My One And Only Love

Chapter 42: The heart and leaves of the paulownia tree are connected (4)


He sat so close to me that even with a little backlight, I could clearly see the hair on his ears.

I changed my hand, continued to support my chin, and looked into his eyes again.

His eyelashes weren't the brightest part of his face, but the ones at the corners of his eyes were very curled, and at the moment, his eyelids were drooping, making them even more obvious.

“After clarifying the noun, the adjective in front of it should…” When he said this, I don’t know if he noticed my gaze or felt that I was distracted, but he slowly raised his head and met my eyes.

Seeing his pure eyes, I felt guilty for my absent-mindedness.

He stopped talking and put down his pen.

“Adjective… how…” I stammered.

He didn't answer, but gently stretched out his hand to touch my right cheek, staring at me, then slowly leaned his head over and pecked my lips lightly. After his lips touched the water lightly, his eyes stared at me with an emotion that could not be calmed down.

Just when I almost thought he would stop, I was greeted by his deep kiss.

I never told him that I really like his lips. They are soft and tender, like a baby's touch, which makes people reluctant to let go.

After a long period of intoxication, he parted his lips, closed his eyes, and rubbed his nose against my nose, as if a small animal was trying to understand the other's emotions. It was a long time before he opened his eyes.

"Xue Tong." His voice was hoarse.

"Hmm?" I tried my best to suppress my pounding heart.

He paused and said, "Let's continue with adjectives."

"… "

The next night Mu Chenghe taught the case of nouns.

On the third night, the original teaching content was how to declenge pronouns, but it was changed to something else...

Mu Chenghe pushed me against the sofa and kissed me gently, which made me infatuated. Then, he hugged me tightly, suppressed his breath and said, "Xue Tong."

"Yeah." When I responded to him, I fully expected that he would continue to ask me questions like whether the second case of personal pronouns is possessive or objective.

"Xue Tong..." Unexpectedly, he called out again, his voice shallow and deep.


“I think I crossed the line,” he said.

As a woman of the new century, I understood the meaning of it immediately. My mind hesitated for a moment, and suddenly two sentences flashed in my mind: the first sentence was to pretend to be stupid and ask "What do you mean by crossing the line"; the second sentence was to shyly say "We can't do this yet."

Unexpectedly, what came out of my mouth was: "But... Binger, you haven't finished speaking." Then I closed my mouth, clenched my teeth, and put up a cordon to cut off the possibility of his further aggression.

Mu Chenghe was immediately upset.

Just when I thought he was going to give up, he called me again: "Xue Tong."

"Yeah." I looked at him warily, gritting my teeth even when I agreed.

"I just talked about personal pronouns, did you remember?" he asked.

I shook my head and nodded, meaning that I remembered some of it, but not all.

"What is the second person pronoun?"

"меня." I thought hard before coming up with this answer.

"Send it again and let me see."

"меня." I pronounced it again clearly. меня is a two-syllable word, both of which are open vowels, so the lips and teeth must be opened when pronouncing it.

And the moment I opened my mouth, his tongue sneaked in, and then with a victorious smile, he plundered my lips and teeth.

I widened my eyes and tried to push him away, but it was not that easy. How could I be careless? If he could be defeated so easily by me, he would not be Mu Chenghe.

Then he carried me back to the bedroom and I stared at him with a blushing face.

Their eyes met.

His Adam's apple moved, and he slowly raised his left hand, and gently stroked my lips with his fingertips, then my chin, neck, and collarbone...

It is lingering and sad, like honey or candied fruit.

After taking the exams at the end of January, I not only lost several pounds, but also felt more relaxed. When I had nothing to do, I used Mu Chenghe's library card to borrow a lot of romance novels from the library of University A and took them home to read.

Originally, Bai Lin's birthday had not yet arrived, but considering that she had to go back to her hometown during the Spring Festival, they had a dinner to celebrate with her on Saturday.

Senior Brother Li from Bai Lin's family still felt awkward when he saw Mu Chenghe. Since Mu Chenghe was still teaching them, he still called out timidly, "Teacher Mu."

I said, "Okay, then Xiaobai should call me Master's Wife."

Mu Chenghe couldn't help laughing as well.

Bai Lin complained to Senior Brother Li, "You are stupid. Not only did you lower your generation, but you also dragged me down with you. Since Xue Tong is older than me, you should just call him brother-in-law."

I covered my mouth and laughed out loud.

Halfway through, Mu Chenghe went to the bathroom. Bai Lin looked at his back and sighed, "This person who was like a banished immortal finally fell into your hands."

"Go away." I smiled and pushed her away.

In the second half of the meal, I happened to meet Liu Qi and a group of people coming out of the box after the banquet. We were in the hall, and Mu Chenghe and Senior Brother Li were sitting on one side, and Bai Lin and I were sitting on the other side. Liu Qi appeared in front of me. I first heard a familiar voice talking, and then I looked up and saw him.

He also noticed me at the same time, and then saw Mu Chenghe's back.

Bai Lin also looked over as I was looking.

Liu Qi nodded to her as a greeting, then smiled at me.

The whole process did not alarm the other two men at the same table, and only Bai Lin and I knew about it.

A few minutes later, my phone rang. I opened it and saw a text message from Liu Qi:

"wish you a happy new year."

In TV dramas, when old lovers meet, they usually say "live happily together till old age" or "I'll wait for you". If they are more ruthless, they will say "let's see". He did none of these. It was just a simple sentence, which would not be noticeable in the inbox of a mobile phone. But somehow, I felt that we had forgotten each other and parted ways. Maybe we would say hello when we meet in the same city in the future, and we would smile when old classmates mentioned each other, but there would be no friendship anymore.

I looked at the screen for a while, then gently locked it.

Mu Chenghe asked: "What did you receive?"

I smiled and said, "Liu Qi wishes us a happy new year."

Bai Lin coughed and said, "Oh, you are so honest."

We ate until very late that day, and Bai Lin and I talked about many things in college. We were full of emotion and drank a few more cups. My senior brother didn't dare to be presumptuous because he was sitting at the same table with his mentor. Mu Chenghe just drank tea and watched us chatting with a smile.

After paying the bill, Bai Lin and his wife and I went to the bathroom together, while Mu Chenghe sat in his seat and looked at his bag.

Bai Lin was washing his hands in the bathroom while waiting for me and said, "I'll tell you a secret. My senior brother might propose to me on my birthday."

I opened my mouth blankly: "Is this true?"

"Eighty percent credibility."

"How do you know?" I wondered.

"How could I not know his little tricks? He booked the restaurant and sent flowers, and I even saw the invoice. He even thought he had kept it a secret." Bai Lin was completely speechless.

I couldn't help but laugh.

When we walked out of the bathroom, I saw Brother Li standing by the hair dryer waiting for us with a silly look on his face. I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Bai Lin poked me.

I was a little full and my stomach was round, so on the way back I suggested to Mu Chenghe that we go for a walk by the river.

The river breeze on a winter night blew straight into my neck. I put my hands into his coat to keep warm, buried my face in his chest, and greedily breathed in his scent.


"It's not cold as long as you are here," I said.

Looking at the big clock in the square, I asked, "Do you remember what day it was?"

"January 29th. That day, we stood here and counted down."

"It's been two years in a flash." Recalling the past, some events seem very far away, while others seem to be right in front of me.

"Xue Tong, are you happy?" he suddenly asked.

"I am happy. I will always be happy with you."

Although I couldn't see his face, I felt that he seemed to smile after hearing my answer.

After a long while, he slowly said, "Someone told me before that there would be a person whose life would intersect with mine at a certain point, and our lives would overlap and continue until the end of my life. I used to think that apart from those formulas and data, there would be nothing else that would accompany me for the rest of my life. But later I discovered that that person does exist..."

In the distance, a few adults and children were setting off a bunch of fireworks. A father-like man led the child to light the fireworks on the ground. After lighting them, he hurriedly took the child's chubby hand and retreated. There was a loud bang. A purple and red flower bloomed in the sky, paused for a moment, and then turned into a silver meteor and fell towards the river.

He hugged me from behind and rested his chin on the top of my head.

I bit my lip and laughed secretly for a while, but I didn't hear the follow-up I expected for a long time, so I urged him sweetly and eagerly: "Please continue." I was waiting for the answer that was about to come out.

"Continue what?" he asked, pretending to be stupid.

"You!" He asks even though he knows the answer. How annoying.

After a while, I turned to him and asked, "Do you want to know what wish I made in front of you at that time?"

"What is it?"

"I will not tell you."


It's a tie at one to one.