My Partner was Assigned to me by the Country

Chapter 75: newborn


Since Emperor Qin Feng Anderson drove the first mecha to participate in the battle with the Zerg, and severely frustrated the enthusiasm of the Zerg (the self-explosion killed the Zerg Emperor), the status of the mecha in the hearts of the people has become higher and higher. With the continuous deepening of mech research, the use of mechs is not limited to the military, there are also miniature mechas for medical treatment, heavy mechas for agriculture, and light mechas for security and so on. position becomes increasingly important. Every time the Imperial Mecha Research Institute announces the success of research on a new type of mecha, it can attract attention from all walks of life and become a topic of discussion for the next period of time.

Although mechs are being used in more and more fields, they have always focused on the military field. Being able to play a greater role on the battlefield is a matter of concern to scientific researchers, government officials, military officials, and even the common people. Zerg invaded the border , The incidents of seriously injuring civilians have not disappeared, and pirates have burned, killed and looted from time to time. There are still many instabilities in the prosperous empire. People urgently hope to have a strong military force to defend their own safety.

If the garrisons on every planet can be equipped with mechs, will the occurrence of dangerous incidents be reduced

This question is raised from time to time.

But this question has never been answered.

Firstly, the manufacture of the mecha itself requires a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources, and the manufacturing cycle is relatively long; secondly, the political game has never released the scale of mecha manufacturing; and many more.

The above is a headache for others. Ryan, as the protagonist of today's new mecha conference, does not need to consider these at all.

"I'm actually a little nervous." Ryan touched the buttons of his clothes and looked at himself in the mirror. He was not wearing the white uniform uniformly issued by the Institute, but the military uniform of the Golden Cross. He announced the new model as an imperial soldier. The birth of the mecha, with its greater military strength, can be said to be a blatant challenge to Prime Minister Gustav. The attack some time ago, the battle of public opinion on both sides, the delicate balance has been broken, and there is no need to cover up.

Gustav certainly did not expect that after abandoning Bromfield, he would just divide up a little bit of leftovers, and the biggest head—Imperial Mecha Research Institute—had become semi-independent, and faintly belonged to Ryan. Ryan's attainments and strength in mechs have convinced many pure scientific researchers. After eliminating the influence of the Bromfield family in the research institute, under the leadership of Maia, this place will only be strong and intriguing to stay in scientific research. Besides, Maia wanted to do this a long, long time ago.

Auston tied the belt for Ryan himself, stepped back a few steps and looked at the tall, tough yet gentle Ryan, silently appreciating in his heart for a while and then said: "It's great, don't be nervous at all, you just stand there It is the most beautiful scenery." He was not flattering, it was purely sincere admiration.

Looking into Auston's eyes, you can tell that his admiration is sincere, and the truth is often the most comfortable, and Ryan is no exception. He took a few steps forward and approached Auston, looked at him, and then looked at him. She kissed her, "Wait a minute, watch me become the most beautiful boy in the audience."

Alston smiled, "I'll wait and see."

The press conference was arranged in the 700-square-meter meeting room on the first floor of the Imperial Mech Research Institute. In order to hold the press conference, most of the tables and chairs had been removed, leaving only a few seats for people from all walks of life who were invited to sit. Several lieutenant generals who came to Capital Star for the National Day parade in 750. Reporters from different media have set up their equipment and are ready to shoot the next press conference. There are not a few live broadcasts, but the central news broadcast platform has the widest audience. The number of people online changes every second, from It's been only 20 minutes since the live broadcast started, and it has easily exceeded 2 billion. Experienced media people estimate that the peak number of live broadcasts will definitely exceed 10 billion.

"More online people than previous press conferences."

"Look at the comments from the audience."

"Let me see."

On the message board that was quickly refreshed on the side of the screen, there was a name that appeared most frequently, and that was Ryan. The accompanying vocabulary was: Admiral Dalton's wife, an enviable guy, and the darling favored by God. Indeed, what an honor it is to be genetically adapted to General Dalton. According to the old saying, there is definitely smoke on the ancestral grave. Many people went online to watch the live broadcast to see what kind of person Ryan Smith was, who could not only win the admiration of the general, but also the favor of Master Macia. Because of Ryan, there are countless more lemons in the whole empire, and it feels like there is no need to dip the dumplings in vinegar recently.

The press conference started soon, and the personnel were in place. Auston sat among his colleagues, with a just right smile on his face. He didn't care about his colleagues' temptations, congratulations, sarcasm, etc., and waited for the official launch of the press conference. start. At nine o'clock in the morning in Eve City, the capital city, the lights at the press conference were turned off. In the darkness, everyone saw a huge direwolf appearing in the front. The sharp teeth protruding from the snout glowed coldly. In the silence, the direwolf began to move. Its vigorous figure, light movements, and muscular limbs... all showed its bravery and ruthlessness. The huge front paws were lifted up, chua, stronger than steel knives Let the unstoppable claws appear.

No one will doubt its bravery! The cold, bloody cruelty belonging to wild beasts permeated the scene, and panic filled everyone's hearts. I don't know who suddenly screamed. Doubts appeared in the minds of those who sat on their seats again. Could it be that the huge direwolf is a new type of mecha? Since the mecha was born, it has not broken through the shackles of the human form for hundreds of years. Could it be that the span of the new mecha is so large this time? !

While the generals showed disbelief, their hearts were filled with enthusiasm. Some even stood up halfway, wanting to touch the new mecha with their own hands.

The mecha with the direwolf as the reference object is no longer active, the hatch is opened on the abdomen, and a neat figure appears from the cockpit. It is the host of today's press conference, Ryan Smith. He is calm, gentle and peaceful. A soldier said, "Hi everyone, I'm Ryan, and today I will introduce our new partner, the beast-shaped mecha... At the beginning of the design, Master Mikey made a bold design based on the imagination of Emperor Qin Feng Anderson. , to highlight the following advantages... Let us ask Master Maiya to come to the stage to explain to us the superiority of the beast-shaped mecha."

Mai Ya, who was waiting on the side, appeared. He stroked the metal front legs of the beast-shaped mecha. No matter how many times he watched Ryan's natural and smooth operation movements, he always felt shocked. He seemed to feel the tension of the blood under the metal when he touched the mecha. After taking over the host, the first thing he sighed was, "If it wasn't for Ryan, this mech would never have had the chance to appear in front of everyone."

The audience was in an uproar the moment Ryan came out of the beast-shaped mech, but there was no need to maintain order on the spot, because soon everyone was attracted by Ryan's in-depth explanation, and several videos of operating the beast-shaped mech for combat were played on the spot. , Ryan also boarded the mecha on the spot and did many difficult moves. In the end, during his operation, the cruel and mighty beast-shaped mech suddenly turned into a little wolf dog. He suppressed his evil spirit and made a few naive moves, which made the audience on the field and watching the live broadcast burst into laughter.

By the end of the press conference, the prefix of Ryan's name was seldom the partner of General Dalton, and more people replaced it with "the one who operated the beast mecha". Ryan already had his own name in the hearts of the public. Those people who saw Auston's joke before and thought that he had waited for many years to be matched with an ordinary young man put away the contempt in their hearts, and when they looked at Auston again, their eyes showed uncontrollable envy.

During the interview with the reporter after the meeting, someone asked Orston about Ryan's performance. Auston glanced at the outstanding young man standing beside him, and the stylized smile on his face became sincere, "I'm proud of my husband, he worked so hard day and night to study the beast-shaped mechs. , in exchange for today's achievements, all the flowers and applause are what he deserves."

The crowd of onlookers nodded, and there was no harvest for what they paid. Wait, are they missing something

The reporter looked confused, and he asked hesitantly, "General, you mean that Mr. Smith is your husband?"

Alston nodded, "Yes." This is a fact, and there is nothing to hide. Many people will treat their genetic sequences as private before the age of thirty, but after the age of thirty, they are basically married, so there is no It is necessary to conceal.

"Oh my god!" The reporter no longer cared about his professionalism and continued to ask questions. He just wanted to scream, just like the thousands of people watching the live broadcast on the Internet, loudly, General Dalton's gene The sequence is X, and he turned out to be his wife, ah, did Ryan save all mankind, the whole world, and the entire universe in his previous life? Why did he have such good luck to be suitable for the general and marry the general! ! ! He must have had this kind of intimate behavior with the general. Everyone is going to be so sad. Countless people with the gene sequence of Y shouted loudly in their hearts, throw Ryan away, let me do it! ! ! !

The marriage of Ryan and Auston has been a hot topic on the Internet recently. Now, the parties have personally added strong information to this marriage, and many hot spots have airborne, and people are crazy. But unlike many people who dissed Ryan crazily before, with today's outstanding performance, the fact that Ryan Smith is a mecha genius has been deeply imprinted in their hearts! This marriage is much more excellent than they imagined.

The comments on the Internet will not affect the lives of Ryan and Auston. They continue to enrich their lives according to their own rhythm. Ryan did not participate in the military parade because he was injured, and the absence of him will not affect the overall situation. When the teams sent by the various legions walked through the streets of Eve's city center, the whole people entered the National Day Carnival. Many projects can be carried out during the week-long vacation. Traveling across planets or across star fields, sleeping soundly at home without work, tasting delicacies that have never had a chance to eat, or doing it yourself... It seems that the joy did not last long, and the holiday ended quietly, everyone Everyone must be in position, the next holiday is the statutory holiday set by each star field.

Lane and Auston's six-month vacation after their cruise had run out, but they hadn't returned to Gamma. I used to think it easy, I thought that if I had a child, I would just let the child grow up in the incubator cabin without company, but after I became a real parent, I realized that this kind of thinking is simply nonsense, and they don't want to leave their little one at all. baby. According to the law of the empire, three months of paid leave after marriage, five months of maternity leave after pregnancy, and one year of paid leave after the child emerges from the artificial gestational sac, that is, the gestation cabin, the government fiddled with it to increase the fertility rate Be careful, and even encourage people to take all the holidays at once, the country has subsidies! Ryan and Auston have not enjoyed this part of the vacation, and they are only now beginning to make up for it. They have decided that they will not leave the capital star's home for up to 12 months in the future.

It is worth mentioning that in the parliament held after the National Day, people from the Auston family occupied the majority of the seats in the parliament, and a speaker was elected from them to preside over the meeting. In addition to discussing various people's livelihood, military affairs, medical reform, etc In addition to other questions, there are the ten questions that the speaker asked Prime Minister Gustav, which will be called the beginning of the imperial reform in future textbooks. After questioning, Prime Minister Gustav was not re-elected for a third term. The government he formed was disbanded, and the empire began a six-month period of "anarchy". During these six months, various groups elected candidates for the prime minister, toured to canvass votes, gained public support, and held the final election in June. I won’t say much about this series of operations.

Taking advantage of the weakness of the old-school political group represented by the Gustav family, Dalton and the speaker supported by the Lannister family (Auston got in touch with them and confirmed that they are allies) became the interim prime minister, during which he made great achievements. , the truth of seven hundred years ago will be revealed to the world.

These gossip, miscellaneous, and baby comparisons are nothing to do at all. I accompany the children for a while every day and watch the new changes in the children. As new fathers, their hearts are full of joy and unspeakable throbbing. On June 1, 3020, the airport of Eve City, the capital star, was docked by a civil aircraft ship from the Storm Star Field. It took nearly a month to arrive at Eve City from Planting Star E69. The Smith family walked out of the passenger passage and entered the waiting ship. Looking at the city scenery that is completely different from her hometown, the old grandmother who does not need the support of her son or daughter-in-law does not know what she is thinking with her hands behind her back. She had promised her husband that she would stay away from everything on Capital Star, but Lin Lao broke her promise, and everyone entered Capital Star. She couldn't hold back the expectations of her great-grandchildren, so she came.

"Grandma." Ryan rushed over, hugged grandma in front of him, and gave grandma a bear hug. He could easily pick up grandma, and hugged her in circles like an idol drama. His hands were very steady. , will never fall to grandma.

Grandma smiled and hugged her grandson, "My Ryan is getting better and better."

"In the eyes of grandma, no matter what I look like, I am still a child." Ryan put down his grandma, looked at his parents with a smile, and welcomed them to Capital Star. I came together, but there was a delay before leaving, and he is very sorry."

"There's nothing to be sorry about. If you're busy, why don't you delay the business to pick us up? Don't worry, we'll see you when we get home." Grandma urged Ryan, and they couldn't wait to see Xiao Tuantuan.

Parents, mothers, and grandma came to Capital Star in a hurry just before Tuantuan was born. They wanted to watch the baby be born from the gestation cabin. This is a big day for the child and a big day for the two families. I prepared a kind of flower from E69, dried it and brought it. The child was born with a bubble bath to keep fit. That's how Ryan came, and so did Ryan's father. This is a family tradition.

Back home, Oston hadn't come back yet, Ryan took his family to see the child first, and when he was about to enter the baby room, the old grandmother yelled, "No!"

Ryan: "What's wrong?" Startled.

The old grandmother said: "We are full of dust and dirt, how can we go to see Tuantuan and take a bath first."

The father and mother agreed, and the mother said: "Maybe there are some germs that cannot be transmitted to the children."

Ryan: "... no." The incubator cabin has no interaction with the outside world. It is a small space for children to grow independently. Even if there is a zombie virus outbreak outside, it will not affect the normal growth of the child. He and Auston When I go out and come home, I always go to see the children directly.

The old grandmother insisted, "No, let's take a bath first."

Ryan couldn't hold back the old grandmother, so he took them to the room, washed away the dust, and took a hot bath to soothe the hard work of the journey. Dad actually wants to see his little grandson more. This is Ryan's first child, his first grandson, which is of great significance. He has already put his hand on the door just now, and he almost pushed the door open, okay Unfortunately, mothers and wives refuse to just watch their children like this.

The father and son stood by the window of the guest room, drinking coffee and looking at the narrow scenery inside the old Dalton house (compared with Planting Star, it is much smaller here), and the father said: "I know your mother and grandma. "

Ryan didn't understand. He had never understood women in his two lifetimes.

Dad said with rich experience: "I must feel that the long journey has made my image not good. I just saw that the child is not good-looking, so I need to take a bath, change clothes, and put on makeup."

"Uh..." Ryan said: "Tuantuan will open his eyes unconsciously now, but that's just a physiological behavior, he can't distinguish things from the outside world at all."

"It's not the same." Dad took a sip of coffee and repeated, "It's not the same. When you were in the gestation cabin, every time your mother and I visited you, your mother would change several times nervously and excitedly." This is a kind of caring attitude.”

Lane got it, it was the family's way of showing they cared. Afterwards, under repeated inquiries from his mother and grandma, he almost lost his patience. He really didn't know whether it was better to wear a long skirt with a lace jacket or a hollow knitted jacket. It was not easy for the two ladies to finalize the outfit, and the family seemed to be going to Attending a party generally walked into the baby room, where I saw the quietly operating gestation cabin and the cute balls in the gestation cabin. Nine months and ten days old Tuantuan is about to usher in his own birth. In the amniotic fluid of the artificial gestational sac, he is as pink and white as a strawberry Daifuku. He moves his hands and feet from time to time. The eyes of the energetic parents were red, and the mother's tears of joy were like falling pearls.

Newborns are always a joy.

Auston hurried home after finishing his business, reunited with his family, and had a reunion dinner in the evening. The family talked and laughed, and there was no sense of unfamiliarity after not seeing each other for a long time. Because of modern technology, they can see each other through video calls , shortening the distance brought about by time and space.

On the second day after the family members came, Bunier moved into the old house of the Dalton family. On the first day of his arrival, he inspected the gestation cabin and the children in the gestation cabin under the eyes of everyone, and stood up. At that time, he told everyone the result, "The child's development is very good, and the birth is just a few days away. I will stay by the side and pay attention to it all the time."

After hundreds of years of replacement, the artificial gestational sac has successfully simulated the operation of the human uterus. When a child is about to be born, it will automatically form a process of rejection, similar to uterine contractions. This process cannot be interfered with manually, because it is the birth of the child. Part of growing up is just going with the flow.

After hearing this, Ryan said, "Please, Oston and I will stay by the side."

Many parents of families who value their children will choose to do this, and Bunier will not dissuade him when he sees it a lot. This long waiting process is also a physical and mental test for parents, and it is a good stage of psychological growth. Bunier looked at Ryan, Oston, and the child with some envy. He really wanted to live such a happy life, but there was always a layer between him and Derrick. Didn't Derrick say it was bad? , but some things are missing, I hope time can get rid of these.

The waiting process was long, as if several months had passed, but looking at the time, only 36 hours had passed by the side of the gestation cabin. During this period, one of Ryan and Oston was always guarding the child. , their Tuantuan is a baby with a good personality. He didn't appear restless and active in the gestation cabin when he was about to be born. He waited slowly for the arrival of the critical moment, but this really tested the hearts of the two fathers. At ten o'clock in the evening on June 6th, Ryan, who was reading a book, scanned the gestation cabin unconsciously, and then his eyes froze. He found that Tuantuan became lively in it, and the color of the amniotic fluid changed... A series of changes told him that the child was going to be pregnant. was born. The body reacted faster than the brain, Ryan sat up suddenly, and shouted, "Burnier, the baby is about to be born!"

Bunier has been monitoring the changes in the gestation cabin, and said, "I was just going to call you."

Ryan stood up, rushed out the door before he could put on his slippers, and slapped open the doors of the old grandmothers and parents. Auston didn't need him to shout, because when he opened the door of the baby room, he had just finished taking a bath. , Oston, especially with moisture on his body, appeared at the door as if he had been sensed.

The whole family stared at the baby in the gestation cabin with breathless concentration, watched the amniotic fluid flow, and watched the child try to get out of the gestation cabin (this is the process of simulating birth), and then Oston, who was guarding the exit of the gestation cabin, felt On the first weight, Tuantuan fell into his hands, and he was in a daze and at a loss for a moment, and when Bunier was about to pick up the child and clean it up, he subconsciously didn't want to give it away.

"Oston." Ryan's gentle voice sounded in his ears, Oston let go of his hand, he leaned into Ryan's arms, his face pressed against Ryan's chest, and soon Ryan felt the moisture.