My Partner was Assigned to me by the Country

Chapter 77: Acting Chief Executive


Ryan is standing on the second floor of the hall with his arms around him. The corridor here is a square shape, and the middle part of the hall on the first floor is just empty in the center. The center of the hall was empty before, and the old house where the owner is not at home even has a decoration here None, it looks empty, dull and simple. Now, there is a square carpet in the center, and on the carpet are huge cascading flower arrangements, and there are complex and scattered flowers in white marble vases half a person's height. Ryan can recognize peonies, star flowers, milky way leaves, big-leaved lotus, etc. It is complicated and lively but not confusing. The diameter of the entire flower pot is 1.5 meters, and the base and flowers are 2.5 meters high, which is a test of the flower arranger. Skills, but flower arrangers are not masters. On the contrary, butler Bowers is still a novice in this field, but the flower arrangements he made can already be ranked as masters. It has to be said that talent is very important.

Last week, there was a water lily in the center of the hall, and last week it was a flower arrangement to set off the statue of Cupid... The flower arrangement completely released Bowers' elegant aesthetic nature, and there were no repeated flowers in the house.

"Baby, Dad will be home soon, let's go downstairs to pick up Dad." Ryan Ping hugged Tuan Tuan, half a month had passed since the full moon feast, and the 45-day-old Tuan Tuan grew more mellow, and he was very much like himself Nick maintained a highly consistent posture.

Tuantuan yawned, and his small mouth squirmed, as if he wanted to eat. Ryan decided to ignore it, because he had only fed once half an hour ago, and he couldn't just put the bottle into his mouth when he wanted to eat, which didn't meet the standards of scientific feeding. Sometimes holding the heavier and heavier balls, Ryan would have the illusion of finely feeding the piglets. Although he is only a little big, the little guy has a lot of strength. He grabbed his father's clothes and pulled them. Ryan could clearly feel the strength of the pull.

Ryan looked down at Tuantuan and said with a smile, "Baby, in the future, Dad will formulate a perfect exercise plan for you, so that your strength can be fully utilized."

His bright black eyes still couldn't see clearly. He blinked and looked up, as if he saw the smile on his father's face, and continued to yawn, but he just didn't sleep, as if he was waiting for his father to come home.

Alston, who was on vacation, couldn't leave his work behind, but he was a little more relaxed than when he was officially working.

After the establishment of the provisional government, the garrison of the capital star was rectified, and a big problem was discovered: more children of the rich and powerful entered through nepotism than ordinary soldiers; Lack of training, too many airs; lack of air pay, unclear finances, and unclear whereabouts of funds; unequal salary distribution, too many redundant personnel, and overstaffing... The results of a thorough investigation are even more serious than imagined.

This is the capital city, the political, cultural and economic center of the entire empire, densely populated, and with such a big loophole in security, it is simply a slap in the face of the government! No wonder Ryan was attacked last time, chasing each other in the sky, explosions and flames soaring into the sky, and the fighting route was as long as 50 kilometers, the garrison and the police only acted when the attack was about to end.

This is just a violent attack against an individual, what if it is aimed at the entire capital planet, the entire capital city

Plant a bomb in front of the central government building and "boom" when the flow of people is the densest... It's chilling.

There are not many people who know that the capital star's defense capabilities are empty. Once the information spreads, it will definitely cause panic among the people, and the image of the government will plummet in the hearts of the people. The people are fundamental. A government that has lost the confidence of the people cannot save its image no matter how many prime ministers it replaces. People will not accuse the government of a certain organization of failing, but will only point the symptoms at the whole.

Why did Gustav do this during his reign? Combined with what Connor said about restoring the monarchy, Ryan can think a lot at once. Perhaps, what they want is to break through and then stand up. If it wasn't for the attack, which exposed the incompetence of the capital's garrison in advance, Ryan thought, they would reveal their shortcomings at a certain time, and then it would be a big change from top to bottom. "The embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed by an ant's nest", "the hurricane starts at the end of Qingping", a major national turmoil often occurs in the subtleties.

"Hmph~" Tuantuan gripped his father's skirt tightly, his fleshy fists were very powerful, which woke his father from his thoughts.

Ryan coaxed, "What do you want to do, little ancestor?"

Tuantuan couldn't speak, so he just hummed twice to attract attention.

It is normal to be woken up in the middle of the night when the child is born, breastfeeding, changing diapers, cuddling... Ryan even developed the habit of getting up twice at night to check the situation of the group. Raising a child is really hard.

"Dad will be home soon, let's go down."

"Hmph." Tuantuan hummed twice as if in response.

Because of the poor situation of the capital star garrison, the provisional government entrusted Oston on vacation to rectify it, so Oston was a bit busy during this time, going out at eight o'clock every day, and returning home at five o'clock in the afternoon, Tuantuan became The little "left-behind children" cry every day because they miss their father. The old grandmother often said jokingly: such an older child, he knows it. Because of his own experience, Ryan sometimes looks at his son suspiciously, wondering if this is a little guy who has been reborn with memories. After testing it a few times, he can be sure that he is thinking too much. Tuan Tuan drank Meng Po soup What was reincarnated was a real baby.

Standing at the door with Tuan Tuan in his arms, the little guy stopped moaning and chirping, squinting his eyes for a little rest, waiting for his father to come home. Ryan glanced at the time, it was only twenty minutes past four, and it would be a while before Alston went home. Seeing that Tuantuan seemed to be asleep, Ryan moved cautiously, and was about to send him upstairs to sleep. The little guy quit after taking two or three steps, and immediately woke up, holding his mouth to cry, "Woooooooo …”

Ryan: "... I really convinced you, did you install the antenna?!"

Tuantuan's eyes were full of tears, and he stopped crying if his father didn't move.

Daifuku, nestled at Ryan's feet, yawned. Because of the presence of Tuantuan, it fell out of favor a little, and it was also actively "self-help", always gaining Auston's attention.

Ryan heard the sound keenly, looked up to the sky, and saw that the transparent film above the old house opened, revealing a small starship with a black background and a Golden Crusade badge on the door. Because of the lessons learned from the attack, The small starship that Auston is currently using is a special custom-made model. After picking up the car and returning home, Ryan also carried out a second transformation on it, adding some force devices. In the event of an attack, it can also guarantee that it can be carried to the arrival of rescue. . Every day, the original and the code-named zero accompany Alston to and from get off work, acting as the most intimate and all-round bodyguards. For this reason, Ryan is designing a new small mecha, and the basement under the old house has been reopened, adding a lot of equipment. As long as the materials allow and time is enough, he can even build a large mecha at home.

In the distance, the small starship gradually descended. Ryan took the cloak from the calling housekeeping robot and wrapped it around the ball. After wrapping it tightly, he carried him forward, walked out of the vestibule, out of the grove, and walked about ten meters It's a temporary stop. With a slight buzzing sound, the small starship landed steadily under the operation code-named zero, the hatch opened, and Auston, who had been busy for a day, went home early, holding a bunch of blue wrapping paper and yellow ribbons in one hand. Wrapped roses, holding a gift box in the other hand, saw Ryan, Qingjun put a smile on his face, walked a few steps to Ryan, and said with a smile: "Happy birthday."

Ryan was a little dazed.

"Today is August 11th, your birthday."

Ryan suddenly said, "Yes, today is my birthday, no wonder my parents won't let me into the kitchen, no wonder my grandma threw the balls at me, just let me hold them, and I can't do anything else." Because today is his birthday.

"Happy birthday." Alston repeated softly, and kissed Ryan's lips proactively, a soft kiss.

Ryan's eyes were full of soft emotions, "Thank you."

"We haven't had a birthday together in the past two years." Alston said with some regret.


Austin: "Huh?"

"I cooked noodles, anyway, it's not my birthday, I don't care." Ryan winked and said slyly: "I also cooked noodles on your birthday."

Alston was taken aback, "I, I didn't even notice."

"Have you forgotten, the longevity noodles I made on my birthday, there is only one noodle in the bowl."

"I thought it was a unique kind of pasta, but I haven't eaten it, and I didn't even ask."

"Haha, now I know. Those are longevity noodles. I'll make them on your birthday." Auston's birthday is in December, so it's not very far away from now.

Auston nodded, "Yeah."

He handed the rose to Ryan, squatted down and scratched Dafu's chin, patted Dafu's head, and finally hugged him to measure the weight, "It's heavy, it's grown up, Dafu is a big boy."

Dafu proudly raised his chest and raised his head, "Wow!" It has also learned how to catch static prey on the ground, and will soon learn how to catch dynamic prey. As for how he learned it, Dafu refused to think about it, because Ryan, who was at home on vacation, was really a terrible teacher.

Holding Ryan's arm, holding a gift in his hand, and walking home with Dafu's Oston and Ryan at his feet, the two fathers seem to have forgotten something, what? With the cloak covering his head and face, the world turned into a pale gray ball. With his immature little hands, he lifted the thing that covered him. With his current strength, he couldn't shake the power of the cloak. He was so anxious that he burst into tears , tears dripping down his little face.

Hearing the crying, the two fathers looked at each other, forgetting about their son. Poor little Tuantuan didn't give it as a gift when he bought the incubating cabin...

Ryan took the gift and gave the child to Oston, Oston took the son skillfully, opened the cloak and saw a crying little face, and kissed Tuantuan's full forehead in distress, " I'm sorry, Xiao Tuantuan, dad actually forgot about you."

Tuantuan felt his father's familiar breath, and gradually stopped crying, but tears were still on his face, and he leaned against his father's chest aggrievedly, as if he was looking for comfort, or accusing his father of not giving him food at home Same.

"Little naughty!" Ryan laughed angrily, as if he had treated him badly, "What a greedy cat, I just ate it before and drank a whole bottle of milk."

"Being able to eat and sleep, our Tuantuan wants to grow up."

They walked into the main house side by side, and the main hall was changed. The hall, which can accommodate more than 300 people at a time, was newly decorated. Happy birthday balloons were pasted on the wall, some decorations were piled up, and colorful stripes were hung , beaming. There is also melodious music coming. Sitting in front of the piano is the old grandmother. With her silver hair, she tapped the keys one after another with her old fingers. Amid the sound of music, mom and dad pushed the carefully prepared cakes away. When it came out, it was a ten-inch round cake, dotted with beautiful decorations and scattered with bright fruits. It was carefully made by my mother in a day.

"Happy birthday." Everyone sent blessings in unison, mixed with small humming sounds, as if in response, saying blessings like everyone else. Ryan has celebrated birthdays many times, but it is an impressive birthday Not many, this birthday will definitely leave a strong mark in memory, not because of the scale, not because of the environment, but because of the people who participated. The most important people in his life are basically here, including grandma , Mom and Dad, Oston, Tuantuan... What a happy and satisfying birthday.

In the evening, Auston handed Tuantuan to his parents, and Tuantuan left the warm and comfortable embrace, with a flat mouth that wanted to cry, but because he was a little sleepy, he yawned and used his "little tentacles" to find his father.

Auston, "Trouble Mom and Dad."

Mother hugged Tuantuan and said with a smile: "Where is the trouble? We are happy to take care of Tuantuan. I will go back to E69 soon. I really don't want to." I want to grow up, but there are a lot of things at home, what should be planted where, what planting area should be increased in response to market demand, what needs to be harvested and picked needs to be negotiated for a good price, what crops need to be improved and cultivated, etc. For the farmer couple, their farming life is not easy, just watch the sunrise and sunset.

Auston apologized, "When Tuantuan grows up, I'll send him to plant a star." The thought of being separated from his child for a long time made his heart tremble.

"Send it when you are really too busy. We will bring it. The child still has to stay with his parents."

Alston nodded, and glanced at Tuantuan who couldn't resist the drowsiness and fell asleep, and his little hand was stretched out as if to grab Dad. Oston grabbed his little hand and gently brought it to his lips for a kiss, then put his little arms away, said good night to his parents, turned around and left, and went back to the room. Tuantuan is a little angel when she falls asleep, and turns into a little devil when she wakes up in the middle of the night, whimpering and whimpering to drink milk or pee and wear uncomfortable diapers and need to change, then she is a troublesome little devil!

After sending Tuantuan to his parents, Oston returned to the room, and when he opened the door, he saw that the light in the spacious bedroom was turned off, and it was dark inside. He subconsciously wanted to turn on the light, and when he heard Ryan's voice, "Don't open."

Ryan was in the corner of the bedroom. He turned on his personal terminal, and a tiny light guided Auston to the past. Alston smiled, gave up the idea of turning on the light, walked to Ryan's side, and sat down there. There was a snack box on the small sofa, and Ryan quickly took it away, otherwise Orston would sit down. Inside the snack box are popcorn, milk tea, and melon seeds that are necessary for watching movies... Ryan arranged a movie in such a tacky way, watching a love movie with a classic theme, and it was a remake of an old movie from the ancient earth period.

"Do you still remember that I arranged a movie when I went to Red Star?"

"Remember." Alston also thought that Ryan had made a series of dating plans, but in the end the plans did not go ahead for various reasons.

Ryan was worried about the failure to implement the successful plan, but it was difficult to continue planning because of work and life. Now he finally found a perfect opportunity to watch a movie. What happened is the same. In the movie, the hero and heroine separate and reunite for various reasons. Finally, on the steel bridge at midnight, the heroine looks at the back of the hero who is gradually shrinking. Her feelings drive her not to hesitate, not to give up this Duan Ai, decisively lifted the hem of the skirt and rushed into the night. In the end, the shot was left to the empty long bridge, and the curtain slowly ended amidst the sound of leisurely music. The movie has an open ending, maybe the hero and heroine met and kissed in the night, maybe the heroine woke up too late, and the hero had already left when she chased her out, maybe...

There are too many possibilities in life, the choices you make are different, and the ending will be different.

In the dark, Ryan and Auston embraced each other and kissed each other. This night is still very long...


Auston is busy with the capital star garrison, and Ryan is not free around the clock, leaving his parents to live in the capital star for another half a month, and returning home when Tuantuan is two months old. During this period, Ryan arranged several play activities for his family. He had already visited Eve City with his parents and grandma before, but the fun place in Capital Star was not only Eve. Ryan took his family out before, and he had no free time. So I called my cousin Connor to accompany me. How could Capital Star miss the classic attractions here for a rare visit.

With the help of Master Macia, Ryan, who is not free every day, has already possessed the official establishment of the Imperial Research Institute, because he already has the third-level qualification certificate of the Mecha Restorer. One year, Ryan, who has a lot of knowledge in his mind and can easily pass the qualification certificate exam by reading the information books, no longer needs to spend more time during the exam. The third level of mecha restorer is definitely an important node, and it has already surpassed countless peers. At Ryan's age, he is the first person in history to obtain this qualification certificate. What's even more exciting is that he was elected by Master Macia as the interim CEO of the Imperial Research Institute, that is, the acting CEO. He was in charge of some affairs of the Institute (except for all affairs except administration) during the period before Master Macia retired. .

Ryan is very capable and talented, and he has been the leader of many people in the Institute before, but being invisible does not mean a formal appointment. When he was officially appointed, many people expressed dissatisfaction. Ryan was too young, talented but had too few achievements, capable but not many titles...

Today, Master Macia notified all departments to hold a meeting, which was held in the conference room where the new mech launch conference was held that day. At 9 o'clock in the morning, all the staff arrived. Mai Ya, who was sitting on the rostrum, smiled and watched the people below. Level things, looking forward to getting higher honors... Many people gave up the opportunity to work in the local mecha research institute for this reason. He knew that there was a saying circulating in the Imperial Mecha Research Institute: To be transferred to a local area means to be far away from the core organization, and a high position means a sudden rise and a dark fall.

He has been in the Mech Research Institute for more than a hundred years, and he has seen too many things and people with cold eyes. It is time for a change. Maybe Ryan is the key to stirring up a pool of stagnant water. A lot of people can't see it. Master Maiya only transfers the talents he likes to the place for training. This is the case for several of his disciples, but the people he selected either rejected them, or they had complaints after agreeing. It was only after local training that I discovered the master's intentions.

The resources and scientific research environment of the Imperial Mecha Research Institute are good, but there are so many talents here that it is too difficult to get ahead. Except for some top scientific researchers who have access to problems beyond their own field, many people have been repeating the same thing for more than ten years.

After a simple opening remark, Master Macia directly cut to the topic. Although he still had a smile on his mouth, his aura of being in a high position for many years made him look dignified, "I appointed Ryan as the acting CEO, and the appointment letter has been issued. He will be in charge of all scientific research affairs before I retire, and after I officially retire, I will look at your performance and formally appoint a candidate for the CEO."

The crowd buzzed and chattered.

Master Macia knocked on the table and signaled everyone to silence, "Lian is just an agent. I don't know if he can become an official. It is also possible for a capable person among you to become a leader. In three months, I will give The three months for everyone is the time for you to inspect Ryan and also to inspect yourself." During this time, if Ryan can't convince the public, he will never be able to become official. There is only one opportunity, and he needs to grasp it well. "I sat in my current position when the previous CEO resisted all opinions. My achievements, merits, etc. are the same as Ryan now, and I am far from convincing the public. Ryan reminds me of myself, and I am willing to Give him this opportunity to prove himself, how about you? Are you willing to use this opportunity to prove yourself?"

The official letter of appointment has been issued. The matter of Master Macia asking Ryan to act as CEO is to inform everyone instead of seeking everyone's opinions. It is a done deal. If you want to oppose it, unless you can persuade the government agencies, it will be nothing more than nothing. The next opportunity was lost in vain. Some people sitting here exchanged glances, and Ryan wanted to remove the word "agent", depending on whether they were willing or not. Gradually, some people's eyes focused on Serra Bromfield. Although the Bromfield family fell into decline, "a skinny camel is bigger than a horse", and there are still many Qin Feng in their hands. The manuscript of Emperor Anderson may be able to turn around in the future. It is said that Sera, who has an old grudge with Ryan, can silently watch Ryan take the position of CEO

Sera looked at Ryan next to Master Maia with dim eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.