My Partner was Assigned to me by the Country

Chapter 50: Blacken yourself


The hysterical yelling of the aunt stopped, and there were a few voices of the old grandmother lovingly persuading the room. Under the persuasion of the old grandmother, the quarrel between the aunt and cousin Connor and the mother and son ended temporarily, but the dull atmosphere The house is full of contradictions about marriage, about the future, about free love and genetic adaptation... It doesn't disappear after the quarrel is over.

Ordinary quarrels between mothers and children are the epitome of conflicts in the empire. If the balance is broken, it cannot be resolved by simple quarrels.

Outside the house, Ryan and Auston have branched the moon roses in the planting cabin, planted them in the pits dug in advance, poured rooting water and nutrient solution, and Auston wiped off the leaves stained with care. , mud spots, dust on the petals. Transplanted from the planting cabin to the ground, after branching, pruning and other steps, the originally delicate, strong and straight Moonlight Roses looked a little wilted. Auston looked at them with some concern, lest these Ryan B612 The flowers that he took the risk of picking from the cracks in the abyss of Moon Bay will be hurt by his rude actions. If these flowers die, he will not forgive himself.

"Don't worry, it will be like this when plants are transplanted, just get used to it." Ryan drove away Dafu who was trying to pounce on Alston's feet and said comfortingly: "Moonlight Rose has tenacious vitality, it is not in a greenhouse. The flowers are tenacious plants that originally grew on the edge of the cracks in the abyss, and they can still thrive without sunlight and rain. Now that the conditions are so good, there is no reason for them to grow badly."

What he didn't tell Oston was that he kept adjusting the environment in the planting cabin to see if the Moonlight Rose could adapt, and the results were very good. This plant is simply better than the characteristic plants in the bitter cold places such as desert cactus and snow mountain primrose. Tenacious, the low temperature of minus 30 degrees, the high temperature of minus 30 degrees, snowstorms, etc. will not reduce its brilliance and beauty, and they grow "handily" in a smooth environment.

The double-petalled moonlight roses are beautiful in shape, and they can add a commercial crop to the planting star when they grow more in the future.

Dafu, who was driven away, opened his mouth and showed a mouthful of milk to Ryan. He was so angry that Ryan wouldn't let himself get close to his master.

"Let's go to the ranch." Ryan decided to distract Auston's attention, "Trust me, I promise, when we come back, all the moonlight roses we planted will survive."

"I believe in you, but I don't believe in my own technology." Alston smiled helplessly. "This is my first time growing flowers, and there are many things that I can't do well."

"You act carefully and cherish it very much." Ryan was a little jealous, "Better than me."

Alston smiled, "At the first try, always pay attention."

Ryan turned his head and looked in another direction, "When we were the first time, you said soldiers, complete the task as soon as possible..."

Following Ryan's words, Auston's face gradually turned red, and he said helplessly: "That was the first time we met, I didn't know you well, I just saw a shy young man who thought you were inexperienced , I won’t order you, I’ll just dawdle.” It turned out that both of them were very nervous in the first experience, and the effect was not very good, so that Auston still resisted in his heart the second time, and he wouldn’t tell Ryan about this of.

The older young man is still shy and gentle in nature. He wanted to make fun of Oston, but instead made fun of himself. The scene was quiet for a while, and there was an emotion called shyness. On the side, Dafu, who had been chasing his tail for a while, looked at the two masters sideways. It wanted to pounce on Auston's lap again. After glancing at Ryan, Dafu moved his paws lightly, tentatively toward Oston. Stepon took two steps without being stopped, and he rolled his eyes happily.

Then, he leapt forward and threw himself on Oston's leg. He stood up, hugged Oston's leg with his front paws, rubbed his fluffy face against it, and whispered Let out a contented purr.


After planting the flowers, Ryan took Auston to the ranch, driving a small open flying device, and the speed was not fast all the way. While enjoying the scenery, he could enjoy the feeling of the breeze blowing across his face. Entering the nasal cavity is different from being vigilant when exploring unknown asteroids, lest there be deadly toxins in the smell, you don’t need to worry so much on the E69 asteroid, just relax and experience it.

According to the current speed, the flying equipment will arrive at the pasture after 20 minutes of flying. Cows and sheep are scattered on the vast green pasture. Brown puppies with short legs and no tail are nestled not far from the cattle and sheep, lying leisurely on the ground. On the grass, they look up at the cows and sheep vigilantly from time to time. If any disobedient one walks around, they bark twice. Corgi is an expert in herding. From time to time, the cows are led to be milked, and the semi-automated method of milking shortens the working hours. Ryan took Oston to experience the feeling of milking a cow manually. When Oston's hand touched the swollen part of the cow, the cow mooed and raised its hind hoof, almost throwing itself The battle-hardened generals were frightened.

The black and white cow blinked its big black eyes innocently, "Moo~"

Good-natured laughter from the work around.

At noon, I had lunch with the workers in the ranch. The freshly slaughtered sheep were made into delicious hand-picked mutton by the skillful hands of the women. It tastes great when served with fine bamboo salt or chili noodles ground with peanuts and sesame seeds.

Auston likes it very much, and what he likes even more is that the workers don't care about his identity at all, talking and laughing with him, and teasing him and Ryan kindly, which makes him feel very comfortable.

After dinner, Ryan and Alston slept on the tall haystacks, with their arms behind their heads, lying on their backs and watching one after another of fluffy white clouds slowly drifting overhead in the clear blue sky. In my ears, there are the fine sounds of the wind blowing through the grass blades, the laziness of cattle and sheep, and the laughter of workers from a distance.

Auston closed his eyes, "I feel relaxed. I used to spend most of my time at the Gamma base during the vacation after the cruise. The rest of the time would go back to the Capital Star to deal with some family chores. I never Like now, all the work is left behind.”

He felt a light kiss on his cheek, and now he is used to Ryan's small movements from time to time, so he won't feel overwhelmed by it, "Ryan."


Auston curled his lips and said with a smile: "If I hadn't met you, my life would still be monotonous. I have shouldered the burden of the whole family since I was 21, and I have never spent time on the relationship between my children and my children." , I was thirty years old after being busy, I went to the registration center to register in the reminder received by my personal terminal, I thought I would be able to wait for the matching partner soon, but eleven years have passed unknowingly, I am the emperor so far So far, the person who has waited the longest for the adaptation result."

The efficiency of the imperial government is not very good, but it will not take eleven years to wait for the adaptation result. Ordinary people can know the result in three years at most. For Oston's matter, relevant experts have also done research, and they can only conclude that his genes are quite special, and it is difficult to find a suitable partner.

"And then I met me." Lying on his side and looking at Auston's profile, Ryan recalled, "I saw you for the first time, the day when the adaptation results came out from time to time, that day was when I saw you in real life. The first The second time was when you were awarded the rank of major general, I remember that there were more than 30 people who were awarded the rank in the same group, and you were the only one I saw right away."

Those black eyes are beautiful. Auston inherited the family traits, but they are completely different from the one Ryan knew. He thinks Auston's eyes are like a deep universe, with bright stars hidden in them, restrained and calm but not lost High-spirited vitality, probably before he became Ryan, he had seen such a scene for a long, long, long time, and when he saw such eyes again, he was full of affection.

"It's been a long time. It was a month before I went to adapt and register." Oston has forgotten what it was like to stand in the auditorium and accept the rank with a group of people who were older than him, and he did not remember What is it like to accept adaptation? He suddenly discovered that before meeting Ryan, his life was black and white and without ups and downs. He suppressed emotional fluctuations to the lowest level, and only wanted to move forward and shoulder the burden of the family. , The responsibility of the Legion is constantly moving forward.

He opened his eyes, turned to face Ryan, and his eyes fell into a pair of focused gentle eyes. Oston smiled and said, "Lion, I have said this many times, but I still want to say, thank you."

Leaning forward, he liked this constant forward movement, kissed Ryan's lips actively, and kept deepening the kiss. Ryan supported Auston's waist, allowing Auston to kiss himself awkwardly but earnestly...

Under the haystack, the little white beast walked up and down the edge anxiously, raising its head from time to time and whining angrily, "Woooooooo!!!" It was so angry, why didn't you hug it and go up together. The immature paws are grasping the haystack, the front paws are climbing up vigorously, and the hind legs are constantly kicking. The best result is that it is 30 centimeters off the ground.

"Wow~" If there was a hahaha laugh, Dafu would definitely look up and laugh.


Extreme joy begets sorrow, Dafu fell to the ground, it shook its head and got up, puffing up its face unwillingly. Birds flew by in the sky, Qingyue's chirping sound spread to the ground, Dafu raised his head and watched the birds fly away without blinking, the wings on his side fluttered up and down unconsciously...


Dafu felt that he had become lighter. He looked down at himself in doubt, and found that his four little claws had left the ground. Dafu, who took off for the first time, was suddenly stunned, panicked in his mind, and hit the ground again. This time, Dafu didn't stand up immediately but thought about the animal life in the posture of falling—I am Who, where am I from, where am I going

On the high haystack, after a kiss, Ryan and Alston hugged each other lazily, not wanting to move. Suddenly, they heard the sound of wings flapping, Ryan opened his eyes and saw a touch of white.

Ryan: "…"

They will all fly, which proves that the development is very good, the calcium tablets are not free, and will continue in the future.

Ryan raised his hand and patted Oston on the shoulder, motioning him to look up, "I don't think it knows how to descend."

"Aww..." Dafu felt great at first when he learned to fly high, he flapped his wings hard to fly upwards, and flew above the haystack that was "unattainable" for him at first, and then he saw his master, Excited to death. After the excitement, it found out, how to control the wings to fly into the arms of the owner? Stretched its claws, looked at its owner with wet eyes, it was asking for help.

Auston sat up, opened his arms and said to Dafu, "Come, control the wings and fly towards me."

Dafu was terrified. It glanced at its feet, and the frequency of flapping its wings was chaotic for an instant—it was so high and scary, it would scare a griffin to death—it closed its eyes tightly in fright.

Ryan couldn't help laughing, "I'm afraid of heights."

"Woohoo!" He groaned, hating Ryan.

The instinct of the body allowed Daifuku to regain his balance, but he still didn't know how to fly to the owner's side, but instead flew one meter higher.

"Dafu is not afraid, look at me and come to me." Alston's voice was gentle.

Dafu held his front paws nervously, and kicked his hind legs twice in the air, like a doll learning to swim for the first time and being a toad in a pool. With Auston's encouragement, it finally flew through unremitting efforts. To the top of the haystack.


Dafu let out a humane breath, relaxed himself and landed on the ground again, but this time it was not the ground, but the warm embrace of its owner. It squinted its eyes and cried out childishly, "Wow~"

Auston smiled and patted Dafu, "It's amazing, Dafu is a big kid, he can fly."


When they were enjoying their afternoon leisure on the ranch, at their home next to the Sea of Love, Aunt Peggy hid in her room and cried for a long time, her eyes were swollen into walnuts, but the tears couldn't be stopped. Their sisters are all soft and docile characters. The sister who is loved by her husband sheds tears and someone wipes her tears. She can only hide in the room and cry silently. For the sake of her son, she endured beatings and scolding from her husband, carefully watching his face, fearing that the child would lose his mother after birth; She didn't stop studying and taught the children grammar courses herself; for her son, she meticulously cleaned the children's house to ensure a clean and hygienic environment... Could it be that she did everything wrong

Connor said: Mom, I want to be free.

Peggy looked at the wall blankly with tears in her eyes. Could it be that she has done something wrong for so many years? She just didn't want Connor to be old enough to have no partner or a home of his own, and to be able to participate in genetic adaptation after being injected with φ3 element synthesis medicine, how wonderful it would be like Ryan.

Why did Connor laugh miserably and still insisted on wanting to be free.

What is freedom

Aunt Peppa didn't understand.

tuk tuk.

The door was knocked twice, and then pushed open. Mother Paley walked in, sat next to her sister, and hugged her from behind as she did when she was a child.

"Perry, did I do something wrong?"

Paley sighed, "Sister, all you did was to touch yourself, won't the child be grateful?"

Peggy didn't understand, and asked suspiciously, "What?"

"I told you that a child is an independent individual after birth. They have their own thoughts and freedom, and their own privacy and space. Don't always control his thoughts, flip through his things, or even plan his life. "My sister really cares about Connor too much, and the way of caring for him is even a little sick. Perry saw it and tried to persuade him a few times, but he never listened to the advice. "Sister, you will push Connor further and further away."

Peggy was stunned, deep fear emerged from the bottom of her heart, and Connor's gloomy eyes appeared in front of her eyes. She clenched her hands tightly, "No, no, don't do this."

"Then respect the children's choice, and don't influence him." Paley hugged his slightly trembling sister, "Connor is a good boy, he will be single all his life, and there are family members like us. And who will make it clear in the future, Maybe he will meet someone who can make him change his mind."

The thoughts and emotions of human beings are complex and changeable, and it is impossible to explain clearly, but Ryan is sure that animals are absolutely connected to the end. Because of the quarrel between Aunt Peggy and Cousin Connor, there was a short period of silence in the house. Everyone chose to use quietness to care for the fragile nerves of their relatives. It will be fine the next day. After a night, Auntie probably figured it out and stopped interfering. Connor's choice, and Connor smiled heartlessly, as if he didn't take it to heart at all.

Ryan's plan to take Auston to visit the planting stars is temporarily put on hold, because his cousin Connor invited Auston to discuss the follow-up progress of "Song of the Beacon". Discuss and organize your thoughts.

Lane didn't get involved, he grabbed Daifuku and went to the gym.

"Good boy, eating it is good for your health." Ryan waved the calcium tablet in front of Dafu's eyes.

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" But Dafu was Ryan's opponent, his mouth was squeezed open, and a long white pill one centimeter long was stuffed into his mouth. Ryan squeezed Dafu's mouth tightly with one hand to prevent him from spitting it out, and the other hand ran down Dafu's throat to help him swallow. After feeling a thud, Ryan let go of Dafu.

Dafu ran away like a cat being chased by a dog, arching his back and baring his teeth at Ryan. The little beast's bright eyes flashed cunning, its throat rolled twice, it opened its mouth, and a pill was spit out.

"Hahaha..." Dafu breathed out, as if laughing.

Ryan: "..." This little thing is spoiled, and he is not afraid of himself anymore.

Raising the corners of his mouth and smiling silently, Ryan looked at Dafu gently. The little beast's keen intuition told Dafu that Ryan is very dangerous now. It somewhat remembered the scene of being tossed by Ryan, and took a step back timidly. Under Ryan's gaze, Dafu coquettishly let out a soft cry. This trick is useful for Auston, but Ryan's "hard heart" is completely useless. Dafu let out a cry of grievance, bowed his head and ate the calcium tablet voluntarily, swallowed it forcefully, opened his mouth to show Ryan, and wagged his tail flatteringly.

Ryan smiled, "Smart little guy, as long as you make him happy, I will support you, but you have to be obedient, you know?"

The Griffin has a high IQ. As a throwback to the ancestors, Dafu did not inherit the mighty and extraordinary appearance of his parents, but his IQ is very superior. He is like a naughty child who silently observes human beings and keeps learning to imitate. Who is dangerous, knows who is the kindest, so subconsciously stay away and get close.

After teasing Dafu for a while, Ryan's personal terminal rang, and the book he ordered had been delivered from Newnes to the space station outside E69, and it was ready to be picked up. Anyway, there was nothing to do, Ryan talked to the employee in charge of sending and receiving the courier, and drove the starship outside to pick up the courier.

Now the speed of interstellar express is very fast. The planets around Newnes can be delivered the next day, and even further away, the goods delivered from the first star will reach any corner of the storm star field in no more than fifteen days. With the development of science and technology and the development of warehousing and logistics, the speed of freight transportation is very different from that of hundreds of years ago. The high-frequency jumps of interstellar spacecraft operated by artificial intelligence do not need to consider the strong discomfort caused by the bumps during the jump.

The location of E69 is superior, flying around the first star Newnes, and everything you buy is delivered the next day. The vegetables and fruits of Ryan's family are also transported to Newnes through logistics, sent to supermarkets, and entered thousands of households.

There is a space station orbiting the asteroid outside the planting planet, and you can get off here by bus, and transfer goods from here. When Ryan drove the small starship to the space station, he saw that the platform was full of packages, including his, family members, and many employees, who carried them into the small starship one by one and returned. Ryan handed over the other packages to After identifying the person in charge, he went upstairs with the books he had ordered, and went directly to his cousin's room.

The biggest feature of my cousin's room is that there are many books, many keyboards, and there are maps of various periods hanging on it. Maybe this is the room of intellectuals

Auston and Connor, who were discussing enthusiastically, turned their heads to look at Ryan who walked in at the same time. Ryan turned his head sideways and said, "Connor has worked hard writing books. I will send you some books as reference materials."

"What book?" Connor asked wonderingly.

Ryan put down the box, pulled off the seal and said, "Didn't you say that the emperor's character set was a bit untenable? I thought you didn't understand it well enough, so I bought some books. Take a look..."

After the box was fully opened, the covers of the books inside were revealed: "Anecdotes about the Emperor and his lieutenants", "Those Who Chased the Emperor in Those Years", "The Love Letter When I was a Child—Lisa's Autobiography", "The Secret of the Emperor's Lifelong Unmarriage" , "The emperor didn't get married, it was all because of him"...

What's more, after Ryan removed this layer, he showed Connor and Oston the following, which are: "The Tyrant-The Emperor's Military Life", "Warning, this man is dangerous, stay away as soon as possible", "One Day Art—On How the Emperor Cruelly Dissected the Zerg", "Cruel Man, Dangerous Emperor"...

With bright eyes, Ryan continued to take out one book after another, and went further and further on the road of Hei Dadi. His black methods are naive and boring. Thanks to the summaries of his predecessors, he was able to share these essences with Auston.

The last few books are extraordinarily explosive, full of erotic flavor, with explicit and provocative titles, and extravagant cover pictures, which make people think of bloody nights, ambiguous screams, and images of overlapping bodies... indescribable Two or three things about the emperor~

Ryan: "..." I felt embarrassed after reading it.

"Ryan!" Connor yelled.

Ryan: "It's good. Everyone has pros and cons. Take a look at these materials, and don't waste them when you buy them." Facing Alston's disapproving gaze, Ryan bit the bullet and finished.

Auston: "Ryan, these are all fabricated by later generations. They are fabricated wantonly for the sake of attracting people's attention. They are all unbelievable. The Emperor is a stalwart man with awe-inspiring justice and a chest. The world cannot slander a great man with his indomitable image."

Ryan: "..." Ah, my feet hurt.

Ryan has done this kind of thing like lifting a rock to shoot himself in the foot more than once in his life. Anyway, his psychological quality is strong enough, so if he fails, he will continue. Only this time, he was so frustrated, and he couldn't help laughing a bit.

Unable to shake the image of Qin Feng Anderson in Alston's mind, Ryan could only watch him and his cousin Connor discuss everything about the Great Emperor in depth. The discussion lasted for three days, and they often closed the door to discuss, even letting himself take a look. Will not work. Sitting bored on the window sill, Ryan waited for his lover to come back and "fortunately" himself. Behind him came the familiar footsteps that were deliberately light, and Ryan didn't turn around. After a while, he felt a body close to him, Oss Dun hugged him from behind.

Arms wrapped around Ryan's waist, and a clenched fist appeared in front of Ryan. In Ryan's eyes, the fist opened, and there was an ordinary ring in his palm.

The inside of the ring is engraved with a proverb that has been widely circulated in the Red Coral Starfield—where there is home, there is love; where there is love, there is you.

"Connor suggested that I engrave some patterns on it. He said that roses symbolize sincere and unchanging love, and red roses are eternal love. There are roses on the badge of the Golden Cross, which can be engraved to show solemnity." Ston didn't let Ryan turn around. He was afraid that he would not be able to speak clearly under Ryan's gaze. He was as nervous as following Ryan home to meet his parents. "But I thought about it, and no decoration on the sculpture can express my feelings Love, and I'm terrible at crafting... The inside of the ring is the most popular saying in the Red Coral Starfield, and it's a saying my mother used to say when I was a child and put her arm around me and say, 'Earlier go home'."

Under the light of the halo, the ring will inadvertently flow a black halo, which is Mithril. It took Oston a lot of trouble to get a small piece of mithril in a short period of time, and he made it himself without telling Ryan.

Ryan looked at Auston's fingers. No wonder his hands are always hiding and hiding these days. There are some small wounds on his slender fingers. The melting point of mithril is similar to that of gold, but it is very difficult to shape. After low-temperature quenching, put it into ice water and successfully shape it within 30 seconds, which requires extremely high skills.

Holding Auston's hand distressedly, Ryan wanted to turn around and hug Auston, but Auston refused to let him turn around, and Auston continued: "Emotionally, I'm clumsy, I don't know how to express, In addition to work, you are accommodating me when you do other things, and you have taken good care of me in life, but I don’t know how to give you back, so let me share the family affairs in the future. Ryan, I love you.”

"Auston, I love you too." Ryan's heart was as bright as the sunset in the sky, the smile on his face was exaggerated, and the corners of his mouth were almost grinning behind his ears.

Alston: "Sorry for treating you like that when we first met."

"My skills were not good at that time, and it hurt you." Ryan admitted his shortcomings frankly, and will work hard to make up for them in the future. "I will keep improving."

Auston paused for a second or two, and told Ryan what he had been thinking about for a long time, "Ryan, you are not my reproductive tool. I'm sorry for saying that to you when we first met."

Ryan: "You talked to me coldly at that time, but it was actually very cute."

Auston blushed, put his head on Ryan's back and said, "Our children should be born in love, and I am willing to give birth to you."

By discussing the emperor's matter with Connor, Auston made a mithril ring for Ryan. It was not good-looking, and the handwriting engraved on the inside of the ring was even crooked, but he wrote it down with his own hands, and Ryan liked it very much. , when eating or sitting and talking with his family, he always raised his hand inadvertently, just to let everyone see that he has a ring, behaves childishly, and smiles like a fool, only he himself thinks that he behaves naturally , In the eyes of others, it is like a child holding a lollipop for praise.

Every time he did this, Auston would fidget because of shyness and nervousness. Amidst the teasing laughter of the elders, he simply didn't know how to put his hands and feet was normal.

Such a weird atmosphere didn't last long, because Ryan started the plan to play the entire planting star.

They started from the nearest equator, went snorkeling in the shallow sea, watched corals and fish schools, and went to the deep sea to see deep-sea fish raised in fences; all the way north, they went to the apple orchard to pick fruit. Ryan showed off his superior climbing ability, Slipping up the tree, he picked a bright red apple for Auston; went to the mountains and deep forests, picked mushrooms, quarried stone ears, and cut wild honey. Ryan also took Auston to the place where he discovered the original place. Nothing special but a cave facing a sea of flowers... They made love by the sea at night, under the stars; on the grassland, embraced deeply in the morning sun; in the Gobi desert, kissed under the Populus euphratica tree each other…

In the blink of an eye, it had been a week since they returned to Plantation Star. On this day, a new guest was ushered in.