is the elder."

"When we usually talk about equality between teachers and students, we are only talking about equality of personality, not equality of status."

"After talking for so long, isn't that the point?" Zhang Lili muttered.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Teacher-student romance is prohibited." Zhang Lili said, "What does it have to do with us? Those young male teachers are more dangerous, why don't you call them over and educate them individually? Let us stay here with them. The other day I read in the newspaper that a school actually asked all teachers and students to sign a military order, and there was a clause in it: do not fall in love with students for any reason or go beyond the normal teacher-student relationship."

Seeing that I didn't respond, Zhang Lili continued, "This school is so abnormal."

"Yeah." I responded lightly.

"Anyway, as long as it's a teacher-student relationship, it's definitely the teacher's fault."

"Why?" I was surprised.

"All public opinion will conclude that this is the case. Because in society, students are a vulnerable group. Although everyone is an adult in college, teachers are in a higher position, so it is generally believed that the teacher took advantage of his position to seduce ignorant students. After all, we are female teachers, and it is better for us to be with male students. If it is a male teacher and a female student, tut tut tut. If this happened in ancient times, you know what it would be called?"

"what is it call?"


I opened my mouth, but couldn't utter a word.

"This is not illegal, but it has a huge impact on the school's reputation."

At night, I was surfing the Internet in my room and found a lot of posts about teacher-student relationships. Those who posted comments and raised their hands in agreement seemed to be young children, but most of them said this and that about the teacher. I hesitated for a moment and posted a post on the forum I often visit - Is it still considered a teacher-student relationship after graduation

"After graduation, can we be together? Will others still gossip about us? Will they still say bad things about my teacher?"

After a while someone left a message.

[ZFY] City Master: It depends on what you think. The key is to see what your teacher thinks. If your teacher thinks so, then he will always think of you as his student.

Ultraman Kabuto: I don’t know.

Shura is Ayan's? : Oh, there's not even a bench. OP, I tell you, it's definitely not.

I went to the bathroom and came back to find a few more messages from netizens.

Suwandara: What are you afraid of? No one can control you, OP. I support you even though I don't dare.

① Personal travel: Although we have graduated, we are still teacher and student in the eyes of others.

I wrote another message: I am the author of the post. I am still living in my teacher’s house. Do you think this is a good idea

The following responded quickly.

Tuanzi. ·°?: Living together? Classmate, you have courage.

Hailan Skylark 007: Your teacher is a beast, a beast, repeat it ten thousand times.

When I saw the last message, I was speechless.

At this time, Mu Chenghe stood at the door and knocked on my open bedroom door: "It's so hot, aren't you staying alone without turning on the air conditioner?"

"Oh. Okay." I was afraid that he would see what I was doing, so I quickly closed the web page on my desktop.

What would happen if he saw the word "beast"

Mu Chenghe saw my panic and hesitated.

I smiled at him guiltily, and it was a silly smile.

He glanced at my computer and said, "Turn it on yourself. The remote control is on the table." After that, he quickly returned to the living room without even entering the house.

I looked at his background, wondering if he was frightened by my silly smile or if he thought I was looking at a porn site.

After he went back and there was no movement, I opened that page again.

Finally there was another reply.

Brother Hua who is sad and alone: Kao, why think so much, as long as your teacher is not of the same sex as you, it’s fine.

"Poof" I sprayed.

At the end of the month, I went to the hospital to see my grandfather. His health was getting worse day by day. It was not mealtime when I arrived, and the nurse and grandma were not at home. I couldn't help but sit by his bed and talk to him privately.

Later, when the nurse came to take my temperature, I suddenly remembered that Mu Chenghe was still waiting for me downstairs.

The temperature suddenly dropped these days, and the transition from autumn to summer made the hospital overcrowded with people suffering from the flu. Mu Chenghe waited for me in the waiting hall for more than an hour.

I hurriedly apologized to him: "I forgot the time."

"Don't worry, it's raining outside anyway."

When he got home, he had a cold. His symptoms were different from those of ordinary people. He had a fever without any warning.

But he refused to admit that he had a fever and just said that he felt a little dizzy.

I touched his forehead: "It's so much hotter than my hand."

"That's because your hands are cold."

"You need to take medicine. You must have a fever."

"No, I don't want to eat it." He was extremely childish about this matter.

It's so difficult to get him to take medicine, let alone take him to the clinic. If I had known that he was a sponge that absorbed viruses, I should have paid attention to him earlier.

I finally remembered that last New Year's Eve he didn't really want to take any medicine, so he made up a reason to scare me.

In the past, when we didn't have a thermometer at home, my dad would kiss my forehead with his mouth to immediately test whether my body temperature was too high. I suddenly remembered this method, put down the cup in my hand, held his head, and without much hesitation, put my lips on his forehead.

very hot.

"I really have a fever," I concluded.

But he didn't refute at all. Instead, he was stunned for a moment, and his cheeks turned red in an instant.

The cold caused his tinnitus, and the next morning when it was at its worst, Mu Chenghe suddenly received a call asking him to go on a business trip. At that time, he was lying in bed, not daring to move.

But he said to the other end of the phone, "Okay, no problem," without any hesitation.

I stood at the door and looked at him, sighing softly.

So, when I was the busiest time for new students to register, Mu Chenghe had to go on a business trip again. It seemed that the mission was quite arduous and he would not be back until the National Day. It just so happened that I also had to accompany the new students to the military training in the suburbs.

This is good, let’s all stay away from that place.

"You're fine, you just left without a fight, you're not staying at A University anyway. But Mu Chenghe is in a worse situation. And," Bai Lin said, "I let my senior brother know that you and Professor Mu are in a relationship, but he hasn't even told me the details. Look at him, his eyes are popping out. It's as if the person you're in love with isn't Mu Chenghe, but his wife."

I couldn't help but laugh.

Bai Lin accompanied me to buy some necessities for military training, and then drove me back to the unit. When we passed a corner, I said, "Stop, stop."

She turned the steering wheel half a circle and pulled the car to the side: "What's wrong?"