My Partner was Assigned to me by the Country

Chapter 34: A bush of moonlight roses


After all, potato roots are not sweet potatoes. The B612 asteroid called potato plants grow in the cold ice grasslands. In order to survive, they evolved to be completely different from the sweet potatoes Ryan has seen. The thin and small vines on the ground cling to Growing in the soil, their leaves will be disguised as ordinary weeds, blending in thousands of weeds inconspicuously.

The tiny vines are easy to miss, but once you find the purple-brown vines, follow them to find the swollen rhizomes buried deep in the ground. The rhizome is full of water, eating it raw can quench your thirst, and eating it roasted can remove most of the water and leave a solid taste of meat, which is the kind that Ryan and the others ate before. The texture is soft and sweet, and it can quench thirst with body fluid. Salivary glands secrete saliva, which can be said to be one of the best foods for survival in the wild.

These cute guys are a gift from the heavens to the Frozen Grassland. There is no way to artificially domesticate and cultivate them. Without the Frozen Grassland, they will lose their vitality.

When the old hunter taught Ryan to find skills, he lamented that potato roots are difficult to propagate artificially, otherwise B612 would be able to have an extra ration.

"After mastering the skills, it's very easy to find. Just identify whether there are small purple-brown vines on the ground, and follow the vines to find the root system that penetrates the ground, and you will definitely find potato roots." Ryan knelt on the ground with one leg, sticking to the ground After fumbling with his fingers for a while, he picked up an inconspicuous "withered vine". Following this thing that resembled a withered vine, he found a root system that had penetrated deeply into the ground less than 30 centimeters away. About thirty centimeters is a potato root the size of a palm. Ryan smiled and put the potato root in Owen's hand, patted the big man on the shoulder and said, "I've filled my stomach, keep going, see you in Moon Bay."

Owen looked down at the potato root, then at Ryan, who was much shorter than himself, and asked in a buzzing voice: "You can 'kill' mine." Request again.

"Victory can't be fought." Ryan pointed to Owen's stomach, and the gurgling belly sound never stopped, "When you are full, we will compete on the Xingtian ship, haha!"

Owen shook his head and said honestly, "No, I can't beat you."

Even with a full stomach, he still couldn't beat Ryan in his heyday, with his powerful fists, quick and light action ability, and varied fighting styles... Owen was convinced, "You are better than me, I'll mess with you."

"Big man, our team is full." Harriet, who was watching the battle, shouted.

Owen said: "Just kill one of you." His eyes moved, and he saw his old opponent Derrick first, forget it; Harriet is so beautiful, I won't fight her; the remaining two, the nagging words Tuberculosis seemed like a good target... having just settled on the target, he heard Ryan say, "Sorry, I had a good time with my friends."

Owen scratched his head regretfully, "Well, if there is a chance in the future, I will definitely be the first to appear by your side."

Ryan smiled, "I hope to have the opportunity to fight side by side, we are about to set off, goodbye."

Owen waved his big hand, "Goodbye, I wish you success."

Watching Ryan and his party go further and further, Owen turned around and went to the small "basin" where he lived before. The rescue plane hadn't arrived yet, and the defeated red team members nested here and drew circles. Owen picked up his big bag, and patted Xiaohong on the head when he passed by. The young man with short red hair looked at Owen sadly, "Boss, my head is made of meat, it hurts if I get hit."

"You little trash, you were killed so easily. Alas, where can I find so many red team personnel to defeat me and take off my badge." Owen clutched his hungry stomach, with Ryan's help He knew that there was food to eat on the Frozen Grassland, but now he was so hungry that he didn't even have the strength to find food, he was so tired. He sat down on the ground with his buttocks, and lay down on the ground with no love in his arms, "Lian just take off my badge..." He imagined that after taking off the badge, he would be able to board Rescue the plane, eat delicious food, drink delicious thick soup, eat ten catties of chicken popcorn and twenty catties of French fries slowly after finishing dozens of beers, just thinking about it makes me happy.

Xiaohong: "... Boss, Ryan and you are in the same camp, he can't take your badge."

Owen's eyes widened in surprise, "A camp?"

Xiaohong: "..."

Such an obvious badge, the boss didn't even see it, wipe it! During the fight, he yelled, telling the boss not to fight Ryan, and save the others. How dare the boss didn't hear a word of these words? !

Xiaohong fell to the ground wanting to cry without tears. Meeting Owen, who was determined to be defeated, was miserable enough. After fishing for a fish, she also met Ryan, who made the prairie noisy. This confrontation was really disappointing. He wants to get on the plane, he wants to go back to the dormitory, throw off the quilt, have a good sleep, and forget about the clouded match.

The marching speed of Ryan and his party was not slow at all. When they met the lone red and blue team members on the road, they attacked them "inhumanely". Basically, none of them managed to escape their clutches, except Owen.

Fan Lunting: "That Owen is so funny, he has been chasing Ryan to let him kill him, why doesn't he look at Ryan's camp, it's the same as himself, how can he kill him."

"He begged you, have you taken his badge?" Harriet asked curiously.

Fan Lun Ting shook his head, "I can't beat Owen, that big guy's strength is so terrifying when he is hungry, pinching me is not like pinching vegetables."

Owen expects the strong to kill him so that he can lose the game. If he is not a strong, he simply doesn't like it.

"Say a few words, keep your strength, your speed is already behind Ryan and the others." Jack said in a deep voice.

Fan Luanting and Harriet glanced at each other, turned their heads decisively and accelerated with all their strength. Their goal was to come to the designated entry point of Moon Bay before the daytime, and wait for the last batch of badges by waiting.

At 4:15 p.m. on B612 time, more than half an hour earlier than the scheduled time, they arrived at entry point No. 13 of the 26 designated entry points in Moon Bay.

"I don't like this number very much." Fan Lunting complained slightly, "Because Connor doesn't like 13."

"You are really a loyal fan. Connor likes to eat shit-flavored chocolate, so you buy it too?" Harriet was very curious about the thinking of these fans.

"Hey, you're disgusting, our Connor has very good taste, okay?" Fan Lunting said: "Besides, I don't just use whatever the idol likes, how is that possible! Last time Connor recommended a pepper scented shaving water, I don't use it."

Harriet: "Huh?"

Fan Lunting said righteously: "I bought it, but it's useless. I hate the smell of pepper. If it wasn't recommended by Baby Connor, I would never reach out to something with that smell in my life."

Harriet: "Then I really like the fish soup sprinkled with white pepper, and the steak marinated in black pepper. The fried chicken with black pepper and honey flavor made by Ryan is a must. You must try it if you have the chance."

"Lian is so good? There has never been a friend who can cook like this around me."

"Haha, Ryan is amazing, you haven't seen many of them."

When Fan Lunting and Harriet were in charge of guarding, Ryan was discussing with Derrick and Jack the action plan after entering Moon Bay. Heavy, we must pay attention to their own safety.

"The second requirement of the competition is not to destroy the environment and maintain the ecological balance of the asteroid." Ryan emphasized this point, "After catching the rose lizard, you can't kill it, only take the 'rose' at the tail, otherwise, no matter how many there are, it will violate the law. Even if you meet the competition requirements, you still cannot pass the competition.”

Derrick shared the information he had with everyone, "The rose lizard is good at changing the color of its body surface to camouflage itself, and it mostly lives on the edge of cracks, so be careful when looking for it."

Ryan also added, "The pimples on the rose lizard's surface are poisonous, so try not to touch them."

"Poisonous?" Jack remembered the illustrated book he had browsed. In the illustrated book, the rose lizard was an ugly creature with protrusions on both sides of its lower abdomen. It was clearly introduced that the rose lizard was non-toxic and good at camouflage, so you don't need to pay attention to its protrusions when catching it the pimple.

Ryan has done detailed homework. An old hunter's wife likes him very much. She loves the house and crows. The old hunter revealed a piece of knowledge that is not even recorded in the planetary illustration, that the rose lizard is poisonous.

"It's mildly toxic, but don't touch your mouth, ears, nose, eyes, and wounds with your hands that have touched the rose lizard's bumps. It will cause allergies. You don't want to know what the allergic reaction is."

The more confidential it is, the more curious the others are, urging Ryan to tell about the allergic reaction.

Ryan had no choice but to say vaguely: "I can't 'stand' within three hours, and there will be a very stimulating pain in intimate activities within a day." The old hunter has a very loving wife, and he has to have sex with his wife every time he returns home from a mission. Intimate and simple, up and down emotional communication, so let him discover this secret. When talking about it, the old hunter couldn't help showing sour and intense emotions in his eyes, which shows that it really hurts.

The men present subconsciously put their legs together.

Harriet couldn't help laughing. "I wish I could see that ridiculous little thing right away."

Fan Lunting, who was on guard, issued a reminder that a group of people were approaching.

Ryan moved his neck, fully prepared for the upcoming battle. They spent the first third of the night so fulfillingly that the entry point on the 13th was called the Devil's Thirteenth. They didn't know why and who started it, and it was guarded by five people including Ryan. The entry point became the end of the match for many.

Someone resolutely adjusted the direction after hearing the wind, and went to the two entry points around No. 13.

There are also people who do not believe in evil, thinking that they will become dragon slaying warriors who have defeated the "devil", but in the end they become the dead souls of the devil's subordinates.

At 9:30 in the evening, it was the sixth minute after a group of brave warriors arrived at the entry point of No. 13. A group of five had already lost three of them at the hands of Ryan and others, and the remaining two were struggling.

"Despicable, bullying the small with the big, Derrick, I despise you, you actually cooperate with the small and short Ryan!" The speaker pointed at Fan Luting, "What benefits did he give you, let you protect him all the way?" he!"

Fan Lunting who was shot innocently: "..."

He was angry, "Laozi is not short at all, I am 1.8 meters, not small at all, I am 18 centimeters."

In the whole team, Fan Lunting was the shortest among the men, which immediately caused misunderstandings among the crowd. He was furious, but he heard Ryan say: "It's time."

Fan Lunting gave those two men a hard look, if it hadn't been for the agreed time to enter, he would definitely stay and teach them how to behave.

As soon as the planned time to enter Moon Bay came, everyone stopped, which made the other party feel completely frustrated and unwilling, clamoring, "Come, come again, it's a coward not to come."

Ryan took a step forward abruptly, and the clamorer backed away with a groan, in seconds. Lane said, "I'm Lane Smith, and I'm not short, um...not small."

The only two remaining people looked at each other in disbelief. Ryan Smith actually looked like this, and his skill could bring them down in an instant.

"The rumors are unbelievable..."

"I saw Sera and Cage going to Moon Bay during the day, and I guess they have already entered Moon Bay. Hey, someone will avenge us."

"Haha, it's exciting to watch."


Ryan asked, "What time of day?"

"Why haven't you left yet?!"

Lane said innocently: "I never left."

The cowardly two guys took a step back, and said to the person yelling at Ryan: "It's a little past eight o'clock in the morning. I think they didn't stop all the way, and they went to Moon Bay wholeheartedly."

"Thank you." Ryan nodded and turned to leave, not at all worried that his back would be attacked. On the edge of the Moon Bay Canyon, their people had already occupied five of the ten climbing ropes hanging down, and Auston continued to follow them.

Ryan walked up to Oston, put on the downhill equipment placed aside, grabbed the rope and glanced behind him. There was warm air rising in the canyon more than 200 meters deep. In the dark, he could only vaguely see Fiery red streaks, the color of magma flowing slowly through fissures in the ground. In the process of sliding down, those strips of color are getting closer and closer, and the temperature around them is gradually rising, making people sure that they have left the cold grassland and entered the dangerous Moon Bay Canyon .

The canyon is a plate crack formed by the movement of the earth's crust, with a total length of 180 kilometers and a depth of more than 200 meters. In the canyon, the light can only be felt for two hours at noon every day, but the depths of the underground are not completely black, and the brightness of the magma makes it look strangely red.

Not all cracks have magma surging in the depths. Some cracks are bottomless and dark. No one knows where they lead. This is the most dangerous existence in Moon Bay Canyon. You must always maintain a high degree of concentration. Be vigilant about every inch of ground you step on. If you are not careful, you may step on the ground, and a life will be swallowed by the gap in a blink of an eye.

But one thing to be thankful for is that nature has not killed them all. There are often three or four fluorescent mushrooms growing on the edge of these terrifying cracks, which can be used as a symbol to avoid most potential damage.

Most of them are not 100%; be careful and safety first, no matter how careful you are in Moon Bay, you can’t be too careful.

Rapidly descending to the ground, Ryan untied the equipment on his body while looking around. There was a cluster of fluorescent mushrooms three meters away from their ten o'clock direction, and then he saw a crack like a cracked mouth, which was very hideous . His ears moved, and he heard a small sound. His right hand clawed towards the cliff, and he grabbed a small creature similar to the chameleon of the mother planet of the earth. The creature is a rose lizard.

Ryan is a lucky guy. He caught a rose lizard within ten minutes of entering Moon Bay. Some people may not see one even after entering Moon Bay for ten days.

"Don't touch your face with your right hand after catching the rose lizard." Auston whispered in Ryan's ear.

A smile flashed in Ryan's eyes, "Listen to you."

Alston looked away uncomfortably, and then found a corpse lying on the ground seven or eight meters away. It seemed that the degree of decay would not exceed a week. He was wearing the gray overalls that adventurers often wear. Multiple pockets can satisfy many needs. Judging by the degree of twisted limbs, this person fell to the ground and died during the descent. Another poor person who couldn't go home.

"The changeable airflow in Moon Bay Canyon makes it impossible to use flying equipment to assist in landing." Ryan, who was still holding the rose lizard, said in a gentle but cold voice, "Many resources in Moon Bay are worth taking risks. I don't know how many there are every year." People lost their lives here."

Just like the rose lizard in his hand, after the fungal parasites in its tail are extracted, one of the substances can be used in medicine to treat genetic defects. Three "roses" can be exchanged for 5,000 star coins, which in many In people's eyes, it is a huge sum of money, which can turn a baby who is waiting to be fed into a strong boy of fourteen or fifteen years old. In the remote B612, children often devote themselves to the work of earning living expenses for the family earlier, although this is Not allowed by imperial law, but poverty doesn't wait for people to grow up.

"It's still a child..."

While Ryan was catching the rose lizard, Derrick and the others had unlocked the downhill equipment and were doing a simple search nearby. They saw the rapidly decomposing corpse under the high temperature of the magma. Judging from the age of the skeleton, it was a young adventurer under twenty years old. Unfortunately, his life would end here forever.

Ryan did not join their discussion. He brought the struggling rose lizard in his hand to his eyes, pinched the rose-like fungus at its tail, and pulled it out with a little effort. There was almost an inaudible "da" After the sound, the corner of his mouth turned up, and a "rose" was pulled out. The root of the fungus was three to four centimeters long. After pulling it out, a flesh (hole) was left in the lizard's tail.

"Rose" is similar to Cordyceps.

"Don't look at it, guys, keep going." Ryan shouted at the people around the corpse.

"Understood." It was Derrick who answered him.

In this cruel world, it is impossible to rest in peace. There is an unwritten rule in the entire adventurer industry - let them rest in peace where they die. From the beginning of working in this industry, I have already pinned my head to the belt of my trousers-this is a fact that has not been told.

Unless someone entrusts it, no one will take the risk of taking the adventurer's body back.

Be a ruthless person, walk in a dangerous place, and have the awareness to ignore life and death. After a brief adjustment, they moved closer to the center of Moon Bay. They were also people walking on the edge of life and death.

On the sixth day of the contest and the third day after entering Moon Bay, a fairly flat piece of land on the edge of the crack with surging magma was the place where Ryan and the others temporarily settled. After calculating the distance, Ryan determined their current location.

"We are still two to three kilometers away from the task payment point." Ryan told everyone the good news, which proved that they were not long before the end of the damn match.

The last day of the competition is the seventh day. Those who enter the center of the canyon can throw their gains into the basket at any time, as long as they think their gains are enough to win the game.

"It's great!" Harriet shook her head, touching her greasy hair and said in self-disgust: "I just want to take a good hot bath, and then lie on the bed and do nothing or think about anything."

"Damn it, don't talk about it, I miss my bed." Fan Lunting leaned back, and behind him was a nearly vertical cliff, "Oh, what the hell is this?"

He took out a pen with a rusty shell from under his buttocks, and the pen cover was engraved with his name, and he saw the words on it clearly with the light of the nearby magma, "Leo Albridge."

Ryan raised his head suddenly, looking at Fan Lunting with burning eyes. Fan Lunting was taken aback, and stammered and asked, "You, what are you doing, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Show me the pen."

Fan Lunting: "Oh."

He patted his little heart, thinking that Ryan had suddenly taken a fancy to him and scared him to death.

Ryan looked at the pen carefully, mainly because of the name. If the possibility of the same name and surname is excluded, the owner of the pen with the name engraved on it is the lover that the owner of the flower shop who owns Moonlight Rose is looking for - Henna's. Leo.

Harriet sighed, "I thought I couldn't find it, but I found it here."

Ryan nodded, "A pleasant surprise."

"Fan Luanting, look behind you." Oston said suddenly.

Fan Luting, who likes to read novels and has a very big brain, froze at the scene. He thought of many classic scenes from horror novels and movies. As long as the protagonist turns his head, he will definitely find ghosts, bones and other abnormally terrifying things on the wall. He swallowed, his Adam's apple rolled unnaturally, under the gaze of everyone, he turned his head slowly, there was nothing on the wall.

Alston said, "Down."

Fan Lunting acted according to his words, and soon found a notebook with a leather cover next to his buttocks. He just sat down on it, and he would find the trace of this notebook faster. As a The scout didn't even check his surroundings clearly before sitting down, he was a little ashamed.

He lowered his head and handed the notebook to Alston, and continued to look around, but found nothing useful. He carefully looked at Auston, the man with the same name and surname as the general was unexpectedly gentle, but under the gentleness was the irresistible majesty of being in the top position and giving orders for a long time. Salute in the eyes. Also, the inadvertent warmth in his relationship with Ryan moved him, and he wanted to find someone to marry and have children earlier.

Fan Lunting suppressed the envy that was almost overflowing from his eyes. He said that he has an old man, a young child, and his wife is at home waiting for him to make a child. It is a lie. He is a X and only someone else makes a child on him. For the sake, pout.

After taking the notebook from Fan Lunting, Oston nodded his thanks, and he took the notebook and looked through it with Ryan.

"This is a diary. The earliest record was three years and three months ago, and it stayed ninety-six days later." Ryan roughly flipped through it, and shared the first-hand information he got from the diary with everyone.

After six days of high-intensity survival in the wild, everyone's nerves were extremely tense, and they needed something not related to the task to relieve their mental exhaustion. After hearing that Ryan had accepted the commission, they regarded this as a competition There is a different kind of existence in the mission, actively helping to find it together.

"Tell me about the records recorded in the last few days." Even the most calm Jack couldn't bear to walk in the dark and red Moon Bay for a long time, and urged Ryan to read the diary quickly and provide some clues to find Leo.

"It was in July three years ago, when the northern hemisphere entered the freezing season and entered the icy grassland." Ryan did not have the habit of peeking at other people's privacy, and directly skipped the previous diary content, flipping through the few days before the end, entering the cold The content of the ice grassland begins.

Leo is a young man who likes to keep a diary every day. Sometimes he gives a long speech, and sometimes he writes a few sentences, recording what happened that day and his mood changes that day like a journal.

sunny on july 6th

The sky on the Frozen Grassland is very blue. I set foot here again with Old York, hoping to catch more vintage two-horned snakes. Haina's father asked me to take out 10,000 star coins to prove my ability, I think I can, as long as I can catch enough two-horned snakes, it must be more than ten years. I love you, Henna.

Leo's handwriting was clear and brisk, proving that he was a cheerful young man.

Auston turned a page, and it was about seven, eight, nine or three days. The young man wrote a sentence or two. The process of searching for the ten-year-old two-horned snake was not smooth, and the most experienced old hunter, York, caught a cold. , unable to provide them with more guidance.

Between the lines is full of frustration.

July 9th, light rain

The two-horned snake that used to crawl all over the ground seems to be extinct now. Damn it, in four days, we only caught four, and the oldest one was only eight years old, and it can only be exchanged for five hundred star coins. Five hundred, what a wonderful five hundred, unfortunately I didn't catch it. I discussed with Hegson about taking a risky trip to Moon Bay, but Old York disagreed. But I can't leave empty-handed, I love you, Henna.

Hoping to find Moonlight Rose, the brown-haired adventurer promised me a high price for it.

Ryan turned a page, and Leo, who kept a diary every day, hadn't written in two days.

When there was more content, it was already two days later, on July 12th.

Ryan read the text above, but in his calm tone was a young man full of expectations and anxiety.

July 12th damn Moon Bay has no weather to see

Hegson and I, Na Wei, Andy, and Kidwell really went through a near-death experience before we reached the bottom of the valley. He took a step back and disappeared in front of us, leaving us with a loud cry. I love you Henna and may you bless me.

After entering Moon Bay, my luck improved. I caught two rose lizards, and if I got another one, I would have 5,000 star coins! ! !

Because of the bad light here, Leo's handwriting became blurred, and when he turned another page, two "roses" fell into Auston's hands.

Auston looked at the two "roses" and said softly, "Leo loves Henna very much."

Alston leaned on Lane's shoulder to get a better look at the diary. Ryan naturally tilted his head and kissed the top of his hair, "Hina loves him too."

Continue to look through the diary, there are only two days of content, which means that the young man named Leo has two days left in the world.

July 13th is still a day with no visible weather conditions

It should be the 13th. I don’t know whether the sun will rise or set. Let’s just pretend that today is the 13th. It’s still a day to miss Henna. We lost another companion. He was bitten by a rock scorpion and convulsed I fell down in front of me, I thought, I should turn around and leave, go home. Another day and I'll be ready to go home.


Heina, you know what I found, a large cluster of moonlight roses, they bloom in the crack of the abyss, I can touch them by lying on the edge of the crack, I swear, the distance is only a little more than one meter, I should be able to take them home.

Ryan's slightly deep voice combined with Leo's words, showing everyone Leo's new discovery!

Without pausing, Alston began to read about the last day.

july fourteenth must be a sunny day

I'm going to pick moonlight roses, take them home, ten thousand star coins are beckoning to me. Hannah, wait for me to come home.

The diary stopped abruptly after this day. ,

"The content of the last few days is like this. Let's take a look in the attachment and we should be able to find further clues." Ryan closed the diary with some regret, and held Oston's hand tightly, never wanting to let go.

Everyone: "..."

We want to know the content of the diary, but we don't want to see you read it one by one!

Consider singletons, ok

"What's the matter with everyone?" Ryan, who showed his affection unconsciously, didn't understand everyone's complicated mood.

The same is true for Oston, who has no effective cognition of other people's emotions. He glanced at the crowd and said, "Action."


Derrick & Harriet & Jack stood up abruptly, put their heels together, and raised their right hands to salute. Fan Luting was a step slower, but quickly caught up with his little friend. After he finished speaking, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. His heart full of question marks sank a little. He... did he neglect something.

Don't have any hesitation after deciding to act. Soon Fan Luting found a clue ten meters away from their resting place. He half-kneeled on the ground and probed into the crack. There is a bush of moon roses blooming vigorously in the place, which is what Leo should have seen three years ago. On the edge of the crack, there are fixed mountaineering nails, and a wear-resistant climbing rope is tied to it.

The few people who heard the news looked inside, and Ryan said, "Let's mention it."

"Okay." Fan Lunting said: "Then I mentioned it, don't be afraid of what you see later."

Harriet pursed her lips, "Do you think we are fragile people?"

Well, obviously not, the people present are all experienced soldiers, and they have seen more disgusting corpses.

Fan Lunting pulled the rope upwards, the weight below it was not a second, and there would be no horrible corpses to be seen. Soon, the rope was pulled up, and an arm came up at the same time, fingers, palms, wrists, forearms...there were no more from the elbow, and the thick bones would never say to the girl I love - I love you .

Ryan looked at the bones on the ground, and found a silver bracelet from the tattered sleeve. There was a crescent-shaped silver piece on the bracelet, and the word "Henna" was written on the silver piece. This was the amulet.

Ryan said, "That's him, the man we're looking for."

"Isn't it too cruel for us to bring this hand back to that girl?" After a while, Fan Lunting couldn't help breaking everyone's silence.

"If you can't see the corpse, you can still have a thought." Harriet also has a sensual side as a woman.

"It's just a fantasy. She should face the reality and find happiness again." Auston said a little cruelly, but the living people always look forward. He looked at Ryan. Life is too short, and we should pay attention to the existing moments. Every moment.

Ryan untied the climbing rope on the hand bone and took off the silver amulet, "Bringing the amulet back is tantamount to telling her the fact that Leo is dead, and the hand bone makes it form a bond with the owner." Overall."

After speaking, Ryan threw the hand bone into the gap, and quickly disappeared into the darkness without even a sound of falling. Leo loves Henna, his soul should have been floating beside Henna.

Ryan stuffed the amulet bracelet, diary, and pen into the bag, but instead of carrying the backpack on his back, he threw it on the ground. Before everyone could react, he grabbed the climbing rope and jumped into the gap.

Alston: "Lane!"

He lay on the edge of the gap, looked in, and saw that Ryan was digging up the clump of moonlight roses. This moonlight rose has grown here for a long time, with a well-developed root system and dozens of flowering branches. A large clump.

Ryan: "I'm fine, don't worry."

Seeing Ryan, who dared to dig a hole with his hands free with a rope wrapped around his waist, regardless of the danger, Auston felt his heart stop beating. Many times, he has seen and experienced many moments of life and death. , he can always face it calmly and calmly, but this time, he can't calm down.

He felt that he couldn't breathe anymore, so he took off his mask, let more air into his lungs, held his breath and didn't dare to make any noise to distract Ryan.

After seeing Auston's face behind the mask, Fan Luting looked blankly at the other friends, who nodded solemnly.

Fan Lunting: "!!!"

Fan Lunting: "???"

He understands all the strange things now, understands everything! He remembered that he had successfully lurked the Zerg, blown up the Zerg hatching nest and returned triumphantly. He was summoned by the general. There were other people on the scene, and the environment was noisy. The general just coughed lightly, and the scene fell silent instantly.

This voice was engraved in his mind, and he could dream for many days afterwards that General Auston was the idol of the entire Golden Cross, the male god of his dreams.

And now...

Fan Lunting stood stiffly on the spot, he, he... how many stupid things he has done in the past few days, let the general see a joke T^T, he loses face.

"W-why didn't you tell me?" Fan Lunting asked with a choked voice.

Jack patted him on the shoulder helplessly, "You're also amazing." In six days, the general took off his mask not only once, but Fan Lunting didn't see this miraculous physique even once. "The general is very kind and won't mind."

Fan Luanting pointed his fingers aggrievedly, he hadn't done this since he was an adult.

"I, I, I..." I couldn't tell why for a long time.

"Don't worry, Harriet has done the same stupid things as you." Derrick enlightened Fan Luanting with the examples around him.

Harriet shouted angrily: "Hey, hey, we agreed not to mention it."

Fan Luanting felt a little more comfortable.

They don't worry about Ryan in the crack of the abyss at all. This gentle man is so powerful that he seems to have no upper limit. How could he fail to pick a bunch of moonlight roses? As the saying goes, people with high skills are bold, and Ryan dared to dig roses. That is backed by strong capital, not aimlessly.

Auston cares but chaos.

In less than ten minutes, Ryan uprooted Moonlight Rose and threw the whole plant upwards, "Catch it!"

Auston had sharp eyes and quick hands, and quickly caught the rose, while Ryan kicked his feet hard on the crack wall, leaped with his strength, and reached the ground almost at the same time as the rose. The moment he landed, he was slapped by Orston, not directly on the cheek, but gently slapped him on the neck while shaving his face. Ryan looked up and saw Oston's face was livid, with a seriousness he had never seen before. Knowing that he had acted recklessly just now, he said decisively, "I'm sorry for making you worry."

Auston was trembling with anger and didn't want to speak. He snorted and put on his mask, and turned around holding a large bouquet of moonlight roses with roots. It's like standing in a military posture as a punishment.

"Let's go." Alston ordered without hesitation.

"Yes!" The four responded quickly, picked up their backpacks and moved forward decisively. When Derrick left, he gave Ryan a self-seeking look.

Ryan: "..." He was wrong. He shouldn't risk his life for Moonlight Rose. Even if he has to take risks in the future, he must take risks where Auston can't see.

He quickly picked up his backpack and followed closely behind Auston, "I will definitely think twice in the future, and I will never make fun of my own life. I just made sure that the climbing pins and climbing ropes are safe and sound, so I dared to go down." , I'm not kidding with my life. Believe me, Auston. And, sorry for worrying you."

Oston's mood was in a mess. He thought of a lot, thinking of his mother lying weakly on the hospital bed when he was a child, thinking of his father's empty and blank expression sitting beside the hospital bed, thinking of his father's entire energy being drained after losing his mother , Thinking of being alone in the empty mansion... After experiencing possession, he couldn't bear the loss. When he thought that Leo died because of picking moonlight roses, the moment Ryan jumped into the crack, the air in his lungs suddenly Being pulled away, the whole person became numb like an electric shock! Even now, his walking legs are still flimsy.

He bit his lower lip, turned suddenly and crashed into Ryan's arms. Ryan was stunned, and opened his arms to embrace Auston, all in silence.

A minute or two passed.

"Let go of me." Auston's voice was muffled.

Ryan was a little reluctant.

Alston said, "You crushed my flowers."

Only then did Ryan reluctantly let go, "It won't go bad. Moonlight Rose has tenacious vitality. It can survive for more than ten years as long as it is cut off and preserved properly. With roots, it will be with us all our lives. A symbol of eternal love."

"You said it." Alston pushed Ryan away, turned and continued to walk forward, looking at him carefully, with a little red on the tip of his ear.

Ryan grinned, and took a few steps to walk side by side with Auston.

The others walked forward wisely, leaving time alone for the top boss and the young rookies on the Xingtian ship. It must be the best for the subordinates to treat them like this!

Ryan's prediction was correct. Two kilometers away is the center of Moon Bay. A huge plastic basket is placed there without any backpacks. They are the first batch to come, but not the first few. When Ryan and Auston arrived, they saw Derrick and Jack confronting Cage and Serra. After six days of survival in the wild, Serra was so pale as a porcelain doll that he seemed to be broken at any time, but his pair of His eyes were frighteningly bright, and when Ryan appeared, he looked straight at Ryan. He was obviously sitting on the cliff, but he looked down from a high position and raised his head arrogantly, as if he was looking at a poor, trapped bird. He plays with the ants that are constantly struggling amid the applause.

"Lian Smith." Sera twitched the corners of her lips and smiled contemptuously, "Oh."

Oston, who was wearing a uniform and masked his face, shouted, "Sierra."

Sera sneered again and again, "Soldier, can you call me by my name?"

The four of Derrick looked at Sera strangely, Ryan raised the corners of his mouth, and his joy was beyond words.