My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression

Chapter 82


After celebrating Ge Yue, the competition in the martial arts division began—all the contestants scuffled.

A very large table was built in the center of the arena, and protective fences were installed around it.

- In order to prevent the parts of the robot from being knocked off during the game and flying into the auditorium and hurting people.

There were a total of eight players, or eight teams, in the final match of the martial arts division.

Among them, Albert's team and his robot Ai Li are the most watched, and the support rate on the Internet is also very high.

And the strange team, following Rescue No. 1 and Service No. 1, many people are also looking forward to the performance of Wudou No. 1.

Although Wudou No. 1 has played in a previous game, it did not show anything special.

For example, will the intelligence of Rescue No. 1 and Service No. 1 also be reflected in Wudou No. 1

[I think Wudou No. 1 must also hide its strength. It is made by a father. It makes no sense that two sons are smart and one is stupid.]

[Pfft, how can you be so talented upstairs, but you are right haha, better than thumbs.jpg.]

[I don’t know which one will win, Wudou No. 1 and Aribie. I have to say that Albert is really good. In terms of age alone, being able to make a fighting robot is enough to show his excellence.]

Since it is a combat robot melee competition, after the opening, the host briefly introduces each team and robot.

Immediately after the start of the game was announced, the robot entered the field.

The appearance of the eight robots on standby in the field can't help but make people's eyes shine, and they look forward to the next game.

Especially Avery and Wudou One.

Albert's Avery robot is mainly red and black, with a height of about one meter six or seven, and the mechanical sense of the whole body is stronger than other robots.

Avery's site is made into the appearance of a small tank, which is very stable and is not easy to be brought down by other robots.

And the two mechanical arms, one is the claw style of grabbing, and the other is the shape of a heavy hammer.

There are limited standards for the production of robots in the martial arts competition area, and weapons that exceed specifications are not allowed.

For example, spray, shoot, flame, refill, bullet, gun, weapon, etc.

After all, country M has very loose restrictions in this regard.

- In order to make the competition fair and safe, the combat robots are generally cold weapons.

Previously, there were players who installed knives, swords and other weapons for the robot.

Such weapons must be strictly inspected before entering the field, and they are not allowed to be installed until before the game.

Although it is allowed to be used, the body of the robot is made of hard materials, and the slashing and stabbing have little effect on the robot.

However, Avery's hammer is very effective.

After the game started, some players invariably let the robot attack Avery.

Another part is to choose to face Wudou No. 1.

The players apparently unanimously decided to eliminate the most powerful bot first, and then they would go head to head.

There is no need to discuss, the tactics are naturally settled.

[Melee is not good at this point, it is not good to be too brilliant, after all, two fists can't match four hands.]

[As soon as the rules of this game came out, I knew Avery was going to suffer, and I didn’t know how Albert would deal with it.]

[Seven robots, Wudou No. 1 has not moved for the time being, four of them are heading towards Eli, and the other two probably want to besiege Wudou No. 1?]

[Alive, Alive, but the situation of Wudou No. 1 is not optimistic.]

In the arena, Lu Meishan frowned and said, "If they eliminate Elie first, will they besiege Wudou No. 1?"

Even if Wudou No. 1 did not show a particularly powerful ability before, but to be on the safe side, there must be players who will do so.

Otherwise, there would not be two robots attacking Wudou No. 1 now.

Li Qingzhou said: "Don't worry, Wudou No. 1 will judge the situation on its own."

After hearing this, Lu Meishan stretched her brows and nodded, "Indeed."

Compared with other contestants who control the robot to fight, although they are also in front of the computer, they just keep an eye on the state of Wudou No. 1.

Not long after, the field changed again.

Wudou No. 1's mechanical face has blue eyes.

The eyes flickered, and the head turned, as if observing the surroundings.

Immediately, Wudou No. 1 moved, and it went in the direction of Eli.

[No way, did the strange team also decide to participate in the siege? !]

The combat robot is larger than other robots, not only in height, but also in width.

However, the larger the robot, the more difficult it is to manufacture, and materials and equipment need to be carefully considered.

On the field, the strongest robot is Eli, which also proves Albert's dedication to him.

Other robots are not much different in height, at least one meter four or five.

And Wudou No. 1 is only half a meter high.

This makes Wudou-1 appear a little "thin" among all the robots.

At this time, Avery has resisted a wave of attacks, it is dealing with other robots, and then chooses the right time to fight back.

But obviously, even if other robots have not cooperated before, at this moment, it is only necessary to unanimously defeat Avery.

- After the attack here, the other side makes up for it.

No matter how powerful Ellie is, there is no way to stop them all.

Seeing that a wave of attack was about to land on Eli's mechanical arm, there was a "clang" sound, and the attack was suddenly blocked by Wudou No. 1.

The hearts of the audience and netizens couldn't help but rise and fall as the game progressed, and now they are surprised and surprised again.

[Does Wudou No. 1 want to help Ellie?]

[Why do I think Mr. Li doesn't have much control... Could this be Wudou No. 1's autonomous behavior?]

At this moment, the voice of Wudou No. 1 finally sounded for the first time on the field - "Your name is Eli, right, do you want to work together?"

The sound is mature, and it is a very stable big brother image when you hear it.

Outside the arena, Albert first showed a slightly surprised look, then reacted, controlling Avery to nod and agree to cooperate.

Wudou No. 1: "Okay, wait a moment."

Hold on

What are you waiting for

Spectators and netizens can't help but wonder, what are you waiting for in such a tense game moment

Waste a second and lose a point.

However, the changes displayed by Wudou No. 1 made all the players widen their eyes, and the movements of controlling the robot in their hands could not help but pause temporarily.

- Just listen to the sound of "click" and "click" when the heavy feet assembled in Wudou No. 1 are mechanically rotated or rubbed.

With the sound of the sound, Wudou No. 1's body suddenly rose up.

The original thickly assembled rolling foot actually extended a piece of machinery, similar to the calf, but this was not over yet.

The position of Wudou No. 1's waist also changed, extending a section, and the body became taller again.

Soon, Wudou No. 1 changed from the original half-meter height to the current one-meter-two-three.

Although it is still short, it is not at the level of a giant compared to a dwarf.

[Fuck, what did I see? ! Will Wudou No. 1 automatically grow taller? ! This can't help but remind me of Rescue One... It's so happy that it grows a little taller, the comparison is terrible haha.]

[I knew that Wudou No. 1 had hidden strength, and it also knew to find the Robot Alliance first!]

[But in this way, will the center of gravity of Wudou No. 1 be unstable? Wouldn't body deformation bring some disadvantages? what! It's on!]

While the robot was "stunned", Wudou No. 1 said an attack and took the lead to fight back.

Only then did the other players react to block.

As I said before, compared to Albert's robot, other combat robots are really not good enough.

Now, with the cooperation of Wudou No. 1 and Avery, gradually, one, two... robots have been eliminated from the game.

The battle is fierce on the field, and some parts, weapons, and even mechanical arms are knocked off from the robot from time to time...

These falling around have also become a big obstacle for the robot to move forward.

In the end, except for Wudou One and Avery, all the other fighting robots lost their ability to move.

- The arena becomes exclusive to both teams.

Li Qingzhou couldn't help looking at Albert.

Coincidentally, Albert also looked over, the two looked at each other, and then put their eyes back on the field.

Wudou No. 1 and Ari face to face, no one intends to attack first.

At this time, Albert moved.

He typed commands into the computer and clicked OK—I saw that one of Avery's mechanical arms began to change.

To be precise, the heavy hammer was mechanically reorganized, and a long spear tip that was half the length of an arm, similar to that used by ancient knights, protruded from it.

Obviously, this is the hidden strength of Albert's team.

This weapon looks more dangerous than a hammer, especially at the next moment, the tip of the spear, similar to that used by ancient knights, is still spinning.

The high-speed rotating weapons have significantly more attack power.

[I'm going... I thought the robot with hidden strength was Wudou No. 1, but I didn't expect it to be Ellie.]

[No wonder Albert’s team has to hide this ability first, because this weapon consumes a lot of power, and once the power is used up, the weapon has no effect, and the chance of winning is small.]

[There is only Wudou No. 1 left on the field... Mr. Li's team will not lose the game.]

[Albert is too cunning! Why didn't we use it when we joined forces before, now there is only one opponent left, and it was intentional. Wudou No. 1 is so pitiful...]

[Upstairs, this is a competition and not charity, who doesn't hide some strength.]

Li Qingzhou and Albert were unaware of the heated discussions on the Internet, and they only focused on the arena.

Albert couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after Eli's weapon was changed.

- Wudou No. 1 is absolutely unstoppable, let's end it like this, he should win this game...

But things are always impermanent and change suddenly.

After facing Eli's weapon change, Wudou No. 1 suddenly released his two mechanical hands and threw away the original weapon.

Under the unexplained gazes of the audience and netizens - Wudou No. 1 used one of its own mechanical hands to remove the other.

But with the removal of the other manipulator, a cone-shaped weapon was once again extended from the manipulator.

Suddenly, the cone-shaped weapon also spun at high speed.

Albert: "!"

Viewers and netizens: What the hell!

But it wasn't over yet. After he had a weapon in one hand, Wudou No. 1 stretched out his hand towards the back of his neck.

The back of Wudou No. 1, like other robots, has a thick mechanical shell, and the neck is connected to the mechanical back.

But just as Wudou No. 1 stretched out his hand, the back of the machine opened a little.

What did Wudou No. 1 grab and draw—

A mechanical click sounded.

A weapon with serrations on both sides was actually pulled out from the back by Wudou No. 1, and the flat handle of the weapon was directly and firmly connected to the manipulator.

This time, the audience and netizens didn't even know what to say, they just lost their words.

I thought that Wudou No. 1 was already in the platinum rank, where did I think that they would be the direct king.

-Is this the difference? !

After Wudou No. 1 said "Please advise", he attacked Eli.

There is no suspense in this game so far.

-Avery's endurance is not as good as that of Wudou No. 1, a mechanical arm has been removed, the abdominal cavity has been pierced, and there are more or less tatters on every part...

In the end, the mechanical arm with the heavy hammer and the long gun fell down and could no longer be lifted.

The competition in the martial arts division is over - Wudou No. 1 won the first place.

The author has something to say: Zhouzhou: My three cubs, does Dad love you

Huaihuai: What about me

Zhouzhou: Dad loves you too, ga ga ga, snickering and touching your head jpg.

Huaihuai: Baby, do you want to play forbidden and taboo

Zhouzhou: The villain is frightened jpg.