My One And Only Love

Chapter 64: The fragrance of that cup of tea (3)


Then, she raised her glass across the table towards Ai Jingchu, "If it weren't for Professor Ai's help, the child would have suffered so much the other day. If it was shown on TV, it would be a life-saving grace. During the Chinese New Year, Lao Li taught the child how to bow and a lot of auspicious words, and wanted to recognize you as his godfather. But later we heard that Professor Ai came from an extraordinary family, so we didn't dare to marry him. It was not easy for Xiao Zeng to help, and Professor Ai finally gave us a little face to have a meal with us. A thousand words can only be expressed in one word: thank you. Now, I'll drink a glass of light wine first to show my respect and gratitude. You are welcome to do as you please."

After saying this, Mrs. Li raised her hands, tilted her head back and drank the wine in the glass.

Although she told Ai Jingchu to do whatever he wanted, as an older woman, she actually finished the wine first, forcing Ai Jingchu to stand up, pick up the glass of wine that had just been passed to Zeng Li, and drink it in one gulp. When Zeng Li saw him swallow it, his eyebrows knitted into a ball.

It is difficult to get started by persuading others to drink at a dinner party. Once it happens, it will happen again.

In the end, the bottle of white wine had been finished by three people.

Director Li asked the waiter to get some wine again, but Zeng Li hurriedly stopped him.

Mrs. Li also advised, "Just enjoy yourself, Old Li. If you drink any more, Xiao Zeng will be worried."

Zeng Li wanted to explain himself, but this time he couldn't speak.

In the end, just as Director Li had assigned before, Ai Jingchu was drunk and unable to drive, so Zeng Li was responsible for taking him back.

She was a little nervous sitting in the driver's seat. She had never driven such an expensive car before, so she asked how to raise the seat, how to start the car, and where the lights were...

After Ai Jingchu finished explaining everything, he raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

"I'm a good driver," Zeng Li assured him.

After the car slowly got on the elevated road, Ai Jingchu believed her words. She was skilled and had a good sense of direction. He roughly told her how to get there, and she never went wrong.

He drank about three or four taels of wine, which was not enough to make him drunk, but he was still a little tipsy, so he closed his eyes slightly and leaned lazily back in his seat.

"I'm sorry." Zeng Li said guiltily.

"What's the apology for?" he asked with his eyes closed.

"If I hadn't begged you shamelessly, you wouldn't have come." He probably hated such dinners as much as she did.

"Then you should say thank you." Ai Jingchu said.

Ai Jingchu was different after drinking. He spoke much kinder and talked a lot more, which made her feel a lot more relaxed. It was as if she was back to that snowy night, on the cold and dark road, with only the two of them, and they could chat about random things from time to time.

"Anyway, every time I meet you, I either say sorry or thank you," she said.

This time, he didn't respond.

After a while she said, "Will you be teaching or seeing patients tomorrow?" It won't interfere with your work, will it

After asking, she remembered that he only saw patients on the third and fifth days, and she should be very clear about this.

"Do you have classes tomorrow morning?"

After not getting an answer from him for a long time, she couldn't help but look at him and found that he hadn't opened his eyes.

"You're not falling asleep again, are you?"

"I won't care about you this time," she murmured.

After saying this, she slowly slowed down the car, finally stopped, and glanced at him again, but still no movement.

"I haven't pleaded for Zhou Wen yet."

She sighed.

"Why not just take off your clothes, take some sexy photos and send them to Zhou Wen. You will definitely have to worship her in the future, and then I will repay her favor."

But when he said this, Ai Jingchu couldn't help laughing.

He smiled very lightly, his lips slightly raised, the corners of his mouth on both sides were sunken a little, forming two small dimples, and his eyebrows slightly curved. There was a kind of beautiful feeling in that smile that made people blush and their hearts beat fast. With a smile on his lips, he opened his eyes and said in a leisurely and hoarse voice: "Is this how you thank me?"

“I… I…” Zeng Li no longer dared to look at his face. He turned away, not knowing what to do. He had to start the car and continue moving forward.

He sat up a little straighter, "Did Zhou Wen call you?"

"Yes. She said you would deal with them and asked me to plead for them." Zeng Li confessed honestly.

"They're doing you a favor," he said.

"Ah? Why?"

"You didn't get an answer from me, and I came to test you, knowing that you're easy to deal with."


"Eighty percent," he replied.

Zeng Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she heard these words. They were teasing her, but she was still worried about them.

She drove the car seriously and remained silent, so she looked a little serious, which made people feel a little distant, which was completely different from the shyness and timidity that often appeared on her face. Ai Jingchu couldn't help but look at her more. She didn't have nails on her hands, but they were painted with pink nail polish. The small earrings in her ears appeared and disappeared in her hair, which reminded him of the things in his pocket.

He thought she was angry, so he said, "They are just children, don't take it seriously."

“They are about my age.”

"You have been working for a long time, but they have not been exposed to society yet," Ai Jingchu explained.

"You are so protective. When we were drinking tea, you even said you wanted to be a strict teacher." Zeng Li said.

At this time, Ai Jingchu took something out from his body and handed it to Zeng Li, "Is it yours?"

Zeng Li turned her head slightly and saw a black hairband, very similar to the one she tied on her head today.

"Why is it with you?" Zeng Li took his hands off the steering wheel and took it over.

"I picked it up from the ground." Ai Jingchu replied.

Because patients have to lie down, they often drop things. He rarely picks them up for them, not because he is too lazy to bend down or is afraid of trouble, but because there are too many bacteria on the ground. Once his hands get dirty, his gloves need to be changed, so he usually just reminds them. But today, he picked it up for Zeng Li for some unknown reason, and even put it in his pocket when Zhou Wen's voice appeared.

After Zeng Li thanked him, he thought of something and said hesitantly: "Actually, I used to..."

Ai Jingchu suddenly interrupted her and said, "You drove past the intersection."

Zeng Li quickly slowed down and said, "I was talking to you and didn't pay attention."

"It's okay. Go forward. There is a small path at the next intersection that can lead you back. It's very close." Ai Jingchu said.

So, she followed Ai Jingchu's instructions, turned off the main road in front of her, and drove into a one-way street. That road was close to the river and was an old street. Recently, the government was carrying out a riverside image project, and all the residents were relocated. The surrounding houses were waiting to be demolished. There were almost no street lights, and no pedestrians or vehicles. If it weren't for Ai Jingchu leading the way, Zeng Li would definitely not dare to walk here.

The light was too dim, so she turned on the high beam and walked a little further. Suddenly, she saw a car parked in the middle of the road.

"This car has no sense of public morality," said Zeng Li.

"Is it OK?"

Zeng Li stopped and looked over there, "Let me try."

She slowly moved the car over and felt as if the car was moving, but she also thought it was an illusion.

Ai Jingchu suddenly said, "Forget it, let's turn around."

"Why?" This is a one-way street. If you go back in the opposite direction and are caught by the traffic light at the intersection, you will be fined and deducted points.

Ai Jingchu looked at Zeng Li's bewilderment and wanted to explain, but he found it difficult to speak. This question really caught him off guard. He tried to find a euphemistic and implicit word in his dictionary to express it, but it was difficult.

At the same time, the rear window of the car rolled down and a head popped out, belonging to a man and a woman.

In a flash, Zeng Li understood what had just happened and stood there in a daze.

Ai Jingchu said calmly: "Since it has come to this, let's just wait."

So they stayed in silence for about two or three minutes.

After Zeng Li figured it out, his cheeks became redder and redder.

She was actually sitting here with a man waiting for someone else to have sex in their car. Fortunately, the man was self-aware and had not had sex long ago. He was probably just cleaning up the mess. The key point was that the car was the same car model and color as theirs.

Zeng Li felt that it was not good to shine the light so brightly on others, so he quickly turned off the headlights of the car.

Ai Jingchu said, "Don't turn it off."

Zeng Li was puzzled.

Ai Jingchu explained: "To avoid misunderstandings."

Zeng Li was even more puzzled, "What's the misunderstanding?"

After asking, she suddenly had an epiphany.

On the river bank without street lights, two cars, two couples, each in a dark car...

When Zeng Li's heart trembled when she thought of the idiom "fighting against each other".

The ancients who invented this word should cry.

They sat there for several minutes, but the other party still didn't come out to move the car, and it seemed that they were going to be at a stalemate. In this awkward situation, every second felt like an eternity, and Zeng Li even thought he could hear each other's breathing.

Instead of observing the other side's aftershocks in silence, it would be better to find something to do, so Zeng Li turned on the radio somewhat helplessly.