My Partner was Assigned to me by the Country

Chapter 10: Little Man (Catch Bug)


Everyone's eyes looked over, and with their throats rolling, if it wasn't for Auston's identity, they would definitely rush over to grab a bite, so that everyone who saw it would have a share.

The appearance of the bowl of pickled rice is very attractive, and the fried egg lying on it is still runny, as long as the chopsticks poke lightly, the golden egg liquid will slowly flow out. Paofan is obviously just a fried egg and a few slices of dehydrated beef. There is no oil on the surface. It looks rather bland, but the aroma that wafts out is like chicken soup. It always makes people feel that there is a plump meat buried under the rice. Big drumsticks.

Derrick glared at his teammates, telling them to look away, not to embarrass themselves in front of the general, as if the ship restaurant mistreated their three meals a day.

"The one made by Ryan seems to taste better." Harriet swallowed, and looked at Ryan more eagerly, "Eugene, if Ryan is not married, I will definitely pursue him."

"I can learn to cook."

Harriet looked at Jimmy Ray, and Jimmy Ray, a second-stage soldier who only dared to talk nonsense, gradually blushed under Harriet's playful eyes, and said in a rough voice: "I'm much better than Ryan, I'm better than Ryan. He's tall, strong, and more manly than he looks."

"More manly?" Harriet looked critically at Jimmy Ray.

Jimmy Ray raised his chin, pointed at the sporadic cyan beard and said, "Man, this is the smell of a man. Ryan doesn't have a beard on his chin, what's the matter, a man should grow a beard, like Same as Brother Eugene."

Eugene stroked his chin, and was very satisfied with his beard. He spent a lot of effort in maintaining it, even more trouble than a woman caring for her long hair.

Harriet snorted, touched her chin and looked at Ryan who was not far away, "A warm man is what women need."

"Harriet," Eugene called out speechlessly.

Harriet responded, "Huh?"

"I remember you said that your gene sequence is Y, and you are a pure man like us."

"So, let's have a wild and conquering love." Harriet smiled meaningfully, "I conquered him."

"..." Jimmy Ray moved aside, and his intuition told him that Harriet was in danger at this moment.


Blair looked at Alston, to be more precise, the broth in Orston's hand, his eyes were full of pitiful expectations.

"Just take a bite, just take a bite, taste it." Blair stretched out his finger and poked Alston's arm, "Just taste it, anyway, he often makes it for you, so I will eat it once in a while."

"Don't you have it?" Alston looked at Blair helplessly, there was really nothing to do with this friend.

"It's different, the one in your hand looks more delicious."

Ryan watched the interaction between the two of them. He thought that Auston would share the rice, but he heard Auston say, "No, Blair can't, this is mine."

Blair twitched the corner of his mouth, "It's completely different from what I thought. What I wanted before, you would give me."

"This one is different."

Blair smiled, unfolded the back of his white coat and sat down next to Auston, "That's how it should be, what should be yours will never be touched by others." Blair moved closer to Auston's ear, using the two of them to be able to The voice heard said: "The little man is very welcome."

Ryan didn't hear it, he was happy with Auston's reaction, and his heart was flattered.

After a short break, the team continued to move forward. The code-named zero did not follow along. As the coach, Auston followed him all morning, which was already giving himself extra honor.

The next trip was safe and sound, and Ryan discovered many edible things relying on his keen sense of food and planting.

There are many ugly tumor-like bumps on the tall trees. When you pry open the bark outside these bumps, you can pick the chestnut-like fruit. After opening it with a laser, the pulp inside is flour-like, and Ryan pinched it. A little bit of determination can be made into various flour products like flour.

Under the palm-high grass, there are arm-long stick-shaped rhizomes. When broken, they have a sugarcane-like texture and a sweet taste.

The huge leaves floating in the water are opened and there are fist-sized fruit pods under the leaves. When opened, there are small pulps like pomegranate grains inside. After squeezing, the slightly sour smell inside makes the mouth water of everyone who smells it DC, like eating ten appetizing pickles, needs a big bowl of white rice to relieve the hunger in his stomach.



In this way, along the way, Ryan discovered many edible and usable plants and animals. When it comes to animals, we have to mention the pupae hanging on the branches. They look ugly, have a layer of green hair like mold, and have a disgusting sour smell.

After putting on the mask, Harriet took one with tweezers and put it in the sampling bag.

However, Ryan found something special. He deliberately opened it to reveal the tender white insect meat inside, which was very rich in protein.

If put into the sampling bag as a simple specimen, they will definitely miss the points.

Lane is a mobile scanner that finds food, and almost nothing escapes him.

It took one more day than expected before Derrick's team returned to the assembly point. They were the last team to return, and they had already made everyone wait for twelve hours.

Lieutenant Colonel Jimmy frowned tightly, "Major Derrick Hall, what did you encounter that took so long, several hours later than the normal assembly time."

Derrick Hall stood at attention and saluted and replied: "Report to Lieutenant Colonel, we have gained too much along the way and delayed the time. It is our fault for not observing discipline. But we found many valuable animals and plants, and one of them is hidden underground. At a depth of ten meters, it took us three hours to unearth this item.” The implication is that if this item hadn’t been discovered at the end, they would have been able to return to the meeting place at the last time without violating the regulations. .

Lieutenant Colonel Jimmy scanned the faces of everyone in Derrick's team, and suddenly found that the dispensable logistics soldier was standing in the middle of the team, standing out very prominently, and the other team members did not express dissatisfaction.

"What is it?"

"General!" Lieutenant Colonel Jimmy was the first to react, standing at attention and saluting.

All have: "General!"

Code-named Zero Landing, Auston fell from the mecha to the ground after a few vertical leaps, and slowly approached Lieutenant Colonel Jimmy. With a friendly smile, he looked at the one-man-tall thing behind Derrick's team, " You have brought so many things here, and you have gained a lot, which is very good."

Derrick and the others were excited. As the captain, Derrick said: "This is what we should do. During the exploration process this time, Sergeant Ryan Smith helped a lot, and the last thing was discovered by the sergeant."

Derrick is really a good person, and he doesn't take credit for it.

Ryan came out, "It's all thanks to everyone, I can't discover so much by myself."

"Everything is done well." Oston encouraged everyone, and raised the corner of his mouth at Ryan, a smile that could only be seen from his angle.

Ryan clenched his fists happily, and said loudly: "General, the energy contained in U167 is huge. I suggest not listing it for sale, but developing it independently by the Legion." This is not a special case, but something that has had many precedents. In the places patrolled by the Golden Cross Legion, there are no less than ten planets independently developed by the Legion, and without exception, they are not places where a large amount of minerals are stored, and a large number of precious animals and plants are stored.

Ryan's words attracted the attention of those who didn't know, and if it wasn't for discipline, they would have started whispering.

Oston raised his eyebrows slightly, but he didn't get a positive answer after asking, and no one took the initiative to lift the canvas covering the pile of things. "It's time for all the ground exploration teams to gather on the ship, take the things on the ship, and hand them over to Dr. Blair."

"Yes." Ryan, Derrick and others saluted.

When everyone boarded the ship when they were young, someone asked Ryan curiously what they had brought and why they could improve the U167's grade with this. Ryan smiled and said nothing. He looked very gentle, but he was not a fool. He would not say anything about the financial affairs of the legion without the approval of the leader.

After boarding the ship, Ryan and Derrick used the transport robot to transport the discovered objects to Dr. Blair. Auston and Blair had been waiting for a few minutes in the laboratory.

"Major, Sergeant, don't be so nervous, just relax." Blair, wearing a white coat, stood in front of the huge training cabin. There were many internal organs floating in the training cabin, and they moved like jellyfish.

Derrick and Ryan, who have experienced wars and bloody battles with the Zerg, easily recognized that those internal organs belonged to the Zerg...

There are many training cabins around, including a whole male Zerg, a human heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney, and half a man. The reason why it is half is because it was cut vertically in the middle, and only half was preserved.

Ryan knew that man. He was a pirate leader who was rampant for a while and caused trouble on the border. He died after a confrontation with a fleet under the Golden Cross, and his body was mutilated. Now that Ryan knows, only half of the body remains...

In such an environment, being able to be calm is really a sign of a strong psychological quality.

Derrick quickly explained the process of discovery and the functions of the excavated plants. After the report, he looked at the ground and waited for the officer to release him.

"Since Ryan found out, let Ryan stay. Lieutenant Colonel Derrick, you can leave." Blair put his hands in his pockets, glanced at Auston teasingly, and said the above words.

Derrick stood at attention with his heels together as if he had been pardoned. After saluting, he backed away and gave Ryan a self-seeking look: I'm sorry brother, I couldn't bear it and withdrew first.

When the hatch of the laboratory was closed, Blair immediately showed the prototype and revealed the "tail", and tore off the white cloth on the table, "The little man from Alston, come quickly and cook us something to eat."

Ryan almost choked on his own saliva, Oston's man sounds so nice, why should he be smaller!