My Partner was Assigned to me by the Country

Chapter 43: Dawn Avenue





The sound made when the energy block is moving is a bit strange, but everyone is used to the existence of this sound.

In Alston's office, a small mech 65 cm high stands in front of the bookshelf that occupies the entire wall. Behind the small mech is dragging an energy block that is about the same height as him. The energy block is different in size. For a cube up to 1 cubic meter, except for the side that touches the ground, which is made of silver metal, the other sides are all crystal-like dark blue, emitting a blue halo smoothly, which is a sign that this energy block is running.

There are no regular energy blocks for small mechs on the ship, and they can only use the big ones for Yuan Yuan, and there is a scene of him dragging the energy blocks and walking around.

After Yuan Yuan moved a few steps, the energy block connected behind him bounced with a click. The faster Yuanyuan moves, the faster the energy block moves. It looks like a little blue monster chasing Yuanyuan, but Yuanyuan can't get rid of it. Coupled with Yuanyuan's calm and calm performance, he looks a bit Hilarious, unbearable.

Alston has read all the books on the bookshelf. He covers a wide range of topics, and he has some books here. There are also two novels written by Ryan’s cousin Connor on the shelf. They are 90% new, which proves that they have only been read for a short time. Sitting on the shelf, erotic books were clearly not to Auston's taste.

The original finger moved, skipped the few novels he had already read, and then landed on a book "Interstellar Quest-No Use Manual, just read it casually". He took out the book and flipped through it quickly in his palm. A 500-page book was read to the end in three minutes, and the way of looking at the flowers made the deputy captain who was discussing the ship's affairs with Auston frowned. He didn't like that big toy's contemptuous attitude towards books. .

He sat down for less than half an hour, and the little mech had picked through the entire row of books on the bookshelf. From the deputy captain's point of view, this was just a playful side of the little mecha's programming. His son has such a big toy in the shape of a mecha. He often does some inexplicable things, such as digging holes, digging soil, hanging from the door frame and swinging around. The manual says that the companion robot will imitate the behavior of the owner, It's ridiculous, his son would never do these meaningless things, just like the general has always been serious about books.

The original eyes in front of the bookshelf flickered a few times, and he read a few more boring books that added redundant data to the system. The ability of human beings to create useless information is no different from that of seven hundred years ago!

However, flipping through these boring books can improve my understanding of human beings and what is going on in that complex brain, so I was willing to waste half an hour of precious time reading a row. After reading it, he sat next to the bookshelf and connected to the Internet to absorb a lot of knowledge. The knowledge update is too fast. Compared with hundreds of years ago, it is completely turned upside down. He likes the feeling of wandering in it.

By the way, you can play "cat" :).

Once again, Dafu, who escaped from Ryan's palm, sneaked into the general's office and became the little doll of Yuan's subordinates. Dafu licked his paw pitifully, feeling that the lanugo was going to be bald, and it would become the first griffin orz in the world to be bald.

Almost everyone on the mutated griffin ship knew that Ryan brought it back from B612, and many people saw it on the day it was brought back. The little beast is afraid of the gentle Ryan, but likes to cling to the stern general. It has also become a topic of conversation for many people. Some people say that the little animal has the most accurate intuition. It knows that Ryan is a black belly, so it is afraid. Some people also said that the general and Ryan were semi-public.


The deputy captain withdrew his gaze, swipe the document on the light screen and said: "In a few days, we will arrive at Liming Avenue. This is the first time that an army has passed by after 700 years since the Battle of Liming. What standard will the general plan to pay homage to? "

"The highest specification." Alston did not hesitate.

The deputy captain paused, "General, isn't this too high-profile?"

"Don't worry about those old guys in the parliament talking nonsense, saying that we rushed to send flowers before the national festival." Auston showed the light screen in his hand in front of the deputy captain. On the screen were him and the president. After turning the page, President Anderson personally approved the document, "This is the first commemoration in seven hundred years, and the ceremony must be of the highest standard. Our actions will not be reported by the media, and will not be understood by the public. It may even be criticized by the parliament, but we must be clear of our hearts. After 30 years of controversy, if the national festival is delayed again and again, it will chill the hearts of the soldiers."

Emperor Qin Feng Anderson is the hero in the minds of all soldiers, the spiritual pillar in his heart, and many of his ideas are not outdated even today.

This is a true hero and should not be forgotten because of politics!


Interstellar 3 June 16, 2020, on this day in history, "Mecha Overview" was compiled, the red coral star field was discovered, the artificially synthesized music "Romantic Dawn" spread to thousands of households, and the pandas on the mother planet of the earth were Under artificial intervention, the number reached 2,000 and triplets were successfully bred. The fifth-generation grandson of Emperor Anderson and the singer Anderson V committed suicide by jumping off a building due to depression. The secret recipe leaked and went bankrupt... After today, one more "big event" will be added on this day-700 years after the end of the War of Dawn, for the first time, a legion will commemorate the soldiers who died in the battle.

At five o'clock that day, Oston opened his eyes without the alarm clock reminding him, and he turned over quickly and got up, but Ryan, who was sleeping next to him, changed his usual decisiveness, lay on the bed and looked at Oston helplessly and said: "The ceremony It doesn't start until ten o'clock, and it's still early."

"I have to make preparations first." Alston's spirit was a little excited because of the upcoming things.

Ryan buried his face in the pillow, and said in a muffled voice, "Oh."

Since last night, Oston has been a little over-excited, hidden under the cold and indifferent expression, only those who are close to him can see it, for example, the frequency of checking the time has increased, and the upward arc of the corners of his mouth has increased when he is flipping through books. The time of Dafu has increased, and nine out of ten topics in the original discussion revolved around Emperor Qin Feng Anderson...

This is also understandable, after all, today Oston is going to personally enter the core area of the War of Dawn in the Wilden star field, and go there to pay homage to the souls of the soldiers who died in the war.

It is impossible to verify exactly when the Zerg first entered the star field where humans live. It may have been a thousand years ago, or within a thousand years. When humans officially confronted the Zerg, they had devoured it at an extremely fast speed and in a cruel way. There are several asteroids on the border, and behind the Zerg army is a devastated planet with no living things left.

The flames of war ignited, and human beings began a long history of fighting against Zerg.

The period of war without mechas was called the bloody era in history by later generations. Human beings used their flesh and blood to slow down the attack of the Zerg, and exchanged the lives of soldiers for the continuation of the human fire. Heroes are created by the times, countless heroes are born in the bloody age, there are warriors who are not afraid of death, there are scientists who work hard, there are doctors who fight death for their lives, and there are battlefields where the Zerg Daao reports the frontline situation to the public under the hail of bullets. Reporter... Among them, Qin Feng Anderson is undoubtedly the most shining one.

He was born before the Zerg aggressively invaded human beings. His father was an ordinary soldier and his mother was an excellent mechanic. Under the influence of his parents, he grew into an excellent reserve soldier and was sent to the battlefield. Become a popular general. Later, Qin Feng Anderson abandoned the army and became the president when he was 150 years old. He buried the fallen soldiers, sympathized with the orphans of war, encouraged education and scientific research, advocated recuperation... and boldly proposed the concept of mechs. He successfully produced a mecha before he was two hundred years old, but at that time the mecha was more like a large robot, and the role on the battlefield after being equipped with artificial intelligence was far less useful than the derived mecha skeleton. But this invention gave mankind the hope of defeating the Zerg.

Qin Feng was not discouraged, and continued to study, breaking through the nerve center, energy storage and other problems. His existence was like a miracle bestowed on mankind by God, allowing mankind in darkness to see the hope of dawn.

The 299-year-old Qin Feng has entered old age, and the war against the Zerg has been going on throughout his life. When the horn of human counterattack sounded completely, he personally led the army to fight against the Zerg. area.

The darkness before dawn heralds the dawn when the darkness is about to pass—the battle of dawn is here.

In the Battle of Dawn, the latest mecha manufactured by Qin Feng Anderson was invested, and the most advanced AI at that time was implanted. He said that the name of the mecha would be made public after the war. The supreme leader of the Central Empire personally conquered and entered the forefront of the war, confronting the Zerg, and the Zerg retreated steadily, but at the most critical moment, the emperor’s diet was poisoned. In the face of the battle, he decided to blew up his mecha and died with the Zerg Emperor.

The huge energy wave caused the magnetic field around the Avenue of Dawn to be chaotic, and a black hole was born from the distortion. Human beings have been unable to approach it for seven hundred years. It was not until thirty years ago that the black hole quietly disappeared and the disordered magnetic field returned to calm, that human beings were able to see the remains of the war again.

"Emperor Anderson is my goal of joining the army." Oston sat on the side of the bed and comforted Ryan. He had indeed ignored Ryan's feelings for the memorial service during this time. "It is my greatest wish in this life to be able to personally preside over the commemoration of the heroes of the War of Dawn. Sorry, I ignored you."

Ryan sighed helplessly, turned over and hugged Oston, and said, "I just don't want you to be too tired, after all, your injury hasn't completely healed yet."

"Come on, Blair said it will be all right in a month or two."

Ryan hugged him hard and let go, "Go ahead, I'm up too."

"Yeah." Alston paused, and quickly kissed Ryan on the lips while Ryan was not paying attention, "Bye~"

Ryan didn't let him go so simply, he hugged him and deepened the kiss, "Bye~"

Watching Auston leave, Ryan stood at the door for a while and then turned around. His eyes met a pair of eyes that had no emotional fluctuations, which was Yuanyuan.

Originally, the calm and calm voice said: "His idol, Emperor Qin Feng Anderson, is a man of strong bones and resourcefulness."

"An old man who has never been married, is obsessed with his career, has a red face and white hair, and is a late hero. He still doesn't know people well, has been betrayed by others, is aggressive in military affairs, obsessed with mecha research and exhausted the treasury, and is self-willed..." Ryan teased. At the corner of his mouth, the life of Emperor Qin Feng Anderson was mixed. The reason why the empire did not hold a public sacrifice was because there were a lot of opposition voices in the country, claiming that because of the emperor, the progress of the country would be slowed down, and a large number of people would be lost. Have. The beauty is unforgettable, the hero is slandered, and it is easy to forget the sacrifices of the martyrs when living in comfort.

Ryan bypassed Yuanyuan and went to the bathroom, and soon his voice came from the bathroom, mixed with a little muffled voice of brushing his teeth, "You should learn to enjoy life instead of investing in career, hobbies, and inventions. Too much concentration will hurt you. For friends, there will be many envious enemies... "

Yuan Chu nodded, and he agreed with this sentence, "Put it in your life, you won't blush when you touch a boy's hand, and dare to say I love you to the person you like. Sir, you are so right, I am proud to have a master like you."

Ryan: "…"

He poked his head out from the bathroom, squinted his eyes and looked at Yuan Chu, "Don't say a few words, or you will be deducted energy blocks."

Yuan Chu: "Okay, sir. I promise I won't say a word."

Ryan: "..." It feels like it's even more irritating.

The memorial ceremony began at ten o'clock, and the soldiers who had not left the ship gathered at the mech training ground, silently waiting for the time to come.

Boom boom boom!

The heavy bell rang, a solemn and quiet atmosphere enveloped the audience, and the surrounding lights were turned off. Everyone was in the dark, as if they had entered the depths of the universe, or the deep darkness before dawn. In the infinite distance, there is a ray of light, like the rising of the sun, and like the twinkling of stars, there are huge stones slowly moving away from the top of the head, looking far away, you will find similar stones all over the space, these stones are asteroids fragments.

During the Battle of Dawn, Emperor Anderson blew himself up in his mecha and died with the Zong Emperor. The shock wave shattered hundreds of small planets of different sizes in the Wilden Star Field, and the debris formed was tens of thousands of light-years long. The stone belt was called the Avenue of the Dawn. Zerg corpses, fragments of mechs, human remains, and dismembered bodies of various weapons can still be seen in the gravel belt... A glimpse of the tragedy of the battle that year can be seen.

The Zerg's fierce resistance, the human's defense to the death, the casualties on both sides are immeasurable, and only a handful of people actually survived the battlefield. The War of Dawn crippled the Zerg race and frustrated their vigor. It took two hundred years for these cosmic bandits to recover a bit, and began to harass humans again, but they would never push humans to a desperate situation again.

Ryan looked around him, his feet were still stepping on the ground of the training ground, but his body seemed to be on the Avenue of Dawn. This is because of the use of holographic projection technology, so that all the soldiers on the ship who cannot be present at the scene have an immersive experience.


Someone in front of them let out a brief exclamation. It was the ferocious body of the Zerg moving in front of them in the projected live broadcast.

A slight buzzing sound pierced the sky, and Ryan followed the others to look in the direction of the sound. The pitch-black Code Zero entered the field of vision first, and behind him were hundreds of mecha fighters, flying past everyone In the sky above, it entered the center of the Avenue of Dawn. In the center, there was the broken body of the Zerg Emperor. There was a huge black epee stuck in the body-the epee was the configuration on the mecha that Emperor Anderson did not disclose his name to the world.

Ryan's eyes calmly moved away from the black epee, and he looked at the newly appeared team.

After the mech warriors, there were tens of thousands of melee soldiers wearing mechanical exoskeletons. Ryan saw Derrick, Harriet, and Fan Lunting. Wearing exoskeletons and lightweight space combat suits, they can maintain balance and flight in a vacuum and zero gravity environment.

Mighty, tough, never give in.

This is a tough team!

Emperor Anderson will see that even though his once trusted partner divided up his everything for power and status, hundreds of years later, there are still people who insist on defending his dream.

Fight for the stability of the empire!

After everyone had assembled, the ceremony officially began, with wreaths being delivered, silence, and eulogy... everything was carried out in an orderly manner. The vast universe slowly disappeared in front of his eyes, and what finally disappeared in Ryan's eyes was the black epee in front of the code-named Zero.

Mecha with cold weapons

I don't know what Qin Feng Anderson was thinking at the beginning.

Ryan closed his eyes silently.

After the memorial ceremony, the fleet continued sailing and arrived at Gamma Base, the ground base of the Golden Cross on August 9, five days earlier than expected. The cruise mission is over. At the same time, the two auxiliary ships of Mars and Karkatie set sail with their frigates to begin their garrison missions. Eighteen months later, the Athena and Ares ships, which had previously set off with the Xingtian ship, will complete their missions. Their garrison missions set off to return.

The cruise mission of the first ship is carried out every three years, with a period of 18 months.

The next cruise mission is three years away.

Ryan was carrying a cage and carrying a large backpack and walked out of the Xingtian Ship with the crowd. What caught his eye was the cold and iron-blooded architectural style of the military base. The last time he came, he was a soldier who had just entered the place. A little soldier on a cruise mission.

"Lian, the next day is on vacation, what are you going to do?"

The person talking to Ryan was the team leader Su Ming. His outfit was even more exaggerated than Ryan’s. The backpack on his back was half the size of him, and it was full of his collections. Even if it was a holiday, he would not leave A moment, little ones.

Ryan smiled and said, "Take the second-level test for mecha restorer first, and go home after the test."

Su Ming stared wide-eyed, "Didn't you just pass the first-level exam and take the second-level exam so soon?!"

"The second-level exam has low requirements for working hours. You can take it after one year. I will try it first."

Su Ming: "... Uh, you usually say try, and I know that your chance of success is 100%."

Ryan smiled innocently, "I can't guarantee it either."

Su Ming raised his hand in surrender, "You are different, you have shown your excellent side, you don't need to be humble, your modesty will only scare the enemy."

Ryan: "... there is no need to be so exaggerated."

Su Ming nodded vigorously, "It is necessary!"

Ryan thought for a while and said, "Okay." In the second-level exam, the words should, probably, maybe, maybe don't need to appear, and he can definitely pass!

After waving goodbye to Su Ming, Ryan walked to his dormitory at the ground base. It was not a privileged single room, but a dormitory for four people. Located in Dormitory 1204, Building 16 in the dormitory area, Ryan opened the door and walked in, and an indescribable smell of a man came over his face, and Ryan managed to capture a somewhat familiar feeling from it.

The other three people in the dormitory were all there, and there was one wearing a racer-style camouflage vest lying on his back on the bed, which was Ryan's upper bunk. One was standing by the window playing with the handheld, and the earphones covered his ears so that he could not hear the sound of someone coming in. There is also a bare-chested man holding a ten-kilogram dumbbell, with exaggerated biceps bulges, looking like he could have the thick waist of some slender women.

The person on the bed and while exercising looked at the door. The new roommate was a gentle and peaceful young man, he looked good when he smiled, he was not very tall, and his body was not strong. He had black hair and brown eyes. Possesses typical characteristics of oriental ancestry.

It still looks easy to bully, hehe.

"Hey, little man, you've been put in bed number four?"

Ryan went to the only available bed, sat down and said, "If no one sleeps here, then I think this bed should be mine."

"Then you have to be careful, the guy on your upper bunk can crush you to death if you are not careful."

"Joeliver manage your mouth, don't be too rude in front of the little one." The brother on the upper bunk lowered his head to look at Ryan, "Where do you belong?"

Ryan looked up at the man and said, "Xing Tian Ship."

"Wow, you are actually on the general's battleship. Have you seen the general? Do you think the general is very powerful!" The brother on the upper bunk supported the bed, spun in the air, and turned around smoothly on the ground. This brother must be over 1.9 meters tall Five, with a slightly frivolous temperament, he folded his arms and leaned against the bed, looking down at Ryan, "Newcomer, what's your name?"

"Lian." After feeling the liveliness of his roommates, Ryan felt that he had integrated into the atmosphere of the dormitory, so he could open the black cloth around the cage and let Dafu out... or wait a moment, first ask the roommates if they would mind having one Where is the pet

As soon as a corner of the black cloth was raised, a small claw caught the edge and pulled it down. Dafu grunted and kept his face out of sight.

Ryan: "..." This little thing has more and more personality.



The two roommates shouted in unison, each louder and more excited.

Ryan nodded, "Lyan Smith, a member of the mech repair department of Xingtian Ship."

The roommate swallowed with difficulty, her Adam's apple rolling, obviously surprised that her roommate turned out to be Ryan! Ryan, Ryan Smith, who had made his mark on Xingtian Ship when he was a rookie, was the winner of the B612 competition, the one who trampled many mecha fighters and melee soldiers under his feet.

Ryan was still calm, without the annoyance of being treated with contempt at the beginning, nor the joy of being famous in the Xing Tian Ship, he raised the cage in his hand, "Do you mind having a small pet? I will take it away after I take the exam in a few days. .”

The two roommates nodded obediently. The big guys stood respectfully in front of Ryan, like children in school who were educated by teachers.


"We accept small pets."

"Fuck!" The one who was focused on playing the game took off the earphones angrily after failing, and he turned to the side and said, "The recruits are reporting today, and there are ships entering the port. Maybe the fourth bed will be occupied by someone. Hey, we Fuck him."

Then he met Ryan's warm eyes and heard Ryan say, "Hi, I'm Ryan Smith."

He looked blankly at the roommates who were standing in a row waiting to eat fruit, then at Ryan who was sitting on the bed, and smiled cheekily, "Oh, what did I just say?" Everyone pretended to have collective amnesia and forgot, okay? it is good…

"You said you were going to mess with the person on the fourth bed." Ryan reminded kindly, "Can you still do it?"


A scene in which veterans bullied newcomers declared bankruptcy before it even started, and they soon fell in love with each other. Ryan nodded, saying that the atmosphere in the dormitory is very good and must be maintained.

It's time for dinner soon.

"Boss, are you going to have dinner?" Joe River, who was trained as a bodybuilder, asked when he was leaving.

"It's still early, I'll read a book first."

"Boss, why don't we bring it back for you?"

Ryan can think about it, "Then trouble you, I will transfer the money to you."

"No, no, no, you don't need money to invite the boss to eat." Joliver ran out quickly, and then poked his head in after a while, "Boss, what do you want to eat? Is there any taboo?"

"No taboo, just give me a portion of whatever you eat."


After everyone else in the dormitory had left, Ryan, who was reading under the lamp, thought, what a good roommate who is respectful, kind and harmonious.

"Wow." Dafu, lying on Ryan's bed, yelled, as if laughing.