My Partner was Assigned to me by the Country

Chapter 39: Surrender the Badge


The three-day holiday passed by in a flash, and the fighters who had recovered from the competition rushed to the mecha training ground within the specified time to participate in the summary meeting of the competition. The largest training ground on the entire ship, the space expanded after shrinking partitions can accommodate 100,000 people at the same time, and thousands of ten-meter-high steel behemoths gather here for training.

The mechas were all parked in the cabin, and their mighty, tall, thick and extraordinary figures could not be seen today.

Ryan came a bit late, and when he entered the training ground, tens of thousands of people had already gathered here. The soldiers stand upright, look capable, walk resolutely, and have resolute and tenacious eyes. This is a huge team with strong beliefs. Even if they are rootless in the universe, they can settle everything and protect the home behind them.

"Hi Ryan."


"Hi Ryan."

"Lian is great, and I will have the opportunity to compete in the future."

"I'm sorry Ryan, I said bad things about you on the Internet before."

"Look, that's Ryan, neither short nor small!"

"I was optimistic about your Ryan from the beginning, haha, I blocked five yuan, and now I have a big win."



Ryan received a warm welcome along the way. Anyone he knew or didn’t know would greet him as long as he walked by. He used his own strength to prove that everything on the forum was slander. He has the strength and ability to go further. Far, go better, be able to match anyone.

When he walked to the mecha repair department, he received an unprecedented warm welcome. Colonel William stood on the podium in front of him like a lion who had occupied a large area, shaking his lush mane, showing off that his subordinates were Show off yourself and take the lead in applauding Ryan.

In the distance, Colonel William gave Ryan a thumbs up, and Ryan raised his hat politely and nodded slightly. Colonel William looked at his colleagues on the left and right, "You see, that's Ryan, from our department, hahaha, he came out of the mech repair department, it's amazing, he beat many melee soldiers to the ground. Hahaha, no Sorry, this kid is too heavy handed, I heard that there are several broken bones in close combat, and it will take a while to recuperate, what a pity."

The boss of the melee army grinds his teeth, and he is not as knowledgeable as William. This big, rough guy is very protective of his calf. If he says something serious about Ryan, he will definitely turn his gun and shoot. It is not good to write a report, but the curse word is A set of a set, but justified.

Colonel William turned his head and looked forward boredly, thinking that there was going to be a verbal contest, he moved his cheeks and tongue on purpose, just to be able to verbally fight against the heroes, but the melee fighters died down, alas, loneliness. In the past, people in the mecha repair department were always laughed at for running with them in the competition, and bleating sheep who provided badges for other departments. Look, look, who dares to mention this now, hahahaha!

Baa baa There is a wolf in sheep's clothing among the sheep!

Team leader Su Ming tapped Ryan's shoulder with his fists, "I really didn't expect that, with you, you will give our mecha repair department a face."

Ryan smiled and said, "Everyone's grades are pretty good." It would be hypocritical of him to be modest, after all, the grades are there.

Su Ming nodded, "Yes, the performance this time is generally better than the previous ones, and it's all thanks to you."

Ryan: "Huh?" How did he not know that his radiation function is so strong

Lilith, who stood aside and studied the golden cross armband on Ryan's shoulder for a while, looked up and said, "The grassland is full of legends about you. Everyone is holding their breath when they hear it. They cannot be compared too badly by you."

In the past, the baa-baa sheep really went to the competition to give away their heads, and they would give up voluntarily due to various reasons after not fighting for a long time. This year is different, Ryan Smith's name resounds across the grasslands. Those who looked down on him at the beginning didn't want to look too incompetent, so they gritted their teeth and stood up, and went further. Those who believed in Ryan were even more encouraged, and their small universe was ignited. When they chanted Ryan's name, they seemed to have companionship in their hearts and kept moving forward.

Although the final ranking is far from that of other departments, and there are only a dozen people who entered Moon Bay, it is enough, it is enough, we are not comparing with those rough guys in other departments, but comparing with ourselves in the past, which is the average student in the school. The class at the bottom of the score crane suddenly forged ahead collectively, and the score of the first in the grade gradually shortened, which is impressive.

No wonder Colonel William was so happy.

The baa-baa sheep also learned to bark their teeth and compete with the wolves.

Colonel William shed tears of relief for his old father.

thump thump—

The bell rang, and everyone in all teams lined up.

A uniform square formation appeared on the field, and on the podium, the generals headed by Auston saluted all the soldiers, "Thank you, soldiers!"


The sound of waving arms and raising hands appeared at the same time, and tens of thousands of people made crisp and clear voices like one person. Everyone saluted, looked at the generals on the podium, and said in unison: "It's not hard! Defending the family and the country is our mission! Fight hard and seize the day!"

The momentum is vigorous, the blood is surging in the heart, and the passion is surging!

After Auston said a few words, the content that everyone was most looking forward to began. The data of this competition can be announced. Projections appear on both sides of the podium, and various data are clear at a glance. There are nearly 120,000 soldiers on the Xingtian Ship and its affiliated frigates, of which 76,562 soldiers participated in the competition. People are stripped of their badges and become "corpses." The remaining 50,000 people were reduced by nearly 4,000 people every day, and only 20,000 elite soldiers entered Moon Bay at the end. Of the 20,000 people, only 5,000 people made it to the end and entered the central point.

In the Frozen Grassland and Moon Bay, what they faced was not only the harsh and changeable climate, but also the unpredictable hearts of their opponents. Fishing, anti-fishing, being inspired by Ryan and his team to take the initiative to catch fish, etc., made this competition full of fun, more difficult and exciting. Several school officers were inspired by it and made further training for the future Adjustment.

Soldiers, there will be more days of complaints in the future.

The bosses on the podium raised the corners of their mouths, looking excitedly at the little boys below the stage, and they howled after taking care of them.

Casualties are very common in large-scale competitions, and this is also the case. Some soldiers closed their eyes forever. They sacrificed during training. minute.

After talking about the data, start awarding, awarding badges, and giving bonuses. The army is so straightforward and forthright. It is absolutely unambiguous when it comes to giving money. A list of winners appears on the projection screen, and badges are issued correspondingly. Amidst the jingling, those people have won the star coins.

There are 50,000 people entering the Moon Bay Center, 70,000 for the four winners, and 100,000 for the overall winners. Ryan's personal terminal rang the most times, and got the most badges in his hands, adding up to 230,000...

The absolute huge amount of money made Ryan's wallet bulge all of a sudden. However, he values the three badges more. The warrior badge is a golden fist, the five-pointed star badge is inlaid with red gemstones, and the Golden Cross and Rose medal is even more domineering. Ryan has already thought about it. Give the badge to Alston to keep for him, and let him keep all the honors he gets in the future!

And the greatest honor in my life is to get Auston's love.

After all the rewards were distributed, Oston on the podium took a step forward, and all the small voices from the audience disappeared, and everyone looked up.

Oston said: "There are five winning points set up in this competition, 472 people won four of them, and a total of 180 people won all of them, among them Derrick Hall, ha Liat Lannister, Fantine Francis, Jack Kipling and…” There was a quick smile in his eyes, and the name was more tender than the others, “Lyan Smith, the first A team of people who enter the center point, they even win all five events!"

There was a brief uproar in the audience. Although they knew that Ryan was great, many people did not expect that they would be a grand slam winner.

Auston continued, "The winners of the four events will be incorporated into the National Day parade square, and I will go to the imperial capital with me. You soldiers are outstanding, and your excellence will be displayed in front of the people of the whole country, and we will applaud you in advance."

Clap clap!

In the audience, everyone applauded excitedly, sending heartfelt applause to the winner.

Auston caught Ryan's line of sight through the crowd, and nodded slightly indiscernibly. In the near future, they will walk together on the Imperial Avenue, under the gaze of hundreds of millions of people.

Looking forward to that day coming soon.

Ryan thought so too.

There is a good side, and of course there are also unsatisfactory sides. Auston changed the subject and looked at everyone present sternly, "As long as you don't endanger your colleagues or yourself in the match, you can do anything. But I never imagined that some of you would be encouraged by others for the sake of small auxiliary mechs, to obey the orders of one person, and to deal ruthless blows to your colleagues. If this is a battlefield, my army will be vulnerable. This is the mistake of the person who caused the incident, the mistake of the person who can't stick to his heart, and it is also my responsibility. After returning to the voyage, all those involved in this matter will be deducted three assessment points. Everyone on the ship, including us, will have to rebuild military theory If you fail the exam, keep taking the exam until the day you pass.”

Those who had been bewitched by the auxiliary small mech bowed their heads one after another. Their stance was not firm, because it was their mistake that a small mech was ordered by Serra. Many of them have already learned their lesson and have seen Ryan's various methods. Fortunately, they discovered it early and did not completely turn against this kind of person.

In the end, Alston said: "Two days later, the Xingtian ship departed from the B612 asteroid, passed the Way of Dawn, and then returned, ending this cruise mission. I hope that all of you have really experienced something useful during this cruise, and the meeting is over." .”

When the meeting was dismissed, the team disbanded on the spot, and the crowd left slowly.

The members of the team hadn't left yet. Everyone was discussing what to eat in the big kitchen. After discussing for a while, the crowd had dispersed and they were about to leave. However, Su Ming saw Ryan standing still. He shouted, "Leon, let's go."

"Oh, come right away." At the end, Ryan thought about changing and said: "You go first, I will go to the big kitchen to find you."

"What are you doing?" Su Ming was a little puzzled.

Ryan withdrew his gaze to the distance, looked at Su Ming and said with a smile: "It's nothing, you go first, I'll be right there."

Su Ming wanted to ask again, but was pushed by Lilith impatiently, "I told you to come to us later, why are you still asking why? Let's go." Lilith turned around and glanced past Ryan Her shoulders, the once small emotion has been put down, as she said at the beginning, Ryan is her friend and opponent, she will not stop, she will keep chasing... and will eventually surpass. "Su Ming, let's go."

"Okay." Lilith said a word, and Su Ming followed suit without saying anything else.

There were fewer and fewer people left on the training ground. Ryan stepped forward and walked towards the podium that had landed back to the ground. He walked over and saluted, "Good day, general, good day, colonels."

The generals hadn't left yet, and the rest of them talked to Auston. Out of the corner of William's eye, he saw the unusually familiar golden cross armband on Ryan's arm. He believed that many people present had seen it, but the old guys were silent, as long as he was blind and deaf.

Alston nodded, "Soldier, what's the matter?"

Ryan stretched out his fist to Auston, and opened his fist upwards. Inside were three badges with the temperature of his palm. He looked at Auston and said, "General, I have a small request."

"Please say."

Ryan said: "I still have a long way to go on the road of growth. The honor excites me and wakes me up, reminding me to keep a clear mind and rational thinking at all times, and not to indulge in the current glory. I don’t want to make progress. I ask the general to keep these three badges for me, please urge me not to stop.”

Alston chuckled, "Why won't you stop?"

Ryan looked directly at Oston and said: "Because I want to walk side by side with my lover."

Colonel William: "..." I am old and old, and the passion of young people makes me want to cry. He wants to akimbo, this is his soldier.

other people:"???"

other people:"!!!"

They shouldn't be here now, General, please pretend they don't exist.

Looking at Ryan, everyone's eyes implied deep meaning. They were considerate, critical, appreciative, and thoughtful. Those who could become generals of Xingtian Ship were all trustworthy people of Auston. Some of them used to follow old Dalton when they were young. The general went to the battlefield and watched Oston grow up slowly. For so many years, the general's lonely shoulders have taken too much burden. They hope that he can find a caring wife, and they also hope that the other party is excellent and can help the general. .

Before the general revealed that he was married, he was looking at a young man with a gentle temperament and a peaceful smile. Ryan Smith, the most outstanding and outstanding person in this competition, will he be the perfect home for the General

This Ryan, will he be the person everyone is looking forward to

Ryan knew that his behavior was reckless, but he impulsively wanted to get in front of people, and wanted others to know that he, Ryan, was not trying to cling to the general's dodder, but he wanted to grow into a person who could prop up the sky for Auston , he loves him and is willing to change his life ideals and goals.

Auston felt overwhelmed, was Ryan making a promise? His eyelashes trembled slightly, he chose from his heart, and there was a touch of shyness in his shallow smile. Oston said: "Soldier, you will definitely succeed." He reached out and took the badges one by one, Hold it solemnly in the palm of your hand. "Soldier, I'm waiting for the day when you spread your wings and take off."

"I won't keep the general waiting."

Ryan took a deep look at Oston, motioned to everyone and left.

Auston looked at Ryan's back and said, "Everyone go to my office. Regarding this cruise, I have something to tell you."


Su Ming and the others ordered a barbecue, and the people in the big kitchen said: No.

Su Ming: "Hot pot."

The man in the big kitchen said blankly: "No."

Su Ming twisted his face, "Fried chicken, French fries, hamburger, steak, Coke?"

The people in the big kitchen still had blank expressions, "No."

He paused for a while, and offered a suggestion to Su Ming and others, "If you are willing to eat wolf poisonous beast meat for barbecue, hot pot, and fried meat, we are willing to provide it."

With so many people on the Xingtian ship, the daily food consumption is astonishing. If the inventory control is not done well, the soldiers will lose their combat effectiveness due to lack of food before the supply ship arrives. Sweep away. Therefore, there is nothing to eat in the kitchen now, everyone tightens their belts, and the hard days will soon pass.

When Ryan came over, he saw everyone staring bitterly at a huge small dried fish pizza, as if looking at the small dried fish pizza could be covered with beef, prawns, chicken, cheese... Big kitchen I don't know how to do it, the dried small fish are lined up around the edge of the pizza, with one head and one tail raised high, the shriveled fish looking at the sky, the mouth full of small sharp teeth is slightly opened, as if shouting , or is it singing the praises of the moon

Because the chef who served this pizza said that the name of this pizza is Looking up at the Moon Sky.

Ryan: "Just eat this?"

Su Ming seemed to have been drained of all his strength, and looked at Ryan with a hopeless look, "Can you make it delicious?"

Everyone looked at Ryan expectantly.

Ryan looked at it, analyzed the structure of the pizza, and said, "Sorry, I can't do anything."

Everyone lay down at the table, defeated by reality, and didn't want to say anything more.

As the captain, Su Ming worked hard to boost morale, "Don't be discouraged, there will be milk and bread, and we are only one flight away from delicious food. Now, we can't waste food. Let's eat the moon sky. Everyone has a share, and no one should try to shirk responsibility, this is the last thing a soldier should have."

It has risen to this height, who is still not eating, of course it is eating. Ryan was the first to do it. He was still so courageous. He took a pizza with a lot of cheese in it. When one corner of the pizza was taken out, the cracks were drawn. Try the taste, it has a very thick smoky taste, it is dried fish taste, black pepper and olives. He concluded: "It tastes good, everyone try it."

Well, some experts say it is good, you can eat it with confidence.

Well, ignoring the strange shape, the taste of looking up at the moon sky is still acceptable.

Looking up at the moon and sky with beer, the more he drank, the more he ate, and when the dinner party was over, Ryan, who had always been calm, was already slightly drunk, but the smile on his face disappeared. It was as cold as a bloody warrior crawling out of the abyss battlefield. Those who walked by him hurried away in fright, not daring to stay for a moment. When Ryan walked to the door of the dormitory, the alcohol poured into his body was almost consumed, and the corners of Laping's mouth slowly raised. He was that gentle and peaceful young man again.


Hearing the shout, Ryan looked over. It was Fan Lunting. This was the first time he saw him after the match.

Fan Luanting walked over with his hat under his arm, "I saw you from a distance just now, and I thought I had misjudged the person. I took a few glances before I was completely sure. You look scary when you don't smile."

Lane said, "Had a little drink, got a little over the top."

Fan Lunting said: "Understandable, I like to sing when I'm drunk."

Ryan smiled. He has always been very sensible, and he rarely drinks to the point of getting drunk. Being slightly drunk is the bottom line.

Fan Luanting grabbed the hat that was caught in the crook of his arm, hesitating a little and didn't know how to speak.

Ryan pushed open the door and said, "Sit inside."

Except for the three planting cabins domineeringly showing their own presence, there is nothing special about it. Fan Lunting has no habit of prying into other people's privacy, and keeps his eyes on one place in a very regular way. After the invitation, I sat down at the table, and drank the level to restore my uneasy and excited mood. He took out a letter from his arms and solemnly pushed it to Ryan.

Ryan: "?"

Fan Lunting said: "This is a letter I wrote to Connor, please Ryan help me pass it to him."

Ryan: "I said that if I invite you home as a guest, I will not break my promise. You can hand it over to him in person."

"No, no, that's not what it means." Fan Luting scratched his head, and said with some longing and a little anxiety: "I hope to be a guest after getting Connor's permission, and I hope he is willing to meet my little fan. I don't want to rub you It is impolite to meet him as a friend, and in my opinion, it is disrespectful and disrespectful to Connor. I formally applied in the letter, and if he agrees, I will go again."

Fan Lunting sighed unobtrusively. He also struggled for a long time to make this decision. For a while, he followed Ryan home without thinking about anything, and for a while he was afraid that his reckless behavior would make Connor hate him. After thinking about it, he made the current decision, hoping that Connor would accept his arrival after reading the letter. can you? Fan Luanting didn't know, he expected it would.

Fan Lunting's hope was folded in the thin envelope, Ryan took it seriously, "Don't worry, I will give it to Connor, and I will let you know his answer as soon as possible."

Fan Lunting breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately felt relaxed physically and mentally, and began to chat with Ryan, "I came to your place two days ago, and you are not here when you go out."

"I went to Yuemang Town."

"Yeah, I met a man at the door of your dormitory, a blond man. He probably stood at your door for a long time." Fan Lunting described the person he saw, and then said: "I think he is mentally unstable. He wept silently, and chatted with him for a while. He said that he had done a lot of wrong things. He said that he should not hurt the person he once liked because of jealousy, should not post rumors on the Internet, and should not come here all the time with a thick skin. Excuse me, but he can't control his inner demons, making mistakes again and again."

Ryan knew that the person Fan Lunting was talking about was Amy.

"He said that he has applied for retirement, the approval has been passed, and he will leave the Legion after this cruise." Fan Luting frowned with some doubts, "He still muttered that he kept the cup for himself, and he was going to drink the coffee in it. something."

Ryan: "..." That cup of coffee has been around for a long time, even if it is placed in a crisper, it won't last long. Not all Amy's actions are clear to Ryan. Since he secretly took the cup as his own, Ryan has alienated this friend. He doesn't care, but he can't let potential danger appear around Auston.

After talking for a while, Fan Luting left. Ryan thought for a while in the dormitory and then pushed the door out. He went to the mechanical repair department first, but couldn't find Amy. He asked his former colleagues and learned that Amy was not feeling well. Medical center. He turned to go there, and saw Amy on the hospital bed, huddled under the quilt, her face was only as thin as a palm, and it was as white as paper. When he saw Ryan coming to see him, he burst into tears "I'm sorry."

The person I like became the idol's lover. Under the double blow, Amy was very depressed and wanted to take revenge on the society. He made many excuses to go to see Ryan and hoped to see the general through him. He could see him once or twice in ten times. Every time the general appeared with Ryan, the tacit understanding and tenderness made Amy jealous, and he even went to Ryan with a knife. Every time in the dead of night, lying under the quilt, Amy was afraid of changes in herself, but she couldn't suppress her heart.

The team leader found himself absent-minded and often distracted, so he chatted with him.

Only then did Amy decide to retire. He was so small. He suddenly had the opportunity to get in touch with his idol, but he couldn't grasp himself and began to distort and collapse. He should stand far away as before, as long as he got some information from the general Very satisfied.

"I'm sorry, I posted a post that spread rumors about you on the Internet." Amy lowered her head in shame. After he posted the post anonymously, he didn't expect so many people to follow the post. The number of posts that spread rumors suddenly increased. He was at a loss and wanted to delete the post. It was too late to reduce the impact, and Black Lane became an internet frenzy.

Ryan didn't say anything, just sat for a while and left.

Amy's last words came to Ryan's mind after leaving the medical center, "The taste of the coffee made by the general... I really can't say it's good with my conscience, I'm sorry."

This is really impossible to close your eyes and blow, it is simply a deadly bomb. Amy used the most excellent fresh-keeping box to preserve the best moment of coffee (expired, but the taste is still there, drinking will not cause illness), the explosion He stretched his neck and swallowed the taste-like taste, and within a quarter of an hour after eating it, his stomach hurt. Gastroenteritis made him vomit, diarrhea and high fever for the past few days, and he almost died.

Ryan didn't know what expression to return, so he could only pat Amy on the shoulder to express comfort. On the way back, the corner of Ryan's mouth was slightly raised, and he was in a good mood. He thought that the remaining third of Little Strawberry would be put on the agenda and started to work. After implanting the AI, it would be able to operate, and he could also bring Little Strawberry to meet Code Zero.