My Partner was Assigned to me by the Country

Chapter 38: One day honeymoon catching bugs


Of course, the speed of civilian airships cannot keep up with military use. It departs at 3:00 p.m., leaps through four time zones and lands. When Ryan and Auston walked out of the terminal building in Moon Mang Town, it was past 7:00 p.m. B612 time, but it was Moon In the afternoon of a day in Mang Town, there is a four-hour time difference between Moon Mang Town and Star Mang Town. When Star Mang enters the night, the pale sun in Moon Mang Town is still hanging in the sky during the freezing season.

B612 time is calculated according to Xingmang Town, because the military base is there.

Moon Mang Town has its own time system, and it is currently 15:15 Moon Mang time.

This is a small town located on a sea cliff, and its permanent population is second only to Xingmang. The houses in the town are built on the hillside. There is no horizontal street, and all have slopes. The walls of the houses are covered with shell powder, which is shining white in the sun. The dark green tiles on the roof are low-key and simple, and will not reflect any sunlight. , But Ryan, who looked through the travel brochure, saw that these tiles were not artificially fired, but the scales of a large fish, a fish larger than the blue whale on the mother planet of the earth.

Humans cannot take the initiative to catch this kind of fish. They can only be picked up after they are washed ashore. The scales of one fish can cover the roofs of ten ordinary houses.

Yuemang is also the only tourist city in the entire B612 planet. There are free tourist brochures in the terminal building. The production is rough and the handwriting is immature. Each book and each picture has a different style and is not printed by a machine. It was made by the children of Yuemang Town. Each of these small albums is very precious. If they are not needed, they should be sent to their proper place instead of being discarded.

Once the discarding is discovered, the discarded person will become a rejected account in Yuemang Town, and will be blacklisted on the entire planet B612. Adventurers don't want to take this risk, they don't want to lose any chance to make money.

Yuemang Town in the middle of winter is a bit monotonous in black and white. If the warm sunny season comes, the roadsides and around the houses here will be full of brightly colored flowers, which are very beautiful, as shown in the picture.

It's a pity that Ryan and Auston can't stay until the warm sun season comes, and they will soon leave this remote asteroid.

"We walked from Dolphin Street to Jellyfish Street, and walked straight along Jellyfish Street to reach the sea cliff, overlooking the sea. After nightfall, we ate at the Big Shell Restaurant. The pickled food in Moon Mang Town is very good." Ryan After reading the travel brochure, I remembered the above content, and quickly drew up an optimal travel route in my mind, "Let's go to the beach at night to watch the purple-spotted hawksbill sea turtles hatch, and we can also see the light clusters you mentioned. For jellyfish, look at the shore first, then go back to the sea cliff to watch the night view, and sleep at the Little Shell Hotel at night, where the sea view room has the best angle."

"Sorry." Ryan's gentle eyes flashed a hint of annoyance at the failure of the plan, "Only in the warm sun season can there be fresh sea fish and shrimp here, and now we can only eat pickled products."

Ryan has always been very confident in his plan, as can be seen in the confrontation match. As long as he has done his homework in advance, his plan will basically not be affected by changes. This kind of firm confidence allows him to discuss with his teammates. The leadership position was vaguely occupied during the planning, but others did not realize this, because they believed in Ryan from the bottom of their hearts. Rather than saying that Derrick is the captain of the team, it's better to say that Ryan is the one who really makes the decisions.

The authorities are confused by the onlookers, and Auston, who is always on the side, can see it most clearly. The real Ryan is much stronger than his gentle appearance.

It was the first time that I saw the annoyance of the failure of the prediction from the eyes of the planner, and the corner of Alston's mouth lightly raised, "But I have been attracted by the fresh sea fish and shrimp you mentioned." Ryan said what to do with fresh seafood along the way , Oston was really attracted by the deliciousness he described.

"I'm trying to make a fishing rod and put it down from the sea cliff. Maybe I can catch one and a half." Ryan was joking, but he really calculated the feasibility in his heart. After thinking about the height of the sea cliff, He wisely dismissed the idea anyway.

The travel brochure was in Auston's hand. He lowered his head and turned to the corresponding page. The sea cliff was 120 meters high, and a fishing line 120 meters long... Don't be ridiculous.

"Don't do such an irrational thing because I want to eat fish." Alston looked at Ryan seriously. Ryan seriously.

Auston has even figured out how to persuade Ryan to give up his naive idea. They couldn't get a fishing line with a length of 120 meters in Moon Mang Town. The sea cliff was downwind and they couldn't control the direction of the hook...

As the two got along, the expressions on Auston's face became more and more abundant. Ryan could easily tell what he was thinking, so he couldn't help laughing, and kissed Auston's cheek with his head sideways, "What a little boy!" cute."

Auston touched the place where he was kissed in astonishment, and when he heard what Ryan called, his face flushed instantly, "Don't call me that."

Ryan: "Why?"

"When my mother was still there, she called me that." Auston showed nostalgia. It had been a long, long time since no one had called him that. He raised his hand and grabbed Ryan's arm, and said in embarrassment : "You call you again."

Ryan was kind, "cute."

Auston shook his head unbearably, and said regretfully, "Don't call me that, it feels different, not like my mother."

Ryan: "…"

Ryan: "I definitely don't have the feeling of a mother in me." It's strange, he will doubt his relationship with Auston.

Alston smiled lightly and shook his head, feeling unbelievable at his childish behavior, "Stop talking such boring things here, let's go."

He took the lead and walked forward, where Ryan could not see, with a very bright smile on his face. He looked up at the sky slightly, as if he saw his mother's loving face. His mother said that Xiao Ao would find a lover who cared for him. He said softly in his heart: Mom, I found it.

Ryan took a few steps to catch up, walking side by side with Auston, he shouted in a low voice: "Little cutie."

Auston glanced at him. The eyes of a general are not covered. The inadvertently revealed majesty. Ordinary soldiers have long been fighting with each other, but Ryan is not an ordinary soldier. He... ahem, he has had close contact with the general Soldiers, so he dared to touch the tiger's butt.

Ryan murmured, "Cute." It was a very cute call.

Auston's face turned cold in the sound of calling, but those who knew him well enough would find that a blush crept up his ears, and his eyes were moister than usual due to annoyed shyness. Many times Ryan saw him on the bed been. Ryan knew exactly what enough is enough, he stopped decisively after yelling twice, coughed lightly and turned his head away, a shy young man by nature couldn't help but blush after molesting his lover on the street.

Afterwards, the two of them were silent on the road, but as long as they were sensible people, they could smell the smell of newlyweds, shyness, awkwardness and strong love from this young couple. Seeing them, the elderly sitting on the side of the road basking in the sun showed a knowing smile.

"It was like that when Laura and I first got married."

"Come on, old George, that shameless character of yours must have caught Laura in the street and kissed her."

"Hahaha, that was after two years of marriage. It felt so wonderful to kiss in the crowd. The young couple should really try it. Don't get too old. If you want to try it, you have to consider your waist and dentures. Can't fall."

In the friendly teasing of the old man, Auston and Ryan walked away.

Yuemang Town is in the freezing season of the year. The sea in the long winter is very calm. There is no salty and wet table scenery brewing in the depths of the sea. Blue and white seagulls are circling in the sky. These pirates are very hateful and often steal from passers-by. food, so it is clearly written in the tourist brochures, do not eat on the street.

Ryan had fried fish cakes in his hands, and Oston had sponge ice cream in his hands. Oston would definitely not do things like eating on the street before. Three or four seagulls quacked and flew away from the group and swooped in. The locals yelled and reminded them that the seagulls approached them, aiming at the food in their hands, "quack quack!" This is definitely a bitch about to succeed the sound of.


The short cry sounded like a goose whose neck had been caught. Ryan looked at the pitiful seagull he was holding in his hand, and estimated the weight, "It's definitely more than two catties."

"Karma—" the seagull cried pitifully, almost urinating in fear after being strangled by the throat.

Alston said, "Let it go."

Ryan let go, and the seagull flapped its wings in a hurry, and fled quickly, "Quack quack!" Those two humans were too scary, buzzing.

"Young man, good skill." The people nearby gave warm applause after a brief silence.

Ryan nodded to those people with a smile, and continued shopping with Auston.

B612 is a remote and barren asteroid, and the Moon Mang Town in it will not be any better. Surrounded by the rich ocean, it is still impossible to live a rich and comfortable life. Because the offshore area is the territory of jellyfish, they are not poisonous, but the number is frightening. The ship passed by like a hornet's nest, causing the jellyfish to explode. When one appeared, they quickly joined together until the ship sank and the people on board died. will stop.

Every year, jellyfish leave the sea for two months in the warm sun season to give birth to offspring in the deep sea, and then bring back more young jellyfish. Only in those two months, Yuemang Town and even the whole B612 can eat fresh seafood. Yuemang Town catches a large amount of seafood within two months, pickles, sun-dries, roasts, etc., and eats them for a whole year, so the pickled food and dried fish and shrimp here are very good.

Leaving Dolphin Street and walking to the end of Jellyfish Street, you will see a square with a size of 30 square meters. On the edge of the square is a straight sea cliff, and in the distance is the deep blue sea. In the small square, there are statues stacked with stone pillars. They can barely be called statues. After the mica stones cut into squares are stacked into the statue of Poseidon, they will always be destroyed when the typhoon comes. Destroyed and rebuilt, the human world has been in harmony with nature for more than ten years After fighting, he finally gave up, frankly admitting that "God" is useless in front of the might of nature, so he simply threw stones and piled them there randomly, instead avoiding one typhoon after another.

"Look, Ryan, the jellyfish in the sea." Alston stood on the edge of the cliff, not afraid of the cliffs under his feet, and he had stood unprotected at higher places. There was no response, Auston looked sideways, "Crack", the shutter was pressed and the next photo was frozen forever. In the photo, Auston had soft smiling eyes with pure happiness in his eyes.

Auston warned sternly, "Soldier, your secret filming will put you in the confinement room for a week.".

The gentle sea breeze that didn't match the freezing season blew Auston's hair and softened his eyebrows, making the warning meaningless. Ryan stepped forward and hugged Auston's shoulder and kissed him. After rubbing his soft thin lips for a while, he gasped and said, "Auston, you made a little joke."

Auston was stunned, and quickly realized what Ryan was talking about, "Maybe I'm not joking." Candid photos of generals are not allowed, not only for him, but also for others, so there are no private photos of the generals exposed.

This time Ryan was stunned, "Ah, I'm not joking."

"This time." Alston smiled slyly.

The general's ability to learn and comprehend is extraordinary.

"Hahaha." Ryan laughed.

"Baby, don't imitate their behavior. If your feet are not stable, you will fall and your body will be smashed to pieces." The young father who was playing in the small park worriedly taught his son, playing extreme games with a pair of sea cliffs. Romantic young people are negative teaching materials.

"Daddy, but that's cool."

Young dad, "..." It's over, it's over, it's going to be like this. Hurry up and take your son away, the farther away from danger the better.

Ryan and Oston, who were playing extreme romance, finally came down from the edge of the cliff. It was almost dinner time, and the Big Shell restaurant was already full of people. Fortunately, Ryan had reserved a seat in advance, otherwise there would be no way It's near the window. Through the clear glass, you can see the deep sea, and you can see countless stars in the sea, as if the stars have fallen into the mortal world. Those are the light jellyfish that Oston said, and they are also guys who like to play self-destruct, but They're pretty enough not to be disgusting.

The dried fish, dried shrimp, dried cuttlefish, etc. in Yuemang Town are not bad to eat, with a rough and primitive flavor, but the people in the town don’t have much research on food, either steaming or relying on eating, the most The good thing is that it comes with a few slices of bread. Ryan and Alston can only give this meal a low-to-medium evaluation, but the dried fish and many pickled products are not bad, and you can take some with you when you go back.

After dinner, we went for a seaside excursion, lying on the soft sand and watching the stars, and there were also some "stars" in the sea at our feet, corresponding in pairs, beautiful and beautiful.

Under the shadow of the beach rocks, two overlapping figures, the lingering taste of love between lips and teeth floated into the distance with the sea breeze. Under the soft sandy beach, the young purple-spotted hawksbill sea turtles that have just broken their shells slide their immature limbs and run hard to the sea. This is a new life.

Holidays are always short, and the dawn of the next day came so quickly. The one-day tour of Ryan and Oston ended quickly, which made up for the regret of not having a honeymoon vacation. After enjoying a simple breakfast here, I took a bunch of Ryan and Auston, who accompanied the gift, returned to the Xingtian Ship. The moment Oston stepped on the ship, he received a message, and the ease and joy on his face instantly subsided into indifference. He said to Ryan: "I have something to deal with, you go back first."

Ryan nodded, "Yeah." He watched Oston leave before turning around and walking into the elevator. The elevator was always open to wait for him. Several melee players inside looked at him as if they had seen a ghost. The three of them leaned against the elevator car The corner of the box, wishing that a hole would suddenly appear under their feet and make them disappear immediately, immediately.

Ryan nodded towards these people and then stood towards the door. The three people behind him looked at each other, intending to chat and find out what the relationship between Ryan and the general was, but due to the threat of this man's smiling face, they still shrank. It's safer to hold your head. If Ryan knew what they were thinking, he would definitely feel wronged. He obviously smiled kindly.

On Oston's side, he returned to the office and started a video call with Master Stephen Anthony. The holographic projection appeared in front of him. Master Anthony sat down on the sofa in front of Auston without looking at the simple office, "Good day, General Dalton."

"Good day Master Anthony."

Alienated and indifferent with a smile that can't be wrong, exquisite and excellent appearance, tall and tall figure, and the aura of a superior without anger and prestige between his brows, Auston Dalton has the same eye-catching personality as the rumors say. It’s no wonder that Serra is fascinated by him. Master Anthony, who met Auston for the first time, felt that General Auston was as perfect as an angel descended into the world.

The burly middle-aged man with a gray beard around his face is Sera's teacher and Master Maia's student. His eyes were sunken, and his eyes were very focused when looking at people. Looking at the impeccable Alston, the master sighed imperceptibly, showing helplessness.

He begged for an interview with Auston on Serra's behalf, only to find himself a dwarf before he could speak, and Serra's actions were a heavy weight on his shoulders, tipping the scales in Auston's favor. "I saw the message sent by the general. Sera, as your exclusive restorer, violated the regulations of the Mecha Restorer Association and installed a self-destruct device on Code Zero. I, the teacher, didn't teach it well. I represent you. He apologizes to you, and I will make him hand over the password."

"Master Anthony, Sierra is your student. You should know his personality very well." Oston raised his fingers on the sofa and tapped twice, and said with a smile, "He won't hand over the password."

Anthony smiled wryly, "This kid is stubborn." It's not just stubbornness, but the pride and arrogance that is stubborn to the bone. He is persistent in learning mechs, and the same is true in his pursuit of perfect things. He lowered his posture and prayed: "Serra still has a great future, there can be no stains on his resume, what he did in the game, he was punished for confinement, so a proud person was confinement, It's enough to torture him."

After holding back for a while, Anthony said, "Please, don't send the evidence to the arbitration office."

Serra is the focus of the Bromfield family's training, and he is one of the family heirs who will rise to a higher position. His resume must be beautiful and glamorous, and there is no room for any stains. Moreover, Sera has a deep obsession with perfection, and a life with stains will make him psychologically unstable.

Most of the people sitting in the Mecha Repairers Guild are a group of guys who are not afraid of power. They are poor families who have made steady progress from the bottom step by step. Well, those people have the catharsis point to deal with the rich, and they will definitely deal with Serra strictly. It is considered light to be revoked the master qualification certificate.

This is absolutely not allowed by the Bromfield family. Instead of negotiating with Auston themselves, they let Anthony come over for an interview. You can imagine Anthony's status in this family.

Alston looked at Anthony with admiration, "You are a good teacher." He is willing to sacrifice his face for the students, but his students may not appreciate it.

Anthony smiled helplessly, "I am a close friend with his father, and I have received a lot of help from Bromfield." The latter is the key point.

Alston nodded, and did not let go. It was useless to play the emotional card with him.

It is impossible to impress the iron-blooded general without showing some sincerity. Anthony said: "After the Xingtian ship returns, I will send someone to pick up Serra, and send ten mechas to the Golden Cross. This batch of mechas Except for the core nerve center, it uses biological mecha technology, which is much better than the same frequency of mechanical mecha.”

Auston laughed silently.

Anthony added more chips, "Fifteen, no more."

Auston suppressed his smile, "Selah is not targeting anyone else, but my lover."

Anthony knew the whole story through Serra's assistant, "He didn't hurt your lover in the end, and he helped him make a name for himself in the Xing Tian Ship."

"Should we still thank him for killing them all?"

"Sorry, that's not what I meant."

Auston raised his chin slightly, "It's not that Serra provided the opportunity to become famous, but my Ryan is strong enough. He used his strength to prove himself. Without Serra, he can still do." How proud.

"You're right." What else could Anthony say, he couldn't wait for General Auston to show off his wife, he took out his bottom line, "Twenty units."

Auston leaned forward and said, "Twenty-five."

I said sorry to Ryan in my heart, he couldn't give him a perfect explanation, and there was no way for Sera to get the punishment he deserved. The Bromfield family focused on scientific research and didn't have much military and political strength, but the six major families of the empire It's not for nothing, the final result of sending the evidence materials to the guild will not be as good as imagined, and there is no way to bring severe punishment to Sera. Auston closed his eyes slightly. Since the incident started, he had planned to wait for the response of the Bromfield family. Now he has waited, but he has no joy in his heart.

Anthony gritted his teeth, sighed, and said, "Okay." There were a total of thirty mechas in this batch, and Auston took twenty-five of them all at once. What was missing was not only the inventory, but also Master Maia's concern for him. trust, the anger of the other generals and the discontent of the Bromfields.

"Sierra is a good man who has obtained so many mechas for the Golden Crusaders by himself." Oston picked up the cup on the table and saluted Anthony. The pale pink liquid in the cup seemed to be The wine is actually strawberry-flavored sparkling water.

Anthony said: "You are different from the rumors." People who have contacted Alston said that this is a meticulous and serious gentleman, but now, this gentleman is still a little playful

Alston smiled, "There are always some changes after marriage."

"Then your marriage must be very happy." Anthony said sincerely.

Auston smiled and didn't say much, but from his satisfied smile, it can be seen that his marriage is very happy. Anthony couldn't help being a little envious and a little strangely satisfied that Sierra failed to fulfill his wish. As a poor boy who was favored by the Bromfield family, he lost his freedom when he chose to attach himself to the Bromfield family. From employment to marriage, to the marriage of his children, there were traces of being arranged. When he was young, he hated being Arranging to think about escaping, worrying and fearing that there is no use value when he is old, and now he is tired of being raised like cattle and sheep. Seeing that Sierra kicked the iron plate and stumbled here in Auston, he felt it from the bottom of his heart. Pleasure gushed out of the depths, so he didn't actively deal with Auston.

At the end of the call, Alston sat quietly for a while, scanning the office aimlessly, and finally fell on the moonlight rose on the desk, the only one in the glass vase, the color of fire was like sweet love. He stood up and walked to the table, opened the glass sugar bowl and took a strawberry hard candy, which was very sweet.

With this sweet mood, Oston didn't go back to his dormitory. After leaving the office, he went to Ryan's place non-stop. He wanted to apologize to Ryan and wanted to say that he missed him very much. Is this love? His good friend Blair advised him to devote himself to his marriage and look for the feeling of being in love, maybe he has already found it.

After Ryan returned from Moon Mang Town, he devoted himself to making dinner. He likes to relax himself in this way. He is very satisfied watching his family eat with admiration. I wrote it into my own novel, and made a crazy adventurer who washed his hands and made soup as a character. The dried seaweed in Yuemang Town was drying well, and Ryan made dumplings with seaweed and meat. When Oston came, he had already wrapped several drawers.

Turning on the stereo and humming while wearing an apron, this was what Auston saw when he entered the room, and he was stunned.

Ryan: "It must be very fresh to eat dumplings with seaweed and pork at night."

Alston regained his senses. He walked to the table and looked at the dumpling wrappers on the panel in a daze.

Ryan: "What's the matter, work is not going well?"

Alston shook his head, he moved a few steps and rested his head on Ryan's body, "No, we talked pretty well."

"That's tired." Ryan tilted his head and kissed Auston's forehead, "Don't think so much, relax and relax, can you make dumplings? Let's do it together."

"When I was young, my mother taught me." Alston recalled the past, and smiled slightly, "I haven't done it for a long time, so I must not be able to do it well."

Ryan's face fell, "I don't want to smell like my mother."

"No, it's the feeling of home." It was a feeling he hadn't felt for a long time. The moment he just entered the door, he seemed to have traveled back to the past. He broke into the kitchen and saw his parents and his home. In the hall of memory, there will be another similar picture, it is his Ryan, and Auston will laugh when he thinks of this scene in a long, long time.

Auston said, "I'm sorry."

Ryan's heart softened, and he asked, "Huh?"

"I can't tell the Mech Repair Guild about what Sierra did in the confrontation, and about implanting a self-destruct device on Code Zero. I'm sorry." Oston wavered about his decision for the first time.

Ryan: "Is there any obstacle?"

Auston told Ryan one by one about his conversation with Master Anthony, and Ryan said pleasantly: "This is a good thing. It is not very useful to tell the guild. Serra has a strong background. At most, it will add some stains to his resume. It was criticized by people, and could not cause any substantial damage. Now it is different, the twenty-five newly-produced mechas will not only bring 25 mecha fighters to the legion, but also double the combat power, Oston , I support your decision!"

He took the towel and wiped his hands, turned around and grabbed Oston's shoulder and said seriously: "I'm not a person who will take revenge. I don't have such a strong sense of victory. I hate tug-of-war. My enemy is always the first. Time to kill, if you can. The reason I hate Serra is because he put a self-destruct device on Code Zero, and he wants to hurt you."

A coldness flashed in Ryan's eyes, "He will never try to improve in his life unless he changes his character."

In a room on a certain floor of Xing Tian Ship, this place can no longer be called a dormitory. The bedroom of more than 100 square meters is luxuriously and elegantly decorated. Rubbing his neck, he dreamed that Ryan was choking his neck ferociously, and said with a wild smile: I know the core content of the mecha, but you don't, hahaha.

"Impossible, impossible..." Sera repeatedly denied, but he had already contacted the teacher to make sure what Ryan said was correct (the device that blocked his personal terminal was just a child's play for him) , "How could that trash know what I don't?! Why does he have it!!! I'm the mech genius, the appointed successor of Master Maia, and I'm the one who should know the core content, I am. "

Sera threw off the quilt suddenly and rushed to the desk, flipping through the books frantically, but every word on it became the image of Ryan laughing at himself.


Selah's assistant, Benedict, had just pushed open a crack in the door secretly. When he heard Selah screaming, he didn't know whether to advance or retreat, hesitating.

Master Anthony's indifferent voice came from the terminal, "Let Sera calm down, we must abide by the general's closed decision, and you'd better not come to Serra in the future."

Thinking of how he was scolded before when he came to Sera, Benedict nodded, "Yes, Master."