My Partner was Assigned to me by the Country

Chapter 66: Someone is following


The family members of planting stars far away in E69 celebrated the arrival of new family members in this way, expressing their love for the little baby with practical actions. After turning off the holographic video, Auston's heart was filled with a deep sense of warmth. It turns out that it is so joyful to have the love of family members.

After getting everyone's blessings, Auston and Ryan continued to walk, and Dafu walked beside them, getting into the grass and flying to the tree trunks from time to time... very busy. It also wanted to chase the bleating beasts that were huddled together, and the bleating beasts that suffered from it smelled Dafu's breath early, and ran away bleating before Dafu rushed over, changing their lazy temperament.

Leaving sad Daifuku, "..."

Dafu's sadness came and went super fast, and soon he ran towards Ryan and Oston with foolish joy, and when he saw them, he speeded up and rushed forward. It opened its mouth with a haha, and could see the little red tongue moving around in its mouth, as excited as its tail.


Dafu unhappily let go of Ryan's leg, it doesn't want Ryan! After adjusting the direction, it wants to go around Ryan and hug its own dear master~ But Smelly Ryan always blocks it, Dafu groans angrily, knowing that his force value is not Ryan's opponent at all, so he can only tilt his head , looked at Oston pitifully with watery eyes, and let out a soft cry, "Woo~"

Auston wanted to pat Dafu with a soft heart, but was stopped by Ryan. He solemnly said to Dafu in a formal manner: "Dafu, we have a new member in our family." Pointing to Auston's stomach, he said: "There are It’s a baby, so Dafu won’t be able to beat Auston for the next two months, you know?”

Dafu blinked, wondering if he understood.

Ryan said again: "Auston can't hold you anymore, Dafu has to be obedient, and you have to take care of the little one."

Dafu looked down at his claws, felt the master's breath appearing on the top of his head, and touched its head with gentle hands. Daifuku rubbed his head against Auston's palm, but his emotions still remained silent.

After more than an hour, Ryan and Oston, who had finished their walk, returned to the bedroom. Dafu, who had a little sense of crisis, clung to the base of the wall, took advantage of the moment Ryan opened the door, and ran in, spreading his wings to accelerate himself. , quickly ran to the bedside. In order not to be kicked out, the clever Daifuku thought of a way to get under the bed, but this method works well in E69 planting stars, but it can’t be done in the home of Eve City, because the bed board is only one fist wide from the ground , with Dafu's figure, it can't get in, it can only reach in with one hand!

Hearing footsteps behind him, Dafu covered his ears and bowed his head, pretending that he didn't exist. Then I found out that I was not kicked out by Ryan! Without being kicked out, he became more courageous.

Dafu is a very well-behaved child. He didn’t pester Oston to hug him. He just needs to stick to his side, sit and lie down on his feet; Close, Auston's feet can grow little beasts; when taking a bath, you have to pass through the glass, and you can feel at ease when you see Auston's figure... There was an experience of being abandoned deep in his childhood memory, so Daifuku is particularly afraid of losing . This kind of worry cannot be resolved overnight or with a single word. As time goes by, Dafu will fully understand that it is also a part of this family, and no one can lose it.

At the moment, when Auston and Ryan went to bed, Dafu would jump on the bedside table and lie on his stomach, looking up from time to time, and seeing that Auston was always there, he closed his eyes and slept peacefully with his head on his legs.

Auston and Ryan discussed tomorrow's affairs.

"The appointment time is nine o'clock, and it will take more than half an hour to arrive. You can sleep a little longer in the morning, and I will call you when the time comes." Ryan wrote the confirmed itinerary in the memo, and the itinerary for going to the hospital for an examination tomorrow Red is definitely, absolutely not to be missed. Even if there is a knife in the sky tomorrow, it will not stop Ryan from protecting Auston from going out.

Auston, who was reading a book, said helplessly: "My body is very good, I am not so fragile."

"It has nothing to do with being fragile or not. Now is a special period, and you should enjoy love as a matter of course. Let me see..." Ryan's hand slid the holographic screen projected by the personal terminal in the air, the memo was crossed out, and a message appeared Inquiring about the express package software, he received a new message with a ding dong, "Mom and Dad have already sent the package, and they are using the Interstellar Express. It is estimated that it will arrive within 20 days."

"Trouble for mom and dad."

"Haha, don't say that, parents will be sad if they find out."

Alston pursed his lips, nodded and said, "You are right, I will pay attention."

"There are a lot of things sent, basically food. If you are at home, your mother, grandma and aunt will jointly feed you into a fat man." The old family members of Dalton's house have not welcomed the arrival of a new life for a long time. Many things have to be done now. Ryan saw that Bowers was discussing the construction plan with the home improvement company after dinner. They even neglected the baby room. This gentleman was annoyed and blamed himself for a long time.

"No, grandma told me that eating casually during pregnancy is not good for your health, and you must respect science."

"Yeah, you're right." Ryan has rarely experienced the arrival of a new life in such a long time. The children sent to him are all quite old, well-behaved and cute, and they don't cry. He suddenly felt a little at a loss from the bottom of his heart, how could he take care of such a soft little creature? Ryan, who has always been confident, has no bottom line. Turning around and kissing Auston on the face, he took the e-book from his hand, "It's time to sleep."

He secretly made a decision that he must talk to the doctor tomorrow. How to take care of a pregnant woman and child is also a great knowledge, and he must be taught a lesson by professionals.

His hands became empty, and Oston opened and closed his hands twice in the air, feeling helpless again, "I'm really fine, I don't feel anything."

"Yes, you are right, but sleep is still necessary." Ryan pushed Oston to sleep, patted the quilt, "Good night."

"Good night." Alston closed his eyes and put his palms on his lower abdomen. After a while, he felt that the people around him were also lying down. Amid the rustling sound of the quilt, a hand was placed on his own. In the darkness, the corners of Alston's mouth rose, and he fell into a sweet dream.

Ryan's state of excitement was not very intense, but the duration of the excitement must have been long enough. He couldn't fall asleep half an hour earlier than usual. Outside the door, Dafu, who dared not speak out, could only stare at Ryan with wide eyes and dissatisfaction. Ryan knelt down and said softly, "You snore while sleeping."

Daifuku: "..."

Obviously not, Ryan actually slandered it!

Ryan walked out of the bedroom and closed the door with his backhand. He went straight to the bathroom at the end of the corridor to wash and change clothes. Scratching the door, forgetting about it, and obediently lay down to sleep.

After an hour of regular exercise, Ryan simply packed himself up and went to the kitchen to cook. The chef was already preparing breakfast there. According to the nutritious recipe Laura gave him, Ryan looked at it and decided to give it to Oss himself. Make breakfast.

"I come."

Reluctantly, the chef stepped aside and stepped back to watch Ryan's actions. Then he became aware of the crisis. If Ryan cooked every day, he could lose his job.

Quickly clearing up his mood, the chef asked: "What does the general like to eat?" Before the general was at home, he would eat whatever the general did. The general didn't seem to have any dietary preferences.

Ryan, who was sipping spinach juice, didn't hide his secrets, and taught him everything, "The dishes should not be too mixed, and the seasonings for freshness should be used less. The food must be clean and fresh. You can prepare more seafood and poultry. A lot, Oston doesn’t like it very much, but he can make it into fish balls, and he can eat several bowls of vegetable soup. Sometimes you can put a chili in the dish to add some flavor, but it’s not too spicy, although he likes it Yes." When I passed Redstar to eat local dishes while traveling, Oston couldn't stop eating the spicy dishes with a fork, and he was still willing to eat until his face was flushed by the heat. But after eating too much, his stomach was irritated. Auston didn't say anything, but Ryan could see it clearly.

"I often make some cute little desserts, don't be too sweet, and remember that the sweetness must be moderate." Alston's favorite sweetness Ryan already knows by heart, and he knows whether the amount is right when he pours the sugar, but this kind of The thing can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words, "I will measure the sugar content next time when I make desserts, and you can write it down. Also, Alston likes strawberries very much. My parents will send a package by post after a while , there are a few strawberry plants that come together, it is best to have a greenhouse in the house, so that Oston can also eat fresh strawberries all year round when at home, strawberry Daifuku, strawberry mousse, strawberry fruit drink, etc., at home It’s best to have it on hand.”

At some point, there were not only Ryan and the chef in the kitchen, but also the housekeeper Bowers, Laura and the gardener. Everyone listened silently, nodded from time to time, and took notes like students in class. After listening for a while, they suddenly found that they didn't understand the children who grew up. In their eyes, Auston was a copy of the old general. They just had to prepare a copy according to the old general's preferences. After listening to Ryan's narration , but found that it was not the case at all.

The general has a very similar appearance and temperament to the old general, but his heart is as soft and sensitive as his wife. The old family who took care of him made too many mistakes!

In the silence of the crowd, there was a crackling sound, and Ryan skillfully opened the egg with one hand and started to fry the egg. Putting the poached egg fried on both sides in the bowl is not the end of the dish, but just a transitional step in the middle. After returning to the pot, Ryan poured balsamic vinegar, sugar, and some boiling water, and sprinkled green onion when it came out of the pot. What he made were sweet and sour poached eggs. The egg yolk would not runny, but it tasted super after being wrapped in sweet and sour sauce. Praise, it's so delicious that you don't even want to let go of the green onions inside.

The dough kneaded by the chef's machine was ready to rise. Ryan squeezed a handful of dry powder and sprinkled it on the marble countertop. The dough was placed on the countertop and patted, as if urging the dough to perform well next time. He picked up the rolling pin and started to roll out the dough. A piece of dough quickly appeared, folded it several times and began to cut the noodles. The green spinach dough was very tame under his hands, allowing him to "round and flatten". Ryan's series of actions are as smooth as flowing water, and he is familiar with it, which makes everyone sigh in their hearts. He is indeed a person who has worked in the kitchen for ten years, so amazing.

"Oston prefers flat handmade noodles. He doesn't like the round alkaline water noodles very much. He thinks they are too hard, but he can make cold noodles for him. Chicken shreds and bean sprouts must be put in the noodles. He likes them very much. "

Throwing the noodles into the boiling water in the pot, Ryan wiped his hands and turned around, looked at the crowd and said with a smile: "I make a lot of them, everyone should try my skills."

The chef smelled the smell of chicken soup and silently turned off the memo on his personal terminal. He burst into tears in his heart. How can a chef who has cooked Western-style meals for most of his life quickly adjust himself to a Chinese brain? He can only make pasta in various shapes for noodles. When the chicken breast is in his hands, he must fry it with oil and serve it on the table. You can use various seasoning jars for seasoning. The best places for all kinds of vegetables and fruits are salads, salads, and salads. … salads with different flavors.

It seems that I have to apply for a chef class.

Spinach noodles in chicken soup, topped with blanched green vegetables and shredded tender chicken thighs. Next to the noodle soup are sweet and sour poached eggs, fruits, and nuts. This is what Oston saw when he woke up. It was a simple, home-cooked, rich, and delicious breakfast. There was Ryan waiting for him at the dining table, and Ryan was watching the "Complete Ways to Take Care of a Pregnant Woman at Home" on his personal terminal, seeing Auston coming down, he smiled, "I calculated the time to do it, it was just right. Come and try, spinach chicken noodle soup and sweet and sour egg."

Oston sat over, picked up the chopsticks and said at the same time, "I sent you something, please open it and have a look."

"What?" Ryan was a little curious. He opened his personal terminal and found an unread reminder. After opening it, he saw an access card with "Imperial Mecha Research Center Access Card No. A 20106" written on the front, and looked at Austrian in surprise. Ston, "Admission card for the Imperial Research Institute!" Although he got one from Master Macia, it has a completely different meaning from what Oston gave.

Auston turned his head away, and felt a little uncomfortable after giving the gift, "I can't get a higher-level pass for the time being, only for military visits, I'm paying attention, and I'm sure I can get a higher-level pass in the future." Admission."

The letter after the number is the classification of the access card, A stands for the army, and the research center can only be visited. Auston has always wanted to get a higher-level access card for Ryan, the kind that can communicate with the scientific researchers inside, use the experimental equipment of the research center, test the mecha, etc., which belongs to the S category and is only for relevant Distributed by academic experts in the field. He is working hard to negotiate with people and is actively operating, and he should be able to get the S-type access card soon. Before that, give Ryan a relatively easy-to-get A-type access card to see the current imperial machine What is the cutting-edge scientific research like

A-type access cards are easier to obtain than S-type access cards. That is relatively speaking. The research center only issues so many access cards each year. It took a lot of work.

Ryan was very moved, what is better than someone thinking about it, "I will treasure it."


"I haven't told you all this time. I have contact with Master Macia. He gave me an admission card and invited me to the research institute tomorrow."

Oston did not feel that he was being concealed. On the contrary, he was very happy, because the access card that Ryan showed him did not have any letter numbers, which meant that this access card had very high authority, and he could freely enter and exit any place in the Mech Research Center. It is not subject to control. Looking at the numbers, it was the third pass of the same type that Master Macia personally sent out. Ryan got the third one.

"Great!" Alston said, "Come on, Ryan, maybe you can get the favor of Master Macia when you go there, and become an official member of it... Look at me, what nonsense are you talking about? It was your pioneering work, and no one is more qualified than you to understand the frontier of mech development today."

"Then use the newly acquired knowledge to make you a better mech."

Yuan Chu, who stayed in the corner of the living room and focused on exploring the Internet, looked at the little robot beside him. The eyes of the little robot flickered quickly, and there must have been a lot of garbled codes inside the system.

Just listening to the restaurant, Oston said: "I am looking forward to it, and it will be called code zero by then, because the AI will not change."

The frequency of the eyes of the little robot flickering returned to normal, Code Zero nodded in satisfaction, he is still his general!

"It's better to be familiar with it than to be familiar with it. There is nothing to worry about, just look at me." Yuan Chu said nonchalantly.

Code Zero: "…"

Although he really didn't want to hit Yuan Chu, he still wanted to say, "Little Strawberry, maybe I'll have a new body soon, a very big one."

Original: “… (#‵′) .”

He was still trapped in a small body made of second-hand and third-hand parts. Yuan Yuan's eyes flickered for a moment, flickering on and off, and he said in a flat tone without any ups and downs: "I will let my husband make me a big body, ha ha, otherwise I will expose his past scandals in front of the general!" For example, work He was doing well, and suddenly felt sad that he was a loner. Others had a family reunion during the festival, but he could only be with work as a company, and because of his emotion, he did something like crying to the moon. For example, lonely and single, wanting to fall in love, meeting a few people on a blind date, picking noses and eyes at others, not saying that eating is not good, or that the spirit is too boring, there is a bold person who wants to have a fight with the president One night, he said that the other party behaved frivolously and was a scum, so he turned around and ran away in fright...

Yuan Yuan, who has been a keychain for a long time, knows a lot of little secrets.

"Okay, okay, when the time comes, we will fight for the hegemony of the universe together and kill all the Zerg."

"Well, compared with me, your record is not very good."

Code Zero was unconvinced, "You and Ryan killed the Zerg Emperor, and the Zerg Grand Dukes behind each led their teams to escape, and the Zerg King could not be developed. Otherwise, the general and I would definitely kill the Zerg King!"

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, there is only one Zerg Emperor, but there are several reserve Zerg Grand Dukes, and each Grand Duke is qualified and may become the Emperor, provided that the other sisters are killed. Because Qin Feng Anderson killed the new Zerg King in the Battle of Dawn, and the Zerg Grand Dukes she gave birth to were still very young at that time, and they each led their teams to escape into the depths of the universe, so the road to the Zerg King is difficult to advance However, this does not mean that the combat effectiveness of the Zerg has been reduced. Their tenacious life and super breeding ability have always made them the number one enemy of human beings.

At first, he was a little silent. Even if he is an AI for self-explosion, in retrospect there will still be redundant information in the system.

Yuanyuan: "This is a good thing for human beings."

Code Zero understands, "You're right, I'd rather not have the Bug King as a trophy in my life."

Ryan and Auston are about to go out, and Dafu is pestering him to go too. It is now in a period of worry and cannot leave Auston. As bodyguards, Yuanyuan and Code Zero must follow, so the whole family set off.

The hospital they are going to is called Angela Maternity Center, which is located on the 166th to 208th floors of Tianshu, the tallest building in the downtown area of Eve City. As for the scale, there are many maternity centers larger than Angela. Under the situation of low birth rate in the entire empire, the government vigorously supports related industries, and the atmosphere created is to let the people have more children, so that they don’t have to worry about having more children. Before the age of eighteen, the state covers everything, and parents who have more children You don't even need to go out to work, you can apply to the government for honorable parents and you can get a lifetime allowance, and the standard is to have more than six children.

This is how some people in the empire make their living. They continue to give birth. They can contribute to the population of the empire, and they can have financial resources if they don’t work—everyone gets what they need.

It took 20 minutes to travel from Dongcheng District to downtown, but the bad traffic environment in the city, congested traffic and traffic lights slowed down the speed abruptly. Fortunately, they did not miss the time and left when they arrived at the port of call on the 166th floor. There is still time at nine o'clock. Eighty percent of the vehicles in the berthing port are parked. This is Angela's exclusive berthing port, which shows that the maternity center has a good business. Bunier, who worked in the maternity center with his tutor, received the news that Ryan and Oston were coming, and waited early at the exit of the berthing port. If he was not waiting, there would be a little nurse waiting to welcome him. The center has established files, and there are exclusive nurses, maternity nurses, doctors, etc. throughout the whole process. All the inspections in the hospital are kept confidential. Some employees disclosed relevant information.

Bunier received people, took them up the elevator, and introduced: "In order to ensure privacy, the elevator will not stop at other floors during use, and the next round of work will not start until the guests in the car leave. Each floor can accept no more than ten guests at the same time, and they will never meet each other through different aisles. The 26-year-old famous singer who was revealed to be married and had a baby not long ago received maternity services here."

Ryan: "It's against the confidentiality regulations for you to say so."

With Blair in his pocket, wearing a white coat, he is somewhat similar to Blair in temperament, but there are many differences. After all, the latter often deals with various corpses, and his coldness and paleness have been integrated into his breath. Bunier said: "Our secrecy work is very good, there is no flaw, the matter of Cookie's marriage and childbirth did not leak from us, there is judicial justice as a guarantee, the court ruled that we won the case, but Cookie Cake is just biting us, looking for an outlet for the damage to her image as a single girl. Because of this, her file was decrypted during the lawsuit, so there is no need to keep it secret."

Thanks to her, when the Angela Maternity Center is making an introduction, there are examples to make an introduction.

Ryan didn't pay attention to entertainment news, so he really didn't know about this. "My cousin likes listening to Cookie's songs, but liking someone's songs has nothing to do with her private life." He is not qualified to be an idol.

The reception room arrived soon, and Dawson Albert, one of Angela's founders, Bunier's mentor, professor of biology and fertility at Imperial University, and the country's leading obstetrician and obstetrician, was waiting in it. This is a man who is not tall and slightly bald (now that the technology is advanced, he has had three hair transplants and one gene therapy, and hair loss has always troubled him. It can be seen that long hair is a very metaphysical thing), with a smile on his face, look He is the kind of person who is not strong and does not feel a sense of threat, but "a person cannot be judged by his appearance, and the sea cannot be measured." This seemingly ordinary doctoral supervisor is a master in the field of fertility research. Infertile couples beg for someone to see.

"General Dalton." Professor Albert gave everyone enough face, and when he heard the door being pushed, he came out specially. He also nodded to Ryan very easily, not to despise the other party because he is an inconspicuous, unknown soldier who only has the status of a general's partner.

"Professor Albert." Alston greeted and introduced Ryan to Albert, "My husband, Ryan Smith."

Ryan looks gentle and elegant, but his aura is not weak at all against the background of the general and doctoral supervisor. He smiled and said, "Hello, Professor Albert."

"Hello, Mr. Smith." A look of surprise flashed quickly in Albert's eyes. This young man had a very raw face. He was certainly not a well-known figure, but he was very imposing. Standing with the youngest admiral in the empire was very impressive. Board right. It turned out to be the husband... He understood why General Dalton specifically named the husband when he introduced him. Firstly, it was to explain who the pregnant woman was, and secondly, it was to emphasize the importance of Ryan to him.

The first thing a guest does when they come to the maternity center is to create a file and sign a confidentiality agreement between the two parties. Building a file requires a number of physical values, so that the center can provide a better pregnancy care plan, and there is no need to run around to various departments to check the body. Now this VIP reception room has all kinds of equipment.

Just like the results of the simple test done by Blair yesterday, Alston has some mild anemia, not serious, just one or two points lower than the normal value. But one or two points are enough to attract attention, because the situation of maternal anemia during pregnancy can be large or small, and it will cause miscarriage, fetal malformation, etc. After all, the primary goal of the human body's immune system is to protect itself.

"This value does not require taking medicine. It is best to take food supplements, which will not burden the body." Albert put the instrument on Auston's stomach, and said with a smile: "The general's physical indicators are very healthy. , it’s just mild anemia, and there’s no need for any psychological burden. Just buy a few nutritional recipes after the inspection, and follow them at home. I’m sure there will be no problems when you come for the next inspection. The nutritional recipes are the authoritative nutritionists hired by the center. It is compiled by the master, and there will be updates from time to time, and it will be sent to the personal terminal in time."

Ryan, who was sitting on the other side of Auston, held Auston's hand and carefully wrote down everything the doctor said. He stared at the screen and soon saw a small dot in the B-ultrasound image. The one-month-old fetus is just a small bean sprout. He is so small, so weak, so cute, and needs more careful care from his parents... Ryan suddenly felt a little hot in his eye sockets, not because tears were about to flow, but because his heart was fluctuating emotions surge.

Then, Albert pointed to a small dot on the video screen, "The child is still very young, he is only as big as a mung bean, but he is small but healthy and full of vitality."

Ryan: "..." The surge of excitement was subdued, and the point Albert was referring to was not the one he was looking for at all.

Resolutely moving their eyes, Ryan and Oston's eyes fell on the dot pointed by Albert at the same time, and Ryan said, "It's so cute."

Auston nodded, "Yes."

Silly Dad just sees more.

The B-ultrasound is black and white like in the ancient earth period, but compared with the past, the current technology is advanced, and the imaging effect is very beautiful. Now it is also possible to provide equipment that can see children more clearly and directly, but countless facts have proved that doing so will make parents feel scared (who wants to see their child is just a flesh-colored tadpole), so the hospital provides B Ultra check. Giving the printed photos to the novice fathers, Albert said: "This is the first photo of the child, you keep it, and the hospital will also include it in the archives."

The center will make a growth profile for each child, starting from the first inspection.

After receiving the photo, Alston looked intently at the real little guy on it. The child was so young that his limbs hadn't even developed yet. Ryan and Oston, who were leaning together for a while, didn't want to talk. They looked at the first photo of the child quietly, feeling a lot of emotion in their hearts, and no amount of words could express their true inner feelings.

Dr. Albert and Bunier didn't bother. It took more than ten minutes for Ryan and Oston to recover from their emotions before continuing. The next step is to determine where to raise the child, whether it is at home or a nurturing center, at home If so, buy a brand new incubator cabin or rent it.

Ryan and Auston discussed this point, of course at home, and their child needs a brand new gestation cabin.

Albert had expected this a long time ago, so he was not surprised. "Next, every week, Bunier will come to the general for a simple checkup. He will come to the hospital again next month, and he will have to wait until the third month. Come here twice, and Bunier will visit the door every two days. The third month is a critical period for the child's development in the mother's womb. When the time is ripe, it must be taken out and transferred to the incubator cabin. It cannot be ignored. Please cooperate with the general, yourself. The work, rest and life are also very important.”

"The time is ripe" is a very delicate point, so it must be monitored at all times. It doesn't matter if it fluctuates for two or three days at this point, but it will be dangerous for the child if the time exceeds. As I said before, the human uterus has undergone cosmic radiation, diet changes, etc., and the conscience has been distorted, and it cannot bear the conception of the child. If it exceeds too many points, the fetus will stop developing in the gestational sac. The consequences are not what parents want to bear. of.

Ryan said: "Professor Albert, don't worry, I will definitely protect Auston and cooperate with the hospital's examination."

Alston nodded. He would not joke about the safety of the child. The little guy came in time. He was on vacation during the three-month gestation period. Even if it was not a vacation, he would not let trivial matters interfere with his childcare. .

Albert, "With your cooperation, our work will be better. In the near future, we will welcome a lovely little life."

After staying in the Angela Maternity Center for a while, Ryan asked tirelessly and over and over again how to take care of the pregnant woman and how to take care of the child. Albert answered without any impatience, and was able to open the Maternity Center to the star domain One of the best status, attitude is everything.

When the two of them came out of the maternity center, it was already 11:50, and it was time to eat. There was a very good restaurant downstairs, which Albert personally introduced. Ryan and Alston finished their meal there, and wandered around the baby products store downstairs. The child still couldn't tell the gender, and there was no need to buy many small clothes and shoes now, but looking at those small, Ryan and Auston, who became fathers, couldn't help but stop for the well-made clothes.

Auston wore a simulation mask developed by the military, and the face presented was completely unfamiliar.

"Lian." Alston called softly, waiting for Ryan who was watching something a meter away, he whispered: "Look over there, is it Fan Lunting?"

"Where?" Ryan looked up, looking across the shelves.

"At two o'clock, 15 meters away, the one wearing a mask." Auston's exit is accurate data.

Ryan had already noticed the target in advance, "I saw it."

In the direction Orston was locating, there was a very low-key man wearing a black mask standing there, his eyes staring blankly at a pink one-piece shirt in his hand, and he didn't know where he was standing. how long.

"What's he doing there?" Ryan asked. All the people shopping here are parents-to-be or parents-to-be. What is Fan Luting, a single man, doing here looking at a small piece of clothing? His heart skipped a beat, and a very bloody thought came to his mind, "No, no way."

Oston saw that there were few bloody plots, and his train of thought did not keep up with Ryan. "What?"

Many novels and TV shows are not like that, especially stories about sadomasochism and running with the ball... Ryan admitted that he lived long enough and watched too much. Whispered in Alston's ear about his wild speculation, and quickly said in denial: "Connor is a man of etiquette, he can drink very well, he won't get drunk, he won't If you do something out of the ordinary, you won’t just give up.” What’s more, my cousin Connor is a patient with φ3 element deficiency, and his characteristic is that he can’t have children. So far, no natural conception has been found in medicine, and it’s artificial intervention. The survival time of the fetus is also very short, and the environment of the interstellar era does not allow test-tube babies...

" think too much." Auston admired Ryan's imagination, and had to say that he and Connor were cousins.

Ryan shrugged helplessly, "You know, I don't think too much in my mind, I would have gone crazy in that environment."

Auston felt distressed for a moment.

Ryan somewhat regretted mentioning this, and shook Oston's hand and said, "It's all over, I'll just take it out and talk about it, don't worry."

"I'm not worried, just distressed. Those years must have been very sad. Although you said it simply, I can imagine what it would be like to be wandering in the boundless emptiness."

"It's all over." Ryan didn't care anymore.

"Well, it's all over. From now on, you will have me and the children..." Alston said the last word very softly, he didn't want to just have a child.

Ryan smiled, looking forward to the day when his sons and daughters will be in groups.

While the two were talking, Fan Lunting, who stayed in the distance, put down his things and left. It was Fan Lunting's privacy, and Ryan and Auston did not bother. Fan Lunting took the elevator down to the tenth floor and came to the bookstore. There was a large poster there, promoting that the popular Internet writer Connor Smith's book signing tour would come to the capital Star Eve. The atrium was full of Connor's writing. Books with various shapes attract the attention of guests. Fan Lunting moved his eyes and landed on the time. Connor came to Eve City ten days later.

Fan Lunting just arrived in Eve City today, and almost after Ryan and the general left Bayland, he left home. One after another blind date made him tired of coping, and it was useless to argue and talk with his parents. Parents have seen too many family tragedies caused by suitable marriages, and they must get married before their children are suitable.

But Fan Lunting already has his own heart, and it would be terrible if he couldn't enter the marriage hall with someone he had met a few times. As an excellent scout on the Xingtian ship, he followed the usual military style. Seeing that his parents couldn't make sense, he left home decisively and followed Connor's footsteps to the capital star. Now, Connor is on his way to the capital star.

Fan Lunting lingered here for a while, but finally turned and left without buying any books.

Ryan and Auston, who wandered upstairs for a while, also left the Tianshu Building and returned home. On the starship, the three who regarded themselves as invisible creatures finally let go of their hands and feet. The eagle beast should have a life. It will not go out with its master and Ryan in the future. Well, it depends on the situation... Dafu left room for himself.

Yuan Yuan, who was acting as a bodyguard, asked code-named Zero to drive the small starship, and he had to report the situation to Mr. and the general.

"Is someone following you all the way after entering the mall?" Ryan felt vague gazes a few times, and followed his feeling to look for it. There was nothing, no suspicious person or suspicious thing, so he kept it in his heart and didn't mention it, " Did you notice who it was?"

Ryan didn't wear a mask, but he knew only a handful of people on Capital Star, and the possibility of sneaking up on him was almost zero, unless someone recognized the person who gave "musician" Evan a knife at Bayland Capital Bus Station It's him. Auston wears a simulation mask, and his clothing style has changed. Even people who are familiar with him are hard to recognize, unless they are people who have studied him especially—studying gait, back view, arm swing and so on.

Alston frowned, also thinking.

In the living room of the little starship, Yuan Yuan turned on the projection and released the suspicious characters he had photographed. On the light screen, there were seven or eight photos, including men and women, old and young. At first glance, they were all ordinary people. Once you think about it more, you feel that everyone is suspicious.

"Originally, investigate the identity of everyone."

Yuan Yuan's eyes flickered, the master really knew what they were doing on the star network, but he didn't say anything clearly. The identity of the investigator is to intrude into the data database of the imperial public security system. It cannot be easily done with a single order. It must be prepared in advance. Unfortunately, the original is a well-prepared artificial intelligence. He has invaded many places. I discovered many interesting things about the government today.

"No need, I know who it is." Alston's eyes were a little dark, pointing to one of the photos and said, "This is my uncle."