My One And Only Love

Chapter 93: Extra I would rather love or hate


In the summer of the following year, Yu Yi rushed home from the other side of the world because of his mother's death. On the plane, he was upset and did not sleep all night, just staring at the small plastic table in front of him.

A few years ago, when his mother was diagnosed with cancer for the first time, she did not tell him the truth, but only said that she had undergone a minor operation on her uterus. He rushed back from the United States to accompany her for more than half a month, and it was at that time that he received a confession call from Zeng Li.

Yu Yi was stunned when he received the call. He hadn't seen Zeng Li for a long time. In his impression, Zeng Li was still a skinny little girl who was always the most well-behaved and quiet one among a group of children.

Later he took a bus to City A, and she went to the station to pick him up.

When Yu Yi saw Zeng Li for the first time, he almost didn't recognize her. Her hair was a little curly like that of all the Zeng family members. Her jet-black, fluffy hair was draped over her back. She wore a simple white T-shirt on her upper body and denim shorts on her lower body. Standing in the sun, with her two straight long legs, she looked like a graceful white lily.

She certainly didn't know that she stood out so much among the crowd. Even Yu Yi was surprised.

He was not a promiscuous person. Although he had been in love several times, he never took it lightly. Therefore, when he first knew Zeng Li's idea, he only planned to meet her and personally dispel this little girl's thoughts. But when he really saw her, he couldn't take his eyes away after just one glance.

Zeng Li obviously didn't see Yu Yi. She was holding a leaflet that someone had casually handed to her, fanning herself with it, looking around from time to time, until Yu Yi came very close, then she noticed him, and in panic she blurted out "little cousin..." She stopped calling him halfway, and changed her name to "Yu Yi". Then, she smiled shyly, biting her lips, blushing, and lowering her head, revealing two white and bright little rabbit teeth.

Yu Yi had many beautiful exes, but none of them was as quiet and gentle as Zeng Li.

So he changed his original intention and started a love affair with her. It was in full swing and no one could stop it.

Later, when Yu's mother learned the news, she was almost choking, and the two had several big fights. He thought the conflict would last for a while, but then, somehow, the old lady suddenly calmed down and just told him "It's up to him".

During the time in China, he took Zeng Li everywhere to play, and his heart was pure happiness. When he was in Dongshan, he really wanted to be with her for a long time. Because Zeng Li was so good, he wanted to settle down for the first time.

Later, Yu Yi returned to school, and the two began a long-distance relationship. Their relationship was no longer as close as it was at the beginning. Bitterness began to show up little by little, and he began to be afraid to communicate with her.

Later, Yu Yi learned the truth about his mother's illness. It turned out that his mother had cancer, a disease that caught people off guard and was beyond their control. He suddenly became discouraged and suddenly didn't want to go against the old lady's last wishes. At that time, his relationship with Zeng Li was also at a stalemate. So he called her and told her not to continue, and told her that he was with someone else.

He thought that he was not as mature as he thought he was, and could not make everything go as he wished.

He never expected that Zeng Li would love him so deeply.

He thought that she would be like the other girls before and forget him as soon as she turned around.

Until one day several years later, when his elder sister Yu Nan was moving to City A and she was tidying up the cabinet, she found a letter inside and remembered that it was sent to Yu Yi, but she had always forgotten to give it to him.

During the Chinese New Year, Yu Nan sent some hot pot base and Lao Gan Ma to Yu Yi, and also brought this letter to him.

Yu Yi opened the letter suspiciously. The letter was wrapped in several layers of envelopes. The first layer contained his sister's explanation, the second layer contained the address of his hometown written by Ai Jingchu, and only on the third layer did he see the words written by Zeng Li.

He only read one page, and then he didn't dare to continue reading. The regret he felt almost tore his heart apart.

He missed such a crystal clear heart.

That night, he didn't read another word and burned it.

After his mother's burial, Yu Yi did not leave immediately. He had taken a long vacation before returning to China to accompany his mother for the last time, but he received the bad news before he set off.

Yu Yi spent a few days finishing some trivial matters, and then he couldn't find anything to do. He had been busy for many years, and he was not used to being idle all of a sudden. He had to stroll around the small county town of his hometown all day, and occasionally meet with classmates from his hometown for dinner. Until one day, he met Zeng Li's father on the road, and then indirectly learned the news that Zeng Li was going to get married.

Zeng's father told him that Zeng Li did not plan to hold a wedding banquet. He only planned to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau the next day to get a certificate, and then invite the parents of both families and a few familiar friends to dinner, and that would be the end of it.

He listened in a daze, but he couldn't remember what Zeng's father said next.

The next day, before dawn, Yu Yi drove to City A alone. When he arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau, they hadn't opened yet. His car was parked across the street. Although it was far away, he could see people coming in and out clearly.

Nine o'clock.

Ten o'clock.

Eleven o'clock...

Yu Yi waited until the lunch break, but he still didn't see Zeng Li. He even suspected that Zeng's father had said the wrong place.

Finally, at three o'clock in the afternoon, Yu Yi saw Zeng Li and his group. There were not only the two of them, but also elders and several friends from both sides.

Her thick long hair was tied up behind her head, and she was dressed simply, wearing only a creamy white modified cheongsam. But this color reminded him of the year when she confessed to him, when he saw her at the A City Station.

Yu Yi watched her from afar as she greeted the people around her, then naturally took Ai Jingchu's arm and walked into the Civil Affairs Bureau, and was never seen again.

He closed the car window, turned on the car stereo to the maximum volume, then stepped on the accelerator and sped away.

That white lily is gone forever.