My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression

Chapter 47


Du Chenwei's team temporarily ranked sixth in the semi-finals.

Although the ranking is not low, it is not high, at least it is not better than the team of Yu Zhe and others.

However, after the game, he was still smiling, as if unaffected at all.

Li Qingzhou couldn't help but feel a little weird in his heart.

Du Chenwei looked like he really didn't care that his ranking in the rematch was lower than Yu Zhe and others... But didn't he let go of harsh words before.

Why don't you mind the same now

something wrong.

Li Qingzhou frowned, and before leaving, he asked Yu Zhe and others to pay more attention to Du Chenwei, and beware of him secretly using tricks to win the game before the final.

In particular, Du Chenwei has the support and help of the Cui Group behind him.

Yu Zhe nodded: "Mr. Li, don't worry, I will live in the studio before the final, and so will Xiao Lin."

Dong Lin also assured: "Yes, Brother Yu and I have to make sure that the robot's performance and intelligent programs run normally..."

"These are checked every day, and there is absolutely no chance of disruption."

Moreover, the studio has food, drink and bed to sleep, so there is no need to worry about daily life.

Not to mention that they used to live in studios a lot, which was the norm.

After leaving the competition venue, Li Qingzhou received a call from Grandpa Zhuang.

- Due to the qualification of the approved biological laboratory, the project to study intelligent exoskeleton support and artificial organs was launched.

The list of experimental personnel assigned to participate in the above has been determined.

And because he is the original initiator, do you want to come and get to know him.

At present, the country is actually conducting related research on artificial organs, which are mainly divided into three types—mechanical artificial organs, semi-mechanical semi-biological artificial organs, and biological artificial organs.

The last is the most suitable research direction for the human body, but it is also the most difficult to study.

Biological artificial organs are similar in size and function to the original organs of the human body, and do not require constant external power like the former two.

Compared with biological artificial organs, the use cycle time is long and there are many advantages. More importantly, there is no rejection reaction when the patient is transplanted.

Now, not even the first mechanical artificial organ has yet been invented.

Because of the limitations of science and technology, scientists predict that in the next 50 years, human beings will be able to cultivate all the organs of the human body by bioengineering methods.

But this is all just conjecture.

However, not long ago, Li Qingzhou proposed to Grandpa Zhuang the possibility of artificial intelligence manufacturing artificial organs.

-Intelligent construction of cell culture, tissue structure, including artificial nerves, blood vessels, etc.

Using artificial intelligence to solve the problem of artificial organ material requirements and miniaturization.

The academic materials on artificial intelligence biological research that Li Qingzhou took out at that time were not general talk and utopian, but there were definite and possible results in it.

Therefore, Grandpa Zhuang immediately paid attention to it when he saw it.

The experimental staff assigned above are also mainly involved in the study of artificial organs.

Li Qingzhou really wants to get to know each other, after all, they will have a cooperative relationship in the future.

He mainly provides artificial intelligence results.

After saying goodbye to Liu Bohuai, Li Qingzhou and Fang Xiyan came to the address mentioned by Grandpa Zhuang - a biological laboratory research base specially approved by the state.

After the guards verified their identities and allowed entry, the figures of the two disappeared at the door.

Yanda dormitory.

Zhao Jingjing came back with packed meals.

And Xu Mengning sat up from the bed, her voice was slightly hoarse and thanked her: "It's hard work, but I'll trouble you to take care of me."

Zhao Jingjing said with a smile: "It's nothing, just sit down, let me come, you still have a low-grade fever."

She supported Xu Mengning's arm, sat down at the table with her friend, took out the food neatly, and said, "How do you feel?"

Xu Mengning has been working so hard recently, so tired that she has a low-grade fever.

Just now in the academy, she was in low spirits and almost fainted, but fortunately Zhao Jingjing noticed it and helped her temporarily rest in the dormitory.

Xu Mengning said: "It's already much better. The fever will subside in the afternoon... I still have research that I haven't finished yet."

She wanted to see it again at night.

Zhao Jingjing frowned and said, "Meng Ning, what you need now is a good rest. The experimental research can be put aside first, and then you won't run away."

"You are not allowed to go to the teaching building at night, you know?"

She asked Xu Mengning to guarantee.

Xu Mengning couldn't beat her friend, so she reluctantly agreed.

During the meal, Zhao Jingjing accidentally caught a glimpse of Xu Mengning's mobile phone page on the video of the artificial intelligence robot competition.

She couldn't help but blurt out: "Meng Ning, are you watching Senior Li's game?"

As soon as the words came out, Zhao Jingjing felt that she was going to suffer, and she smiled awkwardly: "Senior Li has not been to the medical school for a few days."

"If he knew you had a fever, he would have..."

Xu Mengning said: "Qingzhou has been too busy recently, it's better not to let him know... And this little burn will pass soon, and I have nothing to do."

She lowered her head and poked the rice in the bowl with her chopsticks, her expression a little disappointed.

Zhao Jingjing pursed her lips, she was the one who could feel Li Qingzhou's gradual estrangement from Xu Mengning the most.

Seeing her friend like this, she couldn't help but say, "Meng Ning, tell me the truth... Are you and Senior Li arguing because of Liu Xiahui?"

These days, Liu Xiahui was obviously chasing after his dreams.

Likewise, Senior Li rarely appeared.

Xu Mengning shook his head, bit his lip and said, "It's not because of Xia Hui, I don't have that kind of relationship with Qingzhou, it's just... I don't know why he... "

Why isn't he as close to her as he used to be.

The two seemed to be walking away.

Seeing this, Zhao Jingjing held her forehead and sighed: "Are you stupid, Senior Li is obviously going to quit, so that you and Liu Xiahui want to be fulfilled."

Senior Li is so infatuated and willing to give up for love.

Xu Mengning raised her head blankly: "What?"

Zhao Jingjing: "Senior Li has always liked you!"

"Before you saw him, not only did he often come to medical school to find you, but he also prepared everything for you in advance."

"The most important thing is that Senior Li's legs are for you..."

"Which man can rush to you without hesitation to save you, the only explanation is that Senior Li already fell in love with you at that time."

And when she was in college, she could see that Senior Li was special to Meng Ning.

Xu Mengning hesitated: "No, it's not like that."

"Qingzhou and I grew up together in an orphanage, and we never separated until we were in high school. Naturally, our relationship was unusual. Qingzhou said in the hospital at that time..."

If it was anyone else, he would save her, so let her not think too much.

What's more, after they were separated for many years, even if Qingzhou really had feelings for her before, it should gradually fade away.

Xu Mengning lowered her head. She secretly saw Qingzhou crying and screaming crazy and hysterical to those weak legs.

- He hated why these legs couldn't stand up again, and beat him hard, but he didn't respond at all.

And this is all her fault, the person who should be disabled is her, and the person who should not be able to walk is also her...

Xu Mengning couldn't imagine that Li Qingzhou liked her.

She would rather believe that Qingzhou has been hating her in a certain corner of her heart.

In this way, she doesn't have to carry too much guilt to move forward... and feel a little more comfortable in her heart.

Zhao Jingjing said: "Meng Ning, why do you think so."

"I have seen how good Senior Li has been to you before, not to mention that Senior Li gradually distanced himself from you after Liu Xiahui appeared."

"If you don't want to lose this friend."

"Or, who do you choose between Senior Li and Liu Xiahui... Anyway, Meng Ning, find time to talk to Senior Li."

"Well." After a long while, Xu Mengning nodded.

Zhao Jingjing patted her friend's shoulder and said, "Let's eat quickly, otherwise the dishes will be cold."

The two continued to eat.

After a while, Zhao Jingjing suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, it seems that our medical school is preparing some projects recently. The professors attach great importance to it, but it should have nothing to do with the students..."

"Meng Ning, have you decided where to intern?"

Zhao Jingjing's uncle opened a private hospital, and she would go to her uncle no matter if it was an internship or graduation.

Xu Mengning remembered Qu Yunfan's introduction, nodded and said, "I think about it."

"That's fine, I-"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Zhao Jingjing got up and went to open the door. The girl outside said, "Is Xu Mengning there? Someone is looking downstairs."

Xu Mengning stood up, looking puzzled.

The girl left after speaking.

Zhao Jingjing came back and said, "Could it be Liu Xiahui?"

She went to the window to take a look and turned back: "... It's really him."

"Meng Ning, do you want to go down? If you're still not feeling well, would you like me to tell you something?"

Xu Mengning thought for a while, then shook his head: "No, I'll go down."


The day before the artificial intelligence robot final, Li Qingzhou received a call from Xu Mengning.

She asked if she could also go to the scene to watch the game, if it was inconvenient, forget it.

He was careful in his words, afraid that he would not agree.

Li Qingzhou naturally said yes.

Anyone can go to the game, how could he stop Xu Mengning.

Li Qingzhou didn't understand why Xu Mengning asked so carefully...

After that, Xu Mengning had something to say.

—Meaning, after learning that she wanted to go to the game, Liu Xiahui, Qu Yunfan, and Qi Hao also went.

Oh, so it is.

Li Qingzhou was stunned.

The usual law of novels - the male protagonist will definitely follow the female protagonist.

He replied that he had no opinion, and then hung up the phone.

On the day of the final, Liu Bohuai saw Li Qingzhou at the gate of the competition hall.

—Besides him not only Lu Meishan, but also Xu Mengning, and... Liu Xiahui, and two friends of his nephew.

"Third Master?" Seeing Liu Bohuai stop, Zou Ming asked suspiciously.

Liu Bohuai continued to walk forward.

Ten meters, eight meters, six meters... within three meters.

[Have I neglected Ah Ning a little too much recently? She looks a little haggard... Did she get sick before? ]

Well, the male protagonist doesn't care about her.

[Miss Lu, no, I should call Meishan now, she seems to be a little closer, she and A Ning seem to have a good chat...]

Moreover, the female lead matches the male lead, and Miss Lu matches the third master. There is a drama.

—The villain in the bubble sat cross-legged, holding his small chin in one hand, as if he was thinking about something, and around the villain... there were countless red hearts fluttering.

"Chuck" sounded.

The beads collided with the beads, and the rope, which had just been replaced, was crushed again.

Liu Bohuai put it into his trousers pocket expressionlessly.

The author has something to say: Zhouzhou: Repeatedly horizontal jumping, jumping jumping, jumping, jumping…

Huaihuai: Waiting for you to finish the game, ^_^#, smile jpg.

Goldfinger: Hidden power and fame.

Buddha bead bracelet: Fuck it.

Now is to accumulate anger up↑up↑up↑