My One And Only Love

Chapter 95: Elevator Encounter (1)


[It turns out I love you very much]

Five thirty was the time when students were rushing from the classroom and library to the cafeteria and water room. Sang Wuyan had eaten early and was on her way to study. Ten minutes later, she heard the campus radio start broadcasting on time.

The familiar melody ended, and Xu Qian's voice came out, "Good afternoon, I'm Xiao Qian, it's time for pop music every Wednesday again. First, we'll recommend new songs, and then our rankings from last week..."

The school's radio studio has always been doing well, with a much richer program than when Sang Wuyan entered the school. Unfortunately, she hasn't been to the radio studio for a long time.

She waited for Cheng Yin in the small garden below the Fourth Building for a few minutes, and then saw her coming towards her with a smile.

"What's wrong? You look silly." Cheng Yin asked.

"I am intoxicated by Xu Qian's voice."

"I think he is just being jealous."

"No!" Sang Wuyan denied it flatly.

"You still say no, you..." Cheng Yin was interrupted by Sang Wuyan when she was halfway through her sentence.

"Shh—" She made a gesture to keep quiet, tilted her head and concentrated, and tilted her ears, without moving for a long time.

Cheng Yin calmed down, and after a while she asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Sang Wuyan said: "Listen to this song."

There was a song playing on the radio. The male singer's slow and gentle voice and low singing seemed to touch people's hearts.

I lost my way in the grassland.

The wind blows the grass low,

Someone once sang that the sky is like a dome...

In the evening, Sang Wuyan chatted with Cheng Yin.

"What song is that? It's so beautiful."

“Kind of like a new guy.”

"I really want to know." Sang Wuyan sighed.

"Why don't you just call Xu Qian and ask her?" Cheng Yin came up with the first idea.

"I'd rather die than go."

"Go search online. By the way, what are we having for dinner?"

Sang Wuyan then remembered that there was no rice at home. Compared with finding out the name of the song, the latter matter was more serious.

Sang Wuyan and her best friend Cheng Yin moved out of the school and rented a house together since they started school this year. They also cooked their own meals. They were about to graduate, and the school was not strict. In addition, she was working part-time at a radio station in City A, so she was afraid that she would have to come home late sometimes, and it would be inconvenient to go back to the dormitory.

On Friday afternoon, Sang Wuyan went to the radio station because she had no classes. In the evening, it was the time for Nie Xi, the mainstay of the radio station, to broadcast. Sang Wuyan was basically a handyman after she joined the radio station. Not long ago, Nie Xi's assistant just resigned, and there was no suitable candidate. The director thought Sang Wuyan was smart, so he asked her to take over temporarily.

Nie Xi was well-known in the city and was easy to get along with. She did everything herself and was kind to others. Wu Yan followed the younger generations in the studio and called her "Sister Xi".

Sang Wuyan took a bunch of letters from the gatekeeper on the first floor and went upstairs. They were all from the audience to Nie Xi. She opened them one by one for Nie Xi, replying to those that needed to be replied to and conveying those that needed to be conveyed. However, almost every time Sang Wuyan saw something that made her laugh.

When she read it to other people in the studio, they all burst into laughter.

Nie Xi always shook his head and said, "Wu Yan, you are such a happy person."

After Sang Wuyan sorted out a lot of things and went to the cafeteria to have dinner, she came back and found Nie Xi had already arrived at the workshop to prepare.

"Sister Xi, you're here so early?"

Nie Xi winked at her, turned down the music and said, "I want to use a few new songs. I'll compose them and test the effect."

“Oh.” Sang Wuyan gave a look that said “you go ahead and do your thing” and prepared to go next door.

After turning around, Sang Wuyan heard Nie Xi change a song, and the melody of the prelude seemed familiar. Suddenly, she had a flash of inspiration, and it was the song she heard the day before yesterday.

She turned around quickly and asked loudly: "Sister Xi, what song is this?"

Nie Xi was concentrating on writing something, and with the music playing, he didn't hear what she asked.

"Sister Xi, what's the name of the song you played?" Sang Wuyan asked again.

"You mean this song?" Nie Xi said, "It's called Libyan Shells."

"It sounds so beautiful." Sang Wuyan exclaimed.

"Not bad. Even though it's a new artist and a new song, I think it will be a big hit."

"It's really good. I was hooked once I heard it."

When Nie Xi saw her expression, he couldn't help but laugh and said, "Wu Yan, I have a spare disc here. If you want, I'll lend it to you."

When Sang Wuyan heard this, he nodded rapidly.

As soon as she got home from work, she took the CD out of her handbag and put it into the CD player. That song was the title song of the entire album and was ranked first.

She listened to it several times in a hurry before she remembered to look for the lyrics attached to the CD.

The cover of the booklet was of that handsome newcomer, the most popular sunny and handsome boy at the moment, his handsome silhouette reflected in the dim light.

Sang Wuyan turned to the first page and saw a landscape painting instead of a photo of the boy. The painting was really beautiful. The endless desert was illuminated by the setting sun that almost fell on the horizon. There were a few stars shining near the sun that had lost all its dazzling light, and there was a shell nearby. In the afterglow of the sun, it seemed to be stained with a layer of brilliance.

On this side of the illustration are the lyrics to the song "Libyan Shells".

I lost my way in the grassland.

The wind blows the grass low,

Someone once sang that the sky is like a dome.

Sky, oh sky,

Beidou, please show me the way.

I was lost in the desert,

Yellow sand is everywhere,

The ancients called it the vast sea.

Vast sea, oh vast sea,

Did you dry me out

And I lost my way in your heart,

my sweetheart,

Would you blow your Libyan shell for me

Be my horn

I got lost in the city.

Thousands of pavilions,

My love, please tell me where home is.

My home, my home.

Part the Red Sea and bypass Libya.

Smoke a hookah,

Tie a headscarf.

Black eyes,

Talking about love and passion,

My Libyan shells,

The stars are falling.

The lyrics are not obscure at all, with a touch of classical flavor, but they are somewhat different from the popular Chinese-style songs nowadays, and have a unique Arabic music feature. With such a melody and such lyrics, it seems that there is really an Arab prince in the desert playing the piano and singing for the woman he loves deeply.

Sang Wuyan accidentally saw the production at the back, and at the front were four short words -

Lyrics: Yi Jin.

Sang Wuyan always felt that the word "Yi Jin" looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it, so he didn't think much about it, and went to bed after taking a shower.

Unfortunately, just in the early morning, Sang Wuyan was woken up by the rooster that the old lady on the third floor kept on the balcony. He had been tossing and turning for many days, but he didn't know when the old lady was going to stew the chicken.

Sang Wuyan covered his head and continued to sleep, but the chicken seemed to have taken stimulants and kept singing loudly. Then, the phone rang.

When Sang Wuyan saw that the caller ID showed Wei Hao's name, his heart beat faster and he didn't know whether to answer the call or not.

She didn't dare to pinch it, so the phone kept ringing over and over again, and it took a long time for it to quiet down.

Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, the phone rang again—it was Wei Hao again.

"What a guy. Doesn't he know that people need to sleep so early in the morning?" Cheng Yin said.

"Yeah." She frowned.

"Take it. It's not like I'm going to eat you."

"Why?" Sang Wuyan said nervously while covering the phone with the quilt.

The phone went offline again, then rang again.

Sang Wuyan simply put a pillow on top of the phone to cover it, and the ringing finally stopped after a long time.

However, a good morning when I had no classes and could sleep until noon was wasted.

Sang Wuyan got up and put on her clothes in despair. After staying in the house for a while, she decided to go out alone to Xiaoxi Street to eat the steamed dumplings she had been craving for for a long time.

On such an early morning, there were almost no people on the streets except for the high school students rushing to their morning self-study classes, and most of the shops were not open yet.

The sprinkler truck moved slowly along the road, singing.

Sang Wuyan took a deep breath while walking on the road, and suddenly felt in a good mood. In the past, I got up early either to rush to the radio station or to go back to school. It has been a long time since I have experienced such a leisurely feeling.

So, she walked out of the bun shop with a full stomach and turned into the park.

The park is much more lively, with people doing exercises and running.

There was a chubby kid by the lake, actually learning Tai Chi with a group of elderly people. She was amused by the cute and silly look of the kid, and simply sat down on a chair by the roadside.

Maybe today will be a good day. Although it is only the end of September, the heat has subsided. Sitting on an open-air chair, the breeze is refreshing and even a little cool.

The sky in the distance gradually brightened, and the rising sun gradually penetrated the clouds.

There was a young man sitting on the chair next to him. When Sang Wuyan came just now, the man was already there, facing the lake alone, with his eyes closed quietly. The man's appearance made Wuyan feel very good, so she couldn't help but secretly take a few more glances at his profile.

His lips were very light in color, and his thin lips were tightly pursed, and his expressionless face seemed a little indifferent.

Because he had his eyes closed, Sang Wuyan dared to stare at him for a few more seconds. She had good eyesight since she was a child, and even from several meters away she could see that his eyelashes were dark and thick, overlapping each other like a small fan.

However, precisely because he had his eyes closed, his eyes could not be seen.

Sang Wuyan has always believed that eyes are the windows to the soul, and a pair of beautiful eyes is a necessary condition for a beauty. Therefore, when giving the four-word evaluation of "extremely handsome", she temporarily put aside the word "extremely" and make a decision after looking at the whole picture.

There were several old men and women nearby who were warming up their voices, and some were just shouting towards the lake. It is said that this can expel the waste gas in the chest, stimulate the appetite, strengthen the spleen, and prolong life.

As soon as Sang Wuyan felt better, he wanted to hum a song, so he followed their example, stood up, put his hands on his hips, faced the "sea", and sang loudly.

"Three circles to the left, three circles to the right, twist your butt and your neck, go to bed early and get up early, let's do some exercise; shake your hands and feet, take deep breaths frequently, jump like grandpa, and I won't get old..."

She shouted in a loud voice, and the "grandfather" who was doing morning exercises next to her was so embarrassed to continue twisting his waist and buttocks that he slowly stopped the movements.

Uh - it seems a little childish. She thought about it and changed the song.

“The five-star red flag flutters in the wind, the song is so loud, we sing our beloved motherland from now on to the sound of dong dong dong dong…”

As soon as the song "Singing the Motherland" was sung, an aunt who was jogging backwards next to her was startled by her and almost fell.

But fortunately, the handsome man just now was silent except for tilting his ear when she sang the first sentence.

Sang Wuyan never memorized the lyrics when she sang. Whenever she came across a part she didn't know the words to, she would just hum it or simply fill it with some irrelevant sentences.

Obviously, the "dong dong" and "dang dang" after the five-star red flag are alternative pronunciations of the unknown lyrics.

And every time she went to sing karaoke, she would be beaten up by the crowd after picking up the microphone and singing only three sentences.

Cheng Yin often shook her head and sighed: "We can't figure it out. You are an announcer at a certain radio station who has never broadcast a song. You are famous throughout the school for your sweet voice, but why can you sing so badly?"

Forget it, forget it... Sang Wuyan closed his mouth and shook his head.

There are many elderly people here, so she'd better not sing these nostalgic golden songs, lest she be accused of tarnishing the glorious image of the great motherland.

Sang Wuyan thought for a moment, preparing to sing a song that would appeal to both the elite and the masses.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered a song she admired very much, "The Sky is Slightly Blue at Dawn", which was quite famous and also very appropriate for the current situation. So, she brewed the lyrics in her mind and sang again -

The gentle morning breeze blows

Send her hair fragrance

Let me catch it in the morning breeze

Her taste

Before dawn

While she still doesn't know this secret

I am under the blue sky

Because she likes this song, she has sung it at home countless times and still remembers some of the lyrics.

Sang Wuyan indulged himself with satisfaction.

This time, there were obviously fewer people mixing garlic under their feet than last time, which is an improvement.

However, the man who was ten meters away from her turned his head because of Sang Wuyan's singing, and his originally relaxed expression suddenly became strange.

He turned his head and slowly opened his eyes. When those eyes gradually appeared, Sang Wuyan forgot to breathe for a moment.

He has very beautiful eyes.

Her eyes were as dark as lacquer under her thick eyelashes.

Later, Wu Yan once asked him: "Do you know what I thought of when I first saw your eyes?"

He was puzzled.

She smiled and said, "Like black glass beads dipped in water."

In fact, the man’s expression at this time was not so much strange as extremely unhappy.

Sang Wuyan wondered, why was he unhappy when she sang Xu Guangang's song? Was he a crazy fan of Xu Guangang? At this moment, Sang Wuyan's little head couldn't help but think of many hot news about fans' fanatical pursuit of stars.

So, before the man's skinning gaze fell on her, Sang Wuyan stopped talking in time, picked up her bag and left quickly.

Sang Wuyan went back to the school dormitory at noon to get her things, and happened to meet Li Lulu, who was on the upper bunk, coming back from the bathhouse with a washbasin.

"I was wondering who it was, it turned out to be Miss Sang." Li Lulu said, "Why? Are you back for inspection?"

Li Lulu especially likes to tease Sang Wuyan.

"I'll be back to get some clothes."

"By the way, Wei Hao always calls you in the middle of the night. It's so annoying. Can you give us some peace of mind?"

"Oh." Sang Wuyan answered while concentrating on organizing his drawers.

"You are talking about yourself..." Li Lulu paused and waved her hand again, "I won't say anymore."

"It's useless to say anything." Sang Wuyan replied.

"Yes. I don't know how Wei Hao met someone like you. He is really unlucky."

Sang Wuyan chuckled.

"Have dinner with the others on Saturday night. Don't just sit in your doghouse all day. Come and play with the others."

“I don’t want to go.” Sang Wuyan hung his head.

"You must have forgotten that it was my birthday. If you don't go, I'll beat you to death."

Li Lulu uttered some harsh words, which was very effective on Sang Wuyan.

As a result, when they were eating hot pot that day, they saw Wei Hao was there too. Sang Wuyan frowned and looked at Li Lulu.

"We're just fellow villagers, no other meaning." Li Lulu said without raising her head.

There were eight people eating, four women and four men.

As soon as Sang Wuyan entered the door, he thought: Oh, it’s just right for two mahjong tables.

They were all fellow villagers from City B, and Sang Wuyan knew them all.

Wei Hao sat next to Sang Wuyan, with Li Lulu between them. Sang Wuyan didn't look at him much, he was quite normal, and the whole process was peaceful.

But halfway through the meal, the dishes were not enough, so Li Lulu asked the waiter to bring the menu and casually asked Wei Hao: "Handsome boy, do you think you need anything else?"

Wei Hao said without thinking: "Add more beef, Wu Yan likes it."

Sang Wuyan paused with his chopsticks.

When the dishes were served, Li Lulu put all the beef into the pot in one go. However, Sang Wuyan never took a single bite of the beef from beginning to end.

After eating, the group went to sing again.

Li Lulu and a group of people were going crazy. One girl even took off her shoes and jumped around on the sofa while singing with a microphone. Sang Wuyan and Wei Hao sat at the left and right ends of the sofa respectively.

Fellow villager A said: "Sang Wuyan, sing a song."

Fellow villager B said, "No, no, no. Wait for me to plug my ears first."

Sang Wuyan got angry, jumped up and said, "Go to hell!"

Li Lulu smiled and said, "Wei Hao, we have ordered your repertoire for you. Let's continue." Then she handed the microphone to Wei Hao.

He took the microphone lazily, and then the accompaniment came on. It was the song "The Sky is Blue at Dawn" that Sang Wuyan had sung during the day.

Looking at him holding the microphone with a leisurely expression, Sang Wuyan recalled what happened in the past.