My Partner was Assigned to me by the Country

Chapter 102: Lane's actions (1)


"This can looks good." Old Ryan took out a dagger from his arms and opened a can of meat. He dug out a large piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth. He became slurred while eating, "It's still beef, kid , bring us some boxes."

Bandena smiled apologetically, "Brother can't do it, so I bought three boxes of canned meat and prepared to feed the children."

"Why, how many of our brothers can't compare to those furry kids you don't know how to raise?" The young pirate was immediately dissatisfied, pointing his black gun at Bandena, "Tell me, Which is important?"

Around the young pirates, the materials they have taken for themselves have already been piled up higher than people. They are not satisfied, but want more.

Bandner clenched his fists and clenched his teeth. The people who checked were getting more and more excessive. His shoulders were pushed, and Ryan, who was disguised as Rainey, stood in front of Bandner, looking at the two pirates with a cold face. . The young pirate flinched in fright, took a step forward unconvinced, and said, "Rebel!? I don't care how much I weigh, I'll waste a few bullets if it's enough!" His mouth was vicious Those words could not hide the trembling in the slightest, he felt that the deep eyes of the man standing in front of him were like a deep pool, capable of crushing everything that stood in his way.

"Raney" spoke, in a low voice, "The children are waiting for the meat."

"Unlucky." The young pirate cursed, but under the gaze of "Raney", he became more and more confident. He was afraid, and turned around to avoid the gaze of "Raney", "Old Ryan, let's go. The ones in the east are disgusting, how could the boss allow them to keep them? We should kill the useless ones and incorporate the usable ones into the team, what a waste.”

"Oh." Old Ryan was obsessed with eating meat. When he heard that he was leaving, he quickly picked up a box of meat and walked out, "Hey, hey, I don't want the trailer. I can't move so many things by myself."

The young pirate, who was walking out in a panic, twitched his cheeks a few times, and turned around to push the cart. In a hurry, the trailer was pushed to this side, and most of the things that were piled higher than people fell off. Old Ryan kept bending over. I went to pick it up, and complained, "What are you doing, everything fell, this is my favorite noodles, this is the soda that the boss wants..."

The two of them were just leading the battle, and there was a group of pirates with guns outside, so it was not good to start a conflict at this time.

After the two left, Bandner walked out from behind Ryan and said angrily, "I'm sorry, I almost had a conflict with them."

"It's nothing, they are indeed too much." Ryan glanced at the piled supplies with a flat gaze. The supplies that had been piled up in a room were obviously dented by a large piece, and many things were missing. Those people wanted to take them all at once. able to be satisfied.

Bandner sighed, "When I was young, there was a rule, and each time I drew 10% of the supplies, then Starscream changed its head, and the restrictions on the lower ones became more and more loose, and it was difficult for us in the east. The previous time was even more excessive, and half of it was taken away, we resisted, alas, Rennie was seriously injured, and it took three or four months to recover."

He was sorry for Rainey. Every time he went out, Rainey stood in front of him, and it was Rainey who was injured.

Ryan patted Bandner on the shoulder, "After this mission is successful, you will never be oppressed again."

"Well, it must be successful." Bandner said: "Cooperating with your actions will definitely expose our situation. If we fail, the east will suffer a massacre. I will bet everyone's life with you. I hope you don't Let us down."

"Please trust us, you will not be disappointed."

Fan Lunting's voice came from the cockpit, "My God, Bandena, is this the beast you speak of?"

Bandner looked sideways out of the window and saw a small starship passing over a group of lumbering longhorns. The giant black beasts had wings but could not fly. The passing of the little starship attracted some young longhorns With his head held high, he watched curiously with black compound eyes, being watched by groups of beasts, nervous and exciting. "This is a longhorn, a herbivore. It won't attack unless it provokes them."

"The wild beasts on Manghuangxing are enlarged versions of insects?" Fan Lunting said.

"Insects?" Bandner was puzzled. He is a person who has walked out of the wild star and broadened his horizons. When he first heard that insects were a little confused because of their fixed thinking, he suddenly realized, "Yes, it is the same as the insects on the mother planet of the earth. The insects on the star are small, but the 'insects' on the wild star are beasts that are bigger than the starship."

Enlarging insects to the size of dinosaurs is the daily life of Manghuangxing. Most insects have wings, are good at flying, have strong fertility, and are very destructive to the environment. It is not unreasonable for the Zerg to use this place as a food supply. Water resources are scarce on Manghuangxing, and most of the surface is arid desert. The only oasis has become the territory of "insects". Humans living here have very little space to use. The multiple trials of the beast. The whole Manghuangxing was able to maintain the population at about 13,000, mainly due to the fact that the pirates supplemented the population from time to time.

The Eastern District mentioned by the pirates and Bandner just now is the destination of Ryan's trip. Haloxylon trees are dense here, and there is no exposed water source on the surface. Under the scorching sun during the day, everyone is huddled in houses deep underground. Here, only at night will they come out for activities and hunt.

"We've arrived." Although the living conditions are harsh, Bandner has a deep-rooted nostalgia for the place where he was born and raised.

"There are no wild animals here." Fan Lunting is a scout, and the first thing he does when he comes to a strange place is to observe the environment.

"It's too hot, not during the day," Bandner said. In other words, there will be at night.

The small starship landed smoothly, and the sand and dust rolled up. Under the scorching sun, the floating sand layer became distorted together with the transparent air. When the hatch was opened, the heat wave rushed in with the sand and sand unobstructed. Scraping and pricking the skin, taking away the moisture on the skin, this is the extreme weather of Manghuangxing, the unmodified heat!

"It's too hot during the day, we need to get to the burrow as soon as possible."

Ryan: "Not moving supplies?"

"No." Bandner distributed the turbans prepared in advance to Fan Lunting and Ryan, and he explained: "There is no need to worry about the supplies being taken away. The highest temperature here during the day can reach more than ninety degrees. The pirates in the west They won’t come, they’re too hot.” There’s an oasis in the far west, and the pirates built walls to keep out wild animals. In the oasis, there’s a big lake that doesn’t dry up all year round, farmland that can be cultivated, fruit trees that can grow, and wild beasts that are docile. It can be domesticated... For the people in the east, it is like a paradise.

Many people living underground in the east have never been out of the planet in their life. They only know that this world has east and west, but they don’t know that the world outside the planet has a vast territory, an information age, and various materials... Bender The world depicted in the books that Narth brought back seemed to many people to be fabricated myths.

Ryan wrapped the hood that Bandner had handed over his face and neck, leaving only a small slit for his eyes. The moment he stepped out of the cabin door, he was surprised for a moment. It turned out that the heat wave that rushed into the starship was just an appetizer, far less than one-tenth of the heat outside. The atmosphere of Manghuangxing is thin, and the ultraviolet rays that irradiate the ground are more intense. When the skin is directly exposed to the air, it will dry and crack in less than 30 seconds. It even skips the redness and peeling of the sunburn, and suddenly enters the stage of burns , if you stay outside without protection for a long time, it is not impossible to become a mummy for five or six hours.

The raised sand dunes and the tenaciously growing Haloxylon tree did not bring much vitality to this side at all. On the contrary, the withered and yellow branches of the Haloxylon tree seemed sparse and lifeless.

Ryan didn't urge Bandner to quickly take them underground, and silently followed behind him in the desert, with one foot deep and one foot shallow. The balance of the body needs to be regained. Ryan and Fan Luting adapted quickly with their high-quality individual capabilities. As an aboriginal, Bandena didn't need to adapt. His body was already used to this environment.

"It's sunny during the day, but there are no wild beasts to attack." Bandena's voice came from the front, "It's too lively here at night, and the starship can't get close at all."

The people in the east protect themselves from the pirates in the west with the high temperature during the day and the dense cover of wild animals at night.

After struggling for about 20 meters, Bandner squatted down on the mountainside of the tall sand dune, stretched out his gloved hand to sweep away the golden sand grains, and revealed a metal cover with a diameter of one meter, and forcefully opened a crack. The coolness that comes out is fascinating. With the opening of the metal cover, a dark and deep passage was exposed. Bandner said, "Do you dare to go down first?"

Fan Lunting cut out, "What's the problem? I am a man who dares to go deep into the Zerg." As a scout, there is no place he dare not go down. It is what he should do to explore the unknown, and he took the lead in climbing down the tunnel.

When Fan Luting went down a little, Ryan followed closely, and finally Bandner, who was responsible for closing the lid and activating a small device on the lid, allowing sand to cover the entrance and restore it to its original state.

The downward passage was longer than expected, and it finally ended after descending more than 200 meters. The eyes have also adapted to the weak light, and they can see things clearly without using other lighting facilities.

Ryan raised his arm and glanced at his personal terminal, which showed that the temperature around his body was around 36 degrees. It would definitely be high temperature in other places, but the daytime in Manghuangxing was cool "winter". Ryan touched the dark green wall, and his fingertips felt the wetness and the touch of moss plants. There must be a source of water underground.

"Aren't you going to bring the two little robots down?" Bandner, who came down last, asked suspiciously.

Ryan said: "No need." He made palm-sized small bodies for Yuanyuan and Code Zero, and had already imported their systems into the small bodies before Bandner saw them, and these two small bodies were in his clothes pocket.

Now that Ryan said he didn't need it, Bandner didn't ask any more questions. Finally home, Bandner happily accelerated his walking speed, walked around Fan Lunting who was probing the terrain, and walked forward, "There is still a long way to go to our settlement, there are many underground forks, follow me , or you get lost in the fork in the road, and I can't find you."

Ryan: "It's kind of like the underground passage of Cranberry Planet."

"It's a bit similar, but the end of the passage leads to a completely different place. The Cranberry side is a paradise for pleasure." Bandner said: "Our place is a place where we are struggling to survive."