My Partner was Assigned to me by the Country

Chapter 114: Chaos within the Wall (2)


Ryan is the backbone of Bandner, but the opinion given by this backbone is to retreat.

Bandner suddenly turned his head to look at Ryan, "Retreat?!" Why? Although the current situation is getting worse and worse, they are in the dark and the enemy is in the open. As long as they hide well, they can kill more pirates and cause more chaos. Ryan said that they will have reinforcements, as long as Surviving until reinforcements arrive is a victory! "No, my people are watching. The confidence they just picked up cannot disappear. Retreating is a blow to their confidence."

There are only a few clansmen inside the wall, but as long as they win, these clansmen will be able to influence more people, and the entire cave town can get out of the haze of being controlled by pirates, and live a normal life without inferiority and timidity. Worry and fear can better integrate into the new society and live freely.

Bandner has never been so conscious as he is today. Under the guidance of Ryan, he realized the importance of building the self-confidence of the tribe. No, it should be that he knew something vaguely before, but he was only probing at the edge. He didn't think deeply about how to enter the core and how to solve this problem. Now he knows that it was Ryan who made him conscious! Since he guided himself to "go out", why did Ryan stop at the critical moment

Bandner looked at Ryan suspiciously, shouldn't he help him defeat these pirates? He didn't care, and expressed his inner doubts.

Lane pressed Bandner's head, raised the barn and took out a pirate who had already targeted Bandner and tried to kill him. After solving the trouble cleanly, Ryan said: "Before asking for my help, shouldn't I strengthen myself? I can carry one oil bottle, and I can barely carry two. Three is the limit, but now the oil bottle The number far exceeds three." In fact, when he brought the people from the "east" into the enclosure, Ryan hung a circle of oil bottles on his body, and he carried them with ease. But he can't hold the children all the time, he has to let go when they grow up.

Bandner was taken aback, "We've already gone out and started to resist, didn't we strengthen ourselves."

"No." Ryan shook his head and said with a chuckle, "If you were strong, you wouldn't ask for my help. You wouldn't be as careless as you are now. It's not me, you've already died seven or eight times .”

" are a paradox." Bandner felt that he was going to be confused by Ryan.

Ryan said: "What about the paradox, what about the strong words, I am strong and I have reason."

Bandner reluctantly said: "...well, I'm speechless." He didn't want to admit it with his mouth, but he knew in his heart that what Ryan said was right.

In the chaos, Ryan took Bandner and a few people who had been following Bandner to the back of a dark tent, and used his professionalism to ensure that this corner was temporarily safe. The key points were temporary, and they would be there for at most ten minutes. must be transferred.

Gaining a chance to breathe, the embarrassed Bandner looked at Ryan and found that Ryan was actually removing the camouflage belonging to Rainey on his face, revealing his gentle and handsome face. Ryan, who changed into a costume, had no time to give Bandner a look. Bandner spoke several times, but he didn't know how to organize his words to persuade Ryan. What should he do now, how can he lead everyone out of the predicament? What to do? What to do? What to do…

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the noisy sound brought by the pirates running outside continued to approach. Their steps were heavy, and they obviously held heavy weapons in their hands.

To deal with a few people armed with simple weapons, there is no need to use such a large number of troops... Bandner twitched the corner of his mouth in self-deprecation! What time is this, he still has the mind to think about messy things!

He stared at Ryan's eyes and couldn't help but start to wander. Suddenly, his sight was attracted by a stone building in the distance. It was one of the few buildings with solid walls within the entire wall. It was not high. It is about two or three floors, but it is enough to overlook the entire enclosure, because tents are popular here! If he hadn't been in it, and the pirates had hidden a lot of ammunition, Bandner really wanted to set fire to this place and wipe out all the evils.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Ao Dai nervously grabbed her brother's sleeve. She didn't want to be afraid, she should have acted strong, but when things came to an end, she found out that she was just a little girl hiding beside her brother and crying secretly.

Bandena gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go to the house over there."

"Why?" Ao Dai couldn't help talking more when she was nervous.

Bandner said: "There are so many reasons, just follow my brother." He stood up, took a deep look at Ryan, and said softly: "Thank you."

Lane didn't lead with words, but all his actions told Bandner what to do. Ryan gave Bandner a smile and said nothing. Ao Dai, who saw his true face, let out a small exclamation. When walking behind her brother, she couldn't help looking back at Ryan several times. After getting a gentle smile from the other party, Ao Dai's chaotic heartbeat gradually calmed down, and her face became flushed.

The transfer process went smoothly. The only thing that didn't go well was that on the road, I saw two of Bandena's missing clansmen, lying on the ground, already turned into corpses, with blood trickling out and soaking the ground.

"East" is not the first time to face the death of the tribe, nor will it be the last, but it is definitely the most shocking one, because it originated from their resistance. They didn't stay in grief for too long, and dragged the bodies of their clansmen to a place where they would not be disturbed. The group endured their grief and continued to move forward. They killed pirates when they encountered them, and walked a bloody road.

Soon I arrived at the three-story house I saw, a boxy, angular brownish-yellow building, which was almost the same color as the entire desert. The windows were small, narrow and very rare, so I couldn’t see it from any angle. It wasn't for living in. The pirates wantonly opened wooden warehouses and did damage at will, but they slowed down when they passed all the stone buildings and bypassed them far away.

What is it here for

Bandner looked at Ryan, without explaining, he felt that the answer was ready to come out, this is the ammunition/magazine, and it is a heavy, extremely dangerous weapon that scares the pirates. Bandner actually felt a little excited, and kicked open the wooden door, which was not considered solid. The pirates didn't even protect it with encryption, and they didn't even have a guard. They were too confident and arrogant.

Bandner, who walked in first, quickly observed the terrain and found that there were a lot of boxes stacked on the first floor. The signs on the boxes indicated danger, great danger.

"What kind of weapons are these?" Ao Dai was puzzled, trying to open the box to find out.

Bandner turned his head and shouted loudly: "Don't move!" His tone was very severe.

Ao Dai was present stiffly, and said aggrievedly, "I, I'm just curious."

"Good girl, don't be too curious." Ryan stepped lightly, and his gentle voice sounded slowly, he said to everyone: "Don't walk around, throw out the metal as soon as possible, a little static here can kill all of us. Send people to heaven, including all the pirates out there."

Ao Dai: "What!!"

Ryan said, "Don't be afraid, just be careful and you'll be fine."

Everyone: "..." Are you careful? This is a place where one has to keep one's breathing slow and light, and one even suspects that talking loudly caused the air to vibrate, thus sparking some kind of spark, it's too scary.

Ryan said lightly, "It's nothing, just be careful. Go upstairs and see what's upstairs, maybe it will reassure everyone."

Bandner was the first to go, and every step he took seemed so difficult and heavy. Ryan followed behind him, strolling in the garden, as if walking in his own star planting, while a group of people behind them walked in fear, Fear and restlessness, every step is cautious, for fear of doing something wrong and sending everyone to heaven.

After Ryan's appraisal, the second floor was slightly better. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then Ryan said, "Just stand still, the vibration is large... Well, everyone understands."

Everyone, "Ha ha." I understand, I really understand.

Ryan shrugged, sometimes he also has a bad taste.

The third floor was much better. Ryan allowed everyone to sit down. The moment they sat down, everyone finally felt redeemed. But it's far from a real sigh of relief!

The pirates had already identified the specific target of the people from the "East". More and more people surrounded the small building, but no one acted rashly.

"Military Master, what should we do with these fleas now?!" A pirate pointed to the stone house in the distance and asked fiercely.

The pale "Military Adviser" wrapped in heavy clothes looked at the stone house and said quietly, "They really chose a good place." Using the idiom he learned from Ryan, it was a mouse-thrower!

The "Military Advisor" said, "We will wait."

The pirates around him rolled their eyes, and immediately understood the meaning of the military advisor, and began to flatter them in a timely manner, "The military advisor is still very good. They have no food. They can starve to death inside, or come out and surrender. Let's wait and consume them to death. Haha , and we still have a bargaining chip, so we just go to the 'East' to arrest people and threaten them with underground rats. Hehe, if we have the ability, we will explode, let's finish the game together."

The "Military Adviser" glanced at the speaking pirate, and the pirate immediately shuddered. Could it be that what he said was wrong

The "Military Advisor" said, "Since you know what to do, why don't you go quickly!"

The pirate reacted immediately, because he disliked him for being too slow, "Yes! Military advisor, let's act now, and we must rush to the 'East' as soon as possible to catch those nasty underground rats."

The "Military Adviser" nodded, and said lightly, "Yes." Fan Lunting remembered the conversation with Ryan in his heart. Ryan said that now is to wait. There are a lot of scorpions in the stone house. It is best for pirates not to dare to break in. If the pirates propose to go to the "east" to arrest people, don't stop them. The underground caves are easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is difficult to break through in a short time.

Ryan taught the people left behind some simple defensive knowledge and key points before departure. As long as they are used step by step, resisting pirates is not a problem.

Lane also said that the general will be coming soon with reinforcements.

Fan Lunting looked at the dazzlingly bright sky of Manghuangxing, how fast can Ryan speak of

Confrontation is the most difficult waiting. From day to night, it seems to take several times longer than usual. The people staying inside the building are uneasy, and the pirates guarding outside are also having a hard time. No one knows if there will be any accidents. occur…

It was too hot during the day, and the pirates who were nocturnal were drowsy from the sun, and some pirates who were obviously not disciplined or had no discipline had already sat down and dozed off. Not to mention a big heart.

Wrapped in thick clothes, Fan Lunting didn't stay in the sun for long, and returned to the tent after standing for about ten minutes. This is also in line with the personality of a military adviser. If he sticks here, people will be suspicious.

The sun has finally set, and the last ray of light disappears from the horizon. The night finally came. Unlike usual, the pirates did not start their normal night life this night. They all guarded outside the stone house, and the silence was a little scary.


The sound produced by the movement of many claws came, and many pirates suddenly turned extremely ugly when they heard the sound, and they were very frightened.

It is the leader's flower spider.

The tall and silent leader came over and stood beside the military adviser who had not been here for a long time. He looked at the stone house in the distance and ordered, "Bring people up and kill them."

Fan Lunting looked behind him, his pupils suddenly constricted.