My Partner was Assigned to me by the Country

Chapter 46: Darkly poke eye drops


As the first batch of people to enter the museum, the museum is far from crowded, and you don't have to look at the exhibits through layers of figures. I have to say that it is good to come early. The most people come to the diary area. People come here with the idea of admiration, curiosity, or voyeurism, and comment on the emotions revealed between the lines of Emperor Qin Feng. And I prefer to see the emperor show the side of ordinary people, addicted to playing mahjong, watching a good guy but don't know how to get close, and keep trying after failing and failing again... It turns out that great people also have a clumsy side, everyone is Ordinary people.

When entering the museum, you cannot turn on any camera and photography equipment. Only by appreciating with your eyes can you appreciate the spirit contained in the photos, which resonates with Emperor Qin Feng Anderson more than 700 years ago.

"Here is the diary written by Emperor Anderson when he was a teenager. At that time, the emperor's handwriting was immature and his thoughts were simple and simple, but he already showed a firm belief in learning, which laid the foundation for future achievements." A lady in a uniform black uniform, with black hair, brown eyes, and soft facial features, read the contents of the diary in Chinese, and changed to the standard imperial common language after reading two paragraphs: "Great Wall Starfield Two languages are used, Huaxia and the common language of the empire. Seven hundred years ago and now, everyone’s daily communication and written writing are more inclined to Huaxia. The emperor’s diary is Huaxia, which is written in standard running script. Many children on the planet To learn running script is to take the emperor's notes and copy them."

Ryan and Alston followed the crowd, listening to the narrator.

Ryan, "The emperor must have been eighteen or nine years old when he wrote this diary." Through the glass, he pointed to a diary inside and showed it to Auston, "There are a few typos." Auston, look quickly, quickly Twenty-year-old adults still write typos, making such low-level mistakes.

"I saw this page when I came here before." Alston raised his hand, and his slender fingers traced the words in the air. It is the existence in Auston's eyes that is better than the famous paintings. "Research shows that the emperor thought of writing in a self-deprecating way before he wrote, but changed his attention at the moment of writing, and replaced it with other things. This is what we see now. According to historical studies Experts have verified that there were originally two slashes above these useless words, but over the past few hundred years, the diary was often exposed to the air, and the two slashes became shallower and disappeared.”

Ryan: "Hehe, so that's the case." Shit, there is such a far-fetched explanation!

The words in front of the obviously wrongly written "Ha Shi yo write want to play mahjong" have been interpreted in this way by later generations. What kind of historian, can't you do something serious!

"Mahjong is very fun. It seems that the emperor likes entertainment very much." Ryan said casually: "I guess I can understand something from it. The emperor wants to play mahjong if he doesn't want to learn." That's who he is.

Auston couldn't understand Ryan's implication. He stated seriously, "The military once opened a course based on this to figure out the tactics in mahjong."

Ryan: "..." What's wrong with this world

The voice of the commentary just came, "Mahjong has continued from the ancient earth period to the present. The modern rules have changed a lot from the past, but the changes remain the same. There are 136 cards in each deck, and the characters and patterns have not changed. Everyone If you are interested, you can find a chess and card room to practice your hands and try it, but gambling is not allowed, and credit points will be deducted once you find it. Indulging in it is not okay. When the emperor was old, he often said, "Play mahjong in leisure time to relax the brain. But absolutely can not delay the business'."

Auston said softly in Ryan's ear: "General Tolkien of the Legion of Glory likes to play mahjong very much, and he has summed up several sets of tactics from it. He often thanks the emperor for providing him with the supreme cheats."

What else can Ryan say, he can only remain silent.

In the entire exhibition area, there are only five or six diaries on display in each period. Each diary is opened to show two pages of content to the visitors. Because of his writing habit, the emperor seldom writes diaries in the common language of the empire. Basically, they are Chinese diaries. Therefore, there is a corresponding translation in the common language on the light screen next to each booth.

"The next batch of tourists will come in soon, and we can only speed up our pace in order to see more content." The commentary took everyone forward, from the youth to the reserve period. The times are special, and the war between humans and Zerg is intensifying. The suppressed humans can only serve as soldiers, and capable young people receive training and go to the battlefield. The training stage is called reserve.

During the reserve period, the emperor's diary is full of desire for war and excitement to fight on the battlefield. The words that have not experienced blood and rain still retain a lot of innocence and longing.

Auston's eyes quickly scanned the three diaries, and finally settled on the last one, his eyes lit up with excitement, "Ryan, I haven't seen this page before." He whispered in a slightly awkward Chinese language Read the lines above, "Met a dark-eyed fellow, the jeweler's son from Red Coral, but Dalton doesn't like being called that, and his friend Dalton only has a few It’s just a gem mine star, this is really a bit jealous. Dalton is unsmiling, just like the Prussian soldiers described in an ancient earth book I have read. Their children will be miserable in the future. Growing up in a serious and rigid education, my uncle sympathizes."

The Emperor's Diary used a brisk pen to tease his friends, but after being a jeweler, Oston, who was not much different from his stern ancestors, couldn't read the jokes in it. The contrast made Ryan want to laugh but couldn't, because This paragraph is not over yet, Ryan held back a strong sense of shame and looked over.

- In the future, Uncle Qin Feng will teach the children of the Dalton family how to enjoy life if they have the opportunity.

Ryan: "…"

"This man is my great-great-grandfather, Ryan, and this is my relative!" Alston's black eyes were bright, shining with joy, and he didn't realize that he was far from the "serious family biography", " It has never been found in the text left by great-great-grandfather that he and the emperor knew each other during the reserve period, and it feels like the distance between Qin Feng and the emperor has been shortened all of a sudden."

"Auston, you really like him?"

Auston was startled, and the pure smile on his face showed some confusion, and then he said firmly: "It's not liking, it's admiration, it's envy. My mother was gone when I was young, and my father was away from home all the year round when he patrolled the border. He received a strict education. I came across the autobiography of a friend of the Great Emperor by chance, telling about the events of the Great Emperor’s youth, very happy, a life I have never had and dare not imagine. I always think about when I can have that kind of life... " Looking at Ryan with a chuckle, Oston continued: "With expectation, there is hope in the dark days. And now, Ryan thank you."

The emperor was just yearning, but Ryan really let himself experience a relaxed, happy, peaceful and peaceful life.

At this moment, the emotions in the depths of Ryan's eyes fluctuated violently. Something was about to come out but was firmly pressed back. He held Auston's hand, "This is our fate."

"Yeah." Alston nodded in agreement, "Ryan, you are indeed of Chinese descent. Fate is the most beautiful word I have ever heard."

Ryan looked at Auston softly, and he pointed to a galaxy map drawn in the emperor's diary, "I can also say other things, 'There are three thousand things in the world, there are three of my love, the sun, the moon and Qing, the sun is the dynasty, and the moon For Mu, Qing for Chaozhaomumu'." His voice was low and slow, and after deliberately lowering his voice, he was extraordinarily magnetic, and every word in the beautiful Huaxia tone was very clear, and the artistic conception brought out matched his focused gaze. shine.

bang bang—

Alston's heart skipped two beats, as if melting into Ryan's gaze with the sound.

The inherently shy young man is gradually breaking through himself. He squeezed his fists, his palms were wet with sweat, and glanced left and right, but found that no one noticed them. Ryan took the time to take a deep breath, which would not take more than a second. He leaned over and quickly kissed Auston's lips, "Let's go, there seem to be more people."

"Hmm." Alston lowered his eyes, his thick eyelashes trembling constantly, his handsome face remained unchanged, but there was a touch of blush on the tips of his beautiful ears.

"You are behind." The brown hair in the fat couple was about to talk to Ryan, talking about the feeling of reading the emperor's diary, when he turned his head and saw that the two people walking beside him were gone, and looking behind him, it turned out that they were still there In the stage of the emperor's reserve.

The silent but warm atmosphere lingering between the two dissipated, and Ryan smiled and took Auston's hand and said to the people not far away: "Come here."

He calmly looked at the diary, the content recorded in it was the same as his mood at that time, and it had been frozen in the years of seven hundred years ago.

—War, cruel and terrible.

When he actually went to the battlefield, Qin Feng realized that his mind would go blank while bleeding. The comrades who had trained side by side in the past were caught in two by the big claws of the Zerg. There was sticky blood, broken internal organs, blurred flesh and blood, broken flesh and blood. The bones and the enlarged silent pupils of his comrades... All this dilutes his desire for war, the blood in his brain cools down, timidity and hatred are mixed, fighting spirit and killing are intertwined, and he almost crushes humans one after another. After surviving the type of war, his young body became stronger, his fever-prone brain became calm, and only the smile on his face was always gentle.

Joining the army is not only about war and killing, death and loss, but also gain. Qin Feng's troops explored a brand new star field—Storm Star Field. A small planet with similar topography to the mother star of the earth.

In order to raise military expenses, any asteroids discovered can be put on the market for trading.

—I like that asteroid very much, and I can graze there after I get discharged from the army. Damn the regulations, military personnel are not allowed to buy any asteroids, Qin Hao’s little cousin can only let you do it for me, my brother told you, you just bought it for me, that star belongs to me, I want to call her... uh , I didn't think about it, I want to come up with a good name, how about filling in the blanks after I'm sure

Compared with the previous ones, the Great Emperor at the military stage has less awkwardness, youthful innocence, and inconsistency in his writing, and more youthful stability and calmness.

- There are too many constraints, thinking that this can trap my hands and feet? Heh, I'm going to be your colleague.

Qin Feng went into politics.

During his career in politics, his writing became a bit more profound, with more sarcasm and ridicule, mocking the world and himself. Being stuck in it and unable to break free, he began to read a lot and watch a lot of various video materials from the ancient earth period.

—I found a good thing. Why are the robots put into the battlefield now the size of people? It is completely possible to build a ten-meter-high steel behemoth! It can carry humans and use weapons of mass destruction. The outer shell must be hard to withstand the attacks of the Zerg Dao. Thanks to Tony Stark for the inspiration, his power source was a great idea.

"Which famous scientist is Tony Stark?" murmured one of the Fat Couples. "Ancestor?"

"It is the protagonist of a movie in the ancient earth period, wearing a steel battle suit, 'with a body of flesh and blood, bear a heart of steel; with the power of a mortal, stand shoulder to shoulder with the gods in the sky', there is a ten-minute repaired version on the star network, the emperor watched it That’s what it’s all about.” Alston knows this so well that he can give the answer without asking a narrator to explain it.

The earth's mother star once experienced drastic land and sea changes, and the continuous plate movement lasted for more than two hundred years. In order to survive and reproduce, human beings had to reluctantly leave the mother star and develop in the universe. This is the beginning of the interstellar era. After human beings have enough ability and high-end technology, they return to the mother planet of the earth to restore their homeland, and rescue many precious historical materials, books, movies, antique calligraphy and paintings, etc.

Auston is very fond of Emperor Qin Feng, "The Emperor is a lover of ancient earth civilization, and many of his ideas also come from the ancient ancestors."

Moving forward, we came to the final stage of the exhibition area. Emperor Qin Feng Anderson was old. He invented and created mechs and proposed many new concepts. He strongly promoted new policies and ruled the country with iron and blood methods. Education... But he is old. Although there are only a few more wrinkles on his face and a few white strands in his black hair, his energy is not as good as before, and his physical strength does not support him to build mechs all night.

The beauty is late, but the hero is gray.

The handwriting on the diary lacks the rigidity of the back of the paper, and more the plainness and indifference of the old man.

Ryan staggered his eyes from reading the bad words, and said to Alston, "I'll wait for you outside."


Ryan shook his head, "It's nothing, just getting some air outside."

Ryan walked out and stood at the gate of the station area, looking at a point in the sky without focus. The museum covers an area of 15 mu, and the main building is the main exhibition place where they are now. There are also patriotic education bases, holographic audio-visual rooms, souvenir sales centers, etc. in the museum. People around him gradually increased. All kinds of faces and voices, men and women, old and young, poured into the museum, but how many people can truly understand the heart of Emperor Anderson and the past seven hundred years ago.

The unfocused eyes gradually condensed into a bunch, and Ryan found himself facing the statue of Qin Feng in his youth, and his eyes met. The latter has been frozen seven hundred years ago, while the former has a broader future.

In this world, but what do you want to see

Ryan shook his head with a smile, "I have Auston."


Ryan turned around and smiled at the person who was walking towards him. He stretched out his hand, "Why did you come out so quickly?" It took him more than a minute to come out.

Alston squeezed the hand on his side, overcame the obstacle of being ashamed to hold hands in public, and decisively grabbed the hand extended by Ryan, "I have seen many of them, and I will remember them all. We Now go see something else?"

"OK, all right."

"Wait for us." The fat white couple ran over, and the brown-haired one said, "You guys know a lot more, and I think it's more interesting than what the explanation said. Can we continue to act together?"

Ryan glanced at Auston and nodded, "Okay, let's go to the emperor's daily necessities exhibition area first, then the honor room, and then look at other things according to our interests." Auston has no objection, so he doesn't care.

"Okay, okay, that's exactly the order we want to watch."

As the name suggests, the daily necessities exhibition area displays many items used by the emperor, from military uniforms to ordinary clothes, from shoes and socks to cufflinks, from writing instruments to toilets...toilets? !

Inside the booth, across from Ryan with a layer of glass, was a toilet inlaid with gold and silver. The nameplate said that the toilet used by Emperor Qin Feng Anderson on the warship.

Ryan: "…"

Ryan chuckled, "The emperor's toilet is so extravagant." This is a weird old man with a decadent life, Oston, please see his true colors.

"The emperor was frugal and simple all his life. This toilet broke along with the warship in the Battle of Dawn. Later generations found the wreckage and repaired it." Alston paused and said: "It is too extravagant, but it is definitely not the emperor. I am luxurious."

Ryan T^T wants to cry but has no tears, but Auston, who always defends Qin Feng, is still his treasure.

In the depths of the life exhibition area is an ordinary four-bedroom house. It is the house of Emperor Qin Feng's hometown. He, his parents, and his younger siblings once lived there. . The house remained the same as it was when Qin Feng left for the last time. Visitors are allowed to visit here, but there is a time limit, only five minutes, which is the time to quickly walk around the rooms.

You are not allowed to touch the furniture during the tour, these are antiques.

Soon it was Ryan and Oston's turn. They stayed in the emperor's former bedroom for a while, and Ryan looked at the bookcase and felt a little weird and funny.

Next is to visit the honor exhibition area, standing among various medals and certificates, Ryan is very relaxed.

When they were about to leave the exhibition hall, the couple made a proposal, "We are going to see the holographic projection, how about you?"

Ryan and Auston discussed it. Those who have experienced the real battlefield don't want to experience the artificially synthesized war scenes. The beautified scenes look fake, but they don't want to recall the real scenes after experiencing them. Soldiers, soldiers fighting on the front line of the empire never need everything in the movie to stimulate the secretion of adrenaline.

Ryan said, "We're not going, we're going to see other things."

"That's a pity, I can't go with you." The brown-haired man finally introduced himself, "Graydon Stark, see you later."


After saying goodbye to Starkoff, Lane and Alston made the most of the three hours by visiting other places. After coming out of the museum, they went to the souvenir center and bought limited edition commemorative medals and some special snacks, which were said to be Emperor Qin Feng's favorite food.

"Spicy sticks, shrimp crackers, plum candies..." Ryan unwrapped a big gift pack of snacks in the car, "Why are there bear biscuits, finger cheese, chocolate jelly beans, fruit gummy candies?!" He said dumbfoundedly: "The emperor's The flavors are quite mixed, and these are things that girls and children like to eat, can you imagine the picture of a middle-aged emperor munching on finger cheese?" Anyway, he doesn't like these weird snacks, so it's better than him The strawberry fudge made is delicious.

Alston, who was eating fruit gummy candy, couldn't swallow it any longer. The jelly candy in his hand was on his lips, and he asked hesitantly, "Is it ugly to eat like this?"

Ryan took back what he said before, grabbed a pack of finger cheese and opened it, and the short, thick, milky little white things inside suddenly looked delicious, "Where, it looks good, it looks very good. Uh, I just think these little snacks It probably won't suit the emperor's taste... No, it's not, after a lot of looking, it's made with the current recipe, so it doesn't taste like the past."

Auston couldn't help laughing, "Let's stay here for one more night and go home tomorrow."


During the war years, how could there be so much time and leisure to study food! But Oston seems to like it very much. Ryan thought he could think about it. It would be even better if he could do it at home. He likes the feeling of feeding.

Back at the hotel in the evening, Dafu, who had enjoyed the service of the Presidential Luxury Suite Hotel for a day, acted like a baby in Auston's arms, whining softly and coquettishly, enjoying Auston's touch, flicking her little tail back and forth very happy.

However, Yuanyuan and Code Zero are still addicted to the Internet and cannot extricate themselves, learning to make artificial intelligence happy.

As for Ryan, he was sitting not far from Oston, glaring at Yuanyuan who was facing him, and Yuanyuan seemed to have the sixth sense of human beings, and moved his butt to the back of his master's head.

Why are you angry with the distance? I've seen everything in the museum... Ryan, who won't be in a certain mood for too long, opened his personal terminal and called up his personal log stored locally. Personal terminal Every citizen can receive his own terminal bound with DNA information from the civil affairs department as soon as he is born, which is unique and durable. Ryan, I like to write down two strokes in it. I don’t write every day, but I write down when I feel something, such as mood, inspiration, troubles... I am reluctant to delete it.

but stay...

When he closed his eyes, the diary he saw in the museum during the day appeared in his mind, the public execution, large-scale flogging of corpses, it was too tragic. In front of the public, the emperor didn't even have a pair of underpants left. Two or three typos, a few useless modal particles, and even extra punctuation marks have to be studied and studied by later generations to analyze whether there is any deep level in it. meaning.


I can't bear it now, but I must delete it before I die.

Ryan made a decision!


The one-day and two-night tour of Qinglongxing ended perfectly. They focused on visiting the Anderson the Great Museum, went to the zoo to see the panda cubs, ate the most unique delicacies, and walked slowly on the streets full of ancient customs. There are many special products and snacks, just to take home for parents, relatives and friends.

Leaving the atmosphere of Qinglong Star, under the command of the traffic police, sail into the waterway to the nearest second-level planet, where they will take the transport ship to the Storm Star Field. They will decouple after entering the Storm Star Field for a day, and the transport ship will not go to Newnes. After calibrating the route, you can fly a small starship for 12 hours to reach the vicinity of the first star of the Storm Starfield, Neunes. The E69 planting star is an asteroid under Neunes.

The Storm Starfield is located in the northernmost part of the empire. It is the last starfield to be explored and discovered in the entire empire. The overall climate is colder. When navigating in the starfield, you can often see aurora-like cosmic light belts in the deep space, like a thin veil The fog moves slowly, with cold green, misty red, and brilliant gold...

"Auston, what color do you like?"

The two stood by the window watching the cosmic aurora, Ryan asked suddenly.

This question turned Orston down, "I think they all look good."

"Haha, we thought about going together, and I thought so too." Ryan looked sideways to a certain direction outside the window, "We're almost home."

Feeling timid due to the closeness of his hometown, Auston became nervous. Will Ryan's parents like him? They know that they are the generals of the empire, will they be cautious? Do you feel like you're too old for Ryan? Would it be bad for them to work too much and not be around for long

Many, many questions that had never been considered before swirled in Auston's mind.

This kind of tension is like accepting the test of his father for the first time, participating in an army competition for the first time, standing on a high place for the first time as a general, and having intimate sex with Ryan for the first time...

Feeling that his hand was being held, the more nervous he was, the more calm and indifferent Alston looked up, his eyes were so cold that he could freeze to death. Ryan was not embarrassed, he hugged Oston's shoulder and patted lightly, "Don't worry, Mom and Dad are easy to get along with, they are expecting us to go home."

"Hmm." Alston relaxed himself on Ryan's shoulder, and responded softly.

There is something in my heart, and time flies very fast. It seems that I have just left Qinglong star, and I have arrived in Newnes in a blink of an eye. Next to Newnes, there are more than a dozen asteroids revolving around Newnes in their own orbits, and one of the blue asteroids is Ryan's home—E69, the planting star of Fengge.

When the starship enters the atmosphere of E69, light is produced due to friction, and meteors appear.

Located near the equator, it is a picturesque place that is like spring all the year round. There is a simple but warm house on the blue pasture. Outside the house, the azure lake turns pink because of the algae in the lake. The most romantic color, the waves are brought up by the wind, undulating and hitting the pink sandy beach. On the beach, the little hermit crab quickly crawled away dragging its real property, found a small hole in the beach, got in, and disappeared in an instant.

After the starship came to a complete stop, Ryan and Auston came down together, followed by Yuanyuan, who trotted with Dafu beside him.

The two walked home along the cobblestone path, and the moment they opened the door—

Crackling, bang, confetti piled up, ribbons fluttered, and the sound of blessings and celebratory music sounded at the same time.

"Lian, Auston, welcome home!"

Oston, who hadn't reacted yet, was hugged into a warm, dessert-scented embrace that belonged to his mother. After being stunned, his eyes suddenly became sore. He buried his face in the other's shoulder and whispered the long-lost, intimate "Mom."