My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression

Chapter 20


If we say that the research and development of new energy vehicles is the first step in the field of new automotive technology.

Then, the intelligent technology and driverless technology to be researched in the future will be the projects to be broken through in the second, third, and even the fourth stage.

But today, an article published on the International Academic Papers website has caught the attention of many - including Professor Colwyn Stanley.

The professor has won many scientific and technological awards abroad, and served as an honorary tutor of famous foreign universities.

Later, he concentrated on the research of intelligent AI technology.

At the invitation of Mr. He and the sincere employment of Liu Bohuai, Professor Stanley came to Huaguo to become the technology consultant of Liu's Group.

There are many professors and scholars who study intelligent AI.

However, there are many experts and professors who specialize in automotive intelligent AI technology...

- At least in China, these professors have heard each other's names, or know each other... After all, there is only one circle.

Professor Li Yongkuan from B University has had several encounters with Professor Stanley.

In the end, the two sides left contact information to facilitate discussion on some issues.

After Li Qingzhou's paper was published.

Professor Li sent the news to Professor Stanley, hoping that he could find out... That's why Professor Stanley recommended it later.

In the beginning, the practical theory of automotive intelligent AI technology was only widely discussed in the academic circle.

Even if Professor Stanley shared this article on Weibo, it only attracted very few comments, and the technical terms between the words were incomprehensible.

It is estimated that even if someone inadvertently searches for it, it will be quickly removed.

And the reason why this paper will occupy the top ranking of the hot search later is all because of a Weibo big V's sharp complaints and questioning forward comments.

If it's just that, it just makes this matter a little hotter.

But this Weibo big V probably wants to use this matter to gain attention, or simply question the feasibility of this future technology.

Therefore, in the subsequent live broadcast, I also specifically discussed and commented on this matter.

This person's Weibo name is Eating Melon Science Fan.

Weibo certification is a doctoral student of a famous university, and his personal profile is that he is interested in exploring all the respectable sciences in the world.

His past Weibo posts were all related to scientific research, covering a wide range. Every time he reposted or commented, he would say his own views.

Because the terminology used is quite professional, the content of comments or opinions has few obvious loopholes, and even makes sense, it has accumulated some fans.

Later, eating melon science fans started live teaching.

Although I didn't show up.

But the low magnetic voice and the slender fingers did make the fans a little excited.

And his own knowledge reserve, real materials and explanations, etc. have gradually gained countless fans in the daily live broadcast.

By now, the number of Weibo followers has approached the 5 million mark.

In this field that few ordinary people are involved in, it is very good.

The science fan of eating melon did not give a lecture first when he routinely started live teaching, but commented on the paper he forwarded just now, and said his own opinion-

"First of all, I want to explain that Mr. Colvin Stanley is a professor I respect very much. You can go to Weibo and search for the life of this professor. It's amazing."

"But Professor Stanley's previous major research area and award-winning field is not automotive intelligent AI."

"He turned to research on the application of AI in automobiles at a later stage, and currently lives in China, in Yanjing."

"I personally like cars with a high-tech feel, and I also follow Professor Stanley's Weibo."

"Didn't I share a car explanation video with touch screen operation before? It was the latest XS5 series I bought from a friend abroad, and it cost a lot of money."

After speaking, the science fan of eating melon snorted painfully and said, "There is no way, but who made this type of car not introduced in China, and if you want to buy it, you can only go abroad."

In the live broadcast room, the barrage floated all at once—

[666, the boss is rich, worship!]

[The big guy has money and looks! I wait for mortals to catch up, tears.]

[I've seen that video, and it's really high-tech. It's much more powerful than the models I've seen in China... Although I don't want to admit it, according to the current domestic technology, it really can't reach such a level...]

[So, our country now mainly relies on imported auto parts to produce cars, or the whole car is directly transported by air... But the price is really unaffordable.]

[Tsk, supplies for the rich.]

[If China can produce such high-tech cars independently, the price will not be low. We still cannot afford it.]

[But at least the technology belongs to my country, which can make other countries envious and take the initiative to do business with my country... ]

[Of course, researchers still need to work hard at this stage.]

[Mentioning this, I suddenly remembered the article that Gua Da just forwarded! Is it true what it says? !]

[After all, it was recommended by Professor Stanley, and it was also published on the Internet of International Academic Papers... It should be authentic and reliable.]

[Isn’t Guada really going to talk about this, I want to find out too!]

Seeing this, the science fan of eating melon said: "Actually, emotionally, I want to believe, but my reason tells me that this is really possible?!"

"Currently, the technology of automotive AI is obviously far ahead of the country M."

"But the current research in M country is only to achieve the achievement of full touch screen in the car, access to simple voice control, etc..."

"What's more, the research and development of new energy vehicles is still in preparation. How can it directly jump to the stages of remote starting the car, AI scanning, and intelligent voice control?"

"Some people may say that you can't study it yourself, but that doesn't mean that others can't study it."

"It is definitely a good thing that our country can have this technology. It can catch up with other countries in an instant. Why should we question it?"

"I admit, it's a really good thing, but only if you really have it."

"I downloaded this article to show you the signature on the back, isn't it unfamiliar? Do you know it? Are you a big guy in the field of automotive AI?"

"No, no one has heard of this name before."

"Of course, I mean in the field of scientific research, this person has never won an award, even the most basic project award."

"But I went out of my way to check the identity of this person."

"First of all, I am not human flesh, because the following information can be found on the Internet."

"I won't go into details. I can only tell you that this Mr. Li graduated from Yanjing University by skipping a grade. He must be very smart. He also majored in computer science in college and has specialized in automotive AI technology."

"But he did not choose to continue his studies, but went home to inherit the family business. Now he is the president of the company..."

"In short, I don't understand how he developed the leap theory under this experience."

"Unless his brain is very unusual, really smart enough to be a genius like Einstein, Hawking, but... you know."

The melon-eating science fan shrugged his shoulders, clearly showing his stance on this.

[So disappointed, is this technology really not possible yet?]

[But this is a paper published on the international Internet, is it possible that it can still be faked? !]

[And this article was not only recommended by Professor Stanley, but the name of the recommender at the back was a professor from University B… ]

Eat melon science fan: "I'm not saying this paper is fake."

"But the AI technology proposed in it is too advanced, and it is impossible to realize at present."

"Maybe in the next five, ten years ... we will have the strength to develop these technologies, but not immediately, immediately."

"It's like a horse."

"What you need most at the moment is a saddle, pedals, and reins. You have to give it a pair of heavy wings that can't fly."

"Although the appearance may be more polished and beautiful, the fake is fake, and the horse can't take off yet."

"Why would Professor B and Professor Stanley recommend..."

"I can give you a vague answer to this question. There is nothing wrong with this paper itself. It is just a theoretical exposition. It is not difficult to publish it on the international academic network."

"But the bad thing is that Mr. Li seems to be too greedy."

"His insistence on adding the phrase 'theory can be implemented at this stage' in the paper creates a misunderstanding that we think such a technology can be implemented..."

"In short, scientific research needs the help of capital, and recommending such a fairly well-written paper is not the fault of mistaking the children..."

"So, why not do it."

"Anyway, if it were me, I would do the same, no harm."

"As for the purpose of Mr. Li writing this paper, I don't know, that's not something I have to consider."

At this time, most of the netizens in the live broadcast room were persuaded by fans of eating melon science.

—The theory of this paper is well written, but being able to develop it now is nothing short of rhetoric.

In conclusion, unbelievable.

However, just when netizens gradually dispersed and stopped paying attention.

Next, professors from Yan University and University B, as well as the official website of Yan University, forwarded the paper one after another, and Aite's Weibo account was obviously just registered.

Weibo name - Li Qingzhou, Weibo certification is the president of Qingzhou Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

[what happened? ! Some people have published articles on the International Academic Papers website before, but none of the professors and the official website have come out to claim it. Why this time...]

[Yes, this person's Weibo certification is the president of the company, not a professor, a scholar, etc... It's a bit confusing.]

[No, no, no... I have an idea, I don't know if you realize it. Panda Shocked.jpg.]

Someone realized it, but couldn't believe it.

So I went directly to Professor Aiteyan under the official website - [May I ask you to forward this paper, does it mean that the research described in the paper is really possible?]

The netizen did not expect that Professor Yan would reply to the comment immediately.

—[It’s not possible, it’s a certainty, and related smart cars will be developed soon to realize the leap-forward development of automotive AI.]

! ! !

Some netizens immediately said under this comment: [But the science fan of eating melon said it is impossible @eat melon science fan, come and have a look! I'm a little shaken...]

Many people are Aite's fans of eating melon science, and some people send him private messages to inform him.

After a while, I appeared directly in the comment area under Yanda's official website - [I am still skeptical, but if it is true... ]

[This Mr. Li, I kneel down and apologize in person, waiting for the car to be developed to support ten cars unconditionally!]

[In any case, I hope that the technology of the motherland can become stronger.]

I don't know how long it has been, I replied to a comment below from a science fan of eating melons.

-[Li Qingzhou: As you wish.]