My Partner was Assigned to me by the Country

Chapter 117: Leave the wild star


When the people in the cave town learned that they could live in the outside world, their emotions did not rise, and the speed of tidying things did not speed up at all. Except for the ignorant children, the adults were all anxious.

What is the outside world like

Will they be harmed

With such doubts circling in their hearts, their speed became slower and slower... But the people in the cave town have been oppressed by pirates for a long time, and have developed a character of resignation. Bandner encouraged everyone to leave the underground, and they were unwilling to , but acted accordingly.


The young man who packed up his belongings absently responded to his son, "Huh?"

Qin Feng Amelia walked over, holding a bunch of cute little stones in her hands, "Mom, I have to take this with me, and leave it for my brother to play with."

When the man saw those smooth and round stones, he couldn't help laughing, "Before giving it to him to play with, you should keep it for him first."

Little Qin Feng nodded solemnly, "Yeah, I will definitely keep them for my brother. These little stones are beautiful, round, smooth and cool, and my brother will like them." He also likes them. Little Qin Feng lay on his mother's lap and asked curiously: "Mom, is the outside world fun?" Bandner said, there will be movies to watch and many books. What is a movie? Is the sun shining on people? It's very bright Well, Ao Dai said that I would be tanned into a black ball, and that would not be cute. Bandner also said that we will live outside in the future, and children can go to school. I want to learn knowledge and make a little robot like Ryan , Mom, Mom, do you think I can do it?"

Celil stroked his son's fluffy hair, and his uneasy heart gradually calmed down. He said softly, "Baby, you can do it. You are born on the same birthday as Emperor Qin Feng."

Xiao Qinfeng nodded vigorously, "Mom, I will work hard to become a man like the emperor, and I will take care of you and my younger brother in the future." Touching his mother's slightly swollen belly with his small hand, he said softly to his younger brother inside: "Brother, let's work hard together, we will live under the sun from now on."


Many of the residents living in the cave town have never seen the sun since they were so old, and some of them have never even left the next step. Under the leadership of Bandena, the residents walked uneasy in the passage leading to the outside world. This road is very long, but it is impossible to go on forever, there is always an end. The sun is dazzling, the desert is golden, and there is a gentle wind blowing over the skin... It turns out that this is the feeling of the sun, this is the feeling of the breeze, everything is beautiful.

Celier held his son's little hand vigorously, not daring to let go to let his curious son have a chance to leave his side. He swallowed nervously, feeling at a loss and at a loss, what should he do next

"Hello, please follow me here."

The dazed Celier turned his head and saw a gentle young man, he was wearing dark green clothes, it should be a military uniform, and there was an armband on his arm, which was a red cross. Celil knew some knowledge about the outside world. His two husbands were the ones who were brave enough to explore. They both followed Bandena to leave the Wild Star and told him many things about the outside world. With responsibility and courage, they often went out without breaking free from the hand of death, and left this world and his children early... Celil, whose eyes were a little wet, lowered his head and explained silently, "The sand got into the eyes. .”

The military doctor is an understanding and gentle person, and said with a smile, "That's how it is in the desert, come with me, and I'll give you a physical examination." He lowered his head and met Xiao Qinfeng's eyes, "Also Make one for a child."

"Examination? Physical examination?"

"Yes, the general ordered you to live underground for a long time and suddenly come to the ground. You must be a little uncomfortable physically. We have to monitor it well, that is, draw a tube of blood for a test, and then use the machine to scan your body. When the machine is working There will be a slight buzzing sound, don’t be afraid, it won’t cause any harm to the human body.” The military doctor explained carefully, and the gentle tone made Celier, who was tense, relax, and gradually revealed a shy and restrained smile.

At the entrance of the karst cave town, there is a huge semi-open tent built with high strength, strong air permeability and good shading materials, for the people who come out to live and rest for a short time, including physical examination, and do not leave the living place for the time being Being nearby will reduce their anxiety and vigilance, and will not produce any stress response.

When everyone moved into tents and started to adapt to their new life in peace, the sky darkened, and the setting sun in the sky was like blood, reflecting on the fluffy and stacked clouds, dyed with brilliant colors. Manghuangxing rarely had rainy days in a year, and it was brilliant. The sunset can be seen almost every day. The pirates who used to live inside the wall disdain it. They are used to it and don’t want to see it. But the people in the cave town are different. Many of them don’t even know what the day is. look.

"It's so beautiful." Xiao Qinfeng sighed, staring at the beautiful clouds and couldn't get enough, "Mom, look, it's so beautiful. It turns out that what Bandena said is true, the sky is beautiful and the clouds are beautiful."

"Yes." Celier let Xiao Qinfeng run around, put his right hand on his stomach, and sighed, "It's really beautiful."

Little Qin Feng, who was tired from running, walked to his mother panting, raised his head and asked his mother in a low voice: "Mom, have we really lived on the ground all this time?"

"Yes, my baby."

Xiao Qinfeng jumped up and down happily, "It's great, I like this."

Not far away, Ryan and Oston were walking in the sunset. Oston looked at the lively little Qin Feng and said, "Is that the child with the same name as you?"

"The same sound, he is Harvest." Ryan said: "A very cute little guy, and also very smart. He told me that he would become a scientist and specialize in making small robots."

"'Where there is a will, there is a way', as long as he persists in his dream, he will always succeed." Alston paused and looked at Ryan with a smile in his eyes, "Because he has an amazing name."

Ryan smiled, "Yeah, but I can't seem to admit it so narcissistically."

"You should..." Oston saw the creatures suddenly appearing in the peaceful desert, "Ryan, nature is amazing."

"The magic is still to come." Ryan said: "When the sawtooth armored beast comes out, you can practice with it to see if the mech is more powerful or its huge sawtooth."

"Wait and see."

The night comes very quickly, and in a blink of an eye, more creatures appear in the desert. These creatures never know where to hide during the day, but they can quietly appear in the dark, hunting, fighting, and fighting among wild beasts Never give up. The saw-toothed iron armored beast rampaged in the desert with heavy steps. It was strange that its huge body would not be buried in the sand at all, as if it had practiced Huaxia's world-wide reactive and light skills.

The sawtooth armored beast was enjoying the treatment of the desert overlord, when suddenly it was blocked by a white guy with long wings. It was used to being unscrupulous, and it was not afraid at all. , There are many weapons, and various moves emerge in endlessly. The sawtooth armored beast was beaten to the ground, and was beaten to the ground again. The young sawtooth armored beast shook his head depressedly, got up, and continued to charge forward.

Oston in the mecha likes this kind of opponent with rough skin and thick flesh that can't be killed, so that the fighting time can be prolonged and he can enjoy more process, "It's really interesting. There are some fine lines appearing."

The code-named Zero who wants to maintain the status of the only artificial intelligence of the white winged beast mech replied, "General, I have scanned its body, it is very hard and has almost no weaknesses, unless the ammunition is fed into its mouth, but the mouth Too small, and it takes a lot of work to do that."

Auston said with burning eyes: "No need, it's a pity to kill it."

Code Zero, "Yes, General."

Not far from the battle site is a tent built for the residents of the cave town. Soft lights emanate from the tent, driving away the residents' fear of the darkness on the ground. Some courageous and curious people came out of the tent one after another, stood outside and looked at the place where the sound of fierce fighting was coming from, making exclamation sounds from time to time.

Xiao Qinfeng looked around and saw Ryan standing on the outermost side with arms folded, and ran over. When he was about to reach Ryan, Xiao Qinfeng slowed down and paced past like a calm adult ,"Hello, long time no see."

Ryan lowered his head, as if treating a peer, with an equal attitude, and said with a smile: "Long time no see."

"Cough cough." Little Qin Feng coughed twice like an adult, and then asked: "What is that?"


"What is the big monster fighting with the sawtooth armored beast?" Little Qin Feng's eyes brightened.

Ryan said, "It's a mech."

"I know mechs!" Little Qin Feng gestured excitedly, "I have a very, very good toy. No one else has it. Only I have it. It's a gift from my father."

"What is it?" Ryan asked cooperatively.

Xiao Qinfeng said triumphantly: "It's a small mecha toy, it's as long as my arm, and it makes beep beep sounds, I really like it. But..."

Ryan asked patiently, "But what?"

"But people were the same back then, shouldn't mechs be like this?"

"Now that we have a beast-shaped mecha, we can fight like a human, and there are still some advantages." Ryan guided, "In the future, when you go to school, read more and study hard, you will be able to get in touch with a real mecha."

Little Qin Feng's eyes were shining, and he nodded vigorously, "Yeah."


Stayed in Manghuangxing for more than a week. After completing the reconstruction work here, the army left some people stationed and returned. The original three-way zone was completely included in the Red Coral Star because of the soldiers stationed in the Golden Cross. The domain became the area of responsibility of the Golden Cross. Afterwards, the other two generals of the legion regretted it. They knew that they should not have let Auston seize the opportunity.

On the way to the procedure, Ryan finally turned on his personal terminal and followed the news of the empire. He was attracted by the red headline on the top: The Birds of Paradise organization finally came to the stage. Has the freedom of marriage they advocated come true

"While I was carrying out the task, Connor did a great job!" Ryan sighed.

Auston already knew what happened on the capital of the empire, "Connor has been under a lot of pressure recently. Fan Lunting just asked me for leave, and I approved it."

Ryan smiled. "It seems the pressure is worth it."