My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression

Chapter 1



The most authoritative orthopedic hospital in the country.

A well-equipped, high-end and spacious ward is full of people at the moment, and it seems a little crowded.

There is only one bed in the ward.

There was a circle of people standing around, and the outer layer was another circle, and the grief and sorrow spread in it, mixed with choking and sobbing that could not be concealed...

Li Qingzhou lay weakly on the hospital bed, showing what a patient should look like when he was in a critical condition - pale, thin, and breathless.

while dying.

He gestured to the doctor to take off the oxygen mask on his face, and his eyes that had long been blurred looked at his parents and brothers who were crying, and relatives and friends who were crying and sad...

In the end, Li Qingzhou laboriously raised a smile to them, just like the healing expression he always showed when he was tortured by illness.

'I'm fine, it doesn't hurt at all. '

'Don't worry about me and don't be sad. '

This time, it's the last goodbye.

- Don't grieve for my eternal departure, my dear and dear family and friends...

I have lived a good and happy life in my life.

Li Qingzhou slowly closed his eyes, and the electrocardiograph connected to his body suddenly made a harsh beeping sound.

The suppressed cries in the ward could no longer be contained.

After a long while, when a group of people in military uniforms knocked gently on the door and entered the house, the crying gradually stopped.

Seeing these people, except for Li Qingzhou's parents and brothers, all the others walked out silently and closed the door.

The leading middle-aged officer took off his hat and put it on his chest, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Li, Mrs. Li, please condolences..."

Li Qingzhou's mother sat in front of the hospital bed, her face still full of tears, silently wiping her scrawny fingers for her son.

Behind her stood Li Qingzhou's father, brother and brother.

Father Li said hoarsely, "My son... The last research materials on spinal cord repair injections are all under the bed, you can take them away."

He knew why these people came.

— Spinal cord repair injection is the research project that my son most wants to complete.

But unfortunately... The study was in the middle, but my son couldn't hold on and passed away...

"Please excuse me… "

The middle-aged officer didn't know how to speak.

Spinal cord repair injection is one of the most important research projects of Qingzhou Intelligent Technology Biological Laboratory. Li Qingzhou proposed the research theory and is in charge.

If the project of spinal cord repair injection is successful, the country's medical technology will once again leap over a major stage and lead the world.

The power of the country is inevitable.

But there is an unseen crisis hidden in it.

In order to avoid some people taking advantage of the chaos to steal information.

Middle-aged officers can only bring people to the hospital for the first time and take away a few pages of the key results of Mr. Li Qingzhou's latest research.

At times like these, they apologize to Mr. Li's family.

Father Li said, "We understand."

Li Qingzhou's brother dragged out a large locked box from under the hospital bed, put it on the table, and opened it: "The information is all in it."

Brother Li raised his hand, wiped his wet and red eyes, and said, "I hope that after the state takes over the biological laboratory of Qingzhou, it will not disappoint his efforts."

"His greatest wish is to cure physical diseases, to be able to stand up, walk, run and jump like a normal person..."

Brother Li finally couldn't hold back, his voice choked up.

The middle-aged officer solemnly assured the Li family that they could rest assured.

Afterwards, he and the soldiers beside him saluted Li Qingzhou again.

Li Qingzhou's younger brother choked at this moment: "The information and materials are on the top of the box, and the bottom and bottom are the treasures of the second brother. I haven't read it yet..."

"I'm going to burn his Wuwu later."


The middle-aged officer was a little puzzled when he heard the words, and when he walked over to get the information, he glanced at it and was stunned: "This is..."

Brother Li said in a low voice: "The latest comics, novels, and storage VDs."

"There are animations, TV series and comic dialogues that Qingzhou likes in the VD. This is one of his few hobbies."

Li Xiaodi's cry became louder: "Second, the second brother said that life will not be boring with these things. I will burn it to him every year from now on..."

Three days later, Li Qingzhou's funeral was held, and the whole country mourned.

There is a news broadcast on the tallest and largest building in the city center.

- "On xx, xx, 2052, Mr. Li Qingzhou, a well-known scientist and entrepreneur in my country, was critically ill again. After medical treatment was invalid, he passed away at the age of 33..."

"Mr. Li Qingzhou's life is short, but splendid."

"He pioneered the holographic era, manufactured artificial intelligence robots, magnetic levitation vehicles... and in the last few years founded the Qingzhou Intelligent Technology Biological Laboratory, developed artificial organs and exoskeleton supports, and completed two major achievements. Development makes outstanding contributions and influences…”

"I sincerely wish Mr. Li Qingzhou a good journey all the way."


Hua Guo, 2010.

Today, there was a car accident on the Ninety-fifth Avenue in the suburbs of Yanjing. Two high-end cars were on the right side of the road, and their bodies were damaged to varying degrees.

The cause was a van suddenly lost control and crashed into a black Maybach that was driving normally on the road.

While the Maybach was dodging, a silver car that happened to pass was caught up in it...

After that, the silver car blocked the Maybach, the front of the car hit the roadside guardrail, smoked and scrapped.

One side door of the black Maybach was smashed.

Just when the truck backed up and wanted to hit again, a sharp siren sounded in the distance, followed by the sound of the ambulance, mixed together.

The truck driver fled quickly.

Inside the silver car, Li Qingzhou was half lying on the back seat, his closed eyelids trembling.

His head was bruised, blood flowed through the corners of his eyes, cheeks... His nose was filled with a bloody smell, his consciousness was dizzy, and he could vaguely hear the driver's door opening and getting out of the car for help.

At this moment, a mechanical electronic sound rang in his ears—

[Host, the plot has been transmitted, and the first intellectual brain you need is also engraved in the system, you can check it yourself later... ]

[Lucky system 033 is about to leave, and finally I wish you a happy life in this world and complete the task perfectly.]

Inside the car, an invisible blue ball of light gently touched Li Qingzhou's cheek, as if saying goodbye.

Li Qingzhou responded in his heart, goodbye.

-Where do people go when they die

Li Qingzhou didn't know.

Because after his death, he was bound by a small blue light ball called Lucky System 033 and taken to another world.

A world made of "books".

According to the explanation of Lucky System 033 - he created a new era, and was selected because he died with regret, he will wear into the book and have a new life.

Li Qingzhou: Is there such a good thing? !

He didn't believe it, how could a pie be dropped from the sky for no reason.

Sure enough, the little blue ball of light replied helplessly: [According to the inviolability of the rules of the universe—'book' is the world, and a very popular book will automatically form a complete world.]

[But such a world has its drawbacks.]

"What's wrong?"

[The world of the book was very unstable when it was first formed, and it needed the foundation of the world to maintain, and the foundation of the world was the most popular character in the book.]

Li Qingzhou: "Male or female?"

[Not necessarily male and female protagonists.]

[If the popularity of the supporting role exceeds that of the male and female protagonists, then the cornerstone of the stability of the world is this highly popular character.]

[For example, in the world the host is about to enter, the most popular supporting role is Liu Bohuai, the third uncle of the male protagonist Liu Xiahui.]

[If the foundation of the world goes to the end according to the strong wishes of the readers, the world will become more and more stable, and eventually it will become one of thousands of worlds.]

[On the contrary, the world will collapse with the foundation of the world.]

Li Qingzhou quietly listened to the rambled explanation of the blue light ball.

[Not all book worlds can be successfully born.]

[033 uses this world as an example for the host - the most popular character is the male protagonist's third uncle Liu Bohuai, and Liu Bohuai's ending in the book is to die alone and never marry.]

[But readers strongly hope that Liu Bohuai can find a lover and be happy.]

[The conflict between the ending and the will will cause the instability of the world. Over time, the world will collapse and disappear.]

[So, the system follows the conventions of the universe to find people who change the ending of popular characters and follow the reader's wishes. After the task is completed, the world no longer needs to be maintained.]

[The host is very compatible with the villain Li Qingzhou in the book. Lucky System 033 captured the host's regrets, so it was bound to the host.]

Li Qingzhou's regret is that he did not complete the research on spinal cord repair injection before he died, and has a healthy body.

He has been in very bad health since birth.

- Legs are naturally weak, can't stand up and walk, can only rely on a wheelchair for a long time, and keep getting sick.

As he got older, Li Qingzhou developed a malignant spinal cord tumor.

Due to physical weakness, even if the most famous experts in the country and even the world are invited, the treatment effect is still not good.

Misfortunes do not come singly.

Later, Li Qingzhou suffered from bone cancer again.

Finally, at the age of 33, his life came to an end.

But there is a saying that is good - when God closes a door, he must open another window for you.

Li Qingzhou has a brain with extraordinary intelligence and extraordinary IQ. He is happy, harmonious, and caring for his family.

He himself has won a lot of praise in the face of adversity.

However, Li Qingzhou's biggest wish is to stand up and run and jump like a normal person.

So, after Li Qingzhou learned about the villain with the same name and surname through system 033, he burst into tears for a second and cried bitterly: "Don't do it, give up!"

Why is this villain also sitting in a wheelchair with his legs crippled, he has PTSD!

The little blue ball of light swayed up and down anxiously: [Host, as long as you complete the task, your legs will be fine.]

- The task is to find a lover for the male protagonist's uncle Liu Bohuai, so as to prevent him from dying alone.

It shouldn't be difficult for a matchmaker to introduce objects.

Li Qingzhou took it.

But he has demands.

- He needs the first intellectual brain developed and produced by himself, and the data stored in the intellectual brain must be complete.

033 breathed a sigh of relief: [No problem, host, 033 can reproduce your first intellectual brain in the system, including all the information in it.]

[033 After sending the host to this world, he will leave, and he will connect after the host completes the task.]

[Love reminder - the task is not completed in the early stage, it is best not to collapse the character design.]

And so there was the farewell inside the silver car.

A small blue ball of light that no one saw came out of the car and floated into the air. It stopped suddenly, and turned around in a circle as if it had found something.

[Ah, yes, 033 has a golden finger here, let’s give it to the host too.]

A thumb-sized golden star was separated from the small blue ball of light, and the star slowly drifted towards the silver car...

033 turned around and left.

But just as the small blue ball of light disappeared in mid-air, the black Maybach's door slammed open, and a man walked down from it.

The golden star paused, turned around as if attracted, and finally disappeared into the man's body.

where men can't hear—

"The realization of golden finger's psychological activities (seeing what a specific person is thinking within ten meters, and hearing what a specific person is thinking within three meters) is bound to the host... Binding error, error... "

"Request to modify... Request failed, re-request... ... failed, cannot be changed."

Liu Bohuai frowned and pressed his eyebrows.

His assistant Zou Ming said, "Third Master, your arm is injured. Go to the hospital to bandage it."

Liu Bohuai's left arm was hit.


Liu Bohuai glanced at the people who were lifted out of the silver car, and then boarded the ambulance.

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