My Partner was Assigned to me by the Country

Chapter 61: Return to Capital Star


"Why are you so careless!"

"Then why don't you go get the medicine, ha ha."

"Shut up, let's stop arguing, the business is important, have you finished it?"

"It's done. I carried the electric shock baton with me. I gave Tyrell a shot when he was unaware."

"It's about the same. I'll be watching in the living room. You go to the study and apply the medicine. Keep your hands and feet clean so you don't get caught. Qin Feng is cautious, don't let him see the clues. This medicine is not easy to find."

"Why don't you go?"

"Hehe, what if someone found both of them inside?"

"you… "

The voice from the recording and broadcasting equipment was already very blurred, and it was barely recognizable amidst the hissing noise, but it was not clear who these two people were, but it was definitely not Tyrell.

Auston's deliberately heavy footsteps came, and Ryan raised his head with a pensive face and smiled, "I found something, which should be more important than those diaries."

What he didn't say is that this diode is the first diode he made. In order to solve the problem of overheating and standby of the mecha, he kept thinking. During that time, his hair fell a lot, and every day when he woke up, there was a pile of black hair on the pillow. Si, has already considered asking Denise to make some hair growth potion for herself. Continuous thinking and experimentation are always helpful. He made bold assumptions and careful verification, and finally thought of energy transfer, using diodes to dissipate the huge heat energy generated during the start-up of the mecha.

The first diodes are always immature, and after repeated adjustments and modifications, the diodes made are very close to the current appearance. Hundreds of years have passed, and later generations have only adjusted a little bit on the basis of the predecessors. It can be seen that Qin Feng Anderson had already achieved the pinnacle of diode technology at that time.

The meaning of the first one is always different. Qin Feng modified it more than 700 years ago and kept it, placed it on the desk, coffee table, etc., and used it as a recorder to listen to music and record some suddenly appeared. inspiration.

The sofa beside Ryan sank, and Auston sat down. The sound of the recorder in the diode is still going on, but there are more noisy sounds of tearing and tearing. After all, it is old and has not been well protected. It is a very good situation to be able to emit sound.

"Why are you moving so slowly? Hurry up, there's not enough time."

"Annoy... die... slow... come... ok... I'm done." This voice came from a relatively distant place, and only weak and intermittent sounds appeared in the tape recorder.

"Okay, let's go now."

"and many more."

"What are you wasting your time for?"

"Oh, what about the cultivation of your Gustav family, you feel flustered when you do such a small thing, the judge is not a person who does big things."

"... You are cruel, yet you are able to be cruel to him."

Some name should have been said before, but it was too vague to be heard at all. But the words "Gustav" and "Judge" are very clear. There were two people who drugged Qin Feng Anderson back then, and one of them was the Imperial Judge, Bilbo Gustav. In the books written by later generations, it is also seen that the emperor would stroll along the Dolan River at dusk, and discuss with Justice Gustav about the political affairs during the day, and he was a good partner at work.

Do you feel very disgusted when you hear this now

The tape recorder was still working. Obviously, their conversation in the emperor's room was not over yet. They were able to stay for such a long time after taking the medicine, and their psychological quality was quite strong.

"We are in the same boat now, we are collaborators, it's no fun to slander each other."

"what are you going to do?"

"We've all been poisoned, there's nothing we can't do, Gustav, be more courageous." The voices of people walking around and looking at things were mixed with the voices of tearing and tearing. "I forgot to ask you, why did you do it yourself, why did you choose to do it at this time, the Zerg army is in Weldon, the big bug is about to be unable to hold back, and will lead the army to attack at any time. It is Qin Feng's time now How can we fight without him?"

"The less people know about the poisoning, the better, but now that we have a Tyrell, we can make good use of it. The drug I let you have has a long incubation period. I reckon it will be in Qin Feng driving mechas and Zergs." He was poisoned during the battle, according to his character, how could he leave the battlefield so easily."

"Haha, I got it. Boom! Bang! There was a loud noise, and it disappeared."

Footsteps appeared, getting farther and farther away, and the two men went out.

After listening to the content, Ryan and Oston were silent for a moment. The former already had some guesses in his heart, and everything was relatively calm. The latter knew part of the truth seven hundred years ago, and was surprised and at a loss. In all the history books Oston has read, Justice Gustav is described as a sincere, fair and positive person. He is Qin Feng Anderson’s business partner and friend in life. The two met when they first entered the officialdom , went through all kinds to the end. Oston recalled a documentary he had watched. At the funeral of Qin Feng Anderson, all his former friends were present. Except for his family, the one who cried the most was Gustav. Everyone thought that Gustaf Husband lost his best friend with whom he resonated spiritually, and was heartbroken.

But now, in the face of the facts, those scenes were nothing but hypocrisy.

It's really disgusting.


The deep and magnetic voice, even if it has a tearing voice, does not conceal its essential charm.

Ryan reached out to turn off the recording and broadcasting equipment, and was held by Oston in the air. Oston blinked blankly, and said hesitantly, "Is this the voice of the Great Emperor?"

Ryan: "Huh."

Alston: "Why are you laughing like that?"

Ryan wanted to cry but had no tears, "Probably because of complicated emotions."


"You will know later."

"Does the Emperor have a lover?"

Ryan said immediately: "Of course not, this is an old virgin."

Auston: "…"

Ryan covered his face, a little overreacted.

Oston: "The content in the recording and broadcasting equipment is too shocking, so don't announce it to the public for now. Seven hundred years ago... no wonder the great-great-grandfather left a message, don't believe the surface, don't trust anyone, did he know something later? ? When we get back to Capital Star, we will look through it. Great-great-grandfather must have left something behind, but I was busy with work and study before, so I didn’t look through it carefully.”

Ryan nodded hurriedly, "Yeah."


The old man's voice sounded again, Ryan: "..." What was he doing at that time, why did he make such disgusting noises so frequently

I forgot, too much time has passed, so long that there are only fragmentary blurred pictures of many things in my memory, and I can't even piece together a complete plot. Resolutely turned off the recording and broadcasting equipment. This time, there was no stop by Oston. Ryan breathed a sigh of relief, and raised his hand to wipe the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead.

Auston smiled, "I think the voice of the Great Emperor is very pleasant. Among the many video materials that have been handed down, his voice rarely appears. It has to be said that it is a pity."

Lane emphasized, "I also have a nice voice."

Auston: "Yeah." Of course.


The next day, the Shakespeare was full of passengers and went to the next stop. Nothing changed on the cruise ship. Everything was as usual. The staff didn't even discuss that there was no one named Evan among them. After passing a human trafficker, the leader issued an order, and no one was allowed to discuss it, so as to minimize the impact of this matter on the Shakespeare.

Only some parents who lost their children on the cruise ship would say a few words, but it was nothing to do with themselves, and others didn't want to hear it very much. As time passed, what happened to Bayland became something that was left behind. human habits.

Shakespeare's ten-day tour is a cross-star field tour. After jumping out of the storm star field, it enters the life star field. The full name of this star field is "Life, Health and Development Star Field". Such a long name will only appear in In government broadcasts, everyone is used to calling it the life star domain.

Their destination is on a green planet in the star field of life. There are fireflies flying in the grassland at night, which complement the stars in the sky. Staying in an airbag hotel for one night seems to be sleeping on the stars, romantic and affectionate.

After this stop, Ryan and Auston drove the small starship to unhook, left the Shakespeare and went to the nearest second-level planet, took the transport ship on the planet, and came to the adjacent star field... In this way, ten Two days later, they came to the capital star field Eden star field, and five days later they came to the capital star, got in touch with the extraterrestrial space station, got the entry permit, followed the traffic police's command to enter the capital star's atmosphere, and went straight to the capital without stopping. The capital city of the stars - Eve.

The Eden star field is the core of the political culture of the entire empire, the capital star is the core of the core, and Eve is the most shining city in this core.

Tall buildings are towering into the sky, small starships, cars, etc. are driving fast in the air, with a continuous stream, and the ten-story air traffic network makes people who drive in for the first time dizzy, and if they are not careful, they will stray into other lanes. The consequences of the accident are unimaginable, so the air control is very strict, and there are many traffic police boxes directing traffic as far as the eye can see.

On the ground, a five-story-high transparent membrane covers almost the entire city, and humans move within this transparent membrane, which ensures enough fresh air, a street view that is not disturbed by the shadow of vehicles, and so on. The surface environment of the capital star is close to that of the mother star of the earth, but closeness does not mean the same. The air here does not contain enough oxygen, and the plants on the surface are not easy to grow. Human beings must always attract it to ensure their own survival. Human beings have lived here for thousands of years, but still cannot adapt to the living environment with insufficient oxygen.

High-rise buildings can be seen everywhere in the city, and there are often three or four hundred tall buildings, and one building is equivalent to a small city. Originally driving a small starship through high-rise buildings, the matte high-rise buildings will not produce any reflections that will affect the driver's sight, and will not produce any light pollution. Going through the whole city, to Eve's East City, the buildings gradually become shorter, and in the end it is difficult to find a house with more than five floors of transparent film. This is Dongcheng District, which is a rich area in many people's mouths.

The dignitaries and dignitaries live in Dongcheng District, the houses are low and large in size, and the flow of vehicles is restricted here.

That's the reason why you can do whatever you want with money.

The Dalton family's house is here. It is a manor covering an area of ten acres. There is an elegant and classical three-story building among the trees, which is the main house. The small starship landed, and a hole appeared in the transparent membrane. Originally, the starship continued to land. When it fell into the transparent membrane, the starship started, and drove to the main house at a high speed. It stopped in front of the dense forest, and the hatch opened. , a small animal with white wings rolled out, Dafu stood up and shook his head, his amber eyes looked around curiously, and soon he saw a group of white fluffy in the distance s things.

It looked down at itself, and its little paws leaned together obediently, white and fluffy.

Daifuku narrowed his eyes instantly, just like himself~

"Aww ow~"

Dafu exclaimed excitedly, it has grown so big, and has never seen its kind before. Only the short life of the E69 planting star has allowed it to come into contact with small animals. During the period of sailing in space, it is difficult to run freely, let alone Saw other creatures.

It has grown a lot, and a Daifuku the size of a Shiba Inu subconsciously ran a few steps there, and the flapping wings suddenly braked to a stop. Twice, "Aoooooah."

"Dafu can run around if you want to play, this is also our home." The Oston man did not come out, but the voice had already come.

Dafu groaned, raised his chin happily, and heard the sound of wings flapping the air. It has already mastered the ability to fly, but it can't fly too high or far at once. A griffin beast that is too big for the world, it actually has a slight fear of heights!

Who will believe it

A group of bleating beasts in the distance are small creatures like cotton balls. Sixteen or seventeen of them gather together, eating grass, looking at the sky, drinking water, and living a very comfortable life, until one day, one of them falls into A little monster with wings, it's too scary. The bleating beast with a loose nature was tossed hard, making a painful bleating sound.

Under Dafu's paws is a round and round bleating beast, without wings, without four legs, and even its eyes are hidden in the white fluff. It is as big as it is, but definitely not as powerful as it is. Dafu was a little discouraged, it turned out that he was not of the same kind. After being wronged and sad for a while, Dafu discovered a new joy, chasing the bleating beast seemed to be quite fun.

Amidst the bleating sounds one after another was Dafu's wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooth who found new fun after discovering new fun.

The old butler Bowers, who was waiting beside the little starship, twitched his eyelids, but hearing the brisk voice of the little master, he slowly let go of his pursuit of perfection. As long as the little master is happy, he has a long time There is no relaxation and happiness in the voice of the little master.

Ryan and Oston came out quickly, followed by two robots, one big and one small.

Auston shouted after seeing the old butler, "Uncle Bowles."

Wearing a tuxedo, he looked like a British butler in the ancient earth era. He was a middle-aged gentleman with a very rigid smile. He nodded politely, "Good day, General, welcome home."

He looked at Ryan without any cover, this person is the little master's partner

He wasn't very tall, but his figure was a little thin. He had black hair and brown eyes. He was a young man of Chinese descent. He had a warm and peaceful smile. Standing next to the little master didn't have a strong aura, but it just couldn't be ignored.

It's okay.

Old Steward Bowers rated Lane's initial image.

Not very high, Ryan still has a long way to go to get the approval of the old butler that Auston regards as his relatives. This is a gentleman with strict requirements, rigid standards, meticulous and rigorous.

There are not many people living in the old house of Dalton’s family. The butler’s family, gardener couple, chef and a group of robots. When Auston’s parents were there, there were more members of this family. When Auston took over, here There are fewer and fewer people, leaving a group of old family members.

The butler Bowers is loyal to the Dalton family. His family has followed the Dalton family for several generations. When he is old and unable to move, his son will take over from him. With grandchildren, the concept instilled in their heads is to give everything for the family.

Butler Bowles is most worried about Auston not being able to find a caring person. Now that he has a husband, he is worried that this person is not worthy of his young master. He is like a father, worried about everything, but restrained and strict own duty.

The main house is very large. Although it has only three floors, it covers a large area and the overall tone is somewhat dark. It is the style that Dalton liked seven hundred years ago and forced this style to every generation. Ryan was a little disgusted, he didn't even have any bright and bright colors, little Auston lived here alone, how depressed he was.

"Bowles, do you have any flowers?"

The butler stood on one side with his hands down, "What kind of flowers do you need, sir?"

Lane said: "Roses, perfume lilies, sunflowers, gypsophila, and Trouble Bowers have a whole lot of land next to the main house, we have flowers to plant."

Butler Bowers glanced at Auston, seeing that the young master did not object at all, "The flowers will be delivered soon, and the ground will be leveled as soon as possible."

"Excuse me, thank you."

The housekeeper said: "If there is anything to order as soon as possible, it is my duty."

Ryan: "Okay, thank you." He was always polite, but he didn't dare to really send this elder.

Auston's room is on the easternmost side of the second floor, with an area of more than 70 square meters. It is spacious and bright, but everything is neatly tidied up. It looks like a model house for the sales department, not a place where you grow up from a young age. ,Not angry. Ryan pulled out a few commoner pillows from the suitcase, which were made by grandma and mother, and threw the floral cloth on the bed and sofa, and the cool-toned home suddenly became lively and bright.

Auston was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that it was just a few more pillows, and the feeling was different all of a sudden, and the air became more fluid. He looked at Ryan, who was busy furnishing the room, with a smile on his face. It wasn't that there were more things that made him look different, but that everything would look better because of Ryan.

Ryan was very busy. He put out the ceramic ornaments he bought, and put the few decorations he bought in the right place. The whole room suddenly became different. He stopped to appreciate it for a while, then turned to ask Oston, "How do you feel?"

"very beautiful."

Ryan smiled, "The flowers are placed downstairs, so it must be different."

Auston nodded seriously, "Sure." When he was a child, the home was so warm, and the presence of his mother diluted the dullness of the old house. Later, his mother's departure took away the brightness of his life. Now, Ryan brought it back.

Push open the door of the bedroom and go out. There is a three-meter-wide terrace facing a small but blue lake. On the lake, a few black swans swim leisurely in the water. Dafu chased a group of bleating beasts away. He bleats wildly and runs away in all directions.

A group of bleating beasts screamed and screamed, panicked and became diligent under Dafu's pursuit. You must know that they only moved one meter a day.

The tranquility of the entire Dalton old house was broken. The old butler Bowers stood by the window of the living room on the first floor, watching the happy Dafu chasing the bleating beasts everywhere. Behind Bowers, his wife and robots are decorating the room with vases, and the gloomy living room suddenly jumps into bright red, bright yellow, bright white...becoming active.

His wife, who was equally serious, looked much lighter on her feet.

Beside Bowers, two robots, one big and one small, were sitting on the leather sofa. They moved their limbs, and the metal shell rubbed against the leather surface, making a slight tearing sound, and several scratches appeared.

Powers frowned.

Two little robots are talking about how to overcome the firewall of the capital star network...

Bowles' brows twitched violently. These were different from what he had imagined. He thought that the other half of the little master would have a demure and gentle personality, but he didn't expect that the old house would be destroyed in less than a day. The dog jumps.

Bowles: "…"


It was Bowers' wife Laura's voice.

Bowers pinched his throbbing brow, and various voices challenged his nerves.

His wife came over and put her hand on his brow, "Bowers, this is very good."

Powers nodded, "Well, I know." It felt like the vitality of the whole mansion had returned.


The dinner was very sumptuous, and the little master and his partner were welcome to go home, but there were only two people sitting on the big table. Before Ryan came, Oston came home, and he was the only one on this table, and the tableware made the sound of touching the plate. All felt particularly loud in the restaurant.

With Ryan, it was different, and there was Daifuku who was still excited at his feet, running around, as if he wanted to wipe away the depression of being locked up on the cruise ship for so many days. Tired of playing, it nestled at Oston's feet, yawned with its mouth wide open, and dozed off without eating.

The food is delicious, it is a Western-style meal, there is no order of eating, and it is enjoyed in a home-style way. Ryan and Auston did not choose to sit at the two sections of the long table. They sat together and occupied a corner of the long table. Sharing delicious meals. After dinner, walk around the path in the forest to digest food, the small floor lamp illuminates the road, and the small stones inlaid on the road will refract the light, just like walking on broken stars.

The Eve seven hundred years later is no longer the Eve Ryan knew, and he couldn't find anything familiar from it. Seven hundred years ago, there was no transparent film covering the ground, traffic control was not so strict, and Dalton's family didn't live there yet. Here... everything seems so strange, but it becomes familiar because of the overlap with the present.

Can he still find the Qin family's old house

"Lane, what are you thinking?"

"Huh?" Ryan, who was concentrating on thinking, didn't hear Auston's question.

Auston repeated what he had just asked, "Like it here?"

"I like it, and because of you, I have a sense of belonging." This is Ryan's truth. If Auston hadn't appeared in his life, he might not have set foot on Eve before he was a hundred years old.

Ryan's answer made Oston very happy. He took the initiative to hold Ryan's hand, swinging his hand leisurely, slowly.

After a while, Ryan asked: "The Qin family, is the old house still there?" He was afraid that everything had turned to ashes.

Alston pursed his lips, and his eyes were full of pride. He had never been so happy because his family was here, "It's right under your feet."

Ryan: "?!!"