My Outside Expression Is Different From My Inner Expression

Chapter 98


After the banquet, almost all the friends around Li Qingzhou and Liu Bohuai knew about their relationship.

But if you know it, you will know it, but you won't go out and talk nonsense.

After all, one of them is the third master of the Liu family, who would dare to gossip about him, it would take them several days just to digest this shocking news...

Who would have thought that Liu Sanye was actually with Li Qingzhou, who could? !

He Jianxun: It's good, it's good, finally I'm not alone in the butt, clap and applaud.jpg.

Qi Hao: ... fuck it.

His legs and knees were bruised, and he shivered when he stood up. He threw him home without saying a word, and was forced to call his uncle.

Who can have him miserable? !

Qi Hao can also be considered to be able to bend and stretch.

What's more, if Li Qingzhou really became the third aunt of Xia Hui in the future, he would really be promoted to "elder".

When Qi Hao was led by Qu Yunfan out of the gate of the Liu family's old house, he slapped his mouth and said, "I am the only one who suffers. I should let you two shout at that time, and we will share the blessings."

When Qu Yunfan heard this, he smiled and threw away Qi Hao's arm on his shoulder, and said, "Go away, who will share the blessings with you."

"You can take this kind of blessing yourself, it's hard to be alone."

Qi Hao let out a sigh and said, "I don't think Xia Hui can escape the fate of being 'challenged' in the future. After your third aunt came to power, it's obviously not easy to get along with each other."

"Xia Hui, remember to tell me after changing your name... Oh! I am a wounded man, and you actually kicked me."

Qi Hao swiftly avoided Liu Xiahui's kick.

Liu Xiahui's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Qu Yunfan said with a smile: "You are a house fighter, and you are still sparring."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Liu Xiahui and said, "You were in the hospital at that time... Did you know about the relationship between your third uncle and Li Qingzhou?"

Liu Xiahui hummed.

"No wonder..."

Qu Yunfan knew it, and he thought there was something wrong with Xia Hui's head, but it turned out to be the case.

After a while, He Jianxun left with his nephew who was still in a trance.

Qu Yunfan and Qi Hao also left first.

Liu Xiahui stayed at the gate of the Liu family's old house and waited for a while before Xu Mengning and Li Qingzhou finished talking and walked out.

"I'll take you home." Liu Xiahui said.

Xu Mengning: "... um, okay, thank you."

She looked a little distracted.

Also, whoever has just learned such a news—Zhuma, who has grown up since childhood, is suddenly with a man. Apart from being shocked and unbelievable, he really needs to take a break.

Fortunately, Xu Mengning and Li Qingzhou talked for a while, and they were relieved a lot.

After finally receiving Xu Mengning's blessing, Li Qingzhou walked into the house and opened his arms to Liu Bohuai who had been waiting for a long time.

[A Huai, hug. ]

Liu Bohuai hugged Li Qingzhou naturally, took off the exoskeleton support for him, and the two sat on the sofa to rest together.

Li Qingzhou asked as if remembering something: "A Huai, don't you need to let your second brother Liu Jingyuan know about our relationship?"

"No need." Liu Bohuai said lightly.

He rubbed Li Qingzhou's calf and knee, and said, "Recently, Yu's family, Liu Jizhen and Liu's family have been very close."

"Liu Jizhen had some contacts abroad and contacted a company specializing in network technology."

"Liu Jizhen made a connection, and the other party's technology invested in the company to jointly research large-scale game production."

The Liu family recently released news - claiming that this game will become an epoch-making benchmark in China and even the world.

Li Qingzhou also heard about it.

He leaned on Liu Bohuai and said, "If the Liu family can hire a foreign company, the price must be high."

Liu Bohuai: "The price is not small, but if the production is successful, the Liu family will get more."

"Especially Liu Jizhen, she misses the Liu family for a long time."

Maybe it's not just the Liu family.

"At that time, Liu Jizhen may want to compare the game made by the Liu family with the game of "Sky Boy"."

Both games are in the works and are not expected to be completed too long apart.

The Liu family will probably use the adaptation of the game "Sky Boy" as a stepping stone.

Li Qingzhou pouted when he heard the words: "She thinks so beautifully."

[It's not certain who will be the stepping stone to whom, no, the ending is certain, the Liu family will definitely be stepped on by me, hum. ]

—The villain in the bubble confidently and arrogantly put his hands on his hips.

The next day, Liu Bohuai took Li Qingzhou to visit the Xia family.

Li Qingzhou rarely felt embarrassed.

The elders of Xia's family thought that Liu Bohuai had kidnapped the young people, and they told Liu Bohuai a lot of words in the study before eating.

As for the subject being a man.

- Xia Xinjian said that he almost thought that his nephew was asexual, in short, Liu Bohuai would like to have a lover who can accompany him for a lifetime.

Liu Jizhen is very good at being a person, and from time to time in foreign countries, she will quietly please Xia Qingwan.

When I came to China, I often visited Xia Xinjian and Zhong Lan with Liu Jingyuan at Xia's house.

On this day, only Zhong Lan and his daughter-in-law Xu Shan were at home in the Xia family.

After Liu Jingyuan and Liu Jizhen arrived, they talked to them about the Liu family's company making games.

Not much else to say, just ask Zhong Lan and Xu Shan if they want to invest, and the dividends will definitely be considerable after the game is made.

Zhong Lan and Xu Shan also had money in their hands, but they didn't want to get involved in the Liu family's company's projects, so they politely refused.

Liu Jizhen just mentioned it, but she didn't care much when she heard the words.

As she was leaving, she suddenly heard a message.

That was the nanny of the Xia family and the cleaning aunt chatting - talking about the matter that Liu Bohuai brought someone to the Xia family before and had a partner.

When Zhong Lan originally wanted to introduce a friend's daughter to Liu Bohuai, but before the matter was settled, Liu Bohuai had a lover first.

The nanny said, "My wife brought that young lady to the Xia family before. She is a beautiful and intellectual beauty."

"But in my opinion, it doesn't look as good as what Mr. Liu brought here, although it's a..."

He spoke very quietly from the back, almost whispering beside the cleaning aunt.

Liu Jizhen was far away and was eavesdropping again, so she didn't hear the words behind at all.

But let her confirm one thing - that Liu Bohuai actually has someone he likes.

And it sounds like he's going to get married and get along for the rest of his life, otherwise he wouldn't be bringing people to the Xia family for introduction.

Later, Liu Jingyuan and Liu Jizhen left the Xia family.

Liu Jizhen talked to Liu Jingyuan about this in the car.

Liu Jingyuan frowned, his face was not very good-looking, he had no news about this before, and he didn't know...

—Liu Bohuai took someone to Xia’s house, but didn’t come to tell him.

This feeling of being ignored touched Liu Jingyuan's sensitive nerves, and he couldn't help but hate Liu Bohuai even more.

Liu Jizhen said, "I thought Liu Bohuai would die alone all his life, but I didn't expect..."

"If Liu Bohuai gets married and gives birth to a child, will the Liu family be left to Liu Xiahui? I can't see it."

Liu Jizhen sneered, everyone is selfish, and now it seems that Liu Bohuai is cultivating Liu Xiahui. Once Liu Bohuai has a wife and children, Liu Xiahui will not be allowed to stand aside.

After all, he is only a nephew.

Moreover, wouldn't Liu Xiahui mind Liu Bohuai's future marriage and childbirth

Originally, he was the only candidate for the Liu family. If there were one or two more... it would be inevitable that he would not feel resentment.

Liu Jingyuan obviously thought of this, with the same sneer on his face.

He said: "Perhaps, we can win over Liu Xiahui."


Two days later, Li Qingzhou sat in the office listening to Fang Xiyan's report.

- The Bolton company in country M was suddenly suppressed, causing its stock to fall off a cliff.

At present, Bolton's situation is not good, and the Lai's company that cooperates with it is also affected to some extent.

Li Qingzhou frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

Which force is suppressing Bolton Company

Bolton can be said to be a leading company in the field of foreign automobiles. Why was it suppressed so easily

Who did Bolton offend

Fang Xiyan said with a solemn expression: "It's the Casper family who suppressed the Bolton company."

This family is very powerful in country M. I heard that one of the members of the family is still a politician in the White House.

In recent years, the Casper family has been committed to the development of artificial intelligence. There are several laboratories dedicated to artificial intelligence that have been funded by the family alone.

I heard that many professors of related majors from well-known universities have been invited by the Casper family.

Recently, news finally leaked that Casper-funded labs seem to be working on successful driverless technology.

The Casper family is about to enter the automotive world.

This family has always been ruthless, and believes in the survival of the fittest.

If they want to be the boss, they are bound to pull down the leading companies and step on their feet.

The Bolton Company bears the brunt, and is undoubtedly in the way.

The reason for Casper's suppression of Bolton is not only in the automotive field, but also because of his family.

- Yu Xudong's son Yu Kun is in love with the only daughter of the Casper family.

For this daughter, Casper has always been doting, stepping on the Bolton company to follow the trend. In addition, it is a matter of cooperation with the Yu family.

"The Yu family used to be low-key in Yanjing, but now they have climbed up to the Casper family. In recent days, they have been active in Yanjing frequently... and there is a faint performance against the Li family." Fang Xiyan said.

Li Qingzhou said indifferently: "The Casper family wants to be a man-eating shark, but it depends on whether they have the appetite to swallow it."

"Tell Blair to take a step back for a while, don't hit him head-to-head, whatever the other party means, just avoid it first, and then wait..."

Fang Xiyan nodded: "I see, Mr. Li."

It didn't take long for the Bolton Company to seem to have a weak momentum and began to give up competing for resources with the Casper family.

The Casper family came from behind, and immediately took the lead in releasing a video of a smart car with a new concept of driverless technology.

He said the technology could be implemented soon.

[unmanned? ! My god... I can't even drive my new smart car, so it's driverless? ! No money, damn it.]

[Lai also mentioned the research and development of driverless technology after the success of the second-generation smart car research.]

[Hey, Casper has released news again, saying that he is cooperating with the Yu family, which is the Yu family? !]

Liu's old house.

Li Qingzhou nestled in Liu Bohuai's arms. After reading the online news, he bit his lover's earlobe sideways and whispered, "A Huai, watch me crush them."

Liu Bohuai: "..."

You come up and "smash" me first.