My Partner was Assigned to me by the Country

Chapter 11: Congratulations (catch insects)


Few people come to the laboratory on the Xingtian ship. It is not that others are prohibited from entering, but there are various terrifying legends circulating on the ship. It's a laboratory. Dr. Blair is the chief medical officer on the ship. He often goes to the infirmary to treat the soldiers. His face is covered by a mask and his expression cannot be seen clearly, but the love for human tissue revealed in his eyes is frightening.

In the cultivation cabin around the laboratory, the organs of the Zerg that have been detached from the body are still active to a certain extent, moving slowly in the thick liquid, and some compound eyes even drag a tail-like blood vessel close to the inner wall of the cultivation cabin, like Do your best to see what's going on outside.

Ryan withdrew his gaze, focused on the movements of his hands, split the big fish head in half, washed it, put it on a large round plate, covered it with chopped pepper and other seasonings, and put it in the steamer. Dr. Blair's laboratory is very complete with all kinds of kitchen utensils, but observing this doctor, it doesn't look like someone who can cook, these kitchen utensils are more like being used for...

Ryan stopped his wandering thoughts in time, closed the steamer and cooked another three or four dishes. After finishing the work at hand, while waiting for the steamed, roasted or stewed dishes to be cooked, Ryan looked at Auston and Blair by the way. They were looking at what they brought from U167, completely changing this star Something worth the planet.

"This is a kind of fungus, non-toxic, edible. It is rich in a lot of mineral elements, amino acids, multivitamins... My God, what kind of fairy mushroom is this? It is the most nutritious and most nutritious edible plant I know. Comprehensive, it is simply a concentrated nutrient, and..." Blair brought the cross-section of the cut fungus close to the tip of his nose, and sniffed it with enjoyment. "The taste has a woody fragrance, which may change after cooking."

Alston stood on one side, holding an unnamed fungus with his slender fingers. It was a black, irregular sphere, and there were white snow patterns on the cross-section after it was cut.

"Just having rich nutrients is not enough to improve the evaluation level of U167." He said very impressively, and did not give unusual attention to these fungi because Ryan discovered them.

Ryan was about to explain, when Didi’s machine beeped, and paper strips drawn with lines of various colors were slowly spit out. Blair took it over and opened his eyes in surprise, “No, Oston, I think we should Pay more attention to the development of U167."

"Why?" Alston walked to Blair's side and looked at the test note together.

Blair excitedly showed Alston the data strip, "There is actually φ3 in it."

In the interstellar era, human beings are exposed to cosmic radiation, often accompanied by a state of genetic instability, and the direct consequence is a decrease in fertility. Even for the most genetically compatible couples, having children is a matter of constant hard work and luck.

The genetic instability caused by radiation is medically called φ3 element deficiency. The prevalence rate of the entire empire is more than 30%, and the prevalence rate of soldiers floating in space all year round is even 50%. It is a kind of trouble. A disease that affects the entire empire and the future of mankind.

"The content per 500 grams is 0.6 micrograms." Only professionals can understand those ups and downs, and Auston read the final summary.

"Don't underestimate this 0.6 microgram. The content standard of the φ3 element in the body of a normal person is between 0.255 microgram and 0.3 microgram. This small bacterium can contain more than human beings."

Alston immediately understood the value, "Hopeful star!"

"Yes, the Star of Hope. The Western Legion discovered a kind of octopus in the ocean of this planet. It can extract 1 microgram of φ3 element per ton, and it was named the Star of Hope by the empire." Blair twirled the little fungus in his hand. Ball, "The fungus ball found in U167 is much more powerful than those octopuses that are difficult to catch."

On the Star of Hope, only the wild deep-sea giant octopus has the φ3 element, and the artificially bred ones lose this characteristic, and can only be made into paste to make those strange-tasting nutritional supplements.

"Ryan, tell me about the process of discovering the fungus ball." Oston, as the coach of the legion, has already begun to plan the development of U167. Looking at Ryan standing by the table, he was a gentle and shy man with black hair and brown eyes. He was still wearing a military uniform for ground operations. The neat and crisp style made him a bit more capable and dashing, but his eyes were as gentle as ever .

Under the gaze of Alston, Ryan described the whole process of discovering the fungal bulb. On the way back, I passed a dry river. There were cracks and cracks in the river. The widest crack was three fingers wide. The foot was the easiest and most overlooked place. Ryan was careful and observant. Some shellfish hidden in the silt were found at a distance of ten centimeters.

Throwing an exploration robot the size of a pearl into the gap, the small robot continued to go deep into the ground, and the crack was more than ten meters deep, so the existence of the fungus ball was discovered.

Of course, the small testers they carried with them could not detect the existence of the φ3 element, but could only test that the fungus balls were rich in a large amount of trace elements.

"There is a wild edible fungus called black truffle on the mother planet of the earth. The fungus balls found on U167 are very similar to black truffles. Black truffles are very popular in high-end restaurants in the empire, but because of the change in the geological conditions of the mother planet, black truffles The annual output is only 1,000 kilograms, which can be consumed by a high-end restaurant on the central planet in a year, but unfortunately they can't get so much goods at all."

Ryan's family runs a farm, so they have a good understanding of the market conditions of various plants. Like thousands of farmers, my father tried to buy black truffle mycelium from the parent planet for artificial cultivation, and all of them failed without exception. .

Now, the industry has recognized that black truffles cannot be propagated artificially. Therefore, black truffle is called black gold, although its price is more expensive than gold.

Ryan did not expect that the fungal balls discovered by U167 would contain φ3 elements, which was far beyond his imagination. The black truffle alone makes U167 worth a lot, and with the φ3 element, its value is even more immeasurable.

Ryan is very happy that his discovery can help the entire legion and Auston.

"Black truffles, interesting." Blair has absolutely no research on eating, he has seen chopped black truffles and top foie gras put together.

"Sergeant Lane."

Ryan subconsciously stood at attention.

"Your discovery is very important. After the discovery is confirmed and verified, you will gain great military merit. Congratulations in advance, Lieutenant Ryan."

Ryan's eyes lit up, not only because he could improve his military rank, but also because he was affirmed by Auston, who especially excited him.

There was laughter from the side, and Blair was overjoyed, "You two won't get along like this all the time, right? You two are husband and wife, so you have some fun."

Ryan and Auston looked at each other, and the two who had been teased gradually became uncomfortable. It wasn't the embarrassment of being teased, but... A slight blush appeared on Auston's face.


The discovery of the φ3 element in the fungus balls was a serious matter. In order to confirm that the discovery was not accidental, Alston immediately sent an action team to dig out the fungus balls on U167. This time it was a special operation to determine the growth characteristics, distribution, growth and Quantity, etc., excavated fungal balls in different regions and analyzed them to determine that the discovery of the φ3 element was not accidental.

Oston was busy, and Ryan couldn't talk to him alone, so he could only go back to the dormitory with a little regret. I saw Derrick Hall at the door of the dormitory. This man had already changed into a clean training suit. Without the exhaustion and dust from the action, he seemed to be in good spirits.

Ryan realized belatedly that he had been in U167 for nearly five days, and he was already ashamed, and he had stayed in front of Auston for so long in this state!

"Lian." Derrick spotted Ryan and greeted him proactively.

"Captain." Ryan hurriedly put away his wild thoughts and asked Derrick why he came to him.

Derrick was a straightforward guy, pointing to the door of the dormitory and said, "Don't invite me in."

"I was negligent." Iris opened the door, and Ryan turned sideways and said, "Please come in."

Seeing the situation in the dormitory, Derrick raised his eyebrows. Apart from the three impressive planting cabins that occupy a lot of space, this dormitory is too simple.

After Ryan invited Derrick to sit down, he went to the bathroom to wash his face and hands, and then went to the kitchen to open the strawberries picked in the refrigerator a few days ago, cut a few and put them in soda water, simple and beautiful strawberry soda The water is done successfully, and it is good for entertaining guests.

After receiving the soda water, Derrick had to admit that Ryan is a very life-oriented person. If he entertained his comrades, it would be nice to have a bottle of iced drink, so he wouldn't bother to prepare any soda water. "Ryan, are you interested in joining the Operations Department?"

Derrick straight to the point explained the purpose of coming, he is here to poach people, Ryan is too talented to stay in the logistics department, he is an excellent fighter, he should be in a place where he can display his abilities, not buried in the logistics department all day long Deal with trivia. He had asked when he came, and Ryan had actually been in the kitchen for ten years before coming to Xingtian Ship. Ten years of kitchen life did not diminish Ryan's vigor at all, which shows how much effort he has to spend in private to train and improve himself.

"Staying in the war department can give full play to the abilities of a soldier and tap more of his own potential." Derrick lobbied, "As a soldier, you should go deep into the battlefield and shed your blood and blood to defend your home and country."

Ryan listened to him finish, and then expressed his opinion, "Sorry, I have no plan to enter the War Department."

"Why?" Could it be that he was exercising and working hard to improve his individual ability, not to enter the battlefield

"My goal now is to become a mech restorer," Lane said.

"Is it possible to become a restorer code-named zero?"

Ryan was restrained, and this was what he thought in his heart, but Derrick let it out. Pursing his lips, Ryan didn't speak, but not speaking was tantamount to acquiescing.

Derrick slapped his forehead, "The combat brigade can also fight side by side with the general."

"Sorry, I've made up my mind."

"I won't give up." Derrick didn't say, becoming an exclusive restorer is too difficult, and it's not as easy as changing jobs. "I wish you success too."


Before leaving, Derrick said, "Ryan, with your ability, you shouldn't be assigned to the kitchen."

Ryan smiled lightly, "I accidentally offended my classmates." Because he was too good in school, he was tricked into joining the army after graduation and became a member of the kitchen. His family has no power or power, so he has a small planting star, and he can't use the relationship to change places for himself, and he can't protest, so he can only bear it.

Derrick understood in an instant, and pressed Ryan's shoulder comfortingly, "Under the leadership of the general, the Xingtian Ship is fair enough. But there will inevitably be disputes between people. If you are in trouble, come to me. Although I am a military rank It's not big, and the position is not high, but it has something to do with it, and it will definitely help if you can help."


"My brothers don't need to be so polite." After a few days of getting along, Derrick and Ryan have become brothers and sisters, "Okay, there is no need to send it away."

Derrick went out and went back to the floor where his military branch was located. On the way to the elevator, he met General Auston.

"General!" Derrick stood aside and stood at attention to salute. When the general passed by, he muttered to himself, "What is the general doing at the logistics floor? This direction is only going to Ryan's dormitory. Could it be that I went to Ryan? What are you thinking, how is it possible, Ryan and the general have met twice, it must not be because of the bowl of noodles."