My Partner was Assigned to me by the Country

Chapter 106: Lane's Collaboration (2)


"What do you mean?" Bandner tried his best to keep his facial expression unchanged, and approached Ryan to ask further.

Ryan still smiled, but the calm tone told the cruelest words, "literally, the fact that will happen in twenty years."

Bandner was at a loss, looking at the environment he was familiar with, and couldn't imagine that the place that had provided the people with shelter for hundreds of years would collapse. He trusted Ryan rationally—it was given to him by the Cranberry Planet and the series of things that followed. The feeling is that Ryan is reliable and trustworthy, Ryan will not give up in order to achieve his goal, and cheating is something Ryan disdains to do. But Emotional Bendner does not want to accept the reality that the cave will collapse. It is difficult for outsiders to imagine his feelings for the cave. The dark, stuffy, and humid place is their hometown. No matter how bad the hometown is, it is still worth nostalgia.

Two villains appeared in Bandena's mind, wrestling with each other. In just a moment, he became upset and angry, "No! Yes! Yes!" He gritted his teeth and retorted word by word, as if he was forcing Ryan changed his words, saying that he was cheated, it was just a despicable means to achieve cooperation, nothing more.

But Ryan is destined to disappoint Bandner, "Sorry."

Bandena's tense back collapsed all of a sudden, as if he was walking towards a collapsed cave, he wanted to cry, but also wanted to laugh, his expression was so complicated that Qin Feng, the little guy in Ryan's hand, couldn't understand, "I, I see." Bandner calmed down when he became rational, and he even began to thank for this cooperation, and with Ryan's reminder, all of them will not become underground ghosts in their sleep twenty years later, " I will speak to the elders."

The clansmen take it easy.

Everyone's nerves in the cave town are actually very fragile, and they can't bear too much.

Ryan nodded, "Well, I have data and photos, and you will be more convincing when you convince the elders."

Bandena nodded in a low voice, he took a deep breath and let it out slowly, the words passed down from his grandfather about Emperor Qin Feng echoed in his ears, giving him the strength to resist the twists and turns of fate, he forced himself to be brave, As the leader of the clan, he cannot collapse, "Thank you."

"It's nothing." Ryan's gentle expression remained unchanged, looking at the swiftly flowing underground river with a faint voice, he said the truth, "With it, our cooperation will be smoother."

Bandena smiled feebly, "Without it, our cooperation would have been achieved, but this matter gave more reasons." The population of the town is limited, the genetic sequence is unbalanced, and polyandry can still be tolerated. The reproduction between relationships may also appear. This is a retrogression of human civilization. He does not want to see such deformities in the place where he lives.

He saw two little robots rushing out of the water, holding a palm-length, slender white fish in each hand. Can open mouth in vain trying to get more oxygen. The clansmen gathered behind did not know that the dome above their heads was on the verge of collapsing. Seeing the little robot catch the fish, the crowd erupted into excited cheers, the joy was so pure.

Yuan Chu and code-named Zero threw the fish on the ground when they landed. There were already five fish on the ground. The goal was achieved, and there was no need to go into the water. There are many undercurrents and eddies under the water. White fish like to play in it. Will be involved in the vortex, and be brought deep underground by the rapid current... Standing on the shore, Yuanyuan and code-named zero turned on the drying function, and the water vapor visible to the naked eye rose up, but they recovered from the wet state in a short while .

The people in the cave town were not only amazed by the hard-to-catch white fish, but also marveled at the magic of the two robots, which was a high-tech they had never been exposed to.

"Bandner always said how powerful the outside world is. I never believed it. Why didn't the pirates have it so powerful? Now I believe it."

"That's high technology?"

"It's amazing, I really want to go outside and have a look."

"Dad, what's the outside world like?"

"Dad doesn't know either."

"Is the sun out there?"

"There must be."


Conversations like this appeared in the crowd, and the two robots ignited the desire for the outside world in everyone's minds. It was unprecedented—the white fish that they couldn't catch with great effort, the two robots could catch four or five in a short period of time. This is the power of technology.

Bandner suddenly looked at Ryan, and found that Ryan was calm and composed, without the slightest pride and success in planning that ignited the flames in everyone's hearts. He hugged the young Qin Feng, and patiently taught him how to use skillful energy when encountering the incident just now. To get out of the predicament, strength is very important, as well as resourcefulness. Of course, it is more important to realize that comparing yourself with strength and wisdom, and doing what you can is the key to victory.

The young Qin Feng looked at the gentle Ryan and felt the gentle chest on his back. Is this how Dad feels

Xiao Qinfeng nodded, "I see." These words will plant a deep impression in his mind and will affect his life.

Bandner sighed, Ryan is such a good father, how lucky to be his child.

Yuanyuan had tested the white fish when it was caught, and concluded that the meat of white fish has high fat content and rich nutrients. It is very good for pregnant women, the weak and children. No wonder it will become a legend in the cave town. A must-have supplement for centuries. There are only three pregnant people in a small town with a population of more than 3,000, and one of them is Xiao Qinfeng's mother. Ryan asked Bandner to distribute the white fish to those in need, put down little Qin Feng himself, looked at him and said, "Son, the conversation between me and Bandner just now must be kept secret, this is between us men. agreement, okay?"

Xiao Qinfeng felt that he was valued, and puffed out his chest to promise, "Well, I know, I won't tell others, including my mother."

Ryan smiled, "What a good boy."

Holding the fish in his arms, Xiao Qinfeng happily ran to his mother, raised his head and excitedly told his mother about the experience just now. It turns out that it feels so cool to have a father.

His mother, the thin, pale man, looked gratefully at Lane, who smiled back, and Lane said to Bandner, "It's up to you."

"En." Bandena nodded vigorously, but the reality of the step that the elders dared not take forced everyone to leave.

With the observation data and pictures taken by the original, codename zero, the elders became more and more silent, and had to face the facts. The cooperation they opposed was put on the table, and the young people selected by Bandner were excited They gathered together to discuss the upcoming action enthusiastically. They looked at Fan Lunting from time to time, trying their best to show off their bodies, minds and language talents, etc., just like male peacocks opening their beautiful tail feathers and showing off to their heart's content. Just like her beauty.

When Ryan saw Fan Luting, he saw that he was holding something full of things, Ryan was strangely silent; "..."

Fan Lunting said happily: "The people here are so hospitable. Everywhere I go, they will give me food. If I don't want it, they will not be happy. It makes me feel embarrassed and dare not walk around casually."

Ryan: "Uh, do you know why?"

Fan Lunting is really slow about his gene sequence, "What else can it be, everyone is very hospitable."

Ryan wanted to vomit, for example, you would only realize your genetic sequence in front of Connor. Thinking about saying this would make Fan Luenting embarrassed and sad, he rationally didn't say it. He explained normally, "You found out by yourself that the genetic sequence of the people here is out of balance, and there are very few Xs with fertility."

Fan Lunting nodded hesitantly, "Yeah." He looked down at the things in his arms and understood a little.

"There's one thing they didn't say."


"They are different from us. There will be differences in gene sequences on the body surface. People with gene sequence X will have birthmarks."

"I know this..." Fan Lunting looked at the men and women who kept passing by him. He thought they were hospitable before, but now he understands that this is a male showing his ability, orz.

Ryan said: "The gene sequence Y can smell Y just by smelling, and you are a favorite among them."

Fan Luanting: "..." Silently put down the food he was holding, feeling as if those things had become dowry gifts.


The elders finally nodded and agreed to cooperate. Bandner was happy. As for the next action, he was young and had little experience. He had ability but rarely used it in major events. He set his sights on Ryan. He trusted Ryan.

Ryan stood up, and his smiling but commanding smile made everyone present stop moving and quiet down. When everyone was quiet, Ryan nodded with satisfaction, "Three days later, it will be the day to 'work' with the pirates. What we have to do is actually very simple. Use this opportunity to go in, spread the news of the military's military drills, and get a good deal with the pirates." The opportunity to meet with the pirate leader persuaded him to withdraw his manpower and return to this planet. Then, just wait."

"Wait?" Bandena was puzzled, and the others were also puzzled.

Ryan said: "Wait for the pirates to come back, and finally wipe them all out." No matter what happened in Ryan's mouth, it became an understatement, simple and easy. He has this confidence and strong ability to lead everyone to complete the task and make people believe in obedience his strength.

As the logistics and quartermaster in Starscream (there are more than 20 people in the same position), Bandner can use his status to find opportunities to meet the pirate leader.

Bandner deeply felt that the mission was great, and at the same time he also discovered that Ryan didn't really need the people in the small town during the cooperation. The people in the small town gave him more cover than assistance, no, no, say Maybe all Ryan wants is the coordinates of the wild star, and he can even enter the "west side" without cover. Bandner looked at Ryan blankly. Could it be that he just wanted to give the cave town a chance to make a contribution to the military


While he was thinking about his own value, a man with bleeding shoulders stumbled over, shouting as he ran, "Boss, 'West Side', 'West Side' are coming, they want to grab supplies, Ao Dai found out I went to stop it, and I was also taken away."

The east and west sides of Manghuangxing have always maintained a delicate balance. The materials are parked outside, and there has never been any looting before. This is the result of the efforts of the predecessors and Bandner's active efforts, but now this balance has been broken.