My Partner was Assigned to me by the Country

Chapter 51: The guests are here


E69 is planted in the fruit forest of Xingnan Garden. There are large tracts of orange trees. This orange grove is an improved variety. After several generations of improvement and hybridization, the oranges have a more difficult-to-peel skin and a rich and fragrant taste. As long as you open the skin, you can definitely have it. Sweet pulp, mellow juice.

Dad Qin Yi used a knife to chop an orange the size of a small football. He forgot to mention that the improved fruit tree was 20 meters high when it was in full fruit. Looking at it from a distance, a tree is a forest. There are more than 100 trees in the South Garden Such a tree covers an area of more than 200 acres, which shows how powerful the improved giant orange tree is.

Raised the knife and dropped it with a clang. Dad just left a two-millimeter deep mark on the surface of the orange.

"The only downside is that the skin is a little thick, but the inside is definitely delicious." Dad didn't feel embarrassed by it, and quickly raised his selling point when selling, "The skin is thick and durable, suitable for long-distance transportation. We tried it and picked it up." The fruit will not go bad after being stored at room temperature for three months and twenty days, and it still has a sweet and plentiful juice after opening."

"Mr. Smith, this is not a little thick." The purchaser recommended by Uncle Ryan is not tall, but he is thick and his face is full of meat, making his eyes look completely surrounded by meat, but he is not a white man. A fat fat man, probably going around to buy things for the supermarket. The skin of the buyer is dark and shiny, which makes the finger-thick beard on his chin look less obtrusive. "You cut it down with such great strength, and the oranges are only slightly damaged. How can the guests eat them when they buy them back? I think it's better to forget it. Let's go and see other things. I'm very interested in your glutinous rice."

"Mr. Rigg, don't rush to say that, you will change your mind after you taste it." Dad looked up into the woods, but he couldn't find his son at once, so he could only shout, "Lane, Ryan. After he shouted twice, he said to Lige, the purchaser, "My son is powerful, stronger than me. Open it and taste the juice inside. It's so delicious that you can't even imagine it."

The exaggerated statement made Rieg raise his eyebrows. He stood in the shade of the tree, and the good sun of planting stars made him sweat profusely.

Ryan's voice came from afar from the woods, "Dad, what's the matter?"

"Come open an orange." Dad yelled.

"Oh, I see." Ryan's voice approached, "I'll be here soon."

"My son is a soldier, much better than me." When Dad talked about Ryan, his words were full of pride. Sometimes I really want them to be by my side forever, sometimes I think about the children growing up, they will always have to fly, they can’t be as hopeless as their parents.”

"No, I want my son to go to the university in this star field, but he just doesn't want to, saying that he has been here since he was a child, and he wants to go out to have a look. After seeing it, he went to the Mortis star field, which is the farthest from us. Now I go home once a year, and it’s hard to hug him.”

"You can go to Xingwang to meet."

"It's different, it feels different." Lige, the purchaser, shook his head. He heard footsteps, looked over enviously, and saw two equally outstanding young men striding over. He said enviously: "The child is by my side. How nice."

One of the two young people who came was smiling, with a gentle and clean temperament, like the warm sun and wind in spring, and they must be very comfortable to get along with; Although the person in the upper position and giving orders is smiling, it makes ordinary people feel that there is a distance. Such two outstanding people come side by side, with completely different temperaments, but it makes people feel that they are very suitable, and there is no room for a third person between them.

"My son, my daughter-in-law." The father became even more proud. "They have a very good relationship, haha, my son is settled, and I, as a father, feel at ease. From now on, I will concentrate on farming and leave more property for the children. Come, come, Ryan open the orange."

Lige, the purchaser, was slightly jealous, because he found that the son of the little plantation star farmer was better than he thought, so he secretly suppressed his son, no, no, he didn't admit it!

Ryan walked up to his father, caught the huge orange that must have weighed four catties with one hand, and took the knife handed over by his father with the other hand, "Dad, as I said before, there are skills in opening this orange, and you can't use it." Brute force, you have to use skill to start from the side of Guo Di."

"That's where I cut it. You can see there's a mark there." Seeing Ryan wielding the knife, Dad hurriedly warned, "Be careful."

"Well, I'm careful."

The voice fell, and there was the crisp sound of the thick peel being opened. Ryan opened the orange, cut a circle along the incision with a knife, and removed a circle of peel, revealing the juicy pulp inside. The fragrant juice is inevitable. It dripped down from the cut, dripped onto Ryan's hand, and fell to the floor along his fingers.

"Aww ow."

The cry of the little beast startled the purchaser, and he quickly looked down and saw a snow-white lion with long wings, the size of a cat, with his head up and his mouth open, waiting for the juice to fall into his mouth.

"Mr. Rigg, look, isn't this fruit pulp very good? Smell it, do you feel like eating it?" Dad seized the opportunity to sell it.

Buyer Lige nodded sullenly, frustrated that his son was overwhelmed by Ryan, he was a little unhappy, and in his heart he no longer wanted to buy oranges, no matter how delicious they were.

Ryan took the spoon handed by Alston and stirred it in the open opening. Unlike the old oranges, which have petals and petals inside, there is no diaphragm in the big orange, and the pulp can be easily stirred up with tools. "Break out" the juice and pour it into the glass that is ready to go. The orange juice gradually fills the glass, and the color is very attractive. The fruit juice that couldn't be poured, Ryan put it on the ground even with the peel, for Daifuku to lick and eat.

Dafu wagged his tail, excitedly stretched out his little pink tongue to lick it, and let out a whimper of joy.

Lane: "Mr Rigg try it."

Lige responded uninterestedly, "Yeah." Even if he was killed, he would not be acquired, even if this orange could be sold for a sky-high price!

He took a sip, took another sip, and took another sip uncontrollably... After basking in the sun for so long, a glass of cool juice is the best consolation. , clamoring for satisfaction from body to heart, the aroma of oranges rolls on the tip of the tongue, as if drinking an entire orchard. Lige was a little speechless and refused, and the words of trying to test the water with a thousand catties rolled on the tip of his tongue. As for what he said earlier about not purchasing, as a profit-seeking businessman, he doesn't remember saying that...

"Dad, how many oranges are there in the orchard?" Oston drank the orange juice that Ryan brought to him, his eyes narrowed slightly, and an idea quickly formed in his mind. When they were picking oranges in the orchard just now, they didn't have any work at hand, and they hadn't tasted the taste of big oranges until now. He also brought a glass to Ryan. I don't know if the juice is more fragrant after pouring one hand

Dad didn't understand why he asked this question, but he still said without any concealment: "The gene-optimized orange tree has a very long fruiting period, and one tree can have a yield of 70,000 to 80,000 catties per fruiting period. It was calculated when it was fully grown. Now that it has entered the fruitful period, there should be more oranges. I can’t tell you how many oranges there are in the fruit forest, but the number will definitely not be small.”

Alston said, "Dad, don't sell the oranges."

"Why!?" It was Lige, the purchaser, who raised the question loudly, and he found that he had been conquered by oranges.

Auston smiled and said, "I bought them all."

Rigg was surprised: "What?!"

Dad wondered, "What?"

Auston said to his father: "I need a lot of fruits to supplement vitamins. Big oranges that are durable and rich in juice are a good choice, not to mention their taste is very good. Don't worry, Dad, I am not out. Selfishly, someone will come to discuss this business, and everything will be done according to what is on the surface, and I am just a recommendation. The big orange is very good, and Dad does not need to worry that it will end up in his hands."

For the sake of the child, the father said with some doubts: "E69 is too remote."

The distance from the Gamma military base on the edge of the red coral is almost four star fields. The transportation cost is too high, and it is definitely not the first choice for military procurement. Of course, it would definitely be a great thing for E69 and the Ryan family if they could get on the line of military procurement.

"Dad, don't have to worry about it. The transportation cost will not be very high." Using a fully AI-operated transport ship to transport, increase the jump frequency and speed, and the seemingly long distance can be compressed into the shortest transportation time, Oston believes This business can be done.

The purchaser, Lige, got anxious and tried hard, "The supermarket I work for is headquartered in Newnes, and has a full branch in the Storm Starfield. Compared with long-distance delivery to...there, it's better to sell it to me and lower the price." I can rebate the transportation cost to you, Mr. Smith!" He smelled a business opportunity from it, and his sixth sense of working for many years told him that this business should not be missed. He looked eagerly at the middleman who brought him over, winking for him to help with the conversation.

"Duncan, according to the rules, we came first, and we have to take part of this piece of orange." The middleman is a friend of Uncle Ryan. With this relationship, he prefers the Ryan family. "We will add 2% to the original purchase price." , we have already shared a lot of profits, so we can't make more, how about it?"

It is impossible to get a round, but it is completely possible to get a part. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. The middleman believes that Duncan Smith will make the right choice.

Lige, a dark and fat purchaser, was a little unhappy when he heard that the middleman raised the price without authorization. However, the upper margin they negotiated at the beginning was 3%, and the current 2% is acceptable. The taste of the big orange is so good, and he can get more rebates if he operates it properly. After his facial muscles moved, Lige tacitly agreed to a 2% increase in the purchase price.

After hearing what the middleman called his father, Orston frowned slightly, but he didn't ask on the spot when he had doubts, and planned to ask Ryan afterwards.

After discussion, they sold the purchaser Lige the amount of 20 trees, and sold all the fruit grown from the whole fruit tree to him. The amount was quite large. Although Lige wanted to wrap it up more, he obviously knew that it would not be possible. arrived.

When the contract was signed, Lige suddenly realized that this could not be the family teaming up to defraud him... But looking at the orange juice that became more delicious after adding ice cubes, Lige gritted his toothpick.

Dad negotiated a business deal and wanted to find someone to celebrate, but found that there were only employees around him. His wife went to the rice field, and his son and daughter-in-law went to pick up friends. He could only pour his own juice and taste the joy of success alone.

There is news from the E69 outer space station that there are guests visiting, and they are looking for Ryan and Oston. Ryan knew that the man was Fan Lunting who came for his cousin Connor. I don't know how the loyal fan Fan Lunting would behave when he saw his idol, screaming loudly? Let the sound go on and on? Or fainted from excitement? Ryan shook his head. He had never chased stars before, and others chased him, so he really didn't understand the mentality of fans. He had seen some crazy people trying to meet Qin Feng Anderson in front of the presidential palace. Although it was stopped in time, it caused an uproar in the society, and this became the point that Qin Feng was criticized by people at that time and by later generations——cultivating personality and bewitching people's hearts.

During the flight, Auston raised his own question, "Dad's name is not Qin Yi, why did the middleman call Dad Duncan just now?"

"The registered name bound to Dad's personal terminal is Duncan Smith, and Qin Yi is called by his family." Ryan didn't want to hide the situation at home, but he didn't know how to say it, so he didn't bring it up before Auston took the initiative to find out the question . "The ancestral surname is Qin, and they are orthodox Chinese people. After my great-grandfather married a wife, his children took his wife's surname. My grandfather married a European grandma. After having a father, my father followed my grandma's surname Smith. The last three generations of our family have different surnames. The Qin family, It used to be the mother's house of Emperor Anderson."

Ryan paused, without looking at Auston's expression, he continued: "Do you still remember the diary we saw in the Emperor's Museum? The one when he was in the army. The Emperor and the others discovered the Storm Starfield, and he liked one of them very much. An asteroid with an environment similar to that of the Earth's parent star, thinking about retiring here to graze and farm in the future, this asteroid is E69, and the emperor named it Feng Ge, the sharp front." Qin Feng's Feng.

When he became Ryan and knew that he was the descendant of his cousin Qin Hao, Ryan was very confused at that moment. If Qin Hao knew about this, he would hold his stomach and laugh out loud. Unfortunately, people of the same generation as Emperor Anderson had already turned into ashes, revenge and finding the truth became less interesting for Qin Feng who became Ryan.

Auston opened his eyes slightly, he never dreamed that Ryan's family had such a past, "Then Feng Ge now?"

"Unobtrusive, it becomes a homonym."

Alston nodded, he wanted to digest this fact.

"Qin Hao left Capital Star in the third year after the death of the Great Emperor. Since then, he has lived in seclusion in Fengge. He hides his name, hides everything in the past, and lives in this world, hoping that one day he will be able to avenge his injustice." Ryan's eyes turned. Shen, he didn't say why Qin Hao left the power center, because it was recorded in the history books that he committed treason, and his family suddenly disappeared before he was sentenced, and where he went is still a mystery. Redress the injustice? Hehe, Qin Hao didn't see this day coming until he died, but saw pots of dirty water on his head. That young man who was always cheerful all day must be very depressed, but Ryan didn't Can't see, can't comfort.

Auston's political acumen is not low, and he quickly sensed something strange from it. History is a little girl who can be dressed up, a chapter written by the victors, and the Dalton family is one of the six major families in the empire today. Is one of the victors, will the ancestors do something...

Auston was a little at a loss, and suddenly felt that he owed Ryan. If the glory of the Qin family remained, with Ryan's ability, why would he be a small soldier

Ryan stretched his arms around Oston's shoulders, "You don't need to bear the right and wrong of the ancestors, we should look forward. Besides, you don't believe in your ancestors, and the family that can educate you will definitely not Bad." Based on his understanding of the Dalton family, the Dalton he knew was an upright and upright person, and he would never do anything to hurt his allies, and he absolutely did not participate in what happened seven hundred years ago.

Seeing Auston's expression, Ryan laughed, "Fool, you don't owe me absolutely. It's not necessary at all. Our family enjoys the existing life and cherishes everything now. What's the point of fame and wealth? It's better to be with the family Together, reunion."

"Well." Alston hugged Ryan, and secretly made a decision in his heart. There was a lot of hidden truth about what happened seven hundred years ago (whether it was some traces left by the Qin family, or the clues left by his ancestors that he recalled now) , all proved that the things that happened seven hundred years ago were unusual), he wanted to seek the truth and restore the truth seven hundred years ago. Feeling guilty, he even suspected that his great-great-grandfather had done something against morality and conscience just now, and he committed a crime.

Arriving at the side of the Sea of Love, Ryan and Oston got off the aircraft, walked a few steps to the door of the house, and saw his cousin Connor who should be immersed in writing and researching materials there. Connor stretched his waist, and said to the two people who were walking towards him: "I gave them the right to enter, the port of call is giving them navigation, and the aircraft is ready, they will come soon."

The security facilities of E69 Plantation Star have been adjusted by Ryan. There are many anti-aircraft mortars buried in different directions on the ground, and many small satellites are suspended in the sky. They are laser attack devices. The intruder knows why the flowers are so red.

"They?" Ryan got a message from Connor.

Connor gave an "ang" sound, "There were two groups of people one after another. Those who came at the beginning were looking for you, and those who came later were looking for Auston. They are probably your friends. Of course..." Connor blinked and said triumphantly: "Probably my little fan."

It was indeed Fan Lunting who came first. He was wearing a very formal black suit without a military uniform, his hair was combed back meticulously, revealing his full forehead and bright eyes. Reasonable, but it is too hard, like carrying a suitcase to sell goods.

Connor couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he saw the calm and introverted fans. This was different from what he imagined. When someone approached, he took the initiative to extend his hand, "Hello, Connor Smith, from the serial "Song of the Beacon" author."

Fan Lunting's hidden fiery gaze lingered on Connor's face for a while, and then landed on the outstretched hand, so focused on watching that he forgot that he should reach out and hold it. Connor waited for three or four seconds, his hand hovering in mid-air seemed a little awkward, and when he was about to put it down, a dry and warm hand came up, the hand was a little small, and he could just hold it all in the palm of his hand.

"Fan Lunting Francis, scout of the Golden Cross, nice to meet you, Connor." The last name was pronounced seriously and full of emotion.

Fan Luanting is just 1.8 meters tall, shorter than Connor who is 1.86 meters tall. He is handsome, not very good-looking, but his curved eyebrows are very cheerful, and he is very bright and clear from the bottom of his heart. People must have happy families, happy teenagers...

Fan Luanting couldn't let anyone else go in his eyes, he couldn't see who Ryan was. Who is Auston? It seems to be his own general. His head has become a mess, Fan Luting restrained himself not to scream, not to scare Connor, he should be a calm, steady, rational fan who is not obnoxious, not a rabid fan who messes around and is emotionally unstable Well, Connor said that he hopes everyone will pursue stars rationally, and Connor also said that he likes people who are prudent and have profound connotations.

Seeing that Fan Lunting kept pursing his lips and remained silent after finishing his self-introduction, with a serious face as if he would open the suitcase to grandly introduce the company's products to himself in the next moment, Connor, as the host, had to liven up the atmosphere, otherwise the two of them would It seemed too strange to hold hands and be relatively silent. "Welcome to E69, welcome to my house as a guest."

Fan Lunting's throat rolled, and he made a swallowing movement forcefully, and pressed the corners of his mouth tightly, "Thank you, I am very honored."

Ryan, who was standing aside, winked at Oston and motioned him to look at Connor and Fan Lunting's handshake. Didn't they realize that this handshake had been going on for a long time

It was really long, so long that Kang Nan and Fan Lun Ting had two rounds of non-nutritive conversations. The buzzing sound brought by the small aircraft piercing the air gradually approached, proving that someone else came to break the strange atmosphere between Connor and Fan Lunting, and the hands that were holding each other finally loosened.

Fan Lunting clenched his fists tightly and put them in front of him cherishingly. His voice was lowered again, appearing very steady, "Where is the bathroom, please?"

Connor said, "I'll take you there."


Fan Lunting followed Connor into the house, his eyes never set on Ryan and Auston, completely ignoring these two big living people.

Ryan and Auston looked at each other and said nothing, because a new guest came, to be precise, Auston's guest, because the person who came was Tolkien Buck, the general of the Legion of Glory, from Qin Feng The great emperor loved playing mahjong, and he became a mahjong-loving person, and he summed up several sets of military theories. So far, Ryan has just glanced at the cover of the book on StarNet. Not interested in military theory summed up in…

Different from what he imagined, Tolkien Barker is not a rough guy with a cigarette in his mouth, his arms open, playing mahjong, and swearing. He has a refined temperament and a gentle manner, as if he came out of the Republic of China in the ancient earth. , he is wearing dark brown pants, a linen casual shirt, gold-rimmed glasses, and has obvious black hair and a pair of blue eyes. His facial features have obvious mixed aesthetic characteristics. He has the same Chinese blood as Ryan .

Tolkien is more than 120 years old this year. His Legion of Glory military base is on the edge of the Storm Star Field, and its power radiates the entire Storm Storm Star Field. Later, Ryan learned from Auston that the relationship between Tolkien and Auston His father is a good friend, he takes care of Auston a lot, and is a very kind elder. To make a mithril ring for Ryan, Auston asked Admiral Tolkien to help find the mithril. Only then did Tolkien know that Auston was here, so he came to visit.

"Uncle Buck," Alston called.

Tolkien looked at Auston with a smile, "Long time no see, you look much better than last time." His eyes moved and fell on Ryan, the gentleness became the appearance, and the real look was wrapped in sharpness Poke at Ryan.

This kind of gaze is too familiar, Ryan himself is just pretending to be like this ==.

He was not timid at all because of Tolkien's sharp eyes. The Zombie Emperor was alive, and Ryan would not change his face. He smiled and greeted Admiral Tolkien's scrutiny.

Tolkien raised his eyebrows indistinctly. This young man was not simple. Under his gaze, his expression remained unchanged and his eyes did not show any panic. He was either really stupid or really smart. Obviously, those who could be with Auston Youth is not a fool. Then it's worth pondering, how can an ordinary little soldier be so good? Tolkien put away the sharpness in his eyes with interest, and became an ordinary, genuine and kind elder.

Inviting the elder into the house, Ryan heard the familiar "ahhhh" as soon as he stepped into the door.

Ryan: "..." I finally heard it. Fan Lunting didn't call out just now, and he doubted it for a long time. Hearing the continuous and loud screams, Fan Lunting must have choked it just now.

Standing in the middle of the living room, Connor shrugged innocently when he saw Ryan and the others, "I've been in for a while." He was already a little worried about Fan Lunting's body. After crying for so long, his lung capacity is not good, and he easily fainted due to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain. of.

Ryan: "It should be over soon, it hasn't been called for such a long time before." He wasn't sure if Fan Lunting was about to end, after all, he didn't see the real person at that time. "You should tell him that the sound insulation in the bathroom on the first floor is not very good."

Connor showed a helpless smile, "I didn't know it would be like this, he... um, has he been so excited?"

"It's usually good, but it's about you, so I'm a little excited."

Connor nodded, "I see." He looked at the gentle middle-aged man, who he had seen on the news, nodded to him, and said hello, "General Tolkien."

Admiral Tolkien had some doubts about what kind of big family he came to. Why did he see his young men so calm and calm one by one? After all, he is the leader of the legion and the general of the empire. How is it that he is similar to ordinary neighbors who come to visit casually now?

Leave the downstairs to the young man, and Auston led Admiral Tolkien to the study on the second floor to speak. As soon as the two of them went upstairs, the screaming in the bathroom stopped. After a while, Fan Lunting came out with a slightly messy hairstyle. His eyelashes and hair tips were a little wet. He should have washed his face with cold water. It can be imagined that his face was flushed from screaming, and he kept washing his face with cold water in order to restore his complexion as soon as possible.

"I'm sorry, I wasted a while inside." Fan Lunting was still calm and calm, and his emotions were restrained as if he was a different person.

Connor raised his eyebrows, and he said, "It's nothing, just sit down, I'll pour water. White water, coffee, juice?"

"Thank you." Fan Lunting said little, "No need to bother, plain water will do."

Ryan: "..." What is Fan Lunting doing with gloves on

After Connor left, Fan Luanting's straight back finally relaxed, he stomped his feet uncontrollably, and was able to suppress the scream with his mouth tightly shut.

"Don't hold back, you're blushing."

Fan Lunting was taken aback, and almost wanted to run into the toilet to look at his face. If he blushed, it didn't match his current personality. He had to be stable and mature enough in front of Connor to become Kang Na The intellectual man Na likes, hehe.

"Lian!" Fan Luting was startled when he saw someone suddenly appearing beside him, "When did you come?"

Ryan smiled, "You see me at last, I've been there all along."

Fan Lunting scratched his head embarrassingly, "I was so excited to see Connor, why didn't I see the general?"

"You've seen it." Ryan said meaningfully.

Fan Lunting: "Ah?! When?"

"You saw it as soon as you came, but your eyes couldn't accommodate us at that time." Ryan spread his hands helplessly, "We were ignored by you gorgeously."

Fan Lunting was shocked, he refused to admit it, "How is it possible, I ignored you and it is impossible to ignore the general."

"But it turns out that you ignored both."

Fan Lunting fell into deep thought, "..." After a moment of silence, he said, "That's because Connor's charm is too great, he is the first person in my heart."

Ryan complained expressionlessly, "When you see him picking his feet, he is not the first person in your heart."

"No, no, no." Fan Luting shook his head, "No, what I care about is not Connor's appearance, but the spiritual resonance. I have read every one of his books, and I understand his thinking. Don't It’s called picking your feet, even if you eat your hands and taste salty after picking your feet, I like it.”

Ryan: "...he seems to have done such a disgusting thing." Just a little bit.

Fan Lunting: "..." There was a moment of ferocity on his face, but he was quickly overwhelmed by liking, "Then I like it too, and I can pick my feet and taste salted eggs."

"No, it's a little disgusting." Ryan tried not to frown, and was about to vomit.

Fan Lun Ting jumped, and Connor was not there, so he didn't need to maintain his personality, he let out his inner joy, "Haha, Ryan, do you know that Connor shook hands with me, I'm so happy, haha, I've decided that I won't wash my hands anymore! "The gloved hand put his nose down and sniffed, Fan Lunting narrowed his eyes intoxicated, "I feel Connor's breath~~~~"

Connor, who was standing by the kitchen and didn't come out immediately, narrowed his eyes, brother, if you slander your brother so much, I will expose you in front of Alston, hehe.

He walked out, as if he hadn't noticed Fan Luting's little thoughts, and greeted the guests to drink juice. Fresh orange juice is definitely the first choice for entertaining guests, full of the vitality and vitality of the sunny and rainy orchard.