My One And Only Love

Chapter 6: Mr. Murong Chenghe VS Miss Rose (3)


As the ninety-minute mark approached, the situation became increasingly unfavorable.

At half past ten, the game was still going on, but all the dormitories fell into darkness on time.

The students suddenly became noisy, as if they would not stop until the game was over.

A classmate on the opposite building stood on the balcony and shouted: "Teacher, if you don't let us watch, I will jump off the building."

That expression and tone made many people laugh, diluting the sad atmosphere a little.

Only five or six minutes later, we had light again, so we quickly turned on the TV and sat back in front of it until the game was over.

The Chinese team won, but was eliminated. The three commentators on the screen began to analyze the current situation of Chinese football with great sorrow.

I saw Bai Lin crying.

It would be better to say that she was silently shedding tears rather than crying. Tears wet her cheeks. She wiped them with her hands, but tears slid down again. She was an extremely cheerful girl, and was as carefree as I was. I had never seen anything that could make her sad enough to cry in front of us.

I am just a fake fan who joined in the fun, and I have never been able to understand her feeling of disappointment. But at this moment, I was infected by her, and a certain sadness spread in my heart.

I walked over and hugged her.

"Don't cry, Xiaobai."

"No more football games," she sobbed.

The lights went out again.

In stark contrast to the power outage just now, the entire campus was extremely quiet, and there was no sound from the girls' dormitory. It seemed that in an instant, the whole world fell into solemnity.

Suddenly, there was a "wow" sound.

It seemed that a girl from another building in our girls' dormitory was standing on the balcony and burst into tears. The crying sound pierced through the darkness and was particularly abrupt.

This voice acted as a catalyst, stirring up everyone's emotions. Perhaps it was because girls were naturally sad, and suddenly the whole girls' dormitory was filled with crying.

The girls in the upstairs dormitory stood up and shouted, "Why are you crying? You are so useless! You have no ambition! Crying for Chinese football is just a waste of tears!"

After she cursed like this, many people came out to agree with her.

Bai Lin wiped his nose and retorted: "Mom, I just like to cry, what's it to you?"

So the crying and cursing mixed together.

I don't know which girl started it first, but she threw the mineral water bottles filled with water into the empty space downstairs, and there was a loud explosion.

Then a few more people followed suit.

Just when several dormitories were throwing mineral water bottles to vent their anger, another huge explosion downstairs drowned out all the noise and made our hearts beat violently. The girls' dormitory immediately became quiet again. They were probably startled by the noise.

"What is that?" Song Qiqi asked in shock.

Someone was holding a flashlight and shining it at a pile of debris downstairs. Zhao Xiaotang observed it with the help of the light and said, "It was a thermos filled with freshly boiled water. It was still steaming. No wonder it exploded like this."

Before Zhao Xiaotang finished speaking, she heard another scream from the unit next door: "Xiao Kui, if you are angry and want to throw the thermos, just throw your own, why throw mine!"

As soon as she finished speaking, we all laughed, even Bai Lin burst into laughter.

This matter seems to have ended here.

After washing up, the four of them climbed into bed and went to sleep.

Bai Lin slept in the bed opposite me, and I could hear her tossing and turning and unable to fall asleep. After a while, a little light was reflected on the wall, and I turned around to look over.

She turned on the flashlight, leaned forward and propped up her upper body on the pillow to write in her diary. Her slender silhouette was reflected on the mosquito net, rising and falling with the movement of the pen tip in her hand, revealing a certain sadness.

I have national pride and a passion for victory, but after crying and laughing, I only have three minutes of infected emotions. I don't understand why fans like Bai Lin would be so sad about a victory or a result that has nothing to do with their own lives.

After falling into a drowsy sleep, I was suddenly awakened by the sound of a door closing.

I suddenly stood up and found that Bai Lin's bed opposite was empty, so I hurriedly put on my clothes and shoes and followed her out.

After going downstairs, I saw her running towards the low wall behind the girls' compound. I wanted to call her, but I was afraid of being discovered, so I lowered my voice and called out twice. Bai Lin didn't hear me, and walked straight to the wall, preparing to climb over it.

She was taller than me, so it was much easier for her to climb over the wall than for me. If she left, I would not be able to climb up by myself, so I quickly ran over and grabbed her ankle while she was trying to climb up.

Bai Lin started to panic, but when he saw that it was me, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Xiaotong, you scared me to death."

I was angry: "If you catch me, I'll be punished!"

She sat on the wall, one of her feet was held by me, and she said to me condescendingly: "I can't sleep, go out for some fresh air."

"It's so late, it's dangerous for a girl."

"It's okay. I used to do this when I was a student in high school."

"No." I insisted.

"Then what do you say we should do?" Bai Lin surrendered.

"Then..." I thought for a moment, "Then I'll go with you."

Then, she pulled me over the wall like a dead pig and walked out of the college gate in broad daylight.

I asked, “Where are you going?”

Bai Lin shrugged: "Just strolling around."

Having said that, there was really not much to see in this remote place. The place where we usually went to watch movies was also closed at a certain time.

Then, after walking around for a while, we decided to go karaoke.

There are a few karaoke rooms outside the South Gate in the West District. They are not very high-end, and each room is charged by the hour, which is acceptable to students. And if you book it all night after 10 o'clock, it will be more cost-effective, so the four of us have karaoke all night on weekends and holidays before.

Whenever we talk about this, the other girls in our class shake their heads and sigh: "Everyone in 407 is a microphone tyrant."

So when Bai Lin decided to book an all-nighter, I immediately regretted not calling Song Qiqi and Zhao Xiaotang out.

We ordered beer and sang while drinking.

Bai Lin changed her usual style of pretending to be a lady, and sang from "Serve the Country with Loyalty" all the way to "Borrow Another 500 Years from Heaven", and sang the last line: "I really want to live another 500 years."

I burst out laughing and said, "Xiaobai, your idea is absolutely correct. If you don't live another 500 years, you will definitely not see the rise of Chinese football."

After sharing a dozen beers, Bai Lin gradually became exhausted and dozed off on the sofa. I can't sleep if I change places. Besides, I just let her sing alone. I didn't have enough, so I took the microphone and sang by myself. I sang Faye Wong, SHE, and Fish Leong. Just when I was singing "Love really needs courage, to believe that we will be together" with great enthusiasm, several people pushed open the door and said, "Girl, the police station is checking your ID card."

My mother taught me from a young age that I should never carry my ID card with me all the time, but should put it in the safest drawer and lock it up, or at least put it at the bottom of a box and keep it secret with my household registration booklet, as if I would become an illegal resident and be stripped of my Chinese citizenship if I lost my ID card. So as a contemporary college student, I have developed the habit of never carrying my ID card.

The result is predictable.

The policeman sat in front of us, looked at me, then looked at Bai Lin who was drunk and unconscious beside me. I don’t know what he was thinking.

"This karaoke bar is operating illegally, don't you know?"

I was about to cry, "Uncle police, we've been here before, so we don't suspect anything. Besides, do I need to ask the boss for the business license before I come in to check it?"

"Then do you know that the person in the box next to you is taking illegal drugs?"

Illegal? Drugs

This sentence really scared me.

I shuddered and waved my hands hastily, saying, "I don't know, we didn't." Then I pointed at Bai Lin and said, "She was drunk from drinking beer, and it had nothing to do with taking medicine. Really, we are students of A University."

"Student?" The policeman paused.

Now I knew I was in big trouble, I accidentally let the cat out of the bag.

"Students are still wandering outside so late?"

A student in uniform shook his head and said, "You students are becoming more and more outrageous nowadays."

Finally, the two of them came to a conclusion: "Then call your teacher to take you back."

I was horrified and quickly admitted my mistake. If the school knew about this, it would be disastrous. Not to mention the punishment, if my mother knew about it, she might break my legs on the spot.

Even after I pleaded for a long time pitifully, the two policemen remained unmoved.

Bai Lin was sleeping like a dead pig now, so he couldn't be relied on. All the responsibilities fell on my shoulders. I sat there, pretending to look through the teacher's contacts in my phone book, while racking my brain to come up with an emergency plan.

At this moment, I saw Mu Chenghe's name in the M column of the address book.

This was the number that he forced me to enter into his phone after I met him online while pretending to be Zhao Xiaotang.

A light bulb went off in my head and an idea sprouted up in my head.