My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression

Chapter 44


Yu Zhe wiped his face and told Li Qingzhou about the past - the grudge between him and Du Chenwei.

"Du, Du Chenwei didn't use this name before."

"He used to be called Du Li, and he was also a student of H University. He was a year older than me, and he was my senior at the time..."

At the time, the relationship between the two was pretty good.

Du Chenwei looks handsome and gentle on the surface, is highly knowledgeable, and speaks well.

Therefore, the popularity in the school is very good.

Yu Zhe also admired this senior.

After that, Du Chenwei met his sister, Yu Li, through his introduction.

Yu Zhe is very regretful now.

—Why did he introduce Yu Li to Du Chenwei at that time? If he didn’t introduce him, his sister would not be able to…

Yu Zhe said bitterly: "Du Li and Du Chenwei were my few friends in the university back then, and they spent a long time with me."

"So, one time my sister came to see me at school, and Du Chenwei happened to be there, so I introduced them to..."

"After that, under Du Chenwei's pursuit, my sister slowly began to develop a relationship with him."

"At first—everything went well, my sister seemed happy, so not long after that, she moved out and lived with Du Chenwei."

But it was also the beginning of the nightmare.

Yu Zhe was in his junior year at that time.

He is busy participating in robot competitions, going out for internships, etc. every day, so busy that he has no time to pay more attention to Yuli's situation.

Because of this, he missed the hope of saving his sister...

- At the beginning of another game, Yu Zhe followed his teammates to other provinces to participate.

But when he came back, he got the news that Yu Li and Du Chenwei broke up.

Yu Li looked haggard and unhappy.

Not only did she lose weight in a big circle, but she was also in a very bad spirit. She often suffered from insomnia and was so severe that she couldn't eat.

Yu Zhe initially thought it was because his sister was too sad after breaking up, so he talked to her at home and comforted her for several days.

He also found Du Chenwei secretly and asked him why he broke up with Yu Li.

At that time, Du Chenwei was full of apologies and sincerely said that he and Yu Li were not suitable, and that they would not be happy after being reluctantly together.

Long pain is worse than short pain.

It's better to break up now, let Yu Li be sad for a while, but she will recover soon.

Yu Zhe also knew that emotional matters could not be forced.

What's more, Du Chenwei's attitude of apologizing was too good, and Yu Zhe couldn't get angry, so he could only distance himself from this friend first.

"After that, my sister's condition got worse and worse."

"She couldn't sleep all night, just to send Du Chenwei a message to save her, she lost her job and stayed at home every day..."

"I, I look at her like that. I think she is very unsatisfactory. Isn't she just a man? Can't you find another after breaking up?"

"So, I scolded her—suddenly..." Yu Zhe said with trembling lips.

Because of the memory, some choked up.

Lu Meishan sat next to him and handed him a tissue.

Yu Zhe took it and said thank you in a low voice.

Li Qingzhou didn't speak, and listened silently. He seemed to guess that Yu Zhe's sister should be...

"On that afternoon, my sister cut her wrists and committed suicide." Yu Zhe covered his face and cried in pain.

"It's all because of me. I was the one who broke her spirit in the end... I knew she was struggling, but I didn't try to pull her up... "

Yu Li fell into the abyss.

Lu Meishan comforted: "Azhe, it's not your fault, it's Du Li who is crazy."

Dong Lin also persuaded him.

Yu Zhe eased his emotions and continued to speak despite his grief. Li Qingzhou heard the reason behind.

Yu Li cut her wrists in the bathroom to commit suicide, but was not rescued.

That night, their parents and family members all came to Yanjing from other places.

And when Yu Zhe was sorting out Yu Li's belongings, she stumbled across a notebook she hid under the bed—it was very thick, with densely written words on it.

The notebook records the moments when Yu Li and Du Chenwei get along.

Since they met and fell in love.

The initial text was undoubtedly sweet, but as Yu Zhe kept turning the pages, the text behind gradually became darker...

'I did something wrong again today. Although Ali scolded me, he comforted me gently afterwards. He said that I was so stupid and stupid. He will love me - forever, I am so happy. '

'I was wrong again... Ali asked me to reflect on my own at home, he confiscated my mobile phone and wallet, did not allow me to go out, and did not allow me to have dinner. '

'I'm so uncomfortable, I was wrong, really wrong, Ali, come back soon. '

'I'm pregnant, but Ali scolded me for having a child on purpose, affecting his future... He doesn't want to get married yet, why does he want to do this, I want to break up. '

'Ali came back to coax me, he gave me a lot of promises, let me go for an abortion, and said that in the future - he would definitely marry me. '

There's a lot more to come.

Du Li asked her to kneel when she made a mistake, write a self-reflection review, and—kneeling—read it out.

He described her with insulting words, scolded her, and even hit her...

But Yu Zhe didn't even know about these things.

Yu Zhe said in a hoarse voice, "Du Li controlled my sister and made her depend on him. Without him, it wouldn't work."

"My sister was pregnant and aborted, neither my family nor I knew about it..."

"Finally, my sister wrote in her diary that Du Li didn't love her anymore. He fell in love with another woman. She was in so much pain that she wanted to die, but she couldn't bear her family..."

Yu Zhe's emotions suddenly became excited: "She was obviously brainwashed by Du Li!"

"She didn't realize at that time that Du Li was a bastard and a scumbag! She also thought that it was her own fault that Du Li broke up."

"How could she be... so stupid."

Yu Zhe cried again and covered his face.

He drank too much alcohol yesterday, and today he has a splitting headache and just feels that he can't control his emotions.

Lu Meishan and Dong Lin hurriedly comforted him and held his shoulders.

Yu Zhe had been holding back for too long, and today he could be considered to vent.

Li Qingzhou waited for him to calm down and said, "Du Li later..."

Yu Zhe took a deep breath and said, "Du Li didn't expect my sister to have the habit of writing a diary."

"After knowing what my sister went through, my family and I went to Du Li to ask for an explanation and teach him a lesson, so that he would not be able to continue studying in H University."

"In the end, Du Li dropped out of H University and lost his job at the time..."

But at that time, because of Yu Li's reputation, his family was afraid that things would get worse, and they would not be able to rest in peace even after death, and were discussed in secret.

So after Du Li lost his job and left Yanjing, he did not continue to follow the lessons.

Yu Zhe later learned that Du Li had left the country, but he did not know which country.

Yu Zhe said, "I didn't expect him to come back with a different name. He was still the head of the CW studio and participated in this competition..."

When we met on the field this time, he was holding back his anger, but Du Li talked about Yu Li in his ear when he pretended to hug...

Yu Zhe couldn't hold back, and impulsively beat the person.

Lu Meishan said, "Du Li has now changed his name to Du Chenwei. He is getting along with a niece of the chairman of the Cui Group."

"Du Li should have known about A Zhe's participation in the competition through the competition list, so he began to suppress us and deliberately revenge through the hands of the Cui Group."

"The situation at Qiwei Studio is not optimistic today."

"If it goes on like this, we may not even be able to participate in the robotics competition... but this is what we have always wanted to do."

"So, I want to ask Mr. Li for help, but if Mr. Li is inconvenient, we also..."

At this moment, Yu Zhe said in a deep voice, "Mr. Li, I don't know if it counts when you said you wanted to fund the Qite studio?"

"I don't need funding... I can sell you the oddity."

Lu Meishan and Dong Lin were surprised when they heard this.

Dong Lindao: "Brother Yu, the Qite studio is your hard work!"

Is it just sold

Li Qingzhou looked at Yu Zhe: "Mr. Yu, think about it carefully first, don't be impulsive, funding and selling the studio to me are completely two concepts."

For the former, the studio still belongs to Yu Zhe, who has the final say.

The latter, Li Qingzhou is in full charge, and Yu Zhe is just a part-time worker...

Yu Zhe said: "I have already thought clearly, I need your help, Mr. Li, and it is impossible to give nothing."

"The only thing I'm my studio."

"Sorry, Meishan and Xiaolin, I made such a decision without consulting you, but maybe it's better to follow Li than to follow me."

Dong Lin said, "Brother Yu, what did you say?"

"The strange studio is originally yours—personal, you can decide what you want, we have no opinion."

Lu Meishan also nodded in agreement.

Yu Zhe was moved.

Li Qingzhou said, "What do you want me to do?"

He's not doing charity after all.

If he wanted to help, he would have to buy Yu Zhe's studio, so - Time did not refuse.

As for Yu Zhe's request, he had some conjectures.

Yu Zhe: "With our strength alone, we can't resist the suppression of the Cui Group. I don't want to quit the robot competition just like this."

"I want to bring Du Chenwei into disrepute!"

Why can he go back to China and start all over again

Why can he start a new life after destroying a girl, continue to find the next girlfriend, and continue to research artificial intelligence robots? !

Du Chenwei is not worthy!

After the conversation, Li Qingzhou agreed to Yu Zhe's request.

- He bought Qite Studio and kept their efforts under the suppression of the Cui Group.

After that, all the honors Yu Zhe and others won by participating in the artificial intelligence robot exchange meeting will belong to Li Qingzhou and his company.

As for Yu Zhe's desire to completely defeat Du Chenwei in the competition, so that he would be ruined and unable to continue his research on artificial intelligence robots... Li Qingzhou will also provide help and support.

When necessary, he does not want to let go of the Cui Group.

After all, now Cui Gengjian should treat him as a thorn in his side.

Li Qingzhou and Yu Zhe and others talked about leaving very late.

Halfway through, Liu Bohuai sent him a message—saying if he wanted to—to pick up the child from school.

Li Qingzhou agreed.

So, when Li Qingzhou came out, he saw Liu Bohuai - in casual clothes waiting in front of the car.

He has broad shoulders and long legs, and has a good temperament. In addition, he has a handsome face, mature and attractive face, but just standing there attracts the attention of many people.

Seeing Li Qingzhou appear, Liu Bohuai walked here. The indifferent expression just now softened slightly, and even the corners of his mouth seemed to twitch slightly.

This time, there are more eyes to see.

Even Lu Meishan couldn't help but glance at it several times with admiration in her eyes.

Li Qingzhou noticed.

[Fortunately, I just asked Miss Lu for her phone number, and then I asked her out for dinner, and by the way, I asked about Miss Lu's preferences... ]

This is good-looking and suitable for the third master.

- The little man in the bubble with a grinning expression on his face, wearing a red jacket, turned around in a circle, and then made a heart-to-heart match on the top of his head.

Liu Bohuai's footsteps paused, and his face sank instantly.

The author has something to say: Zhouzhou: Lao Gong, please call me a little matchmaker~

Huaihuai: You should put a mole on your face...