My Partner was Assigned to me by the Country

Chapter 15: Strawberry Cake


"Hello." Oston saw someone in the dormitory, and instead of retreating, he walked in naturally, and greeted the people inside with a smile.

Amy felt that she couldn't breathe, and gasped for breath after breath, so that she could control herself not to scream, and stammered, "You, hello."

Ryan, who came out of the kitchen with warm water, shrugged helplessly when he saw Auston coming. "Amy, don't stand, sit down." True, I still met.

There were only two chairs in the dormitory, and the others were small stools. Amy moved mechanically, and almost came to the chairs with the same hands and feet and sat down. Then he saw General Auston took off his body. His coat was hung on the hanger, side by side with Ryan's military uniform. Afterwards, the general sat down on the bed so naturally, and looked at himself with a smile.

A series of actions broke my guess that "the general just came to see his subordinates". How can a leader sit on someone's bed as soon as he arrives? It's impossible to think about it.

Ryan also sat down, and the chair was placed closer to General Auston. Now that I was bumped into by Amy, there is no need to hide it. He introduced generously, "Auston, this is Amy Potter, a member of the same team I was in the mechanical repair team. Amy, my life The other half of that, you should be familiar with, Auston Dalton."

This is the first time Ryan introduced his wife in front of outsiders. He did not choose the commonly used titles such as wife, lover, partner, etc., but the other half of his life. Amy said, don't think about some things.

Amy felt that he understood every word Ryan said, but he couldn't understand the combination.

General Auston turned out to be Ryan's other half

He knew that Ryan's gene sequence was Y, so General Auston was X

Oh my god, the general's gene sequence turned out to be X!

Amy felt that her head was about to explode. The information she received was too complicated, her head was overheated, and she was in danger of exploding. He suddenly looked at Ryan with a grim face, Ryan Smith was able to be with his idol! ! He's going crazy with jealousy! ! !

Auston is not good at dealing with this kind of scene. He always looks at Ryan and his friend with a smile. He is the blond boy who sent Ryan to the elevator on the day of the exam. There are some small freckles on both sides, which makes it look a bit playful and cute.

He seemed to be confessing his love to Ryan that day...

Alston was astonished to find that he had analyzed a person's appearance, not for the sake of fighting, but simply because the person tried to confess his love to Ryan, but he failed after being rejected by Ryan.

And Ryan, after finishing speaking, looked at Auston nervously, fearing that his rash introduction without consent would make Auston disgusted.

Once he cared, everything involving him became cautious.

There was a small borborygmus, and Ryan, who was sitting close, heard it, and asked in a low voice, "Did you not eat on time?"

Auston, who was caught, said slightly embarrassedly: "There are too many things, and I forget them when I am busy."

"Your body is important, no matter how busy you are, you can't forget to eat." Ryan frowned, complaining but couldn't help feeling distressed, "I made strawberry cream cake."

After being with Ryan, Oston, who was more and more emotionally exposed, his eyes lit up. It was obvious that the strawberry cake pleased him.

"There's also strawberry soda." Ryan discovered another little secret of Alston's. He prefers to drink flavored, sweet, and bubbly water compared to bland white water.

Alston bent his eyes, his expression showing anticipation.

"You won't be able to eat for the time being."

Auston almost asked Ryan why!

Ryan held Auston's hand and squeezed it affectionately, "The cake and soda water are too cold out of the refrigerator to eat right away. I'll make you a bowl of noodles..."

After speaking, Ryan let go of his hand and was about to get up and go to the kitchen.

Auston hurriedly stretched out his hand and grabbed Ryan's sleeve, with an unconscious coquettish expression in his tone, "Eat simple."

The relationship between the two has become more and more harmonious and natural inadvertently.

"Okay." Ryan looked at him helplessly, "I just bought rice cereal, I'll cook a bowl, and I can eat the cake after I finish eating the rice cereal."

"Okay." Auston nodded with a smile.

Ryan turned around and saw Amy with a shocked face. He forgot that someone was still there, and looked at Amy apologetically, "Sit down for a while, I'll be fine soon. By the way, what do you want to say?"

Amy took a sip of the water in the glass in a daze, "Oh, you go." He didn't know what he said, hehe.

Ryan entered the kitchen and came out quickly, with a strawberry shortcake in one hand and a bottle of homemade soda in the other. Putting them on the table, he turned and walked to the kitchen again.

The cream cake is dotted with bright strawberries. The strawberries are big and beautiful. They look sweet because they are used for decoration. The turquoise strawberry stalks are not removed, and they look fresh and tender, tempting the appetite. The cake has no surface, and the rough sponge cake embryo can be seen. It is divided into three layers. There is fluffy cream between each layer of cake embryo. The cream is dotted with strawberries, and the decoration on the top is completed one by one. The strawberry echoes.

Next to the strawberry cake, there is strawberry soda water. The strawberries cut into large pieces sink into the soda water with a very faint strawberry red color, and there are tiny bubbles on the wall of the cup.

These are all specially prepared by Ryan for Auston.

During the dinner, Ryan didn't take it out.

Amy came back to find Ryan alone, and Ryan took a glass of warm water to entertain.

The ignorant Amy didn't know whether to say that Ryan favored one over another, or that he should say that he did a good job. After all, he should treat his wife so sweetly and differently. For friends, a table of good food is the best celebration; like strawberry cake, it should be given to those who appreciate it.

General Dalton likes to eat strawberries, no wonder Ryan wants to put three planting cabins in the dormitory, even if it takes up most of the space.

Amy's heart was sour, if only there was such a good person who treated her so sincerely.

will meet, right

Amy stood up dazedly and nervously, and stammered, "Lane, General, I'm leaving first." As for the "I like you" that I wanted to say before, he was not qualified to say it at all, but when he saw Ao The self-confidence that General Ston had built up with great difficulty was completely shattered, and he couldn't even speak out.

Ryan in the kitchen heard the sound and hurried out. He talked to Oston, sent Amy to the door, and said with a smile: "Thank you for being able to come to the party. Although you will not work in the same department in the future, But we are still friends, if you need help with anything, you must come to me."

"Okay, okay." Amy stood at the door pinching her fingers tangledly, "I really didn't expect..." General Auston, the God of War figure, turned out to be Ryan's wife. It was even more unexpected that the general turned out to be Gene Sequence X.

This world is so wonderful that Amy even thought he was dreaming, it must be the fault of the low alcohol wine, he drank too much.

"I didn't think of that either." Ryan smiled gently. His tenderness at this moment was all for Auston, and his shy smile was mixed with pride. After laughing for a while, Ryan said seriously: "Amy, this is a secret, so don't tell it."

Amy made a zip motion on her mouth, "Sure, I'll keep it a secret."


"You're welcome." Amy was so shocked that she didn't even think about mourning her broken love, "I'm leaving, goodbye."


Amy saw General Auston nodding towards herself behind Ryan, Amy gasped for breath and almost screamed, General Auston actually nodded to herself, ahhh, my idol, his dream The lover actually set his sights on himself, what more Ryan do you want, let's go. He was so jealous, jealous that Ryan was able to be with General Auston, what if he wanted to beat someone

Amy lowered her head shyly and said softly, "Goodbye, General."

After finishing speaking, he turned and ran away. After a long time, there was an uncontrollable exclamation of excitement.

Before closing the door, Ryan looked at each other with a smile, and Orston said, "Your friend is very interesting."

"When I first came to Xingtianjian, he helped me a lot." Let him integrate into the group as soon as possible.

Auston turned and said, "He likes you."

Ryan said tastefully, "He likes you better."

"Can I have strawberry shortcake?"

Ryan shook his head resolutely, "No, eat a bowl of rice noodles first. I'll do it right away."


The kitchen is not big, and the two big men seem cramped in it, but it is full of warmth. They can run into each other when they can’t turn their backs. They look at each other from time to time. They don’t say anything, but Worth a thousand words.

The rice paste slowly thickened in the pot and became crystal clear, with a strong rice fragrance coming from the pot. If Ryan and the kitchen staff were not familiar, they would not have been able to get such a good rice noodle.

Two bowls of rice noodles, two people sitting at the table, next to the rice noodles there are cakes and soda water, Oston looks at the cakes from time to time while eating the rice noodles, the delicious rice noodles are not as attractive as the cakes at all. Auston himself didn't realize what he was doing, and Ryan saw all this series of actions.

Oston's upbringing does not allow him to act like a glutton, no matter how eager he is to eat cakes, he will not quickly cool the rice porridge and pour it into his mouth. After eating slowly, he puts the bowl aside and smiles. Waiting for Ryan to cut the cake. Ryan didn't slow down on purpose. After eating, he started cutting the cake. He cut a piece and put it on a plate and sent it to Auston. He said, "I'll be transferred to the mech repair department starting tomorrow."

Auston looked at Ryan, waiting for the follow-up.

Ryan asked, "So, can I see you often?"

The author has something to say: Amy: Mad with jealousy, as the chief (self-appointed) of the General Dalton support club, I strongly protest that Ryan is with General Dalton. Ryan go, I'm coming!