My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression

Chapter 65


The launch of the second-generation intelligent AI car jointly developed by Lai's Company and Liu's Group was successfully held—everything went smoothly from the beginning to the end.

In particular, the video clip of Li Qingzhou taking the stage to explain the functions of the second-generation smart car has been edited and posted on the Internet.

Play volume continues to increase.

The second-generation smart AI car adds three new functions to the first-generation smart car.

- First, face recognition to start the car, second, voice password lock, and third, recognition voice emergency alarm system.

Face recognition to start the car is to install a suitable full touch screen in the middle of the steering wheel of the car, which can automatically recognize the face and confirm the identity of the driver.

At the same time, with the camera, it can more accurately detect the driver's physical condition and ensure their safety on the road.

The voice password lock function is set for some unexpected situations.

This function is not to start the car, but to distinguish the starting of the car's engine from the rest of the car.

- For example, voice to open doors, trunk.

Everyone's voice is different.

The voice code lock can intelligently recognize the voices that have been recorded in the car system, including the driver, his family and children.

The last feature is the emergency alarm system.

The intelligent AI in the car can quickly determine the status of the driver when the driver is unconscious, or unable to issue voice control, manual alarm, etc., and send the location to the command center to fight for rescue time…

After the press conference, netizens crowded into the comment area one after another.

[President Li is so good-looking, he looked at his face all the way down. When I graduate from college, I will buy a second-generation smart car to support President Li haha.]

[Three newly added smart functions, but two of them have already been researched by Bolton Company, and they have been selling cars. I am driving a Bolton Company car now, Lai's car... There is really no need to buy it.]

[Although I really want to support domestic cars, cars are not consumables. I also drive the new smart car recently released by Bolton Company. There is really no need to replace it for the time being, and the money is not from the wind... ]

[Let's not mention the emergency alarm system, the voice combination lock seems to be different from the research of Bolton Company.]

[The voice code lock of Bolton Company is placed on the starting car, while the second-generation smart car of Lai's company is to put the voice code lock on the open door and trunk... ]

[Well, oh I see, so Bolton gave up face recognition, do you think this function is redundant? !]

[I think face recognition is still necessary. Perhaps Bolton felt that the research time was not enough, so it simply gave up an intelligent recognition function.]

[Haha, after all, we have to sell cars before the official launch of Lai's second-generation smart cars, that's all? Bolton is still an old car company, and the means are really bad.]

[Hehe, who is naive to tell you about things in the mall? It is the nature of businessmen to pursue profits, and they are fools to put money aside and not earn money.]

In the office, Fang Xiyan said, "Mr. Li, although the discussion on the Internet about the comparison between the second-generation smart car and Bolton's smart car remains high."

"But after the second-generation smart car was released, the sales... were mediocre, not high."

- Although the fluctuation of sales volume is on the rise, according to the statistics, it is not obvious.

At the very least, nothing compares to what happened when a generation of smart AI cars was released.

Bolton's smart car has an impact on Lai's car.

Li Qingzhou nodded and said indifferently: "Don't worry, the production of the first-generation smart cars will gradually stop in the future, and the focus will be mainly on the second-generation cars. As for Bolton..."

Li Qingzhou couldn't help thinking of the bet with Liu Bohuai on the day of the press conference.

He coughed dryly and said, "The vice president of Bolton Company seems to be coming to China, so be careful."

"Yes, President Li." Fang Xiyan said.

Li Qingzhou: "Recently, I will invite people to continue promoting and shooting advertisements..."


at home.

This is the new villa that Yu Xudong and Pei Jing bought in Yanjing.

Yu's family has been living abroad, and his family and company are all abroad.

But in recent years, Yu family began to want to shift the focus of the industry to the country, and then take care of both domestic and foreign.

After all, business abroad is not easy to do these days.

Yu's family seems to be in a foreign country, but in fact, it has been going downhill in recent years.

Especially after Bolton intends to terminate the contract with Yujia and stop cooperating...

These foreign companies look down on Chinese companies.

Yu Jia has bowed his head in cooperation with Bolton Company, and has little right to speak.

Therefore, the Bolton Company wanted to terminate the contract, but Yujia had no choice at all.

What's more, Bolton is not an obscure small company. It is very famous abroad and is a well-known old company in the automobile industry.

Yu Jia is not in a dominant position in their cooperation, they can only think about other ways out if the cooperation ends.

Therefore, now Yu Xudong and Pei Jing's family have returned to China, bought a house in Yanjing, and lived there.

Pei Jing and Liu Zhouhe married Yu Xudong after their divorce. She and Yu Xudong gave birth to a son named Yu Kun, who was a few years younger than Liu Xiahui.

Yu Kun is still studying abroad, while Yu Xudong's mother returned to China with them and is currently living together.

Early in the morning, Yu's mother came downstairs.

She was dressed in tailor-made home clothes, her hair was neatly groomed, and she sat gracefully at the dining table.

And Yu Xudong had already sat down and was using the computer to handle company affairs while eating breakfast.

Not long after, Pei Jing came out of the kitchen with hot soy milk, she put the soy milk in front of her mother, and then sat down to eat.

No one spoke at the table at first.

After a while, Pei Jing looked at Yu Xudong and said, "Xudong, are you going out today? Do you need me to prepare?"

Yu Xudong raised his head when he heard the words.

Although he is middle-aged, he still looks handsome and charming, and he seems to have the temperament of an elegant scholar, not like a company president.

Yu Xudong took off his glasses and said, "No need to prepare, I won't go out today, just handle the company affairs on the computer."

As he said, he sandwiched a poached egg for Pei Jing and put it in the bowl.

Pei Jing smiled happily. Just as she was about to eat, she saw Yu mother put down her chopsticks and said, "Didn't you go to see the child you gave birth to in Liu's early years a few days ago?"

"Since he refuses to help you persuade Liu Bohuai, he might as well think of other ways."

Pei Jingwei: "Mom, what else can I do..."

"I haven't returned to China for a long time, and I have become estranged from my family, let alone the Liu family."

"That kid... I haven't taken care of it much before. It's normal for him not to help, and it's not the time for the Liu family to speak."

Moreover, Liu Xiahui is already an adult man, and he is no longer the age to crave maternal love.

Yu's mother frowned after hearing this, her face, which was well maintained, but still slowly aging, couldn't help but look more serious.

She simply pushed away the porridge bowl in front of her and said, "I can't handle this."

"Our family is nervous now, so if you go to that child again, say that the Yu family wants to talk to Liu Bohuai alone and invite him out for a light meal."

I disagreed last time, so it should be fine to go out for a meal.

Pei Jing didn't dare to show anything on his face.

She wanted to refuse a little—after all, she had already had the cheek to go to Liu Xiahui once before, and she really didn't want to go to find it a second time...

Pei Jing couldn't help but look at Yu Xudong.

But at this time Yu Xudong was looking down at the computer, as if he was focusing on handling things, and had no intention of participating.

Pei Jing was helpless, since this was Yu's mother's request, she had to nod her head in agreement.

"Okay, I'll ask Xia Hui out today."


Pei Jing asked Liu Xiahui on the phone if she had time to meet, and she booked the restaurant in advance.

Liu Xiahui did not refuse and went.

After arriving at the restaurant, Pei Jing will request a request, and Liu Xiahui immediately stood up and said, "Since the Yu family wants to meet my third uncle, then go to the front desk of Liu's Group to make an appointment and follow the established procedure."

"Don't hold out hope with me, it's impossible, I won't help Yu's family to invite the third uncle out to have dinner with you."

After Liu Xiahui finished speaking, he wanted to leave without even eating.

But Pei Jing grabbed his arm and said, "Just treat it as helping my mother."

"I know I owe you and I'm sorry for you in the past. I will make up for the mother-son relationship between us in the future, Xia Hui."

However, Liu Xiahui was indifferent.

He even brushed away Pei Jing's hand holding his arm, and said coldly, "No need to make up, because I don't want your feelings to disturb me, it will make me feel redundant."

"That's it, don't call me again, don't come to me again."

He said with a frown, as if he really felt irritated.

This can't help but make Pei Jing stand there in a daze, until Liu Xiahui leaves the box before he can recover.

She walked out quickly, but didn't even see Liu Xiahui's shadow.

It can be seen that in such a short time, Liu Xiahui has never even stayed, and he really has no nostalgia.

- And this realization gradually dimmed Pei Jing's face.

Yes, when he abandoned the child and left the Liu family, he didn't come back very often after going abroad... I should have foreseen this scene long ago.

Pei Jing was about to turn around and go back to the box, but suddenly she heard someone calling her name from behind, and when she turned around, she couldn't help but feel a little familiar.

Seeing Pei Jing frowning, Liu Jizhen looked at her suspiciously, walked over and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for so many years, don't you remember me, sister-in-law."

"Oh no, should you be called Ms. Pei or... Mrs. Yu?"

Pei Jing heard the words suddenly: "Liu... Ji Zhen, have you returned to China?"

Liu Jizhen nodded: "Yes, I've been back a long time ago."

"Right, I seem to have seen Xia Hui's figure just now. Did you make an appointment to have dinner together, and now you're done?"

Her words were tentative.

But Pei Jing didn't hear it, she said, "Xia Hui left without eating..."

Pei Jing's expression was obviously troubled.

Seeing this, Liu Jizhen said, "Why, did something unpleasant happen? Xia Hui was taken by his third uncle to take care of him since he was a child, and his temperament is inevitable..."

Pei Jing shook his head and said, "I just want Xia Hui to help him invite his third uncle out so that we can have a light meal together."

"But Xia Hui didn't agree to this request, and then left."

Pei Jing murmured with a bit of sadness on his face: "He must be hating me..."

Liu Jizhen's eyes flickered.

She then walked to Pei Jing, patted her on the shoulder comfortingly, and said, "There's no reason why a son hates his mother, he still can't understand you."

"After a long time, I will slowly figure it out."

"We may not have seen each other for a long time. Since we met today, why don't we have a meal together and treat me as a guest."

Having said that, Liu Jizhen took Pei Jing to the box.

Pei Jing said: "How can I invite you to treat me, I'll come..."

Here, Liu Xiahui just came out of the hotel.

When the doorman went to drive, he stood at the door and thought, and then called Liu Bohuai.

"Hello." The phone was connected, and Liu Bohuai's emotionally indifferent voice came from the other end.

Liu Xiahui said: "Third uncle, today I..."

He made no secret of what Pei Jing asked him out and what Pei Jing wanted to achieve.

Finally, Liu Xiahui said, "Third uncle, I won't meet with her again in the future."

"She came back to China just for Yu's family and Yu Xudong, just like before, nothing has changed."

The doorman happened to drive over, and Liu Xiahui took the car keys and got into the car.

There was no sadness on his face. After all, he had buried all his sad emotions when he was a child, including the fantasy of Pei Jing's mother's love.

Liu Xiahui's voice remained unchanged: "Third uncle, it seems that the Yu family has not given up on hitting you. I was looking for me to cooperate with Liu's LIN technology company..."

However, LIN Technology is currently cooperating with Lai's Company, and some of them are not easy to explain.

Furthermore, there is the matter of the vice president of Bolton Company coming to China.

Last time, Liu Xiahui learned from Pei Jing's mouth that the vice president came to China - it seemed that he wanted to meet Li Qingzhou.

He also told the third uncle long afterward.

Liu Bohuai said, "Well, I see."

It is not easy to park for a long time outside the hotel. Seeing that Liu Bohuai already knew about it, Liu Xiahui hung up the phone and drove away.

The author has something to say: Liu Xiahui: The third uncle is just like my father! I respect him the most! Looking up at jpg.

Zhouzhou: jpg suddenly appeared, hey~, call me dad!

(Lao Gong is equivalent to Liu Xiahui's father, Lao Gong is mine, which means that I am also Liu Xiahui's father! No problem!)

Liu Xiahui: ... You!

Liu Bohuai: Call, threaten jpg.

Liu Xiahui: ... Dad, Dad, I'm not willing to beat the bed with resentment.jpg.

Liu Bohuai: Good.

turn around.

Huaihuai: Baby, am I doing well

Zhouzhou: The old attack is the best.

Liu Xiahui: Tired, destroy it, there is no love in this world.