My Partner was Assigned to me by the Country

Chapter 113: Chaos within the Wall (1)


Looking at the mail being sent, Ryan found it really interesting, the task was completed smoothly, and he will be able to go home soon.

"Has the message been sent?" Ryan looked at his personal terminal and asked Yuanyuan.

Yuan Yuan said: "It has been sent, and the general will receive it soon."

Ryan smiled and said, "I'm waiting for the heavenly soldiers."

Code Zero complained, "My body."

Original comfort, "By using what's okay, I often change my body."

The code-named zero system was ups and downs, and it felt like a bunch of redundant information appeared. He didn't try to interpret the information, but packed it up and stuffed it in the corner of the system. Space, "Oh."

Yuan Chu said: "I'm used to it, and I'll never know whether the next body will be used by someone else or what shape it will be. Alas..." This sigh has no ups and downs, no sincerity, just imitating the appearance of human sighing but never imitating it In essence, this is artificial intelligence.

Ryan: "..." Let him pretend he didn't hear the rant, the artificial intelligence he made, he will use it no matter what.

The original and the code name zero went into the hands of others, and Ryan couldn't imagine what would happen.

The tent was suddenly opened quickly, and Fan Luanting dodged in. He was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief when he got inside the tent, and he said, "I went to see Bender and Ao Dai, and they are all fine. Bender I don’t know if this will affect your plan, but let him act impulsively, he thinks the decision he made was the most correct under the circumstances.”

Ryan asked, "What else did he say?"

"He also said, don't blame him."

Ryan smiled, "It's done, it's too late to regret, he doesn't have to be so anxious."

Fan Luting sat down beside Ryan, "Following you, I really learned a lot of idioms, and I feel that my Chinese culture has improved a lot. Bandena is not confident, you are a strict mentor. Ryan, I I don't understand, why did you take them with you?"

They made a lot of plans, such as one, two, three, four, etc., which made Fan Luting deeply realize the horror of Ryan's plan, but in the end Ryan chose the most thankless plan and brought the people from the "East" together. action! It's not that the people in the "East Side" are bad, everyone has their own shining points, but bringing them obviously slows down the speed of the two professional soldiers and reduces the efficiency of both of them.

Fan Lunting didn't understand, why Ryan took them with him.

"Probably because of responsibility," Lane said.

Fan Lunting was puzzled, "Responsibility?"

Ryan smiled, and said with some regret: "Yes." He didn't explain. No one in this world except Auston would understand, and it was useless to explain to outsiders.

Fan Ting shrugged, "I see." Ryan obviously didn't want to say anything more, so he didn't get to the bottom of it.

Ryan was still looking at his personal terminal, he missed Auston and Tuantuan very much, and wanted to talk and video with them, but he restrained himself and never acted rashly. The military division has a network that can communicate with the outside world, as long as Ryan moves his finger gently, he can connect to it, but he is not sure that this is the only one. Wiping his wrists with his palms, hiding his personal terminal, Ryan said: "Next, you continue to play a good military strategist, stabilize the mood of the pirates, and don't show any signs."

"Ok, I know!"

Ryan asked, "How about the chief?"

Fan Lunting frowned and said, "He's a very weird person."

"Tell me."

Fan Lunting said: "He is very smart, very decisive, and a ruthless person, but he doesn't seem to care about the outside world or his own pirate career at all. He loves flower spiders more than lovers, no, more than himself. You I didn't see that obsessed look, I doubt that he regards the flower spider as a lover, and will be with it..." Fan Lunting's expression twisted, and he couldn't continue with the disgusting content, "When he left, he saw I even suspected that he had seen through me, but he did nothing and still gave me the password book."

Ryan: "Then the adjective you used is very accurate, it's weird. We have read through the military division's optical brain, and we can be sure that the leader has been doing nothing since thirty years ago. At that time, the flower spider was only the size of a fist."

"and many more."

Ryan: "Huh?"

Fan Luanting didn't know how to express himself, and always felt confused, "Then, does that mean that that annoying spider has lived for thirty years?! I know that kind of rose grimacing spider, whose lifespan is only ten years or so. Why? It might live for thirty years! Could it be that the ghost-faced spider in his thirties is going to become a spirit like the one mentioned in the Chinese mythology?"

Lightning flashed in Ryan's mind. He seized this inspiration and asked Yuanyuan and Code Zero to search the military division's diary, "See if there is any mention of the leader collecting Chinese books."

After one breath, Yuanyuan told Ryan the result, "Yes, it happened 21 years ago. I was obsessed with it for about three months, and I gave up soon."

Fan Lunting felt so ridiculous, "What is he going to do? Could it be that he has really found a way to make animals sperm?"

"How is it possible!" Ryan looked at Fan Luanting as if he were looking at a whimsical child.

Fan Lunting felt wronged.

Ryan said with a smile: "No matter what the leader wants to do, we just need to complete our own tasks." His smile deepened, his eyes passed through the tent and looked into the distance, as long as the task is successfully completed, the rest will be discussed after the completion of the task Bar.

After five o'clock, the noise outside the tent gradually subsided, the day's carnival of the pirates was coming to an end, the night life was over, and it was time for them to sleep.

Ryan and Fan Luting stayed up all night, and began to rest when a ray of sky appeared on the horizon, sleeping alone and guarding alone, and so on. The two who have received professional sleep training can replenish their energy with a short deep sleep... In fact, it is very common to go without sleep for three days and three nights when performing tasks, but why don't you sleep when you have time to sleep? Having more energy is better able to cope with tasks.

As the sun rose high, the voices of people inside the wall became less and less, and the "east" people who repaired the wall at the edge of the wall began to move. The scorching light shines on the human body. People living in underground caves all year round and coming out at night in the "East" can't stand it. Their skin becomes red, dehydrated, and cracked. Heat stroke makes people's limbs start to twitch. .

Bandena didn't know when he came here. He looked up at the tribesmen who were sweating profusely in the heat. Even so, they were still working honestly, and they didn't dare to slack off even if no one was watching. This means that he has been oppressed for a long time and has become accustomed to slavery. No matter how much he usually says about struggling, breaking free, and resisting, it is still useless and unable to influence them from the root.

Bandner: "Come down, everyone come down!"

The clansmen working at heights with crude tools bowed their heads, but their small movements made several people stare at each other.

Bandner raised his voice and shouted sharply, "Come down!"

"What's wrong with you, Bandena?" Someone asked dully.

Bandner said feebly, "I told you to come down. If you stay in the sun for a long time, you will die."

Someone said embarrassingly: "But we have to finish the work within seven days, and there are a lot of repairs. If we don't rush to work day and night, we can't finish it." With hypochondriac, those young children never grow up.

Bandner whispered: "No, no, it shouldn't be like this."

His voice was too low, and those who still insisted on working at heights couldn't hear him. He frowned and asked in doubt, "Bandner, what are you talking about?"

Bandena laughed, and he waved at the clansmen, "Come down!" He changed from his previous strictness, but his gentle attitude made people feel that he could not refuse, and he subconsciously followed and only acted.

That's what Lane does, gentle, not harsh, yet irresistible.

The clansmen descended to the ground one after another, looking at Bandena timidly. For some reason, some people looked at Bandena's expression, and there was faint expectation in their hearts, and they were eager to try.

"It's daytime, and a lot of them are going to sleep," Bandner said.

The tribe didn't understand what this meant.

Bandner said softly, "Come on, let's act."

"Benderner, what are we going to do?"

Bandena said without looking back: "Resist." The pirates have their blood on their hands, so let the pirates pay homage to the souls of the dead with their blood. They also know how to resist, even if they lose their lives, and their generation is getting less and less passionate, and the future is almost invisible.

Then resist.

To break the shackles that bind the souls of all people, and to restore the freedom of all people.

The others looked at each other, and while hesitating, someone moved and followed behind Bandner. They were also deeply influenced by Qin Feng Anderson's thoughts, and they were bloody deep in their bones, but they were oppressed for a long time, and their spines gradually bent down...

chug chug—

The sudden sound rang out, tearing the peace of the day inside the wall. Many pirates were still asleep, confused about what was happening. Pirates are used to indulgence, wandering on the edge of life and death, their sensitivity to gunshots and blood is very low, and they think that the sounds they hear and the smell of blood are their own illusions, but the most insignificant dreams in sleep .

Pirate Pantheon was like this. He struggled to open his sour eyes, and listened to the outside sound with his ears covered with something. He couldn't tell if it was reality or a dream. He gave up the idea of getting up, cursed in a low voice and vaguely, turned over and continued to sleep. The tent was lifted, and the glaring sunlight shone into the small room unobstructed. Pan Sen opened his eyes cursingly, and a figure walked in against him. It seemed that the smell of blood was getting stronger and stronger.

Who is that person, he cannot see.

Pantheon cursed, "Get out!" His voice was muffled and low, his tongue was still dizzy from the hangover, and he couldn't speak clearly at all. It took a long time for the numb nerves to transmit the feeling of pain to the brain. He slowly widened his eyes, and saw his own body fell heavily on the ground, and the bowl-sized scar on his neck was oozing blood. Then there is no more, he has lost his sense of the world.

The reason why pirates are pirates is definitely not only because of their cruelty and indulgence. Bandena and the others are less able to seize the advantage, and the situation is getting worse and worse for them. Cangji's voice became more and more intense. However, many pirates still don't know who the enemy is, and they have caused a lot of trouble to the pirates themselves, and they don't know how many pirates died at the hands of their own people.

Even so, Bandena has already lost the presence of two members of his tribe, and the fate of the disappearance is self-evident.

What should we do now

Bandena encountered the biggest problem in his life, but he was surprisingly calm.

Ryan and Fan Luting, who were resting in the military division's tent, noticed something strange, and they acted without any hesitation. Ryan appeared behind Bandner. He calmly killed a pirate and said to Bandner, "Now we can withdraw. In military terms, this is called a strategic transfer."

Seeing Ryan, Bandner's eyes brightened, and he found his backbone!