My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression

Chapter 80


The next morning, Li Xusheng was the first to get up.

He got up obediently, dressed himself, and only after washing up did he see his sister Li Hanyu come out of the room.

Li Hanyu was wearing pajamas and her hair was uncombed, making her look a little messy.

You Qi looked in a trance, with a pair of bright dark circles under his eyes, as if he hadn't slept well last night.

Li Xusheng tilted his head and asked in doubt, "Sister, what's the matter with you?"

Just as Li Hanyu was about to speak, he heard the door open. Looking back, it was Li Qingzhou who came out of the room.

Li Xusheng immediately ran towards Li Qingzhou, lying on his lap and calling his brother sweetly.

Li Qingzhou also smiled and rubbed his brother's little head.

Immediately raised his head and looked at Li Hanyu, he frowned slightly and said, "Hanyu, did you sleep last night?"

Last night, he was sent back by the third master. When he entered the living room, he found that his sister was asleep on the sofa, with a small blanket covering her body, and a dim light was left beside the sofa.

Li Qingzhou's heart was instantly soft, and he controlled the wheelchair to wake up his sister and let her go back to sleep.

Li Hanyu blinked his eyes in a guilty conscience, and whispered, "Well... I just couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, so I played with my phone for a while."

"Brother, are you going to the Yanjing Century Pavilion for the third round of draws this afternoon?"

Lihan language changed the subject.

Li Qingzhou said something to tell her not to stay up late next time, and said, "Well, this afternoon is the third round of draws."

Li Hanyu: "Then... Who sent brother over there? Liu, Mr. Liu?"

"The third master sent me."

Li Hanyu was very tangled for a moment, and he wanted to ask but couldn't ask.

She still had class this morning, and she struggled until she finished breakfast and sent Sheng Sheng to school. She didn't ask a word or a word when she returned to school.

Alas, now is the critical period of my brother's game, let's talk about it later.

The results of the third round of draws will be announced soon.

- Don't worry too much about the rescue division, the martial arts division does not need to draw lots and fight meleely.

The domestic service robot competition area surprised Li Qingzhou. His opponent this time was Bernie's team.

Did it get right so soon

The Bernie team obviously did not expect this lottery result.

But even if it's not right now, it will always meet in the game later.

Bernie nodded to Li Qingzhou at that time, and then took his teammates back to discuss countermeasures.

One of the team members said: "Captain, I watched the strange team's game before, and their service No. 1 was nothing special..."

If they face their Meiweier, they will definitely win.

Bernie frowned and said, "Perhaps the peculiar team has hidden the true strength of Service No. 1, and I can't say for sure..."

"Since Captain Li can make an excellent and intelligent robot like Rescue No. 1, there is no reason why he can't make an intelligent service robot."

"We cannot underestimate our opponents."

"Don't forget how Simon lost."

As soon as the captain spoke, the team members nodded in agreement.

"K, K, there are only a few videos that serve the No. 1 game. We have studied it many times, but we really can't see anything."

Bernie: "...then watch it a few more times, all night long."

"Okay, Captain."

Soon, the game in the Housekeeping Division begins - Team Odd vs Team Bernie.

Many viewers and netizens are looking forward to it.

[If it is Rescue No. 1, I will definitely press Rescue No. 1 to win without hesitation, but this is a domestic service robot competition... ]

[Comparing the two teams, why do I feel that the Bernie team's Mei Wei'er has a better chance of winning?]

[The main reason is that Service No. 1's appearances are too few, and the performance of each appearance is... ordinary.]

[Of course, this is compared with Rescue No. 1 and Mayville. Compared with other robots, Service No. 1 is still very good, otherwise it will not win the game in the first and second rounds.]

[Actually, I guess that Service No. 1 may have hidden his strength, but if Service No. 1 loses the game in the end, I will not say this sentence.]

The housekeeping service area is located to the east of the entire Yanjing Century Pavilion. The venue is very large, and the layout of the arena is even more comprehensive.

Before the start of the game, both sides entered the field.

First, the host will introduce the rules of the competition, and then the two teams will introduce their own domestic service robots.

Bernie's team first introduced Mei Wei'er - Mei Wei'er is a rare slender body among domestic service robots.

Unlike other robots that are round and round, they are about 1.6 meters tall, and their head and upper body are human-like.

The lower body looks like a skirt as a whole, and there is a circle of lace at the bottom, and the footsteps are roller coasters.

Mayville is implanted with intelligent programs that can carry out simple conversations with people, ask questions or obey requests, etc.

Its face is not a facial feature, but a black display that shows some expressions, conversations, or smart options.

After the introduction of the Bernie team, it was the strange team's turn to introduce.

This link does not seem interesting to the audience and netizens - if you want to understand, it is better to watch the game directly.

The audience and netizens thought it was Yu Zhe who came out to introduce again.

But I didn't expect that this time Yu Zhe would take a step back and let the service number one step forward.

[Um? what happened?]

Service No. 1 has (●—●) on his round head, which immediately becomes (^—^).

Then a somewhat cute electronic voice sounded - "Hello everyone, although it's not the first time we met, but this is the first time Service No. 1 has greeted everyone."

"Please take care of everyone and vote for Service No. 1."

The robotic arm of Service No. 1 compared his heart against his chest.

Bernie couldn't help but look at his teammates with a serious expression.

[Oh, service No. 1 used to be a stereotyped procedural electronic sound in the previous games, how can it be now... Sure enough, the previous game was hiding its strength.]

[Open canvassing haha.]

The host was obviously a little surprised and asked, "Is the intelligence level of Service No. 1 also the same as Rescue No. 1?"

Who knows that Li Qingzhou hasn't answered yet, but the service No. 1 heard the words and turned around first and said, "Humph, why is it the same."

"It is clear that Service No. 1 is smarter than Rescue No. 1, and Rescue No. 1 is stupid."

The host opened his eyes, his expression uncontrollably surprised.

He asked Mr. Li this sentence, but Service No. 1 was able to answer.

He couldn't help but say again: "Why is Rescue No. 1 stupid?"

Service No. 1: "Rescue No. 1 can't do arithmetic, but Service No. 1 will be able to help children with homework."

"Service No. 1 is very capable, even the captain praises it!"

[Tutorial homework? ! Elementary school arithmetic, haha, is it one plus one equals two?]

[Elementary school arithmetic is difficult now, isn’t it, maybe it’s kindergarten math, no, does kindergarten have math? It's over, it's been too long since graduation, I forgot.]

Moderator: "Do you still know arithmetic? Which level, do you know how to do math in high school?"

He asked for the audience or netizens.

Service No. 1's eyes flickered shyly, and said: "The captain only implanted Service No. 1 in junior high school mathematics, and high school mathematics has not yet been learned."

"Although Rescue One is not as smart and capable as Service One."

"But what Rescue One will do, Service One will not do, the captain said we each have our own strengths."

The host looked at Li Qingzhou and said with a smile, "Mr. Li, I wonder if Wudou No. 1 is so smart?"

Service One: "Warrior One is..."

"Cough, shut up, small talker." Li Qingzhou said.

Service No. 1's expression shrugged, and his mouth became like this (●^●).

Sad because of being disciplined: "Okay, service No. 1 doesn't speak... But people are not talkative."

Service One finally whispered.

[Service No. 1 actually refutes it, although he knows that this is also programmed... but it's too smart.]

[Junior high school math? ! If you really know how to help with homework, wouldn't the child even save tutoring and cram schools, of course, provided that you can have a service number one.]

[Hurry up and start the game! I can't wait to see what else Service One has to offer!]

The host didn't say more and announced the start of the game - Service No. 1 immediately drove into the arena with Mayville.

In the intelligent program of housekeeping service robots, execution devices, receiving devices, sensing devices, etc. are generally installed, so that the robot can effectively serve the family.

On the field is a simulated house-style layout.

There are also staff who act as house owners or outsiders to cooperate with the competition.

For example, a housekeeping service robot will first bind the house owner after entering the market.

The related items tested later include face recognition, anti-theft detection, indoor and outdoor temperature detection, or whether there is flammable, flammable, or toxic gas in the house.

In addition, the owner of the house will give orders at the right time - moving objects, cleaning, wake-up service, etc.

If the owner is outside, he can also connect with the robot system through his mobile phone to monitor the situation at home in real time, so as to avoid forgetting to turn off water, electricity and gas.

These can be said to be the device functions that housekeeping service robots should have most.

The judges' scoring criteria are based on the speed and degree of completion of the robot, and whether there is a malfunction or error.

Above, with the gradual progress of the game, the scores of the two teams are evenly divided.

Service No. 1 and Mayville have done a very good job.

At this moment, the staff serving as the owner of the house in the No. 1 field suddenly withdrew.

When he played again, there were two more people beside him, an elderly man and a child.

The audience did not know why, and the netizens were also very puzzled.

- After all, there has never been another person on the field in the previous game.

Yu Zhe explained at this time: "The purpose of our housekeeping service robot is to serve the family."

"In fact, the most important thing in the family now is to take care of the elderly and children."

"Adults have the ability to be autonomous, and they may do things faster than robots with quick hands and feet."

"So, in addition to some basic functions, Service No. 1 also has functional devices such as blood pressure measurement and condition monitoring for the elderly..."

The elderly do not understand modern products, and it is inconvenient to take medicine or do labor cleaning at home alone.

Especially things that seem easy to young people.

- For example, reading the instructions of medicines, using blood pressure meters, injections, etc., but the elderly do not understand.

Old age, forgetfulness, inability to use mobile phones, unaccompanied at home, loneliness... These are all problems for the elderly at this stage.

Some people say that you can ask a nanny to come and take care of the elderly.

But are there still less cases of nanny abusing the elderly in society

Although Service No. 1 is also a smart electronic product.

But as long as the family has set up the program for it, the service number one can chat with the elderly.

Control home appliances, make phone calls, measure blood pressure for the elderly, monitor the condition of the elderly through voice communication, etc., and automatically connect to the power supply to charge when there is no power...

With these abilities, Service No. 1 perfectly displayed on the field, and his intelligence completely surpassed that of Bernie's Mayville.

—On the one item of medical service, Mei Weier never had it.

What's more, the service No. 1 actually helped the children with their homework on the field, requiring him to watch TV only after finishing his homework, and to limit the time.

Bernie sighed, turning back and shaking his head at his teammates.

Ultimately, the game ended with a victory for Service One.

The author has something to say: Zhouzhou: Apart from the elderly and children, Service One can also take care of me.

Huaihuai: Baby, the old attack is there, it's superfluous.

Service No. 1: (●^●)