My One And Only Love

Chapter 60: The past cannot be locked (2)


He was held upside down by his mother, while Director Li held his chin with his hand, fearing that he would bite back because of crying or discomfort. The child cried loudly, but his mouth was clamped, making the cry sound even more heartbreaking.

"What happened? Wasn't he fine just now?" Zeng Li asked Wu Wanxia who was also anxious beside him.

"I heard from Sister Yuan that after everyone finished playing cards, they gave Fatty some cake, and he ran around with a fork, and fell on his way back to the house."

Everyone and the hotel staff escorted the child downstairs, but there was still nothing they could do. They called 120, but the hospital said the road was blocked by snow and the ambulance couldn't get up. The hotel's car couldn't go down either.

The hotel also has a medical room, but the doctor on duty is just an elderly general physician, just like Dr. Wang in their library. He can treat colds and headaches, but I can't say anything else.

"I'll carry my son down the mountain." The child's mother said with tears in her eyes.

"Is there no other doctor?" someone else asked.

The infirmary staff shook their heads.

Zeng Li suddenly said, "Yes." She originally thought that as a dentist, Ai Jingchu would definitely not be able to help, so she hesitated to speak. But when she saw the child, she felt that she should not miss any tiny hope. What if he could help

After hearing Zeng Li's words, all eyes were focused on Zeng Li.

The next second, the hotel manager Wen seemed to remember something and said, "There really is one..."

Before he could finish his words, another voice rang out, "I'm a doctor."

Zeng Li looked over when he heard the voice and saw that the person coming was Ge Yi.

Ge Yi asked someone to move the child to the hotel's medical room. While turning on the light to check, he said to Manager Wen next to him, "Can you please go and call the guest in Room 608 of the Executive Building?"

Manager Wen hesitated out of responsibility and said, "It's too late. Will it be..."

Ge Yi said, "It's okay, just tell him the situation."

The child's mother burst into tears, "Doctor, what's wrong? Is the child's condition serious? Or are you unwilling to help?"

Ge Yi said, "I am a surgeon at the Medical School of University A. The guest in Room 608 is my colleague. He is an expert in maxillofacial problems and has much more experience than I do. It would be more appropriate to leave it to him. After all, we cannot be careless when it comes to children, right?"

Ai Jingchu had been studying oral and maxillofacial surgery, but later switched to orthodontics. Ge Yi's teacher had taught Ai Jingchu, and he always praised him, especially saying that his needle technique during surgery was perfect. It was a pity that he was poached by the orthodontics department.

"What's the doctor's last name?" The mother was a little worried and questioned the doctor who came out of nowhere. "Does he really have experience? What school did he graduate from? What's his title? Is he a formal teacher at University A?"

Zeng Li couldn't help but stand at the door and said, "Sister-in-law, I know that doctor. He's a professor of dentistry at University A. It takes several days to get an appointment with him. I guarantee that he's a really good doctor. Don't worry."

After a short while, Ai Jingchu appeared with Manager Wen.

He walked so quickly that he didn't notice Zeng Li in the corridor at all.

When Ai Jingchu walked in, he saw the child lying on the observation bed, being comforted by his mother.

He said coldly, "How can you lie on your back? What if you choke on blood while crying?" Although he didn't specify who he was talking to, there were only a few people in the room, and the child's parents definitely didn't understand. It was clearly Ge Yi's negligence. She was embarrassed when she heard this and quickly changed her position.

Zeng Li couldn't help but shrink his neck when he heard these words outside the door.

He is really a fierce person.

Wu Wanxia asked: "Are all famous doctors and experts bad-tempered?"

Zeng Li smiled without comment. She was too embarrassed to say bad things about Ai Jingchu behind his back.

"You just said you knew that the doctor was referring to him, right?"


"He's so young and so handsome, it's worth it for him to be a little fierce." Wu Wanxia sighed.

Although the conditions in the medical room are limited, basic emergency equipment is still available.

Ai Jingchu looked at the child's condition and said calmly: "The metal is inserted into the child's jaw. Fortunately, it is not deep, so it can be pulled out. However, it is not easy to stop the bleeding in the mouth, so we need to sew a few stitches. It would be better to go to the hospital if conditions permit, but if we can't get down the mountain now, this can also be implemented."

"Is everything okay?" the child's mother asked.

"No problem." Ai Jingchu replied, his tone unquestionable.

Ai Jingchu washed his hands carefully, disinfected them, put on gloves, asked the child's father to hold the child in his arms, and asked Ge Yi to get an anesthetic. When the child saw this scene, he was nervous and started crying loudly, and struggled desperately. Zeng Li was distressed when he heard it from afar, but Ai Jingchu was unmoved and said to the parents: "We can't do general anesthesia and debridement, so you can only hold the child tightly." Then he injected some anesthetic into the relevant part of the child's mouth.

Although the needle was extremely thin, it still caused pain, and the child began to twist his body.

The child's father exerted more force and controlled the child's chin with his other hand. The mother also held the child down, pressing him tightly in the father's arms.

After a while, Ai Jingchu stretched out his hand and gently pulled out the fork. Then, blood gushed out of the wound. Zeng Li saw his eyes flickering slightly, his face was terribly pale, and he turned his head slightly away.

Ge Yi used forceps to hold the hemostatic cotton and covered it, then disinfected and cleaned the wound.

Probably because the anesthetic had taken effect, the child no longer felt much pain and his crying gradually became quieter. Zeng Li couldn't help but stick his head in.

Ai Jingchu was stitching the wound inside the mouth. The light was limited, and the child's mouth opened and closed as he sobbed. Ai Jingchu buried his head in concentration, and the tweezers in his left and right hands quickly switched, pulling up a bloody thread. Zeng Li didn't dare to look and retracted his head.

The whole process was very quick. After explaining some precautions and handing it over to Ge Yi, Ai Jingchu walked out of the infirmary.

When he went out, he looked up and saw Zeng Li.

Just now, after seeing that the child was fine, Director Li thanked everyone in four dialects and asked everyone to go back and rest. Only Zeng Li was still waiting there.

Zeng Li nodded at him as a greeting.

"You're here too?" Ai Jingchu was a little surprised.

"The children inside are my colleagues' children," Zeng Li explained.

"The child is fine. That's it for now. We'll go back to the city hospital tomorrow to check it out."

Zeng Li saw Ai Jingchu's face turn from pale to red under the light, and thought that his high fever must have not subsided. He remembered that he would fall asleep immediately after taking the medicine, so maybe he had just taken the medicine and was sleeping warmly when he was called up.

"Thank you on behalf of my child," said Zeng Li.

She didn't know how many times she had to say thank you to him that night.

"It's just a piece of cake." He still answered like this, but his tone sounded listless.

The two of them walked out of the corridor of the infirmary in the north building together. When they reached the fork in the road, Ai Jingchu said to Zeng Li, "Stand inside and wait for me. I'll go get the bag and return it to you."

The bag he was talking about was the one Zeng Li had just given him. If he didn't return it to her now, he didn't know when it would be returned. It would be troublesome if she needed it urgently.

Zeng Li remembered that there were other people's things in the bag, "I'll go with you to get it. Anyway, even if I go back, I won't be able to sleep for a while."

Ai Jingchu agreed silently.

She followed him into the administration building and took the elevator to the sixth floor.

He used the room card to open the door, and Zeng Li hesitated for a long time, wondering whether to go in or wait for him outside.

However, as soon as the door opened, Ai Jingchu's cell phone rang. Perhaps he was in a hurry when he left and didn't bring his cell phone with him. The ringing continued from the bedroom. He didn't know how long it had been ringing, so he had to walk in quickly to answer it.

Zeng Li was standing outside the door, and someone happened to come out of the elevator and saw Zeng Li standing at the door. The man looked at her curiously as he walked, staring at Zeng Li with his undisguised eyes until he took out the room card, opened the room next to Ai Jingchu, walked in, and disappeared behind the door.

In the middle of the night, a woman with dishevelled hair stood in front of the door of an expensive executive suite. The door was open, but she didn't go in, nor did she mean to leave. Zeng Li felt that she was definitely trying to figure out his profession.

She looked up at the ceiling, mustered up her courage, took two steps inside, and quickly closed the door.

Only the lights in the living room and bedroom were on. Ai Jingchu was standing in the bedroom talking. Zeng Li glanced inside and saw that the snow-white quilt was wrinkled. He had indeed been called out of bed just now.

Ai Jingchu heard the door closing, and walked out of the bedroom to see what was going on while talking on the phone.

Zeng Li stood in the living room and looked at him.

He pointed at the sofa and motioned Zeng Li to sit down first.

Zeng Li found an opened medicine box and the thermos cup she gave him on the coffee table.

Then he said, "I'll be back early tomorrow morning." and ended the call.

After he hung up the phone, he poured out the remaining water in the thermos, washed it, wiped it clean, and then put it back in Zeng Li's bag. The two were about to talk when Zeng Li's phone suddenly rang.

Zeng Li answered the phone and it was Director Li calling.

"Xiao Zeng, you haven't rested yet?"

"No, Director Li, how is the child?" Zeng Li said.

"Doctor Ge prescribed some medicine and told him to take it and sleep. His mother is watching over him."

"That's good."

"I went to look for you just now but couldn't find you. I heard from Xiao Wu that you and Doctor Ai are acquaintances, right?" Director Li asked again.

When Zeng Li heard this, she couldn't help but look at Ai Jingchu, who was also looking at her.

Learning from the previous experience, she dared not hold the phone in front of Ai Jingchu and talk about him on the other end of the phone again. And Director Li was different from Ma Yiyi. He was a leader and could not just hang up the phone because of inconvenience. So, she smiled at Ai Jingchu, opened the glass door, and stood on the balcony to continue the call.

Director Li saw that Zeng Li didn't answer for a while, so he continued, "Just now I met you in the yard coming back from outside. Is that Doctor Ai next to you?"

Zeng Li was looking back and saw through the glass that Ai Jingchu took off his coat under the indoor heater and put it on the back of a chair. Then he sat down on the sofa and waited for her.

When she heard Director Li's questioning, she wailed in her heart. Ai Jingchu had only met Director Li once when he sent her to the West Building, and they hadn't even spoken to each other, but he could actually remember it

She had to admit it now, so she turned around and answered, "Yes, I've been seeing a dentist recently. He is my attending doctor. What a coincidence."

"Look, I didn't expect it at the time. I didn't even have time to say hello."

Zeng Li ignored it with laughter.

"He is the benefactor of our whole family. We must thank him."

“It should be.”

"So, since you know Dr. Ai, please tell him my gratitude. Please make an appointment with him for me, and I will treat him to a simple meal someday, and thank him in person..."

The other party couldn't hide his feelings and kept asking Zeng Li to convey his gratitude over and over again, making it difficult for Zeng Li to decide whether to agree or refuse.

Director Li is well-known for being a long-winded person in the company. When he speaks in a meeting, he spends the first half of the time reviewing the past and the second half looking forward to the future. After talking for a long time, he would look at the watch and say, "Oh, time is running out. Let's get down to business."

After finally hanging up the phone, Zeng Li let out a long sigh, stamped his frozen feet, and returned to the living room.

She froze in place.

Ai Jingchu actually fell asleep just sitting on the sofa.

Zeng Li quietly walked a few steps closer and called out tentatively, "Ai... Jingchu." She called out softly, fearing that he was just pretending to doze off, but also afraid that he was really asleep and she had accidentally disturbed his sleep.

He didn't move, his breathing was even and long.

Maybe it was the effect of the medicine, or maybe he was really tired. She waited silently for a minute or two and found that he was indeed sleeping soundly.

His head was slightly tilted back, leaning against the backrest of the sofa. Against the backdrop of the orange light, his features exuded a dazzling beauty from inside to outside. He placed one hand in front of him and the other on the armrest. His eyes were closed, covered with a layer of thick eyelashes, and he looked much more amiable than when he was awake.

Zeng Li didn't know what to do.

Finally, after a long thought, she went into the bedroom and took out a thick blanket.

A corner of the blanket brushed across the coffee table, accidentally knocking the bag that Ai Jingchu had placed on it to the ground. The bag rolled onto the carpet, making a dull sound. Zeng Li quickly raised his eyes and glanced at Ai Jingchu.

Fortunately, he was not affected.

After carefully picking up the things, she bent over to cover him with the blanket in her hand. His hand, which was placed on the armrest of the sofa, was exposed from the blanket because it was stretched out quite far. The fingertips were trimmed very neatly, without any extra nails, and some places were even trimmed too much and slightly deformed. The fingers were very white, and all the nail crevices were extremely clean.

Hands used to save lives and heal the wounded.

Are all these men who need to work with their hands like this

Zeng Li thought about it, leaned down again, took the hand and put it on his leg. Maybe her hand was too cold, which disturbed him, he frowned, pulled his hand back from Zeng Li, put it on the side, tilted his head but did not wake up.

After doing all this, Zeng Li picked up his things, turned off the lights, and slowly closed the door.

Zeng Li couldn't fall asleep for a long time after he returned.

She was used to her bed and missed her usual sleep schedule. She couldn't fall asleep late at night. She lay in bed, looking at the curtains and the ceiling for a while. She didn't know how long it took before she closed her eyes. She had many dreams in a daze. Those dreams were fragments, one after another, accumulated layer by layer, like a dark shadow grabbing her, pulling her, forcing her to be unable to breathe.

She kicked her legs suddenly in the quilt and woke herself up in fright.

Zeng Li looked at the time and opened the curtains. The snow had stopped and the sky seemed a little gray.

Finally, she simply packed up and went out.

Dongshan sunrise is a famous view. Because of the heavy snow, the road is not open to traffic, but the cable car is open. Dongshan Hotel is a little distance away from the top of the mountain. You can take the cable car or climb up by yourself.

Probably because it snowed last night, there were not many people watching the sunrise, only a few groups of people here and there.

When Zeng Li went out, she happened to meet a few colleagues who were preparing to watch the sunrise. She didn't dare to walk the mountain road alone, so she followed them and bought tickets to the top of the mountain.

The cable car is very large, and one carriage can seat more than 20 people.

Along the way, everyone was very excited and kept taking photos in the cable car, but Zeng Li stood quietly in the corner alone.

When the cable car reached the end, everyone got off and ran towards the viewing cliff, without noticing that Zeng Li was heading in the other direction.