My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression

Chapter 70


After the turmoil suffered by the second generation of Lai's smart cars gradually subsided, the finals of the International Artificial Intelligence Robot Competition are also about to be held.

- The superiors won over the venue for the finals, which is in Yanjing.

Li Qingzhou later heard Liu Bohuai reveal it.

The opportunity to confirm the venue was obtained by the Xia family by reporting to the top and striving for it.

- The purpose is to ensure the safety of Li Qingzhou and the artificial intelligence robot to participate in the competition without any worries.

Liu Bohuai said: "You will also be equipped with accompanying protection personnel during the finals."

Li Qingzhou: "Well, third master, thank you Mr. Xia for helping me."

Before, because of the popularity of Rescue No. 1, many netizens began to pay attention to the artificial intelligence robot competition.

There are videos online of competitions held in other countries.

After looking at it all the time, I found that there are really many powerful characters.

Just like Albert, a genius boy from country M.

- At the age of nineteen, he made a very powerful fighting type robot.

He went all the way from the preliminary rounds to the finals to win the championship in regional competitions, without losing a game, and directly waiting to enter the finals of international competitions.

And Ichiro Sakata from country R.

The main types of robots participating in the competition are domestic service and rescue.

But Ichiro Sakata's rescue robots lost in the regional competition rematch, and only the domestic service class made the cut.

Park Nanzhi from country H successfully advanced with underwater rescue robots along the way.

Then there is Bernie, a twenty-two-year-old student from a prestigious university in country Y.

The rescue robots and domestic service robots he produced all successfully advanced to the finals and got the opportunity to directly participate in the finals of the International Artificial Intelligence Robot Competition.

As for Casey, a student of Professor Buffett.

He deliberately came to the Huaguo Division to participate in the regional competition, but he did not expect that he would only get the runner-up result in the finals and would not have the chance to directly advance.

Therefore, Professor Buffett will take Case back to China to sign up for the international competition, readjust the production of artificial intelligence robots, and hope to advance all the way in the international competition.

Sadly, Keyes was mediocre and unsurprising in this international game.

Although they also entered the finals, they ranked last.

Now, the time for the finals has been determined, and the venue is in Yanjing, China.

The contestants who have successfully advanced to the finals have already begun to step up their preparations.

Not only the contestants, but also some media are gradually moving.

Recently, some foreign media interviewed the genius young Albert.

In the high-definition footage, in the exclusive studio, Albert is repairing a robotic arm without raising his head.

He was not very good-looking, with freckles on both sides of his cheeks, wearing suspenders full of oil and soiled jeans, high boots, and the appearance of a young boy.

The reporter in charge of the interview held a microphone to his mouth and asked, "Albert, you are the youngest contestant in the International Artificial Intelligence Robot Competition."

"Do you have anything to say about this yourself?"

Albert raised his head and glanced, then said with disapproval: "This is nothing to say, it's just a fact."

"Those who are older than me, they'd better show some real skills in international competitions that I can see."

"Otherwise, I will advance all the way to win the championship. It's boring. There are challenges to make progress."

Albert said while patting the robotic arm beside him, obviously very proud and confident.

The reporter said: "Then what do you think of the contestants from other countries?"

"It's those players who, like you, won in regional competitions and got the chance to go straight to the finals of international competitions."

"Especially in Li of China, his rescue robot is also very well received in country M."

It was also reported by the Global Daily at that time.

Not only that, videos about the Chinese player competing at that time are still circulating on YouTube.

After all, the development of this game is really unexpected and surprising.

Therefore, the number of clicks and downloads after the video is uploaded has remained high, and it has been highly praised by netizens.

Albert heard the words: "Li is a very strong contestant, and I have also watched his videos."

"I have to say that the existence of Rescue No. 1 is perfect, even if I am a rescue type robot, it may not be able to compare."

"But my Avery is a combat robot, and it's perfect."

"I don't think Li's fighting robot can't compare to my Eli."

"Unless he can make a better artificial intelligence robot before the finals, he will lose in the combat robot competition."

Albert said with certainty.

There is only one winner of the international competition finals.

But there are different types of robots, and they need to compete in different events to advance.

The scoring standard will also add the votes of netizens, and finally make a comprehensive judgment.

But generally speaking, due to limited time and energy, players participating in international competitions usually choose one type of robot to ensure the smooth progress of the competition.

It is indeed rare for players like Li Qingzhou to choose three types of robots to participate in the competition at the same time.

A few days later, Albert's interview video was moved and posted on Weibo.

Also being interviewed was Park Nam-chi from Country H.

- He expressed his expectations for international competitions, and humbly said that everyone is very good, and he is under pressure.

Park Nanzhi's interview was boring, Li Qingzhou only watched Albert, a player from country M.

After all, he was praised as a genius boy by foreign media.

I heard that some universities offered him an olive branch and he was rejected. People like to be self-taught.

[Have a personality. ]

- The little man in the bubble is lying on his back on a rocking chair, one leg is bent, the other jiojio is on his knee, and his small expression is very enjoyable.

Li Qingzhou opened his mouth, and a fruit that was washed, peeled and cut into pieces was fed into his mouth, which was sweet and delicious.

Seeing a little juice overflowing from the corners of his lips, Liu Bohuai put down the toothpick, picked up a tissue and wiped it for him.

They were in the Liu family's old house at this time, and they didn't go to work in the afternoon.

Mei said to cultivate feelings, the steps of feelings are as follows-

Li Qingzhou first enjoyed a lunch carefully prepared by Liu Bohuai.

After a short rest, they watched a movie in the home theater of the Liu family's old house in the afternoon.

After reading it, Liu Bohuai pushed Li Qingzhou to stroll around the old house again, enjoying the beautiful scenery.

Now back, another meal of fruits and desserts.

There is a computer on the coffee table, and some important player information is being played.

[Ah~ This is the sugar-coated cannonball from the third master, but the fruit is so sweet, what should I do... Should the imperialists surrender to Nirvana?] ]

—The little man in the bubble rolls left and right on the rocking chair with his legs in his arms, his little brows are raised slightly, his eyes are wide, and he looks hesitant for a while while laughing.

Li Qingzhou chewed a piece of fruit that was brought in again, and stared at the computer, in fact, he didn't know where his mind had gone.

Seeing this, Liu Bohuai reached out and pinched his bulging cheek.

Li Qingzhou returned to his senses.

[Bold! Are you capitalist wanting to rebel so soon? ! Give you a little punch. ]

—The villain in the bubble groaned and put on two big gloves, and touched his hands against each other, little white teeth bared and a wicked smile on his face.

Liu Bohuai's throat moved, barely suppressing the surging smile.

- The person he loves is so cute, he has to endure it very hard every day.

Liu Bohuai said, "I don't have any fruit, do you still eat it?"

Li Qingzhou shook his head: "No, wait for dinner."

Today is the weekend, so there is no need to pick up Shengsheng from school.

And Han Yu is also at home. He made a phone call just now and ordered dinner in advance for his two younger brothers and sisters.

"Okay, I'll go get ready and watch TV for a while." Liu Bohuai stood up and said.


Liu Bohuai stood up but didn't leave for a while, but bent down and said softly, "Qingzhou, will you allow me to kiss you?"

[Allow, I don't want pure love! I want real love! What a tweet. ]

—The villain in the bubble opens his arms and pouts to kiss one.

Li Qingzhou lowered his eyelashes slightly, expressing shyness and a little bit of refusal.

[Stop talking, kiss me. ]

Eventually, the two kissed each other, collapsed on the sofa, and the dinner was delayed...

The next day, the good times were no more.

Because Li Qingzhou received a call from Xu Mengning.

She said on the phone that Teacher Shen, who taught them in high school, came to Yanjing on a business trip.

The place where I listened to the lecture happened to be not far from Yanda, so I came to the school to visit the former students.

This teacher Shen served as the head teacher of Li Qingzhou and Xu Mengning's classes in high school.

She has a gentle personality and especially takes care of Li Qingzhou, who was born in an orphanage.

Xu Mengning said: "Qingzhou, you and you were hospitalized for my injury back then, and it didn't take long for someone to come to the school to handle the withdrawal procedures for you."

"Mr. Shen is very worried about your situation and asked me in private..."

"I only said that you were taken back by your parents for treatment."

"Now Mr. Shen came to Yanda to find me, and I told her to meet you again in college."

"The teacher is very happy. Although she didn't say it explicitly, I can see that she wants to see you... Qingzhou, do you want to see the teacher?"

Li Qingzhou said: "Make an appointment with the time and place."

They finally decided to invite Teacher Shen to have dinner at the Jinxuan Pavilion Hotel.

And Liu Bohuai also has some things here.

Liu Jingyuan came to the Liu family's old house on purpose and said that after returning to China for so long, he wanted to have a meal with the family.

As a younger brother, Liu Bohuai would not refuse without giving face.

Since everything has been said about this, Liu Bohuai naturally agreed.

So, without Li Qingzhou and Liu Bohuai knowing about each other, they arrived at Jinxuange Hotel one after another.

Li Qingzhou and Xu Mengning came first with Teacher Shen.

When passing the hall, they happened to meet He Jianxun who came to the hotel to check and check. After a few words of greetings, He Jianxun personally brought Li Qingzhou and others to the box.

About half an hour in the past, Liu Jingyuan's family brought two people over in advance.

At this time, He Jianxun was no longer in the hotel lobby. The hotel manager received them and took them to the reserved box.

Later, Liu Bohuai and Liu Xiahui arrived at the door of the hotel.

Liu Jingyuan sent the reserved box number to Liu Bohuai before, they just need to come directly.

However, when Liu Bohuai pushed open the door of the box.

In addition to Liu Jingyuan's family, there are two more people - Pei Jing and her husband Yu Xudong.

Liu Xiahui stood behind Liu Bohuai, his face turned cold.

The author has something to say: Zhouzhou: Wow~

Huaihuai: Wow.

Liu Xiahui: ? ?