My One And Only Love

Chapter 65: The fragrance of that cup of tea (4)


She didn't know which station it was, but when she turned it on, she heard a middle-aged male voice with a thick accent saying, "The corpus cavernosum is composed of cellular fibrous tissue, and its growth is caused by tissue proliferation..." Because there were too many professional terms, she didn't understand what the man on the radio was saying at first, until he uttered the words "the male genitals are about to undergo a second development", then she suddenly understood.

Zeng Li felt like her brain was exploding. She reached out in panic and pressed the next channel, but when she listened carefully, it was still a similar health program. She turned off the radio in annoyance and pressed the horn.

Ai Jingchu glanced at her and sensed her emotions. "Let's not wait any longer. Let's turn around."

But she didn't do so and honked the horn again.

Just when Zeng Li was about to return the same way after all the efforts were in vain, the rear door of the car in front opened, and a man and a woman got out of the car. The man was a short, fat middle-aged man in a shirt, staggering a little, and seemed a little drunk, and hid in the passenger seat at a very fast speed. The woman was very young, and walked slowly to the driver's seat, turned around in disheveled clothes, and gave Zeng Li a middle finger. Seeing that Zeng Li's light was still shining on her, she couldn't help but get angry and cursed loudly.

The woman spoke very quickly, her voice clear and bright, echoing throughout the dark alley, and she uttered the most obscene swear words in the market.

Zeng Li's blood suddenly rushed to his head, and his face turned red with anger, but he didn't know how to respond. He could only grip the steering wheel tightly with ten fingers and couldn't refute a word.

Seeing that Zeng Li did not retort and just remained silent, the woman not only did not stop, but became even more arrogant.

In this situation, Ai Jingchu suddenly said to her: "Have you been bullied since childhood?"

"Ah?" She was confused.

He looked at her and unbuckled the seat belt on his side.

Zeng Li asked hurriedly, "What are you going to do?" and stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Nothing, just take two CDs." After he said that, he really took out two discs from the CD box, then opened the door and got out of the car.

Zeng Li looked at his actions in confusion.

When the woman saw Ai Jingchu get out of the car, she thought he would vent his anger on his female companion, so she immediately shut her mouth and took a step back vigilantly.

However, Ai Jingchu did not go over. He just walked to his car, bent down and stuck the CD into the outer frame of the license plate number, then walked around half a circle, walked to the back of the car and stuck the remaining CD in the same way.

He didn't look at the woman from beginning to end. After completing this series of actions fluently, he returned to the car silently.

"Sometimes you don't have to rely on eloquence to fight back." He glanced at her and fastened his seat belt.

Zeng Li was still confused and didn't understand what he was going to do.

"You have good skills. Can you turn around after just giving the signal once?" Ai Jingchu made a gesture of turning.

Zeng Li quickly looked around and said, "It should be possible."

"Then step on the accelerator and crash into her." He said calmly.

"But... but..." Zeng Li's mind was confused, "I will be arrested, I will have to pay compensation, and what if the car is damaged?" At this moment, Zeng Li understood that Ai Jingchu had covered the license plate number just now and had premeditated hit-and-run.

The woman seemed to be frightened by Ai Jingchu's sudden move of getting out of the car, and shrank back into the driver's seat at the front door.

"Why do you care so much? Hurry up." Ai Jingchu urged.

Just as Zeng Li was hesitating with her hand on the gear lever, Ai Jingchu reached out his left hand, held her right hand from above, and shifted the gear to forward for her.

Zeng Li took a deep breath, gripped the steering wheel tightly, and stepped on the accelerator with his right foot. With a bang, the front of their car hit the back of the car in front. The other car was pushed half a meter away, and the rear bumper was dented.

Zeng Li was startled by the vibration he created and was stunned for a moment.

"Turn around." Ai Jingchu reminded her at the right time.

"Oh." She quickly turned the steering wheel and turned. Unexpectedly, she was too nervous and her skills were not up to par. She almost hit the flower bed on the roadside with her first turn. She quickly reversed again and successfully turned 180 degrees the second time.

When they drove away, Zeng Li saw from the rearview mirror that the man and woman got out of the car again in a rage. The woman was still cursing, but she could no longer hear what she was cursing.

Because she had a guilty conscience, she drove very fast, and even though she couldn't turn left at the intersection, she still rushed there impatiently.

After driving for several kilometers and seeing that there was nothing unusual behind, Zeng Li chose a quiet street, stepped on the brakes and stopped.

The first thing she did after parking the car was to run to the front to take a look.

Ai Jingchu's car wasn't much better than the other one, not only was the paint peeling off, but there was also a dent. Probably because the angle was a bit crooked when it hit, the outer cover of the right headlight was also broken.

Zeng Li's hands were still shaking with nervousness, but he couldn't hide his excitement. He turned to look at Ai Jingchu standing beside him and asked, "How did I perform?"

Ai Jingchu raised his eyebrows, "It's a bit more cruel than I expected."

Afterwards, Zeng Li went to Carol's again. This was the first time she was so happy after being scolded. She couldn't help but want to tell Ma Yiyi about her good mood.

"Didn't you say you would fix it for him?" Ma Yiyi asked.

"I told you, he won't let me." Zeng Li replied.

"Ai Jingchu is such a weirdo. A grown man actually instigated you to do such a crazy thing." Ma Yiyi frowned while wiping the cup.

Zeng Li smiled and put away the transparent cups one by one.

If he had said nothing and done nothing at that time, she would have thought it was normal, because he was a man after all and could not get involved in a women's war; and if, as she misunderstood when she grabbed him at that moment, Ai Jingchu got out of the car to vent her anger, then she would have thought that this man was a very friendly person.

But no matter whether she chooses the former or the latter, perhaps when she calms down, the impression this man will leave on her is either that he is too disloyal or too impulsive.

But he is none of them.

If someone could guess who he was, he probably wouldn't be Ai Jingchu.

He taught her that if you can't win by scolding someone, you can fight back in other ways. Somehow, she realized this simple rule a little later than others.

"You killed three thousand enemies but injured eight hundred of your own men. You harmed others and did not benefit yourself."

"But it feels really good." Zeng Li smiled.

"Xiaoyu," Ma Yiyi suddenly said with a wicked smile, "If you continue like this, you might fall in love with him."

Zeng Li's expression changed slightly.

Just now, Zeng Li helped Ai Jingchu take down the two CDs and continued to complete the task assigned by Director Li. His family lived in the family compound of the Air Force Command. After parking the car, he had to walk outside to get a taxi, which was a long way away.

So Ai Jingchu accompanied her and sent her back to the street.

The night wind was a bit strong, and Zeng Li's hair was blown messily, covering her face. She brushed her hair a few times with her hands, then put the hair band he had just given her on her wrists, raised her hands, and casually gathered her hair with her fingers.

She still had her bag on her wrist. Because she had gone out early in the morning, the bag was filled with toothbrushes, toothpaste, cups, etc. that she would use before the follow-up visit. It was heavy and large. Her movements became clumsy, and she tied her hair into a bad ponytail in two or three hasty strokes.

From beginning to end, Ai Jingchu did not take her bag in a gentlemanly manner, but stood beside her and observed her.

Zeng Li found that her actions just now seemed unladylike, and she did not consider the feelings of the people around her, so she smiled at Ai Jingchu embarrassedly.

As she grinned, the metal braces were exposed, and as her smile spread, the canine tooth and the gap left by the tooth extraction appeared. Her canine teeth were not very prominent, but they were not in the right position, almost squeezing the No. 2 tooth in front of her, so they were very eye-catching. Before this, he always thought that all teeth should be in their proper positions to be healthy and perfect, but he didn't expect that defects can make people unique.

Finally, an empty taxi drove towards this side.

Zeng Li hurriedly stopped her. Just as she was hurriedly saying goodbye to Ai Jingchu and running over, Ai Jingchu took a few steps forward and called her.

She turned around.

Ai Jingchu stood in the wind, facing her, three or four meters away, with cars shuttling in front of him. His deep eyes flickered brightly, but there was no further movement for a long time.

The taxi driver said impatiently, "Little sister, are you going? Are you going?"

"Yes! Master, wait a moment." Zeng Li hurriedly responded with his head down, opened the car door, and looked back at Ai Jingchu.

Ai Jingchu tilted his head, frowned and said, "Remember to come back for a follow-up visit in four weeks."

Zeng Li smiled and said, "I'll never forget it." Then he got in the car.

A normal person has twenty-eight permanent teeth, in addition to the four wisdom teeth that occasionally play mischief.

Ancient Chinese people believed that there were twenty-eight constellations in the sky.

Four weeks also equals exactly twenty-eight days.

The average female menstrual cycle and metabolic period is twenty-eight days.

Sometimes the slogans of skin care products in TV commercials often say something like "28 days to bring about a complete change".

There was an American art film called "28 Days Later" in which the heroine received a 28-day psychological treatment. Even stranger is a zombie film called "28 Days Later" in which the hero woke up from a coma after a car accident and found that the world had changed.

But, twenty-eight days—

It is also a cycle of Zeng Li and Ai Jingchu meeting.