My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression

Chapter 102


Liu Xiahui came home with a pear, but met Liu Jizhen and Pei Jing at the door.

He couldn't help but stop, frowning.

"What are you doing here?"

Pei Jing stepped forward and said, "Come and see you, Xia Hui."

There was love in her eyes, as if there was something in Liu Xiahui that deserved her heartache.

Seeing that Liu Xiahui didn't speak, Pei Jing continued, "Xia Hui, did you know that your third uncle has a lover?"

Liu Jizhen's expression is also known.

Liu Xiahui's brows tightened: "How do you know?"

Where did they know about Li Qingzhou and the third uncle together? !

Liu Jizhen said: "We also learned about it by accident."

"Xia Hui, your third uncle took that woman to Xia's house, which shows that he is serious."

"If you get married later and have children, you won't be the same as before."

"People are close and distant. Sister Pei is concerned about your emotions, so I came to see it."

Liu Xiahui's face was strange, a woman? !

He immediately kept calm - no matter where Liu Jizhen and Pei Jing learned about the third uncle's lover, it was obvious that the news was wrong.

They actually regarded Li Qingzhou's existence as a woman.

Liu Xiahui couldn't help but feel a little funny, and the depression with the pears began to become refreshing.

So, he subconsciously softened his tone and said, "I don't need your concern, don't come again."

After he finished speaking, he opened the door and went in, without any intention of inviting Pei Jing and Liu Jizhen into the room for a while.

Pei Jing and Liu Jizhen didn't care either.

After Liu Xiahui left, Liu Jizhen walked back and said to Pei Jing, "Look, didn't his attitude toward you become softer and more gentle today?"

"It can be seen that people's feelings are shown through contrast."

"As long as you always insist on being more good to him and caring for him, one day, Xia Hui's heart will turn to you."

Pei Jing nodded.

The time has finally come for Casper and Lai's race on driverless cars.

On this day, the two sides set a venue for the match.

The playing field has been deliberately set up to be perfectly suitable for the driverless car to test its functions while driving.

The venue is spacious and the scope is large. There are several live broadcast machines alone, and there are also drone aerial broadcast equipment.

Some of them were brought by Mr. Rees from abroad, which shows that he was well prepared for this gamble.

In addition to the venue, there is also a special viewing platform.

Mr. Li and some shareholders of the company are also here. Of course, their faces are not very good-looking.

Li's company has been completely in charge of Li Qingzhou, and he has no choice.

The shareholders had no way to stop him from agreeing to Reese Casper's gambling request, after all, they knew that this was a decision made by President Li when he was forced to do so.

Otherwise, Lai's company's overseas market will continue to be suppressed. If things go on like this, there will be no small losses.

Therefore, their criticism and dissatisfaction are directed at Reese Casper.

Mr. Reese and Yu Jia came together. Besides Yu Xudong, Yu's mother and Pei Jing also came.

Pei Jing was better, but the expression on Yu's mother's face was arrogant.

She was sitting on a chair wearing a new style of sunglasses, and Pei Jing also prepared desserts and snacks for her. It didn't look like she was watching a game, but it looked like she was enjoying afternoon tea.

Yu's mother's attitude attracted the attention of the shareholders of the Lai Company, followed by whispers of dissatisfaction and disdain.

Li Qingzhou shook hands with Mr. Rees with a cold face, and said, "I didn't expect that Mr. Rees invited reporters."

"Why, are you afraid that I will be furious after losing the game?"

Mr. Rees smiled and said nothing.

Yu Xudong said on the side: "How come, Mr. Li thinks too much, but I just invited reporters to witness the fairness of this game."

Li Qingzhou was noncommittal, but the corners of his mouth were smoothed, and then he sat down.

The live broadcast has already started at this time, and the scene in the stands is not far away from the camera.

Although I couldn't hear what the President of Lai's Company and President Casper were saying, they could see clearly from their expressions.

Obviously, which side is more confident, let the netizens know through the picture transmission.

[No way, is Mr. Li really better than Casper? !]

[Alas, I’m still looking forward to China’s driverless technology catching up with foreign countries, but as a result… Lai’s company has already developed intelligent AI cars, it’s only a matter of time before driverless cars appear, if not for Casper’s sudden insertion foot…]

[Anyway, I support President Li.]

Regardless of online rhetoric, the driverless car comparison begins.

Both cars were parked at the start of the playing field.

There is also a dummy with the same proportion as the real person sitting on the driver's seat. Through the pre-set program, the two cars start at the same time—

The engine hummed and the car sped out.

But in the blink of an eye, he had already driven a long distance.

The live broadcast also has two in-car driving perspectives.

It can let people in the stands and netizens clearly see the driverless situation in the car.

At the beginning, the Casper car took the lead, with impeccable appearance and performance, flexible change of speed on the track, slow or fast, cornering and avoidance, etc.

The steering wheel in the car has been under the control of artificial intelligence, and no human operation is required at all.

There's even a spinning dazzle when the car makes a quick turn.

Comparatively speaking, from the start to the present, the performance of Li's car is quite satisfactory, and the speed is not too slow.

The lap had passed, and the smile on Reese Casper's face deepened.

Even Yu Xudong couldn't restrain his expression of victory.

Yu's mother was even more exaggerated, raising her glass to the camera that was swept over, as if she was celebrating now.

Netizens were even more nervous.

[Fuck, I really want to lose, I don't watch it.]

[What happened to Yujia? ! What is that old lady doing, she is not from China, the driverless car in China is going to lose, and she is still posing pretentiously there. Damn, the old lady who looks at her wants to hit her, forget it, the old lady doesn't. It's been a good few years, and for the sake of her going into the coffin, my mother doesn't care about her, bear it!]

[The Yu family is really fascinated by foreigners. If you have money, you are your father, haha.]

[Second lap, I don't either... Take a look! Check it out! Is Li's car overtaking? !]

Just at the beginning of the second lap, the field of competition suddenly changed again.

- Lai's driverless car accelerated and overtook a Casper car in a corner, and the ordinary car actually gave the stance of a racing car.

Especially during the slow-motion playback later, netizens suddenly found that the tires of Lai's car seemed to be somewhat different.

The smile on Mr. Rees' face disappeared, and he frowned as he watched the playback on the monitor in front of him.

Under the slow-motion playback, the body of Li's car seemed to vibrate once.

If you don't look closely, you won't find it at all.

After the body vibrates, the steering of the four tires suddenly becomes more flexible, and finally, it is manifested in the corners - the body seems to be translated, and the operation is more stable.

Some people have guessed what it is, and some people are still confused.

Li Qingzhou gave the answer directly. He said, "The tires of Li's driverless car use a universal wheel control algorithm."

"The design and control of swivel tires are more complicated, but when used in cars, it is much more convenient to drive, such as cornering, U-turn, and parking."

Li Qingzhou's voice was transmitted along the microphone to the ears of Mr. Rees, Yu Xudong and others, and was also heard by netizens.

Before they could react, there were new changes on the track.

—I saw Li's car rushing straight towards the obstacles set up on the field after overtaking, as if the driver had malfunctioned.

But just as it was about to hit the wall built on the field, Li's car suddenly turned around in place, quickly avoided obstacles, and was extremely stable.

It's as easy as just turning a corner.

But this is a U-turn in place, without reversing, without slowing down.

The Lai car became the opposite of the Casper car.

At this moment, the entrance of the arena suddenly drove nearly ten cars one after another.

The cars are ordinary, with drivers in the seats.

They were not driving fast, but in different directions, instantly turning the racetrack, which was originally only two cars into chaos.

Mr. Rees was leaning back in his chair and straightened up.

Yu Xudong frowned.

Li Qingzhou chuckled at this moment: "Sorry, Mr. Reese, I didn't explain it to you in advance."

"But I think self-driving cars shouldn't be just the two of us, the car is going to be on the road."

"Except for obstacles and the like on the road, it is impossible for only one vehicle to travel."

"We always have to face emergencies, and then it depends on the technology, performance, performance of unmanned driving... You are right."

The reporters snapped.

Mr. Rees reluctantly raised the corners of his mouth and responded, "Yes, that's right... Mr. Li is still thoughtful."

These unannounced ordinary cars drive as far as possible around, in front of, and behind the two driverless cars.

Slow down from time to time or honk your horn behind you, or drive side by side and then turn signal to overtake to the front...

The conditions that may have occurred on the road are almost 100% restored.

Li's car is like a swimming fish in the sea, it can also flexibly shuttle back and forth in it, running smoothly and smoothly, perfectly handling all situations.

But the Casper car is getting a little underwhelming in comparison.

Just like a high-speed processor and an ordinary processor, the ordinary processor looks very good and fast, but when compared with the high-speed processor, there is no doubt that there is a slight lag...

Such an obvious contrast made Mr. Li and the shareholders of the Li family gradually relaxed and smiled slowly.

Yu Xudong clenched his fingers, his brows never loosened.

The funniest thing is my mother.

She was finally willing to take off her sunglasses and stared into the arena with wide eyes. The sunglasses were tightly squeezed in her hands, almost breaking the temples.

On the final lap, Lai's car turned again and drove alongside Casper's driverless car.

At this time, the two driverless cars have ordinary cars on the front, rear, left and right.

Under the squeeze of ordinary cars, the two driverless cars were forced to slowly drive into the road with obstacles. The ordinary cars on the left and right and behind slowed down, but kept a certain distance.

The ordinary car in front quickly changed lanes and stalled, acting as an obstacle.

It was too late for the two self-driving cars to change lanes and leave.

In front of Caston's car was the obstacle that was about to hit. On the left was an ordinary car, and on the right was the Li's car that was following closely. The back was also blocked.

The unmanned driver slowed down, turned left and right, wanted to change lanes and left, but was always blocked.

The same is true for Lai's cars.

But under the same circumstances, Li's car suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the obstacle just like before. After pulling a long enough distance from the car behind, it turned around in place and walked opposite, flexibly dodging the ordinary driving from the opposite side. car, the perfect solution to the problem.

The driver of the ordinary car seemed to be taken aback.

But Casper looked like he was being bullied and didn't know what to do.

In the end, I could only aggrievedly stop in front of the obstacle, and just like that, a layer of skin was scraped off the front of the car, and the dummy fell heavily on the steering wheel.

Li Qingzhou said: "When dealing with unexpected situations, the configuration of this driverless car and universal wheels can perfectly avoid any danger and reduce the chance of accidents..."

He said a lot, and when the camera was always on him, he turned to say: "Of course, Lai's unmanned driving technology is mature and perfect, but Casper's unmanned driving is also good."

"At the very least...knowing to stop when you're about to hit an obstacle, keeping the driver safe."

"Are you right, Mr. Reese."

"...Yes." Mr. Rees said stiffly.