My Partner was Assigned to me by the Country

Chapter 85: Tuantuan birthday


The one-year-old banquet was held during the daytime, and some guests were invited to celebrate together. There was a lot of joy and excitement. Tuantuan was dressed in red clothes, wrapped like ingots, puffed up her cheeks, and blew the candles while surrounded by many adults. Tuantuan was stunned, this is different from what Dad demonstrated.

Twirling to see Dad, Tuantuan pointed to the candle and called twice, and called Dad once.

Oston hugged Tuan Tuan and said softly, "Blow it again." Fearing that the child would not be able to understand, Oston made a candle blowing action and demonstrated it to Tuan Tuan again. Little Tuantuan frowned, staring at his father's movements as if thinking for a while, then turned and stared at the candles on the cake.

The double-layered big cake was not made by Ryan, what he did was to order the cake and the shape of the cake. The cake is decorated with many popular cartoon characters. The characters are many but not chaotic, the colors are mixed but not annoying, professional cakes The cakes made by the workshop are different. Of course, the price of the specially customized cakes is as beautiful as the decoration.

Tuantuan likes it very much, that's all.

There was a candle stuck on the cake, the candle was lit, and a flame was jumping. The breath that I blew vigorously just now did not cause any substantial damage to the flame, and after shaking it twice, it burned happily again. The ball on Dad's arm stretched forward, and if Alston hadn't held him tightly, the little guy would have almost plunged into the cake. Auston put his arms around the child's waist, took a step closer to the table, and said in his mouth, "Tuantuan is already the closest."

"Oh." This was Tuantuan's response, and I don't know if he understood what Dad meant. After Tuantuan entered the stage of learning to speak, he became a chatterbox. He liked to say a few words when he had something to do, and he could babble for a long time with the bunny doll he often hugged, without knowing what he said. "Earth-shattering" little secret.

Under the gaze of everyone, Tuantuan aimed at the target and puffed up his face again, "Huhu—" He took a long breath, blowing until he was almost exhausted, Tuantuan then stopped with a "haha", He lowered his head and panted for a while, then looked up at the candles, "!!!"

Tuantuan was shocked, the candle flame was still there!

Tuantuan looked at his father begging for help, then shook his head suddenly to look at his father, what to do, he was so anxious, he and the candle were about to be carried!

"Huhu!" Tuantuan blew another breath in a hurry. The small candle flame flickered, as if a small babbling sound reached Tuan Tuan's ears, and under the gaze of Tuan Tuan's black eyes, it went out!

Tuantuan smiled, raised his fleshy little hands and began to applaud, the fleshy "papa" sounds so special in the applause of adults.

Ryan and Oston looked at each other and smiled. Time flies so fast. When he first came out of the incubating cabin, Tuantuan was only a little big, and his small body could be covered with a single slap, as if it took the blink of an eye. Yes, he is studying hard, learning to speak, learning to walk, learning how to grow up healthily...

Unlike dad and dad, Tuantuan didn't think too much, and while the two adults were not paying attention, they ate a head, a face, and a whole body of cream, and those elaborate cartoon biscuits were directly "decapitated" by Tuantuan. That's a joy. After eating the cherry filling inside the cake, Tuantuan was astonished, maintaining a small expression (⊙o⊙) ready to turn around, holding the cake with one hand and delivering it to Dad, "Ah~Dad`" rubbing against Oston Buttercream all over the chest.

Alston looked down at the little hand that brought the cake to his mouth, covered with butter and jam, and looked at Tuan Tuan, who had already turned into a cat with a painted face. If he hadn't been hugging it all the time, he would have thought that Tuantuan had been swapped.

"Ah~" Tuantuan made the usual sound of an adult coaxing him to eat.

Alston stared at the cake that was scratched by the child for a while (the little guy couldn't control the strength in his hand well), then he lowered his head and took a bite of the cake that was still intact in the afternoon, "That's great Eat, thank you Tuantuan."

Being praised, Tuantuan smiled shyly. A big face appeared beside him, and Tuantuan leaned back, and the sudden appearance scared the baby to death.

Ryan: "..." Is there anyone who dislikes him so much

Unreconciled, Ryan stretched out his finger and pointed to his mouth, "Come here, let Daddy have a taste too."

Tuantuan blinked, as if thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

Ryan continued: "Just one bite, come on, Daddy is waiting." Caught off guard, a small hand suddenly appeared, Ryan didn't know where the little hand was hidden just now, and when he found it, he had already covered half of his face with the cake

Tuantuan was taken aback for a moment, and then found that his father looked very funny, so he laughed, "Hehehe."

Ryan shaved the cream on his face and spread it on Tuantuan's face. Tuantuan was still happy and licked it with his tongue. He didn't think there was anything wrong with being covered in cream. Maybe Tuantuan still felt that it was in the cream Rolling will be very happy, after all, it is delicious.

After the banquet during the day, there was a real family event at night. The holographic communication device was prepared, and the signal was connected after turning it on. The family members of Planting Star far away in E69 appeared, sitting on the blanket and looking at the sudden appearance. , and then he found familiar faces in the crowd, they were grandparents and grandma who often made video calls. He stretched out his little hand, and the kind grandma walked up to him, "Hello Tuan Tuan, remember grandma ?"

Tuantuan shouted in a milky voice, "Grandma~" Tuantuan, who has a good grasp of language, is still a child who has just turned one year old, and he is not very accurate when shouting, but he remembers the person, not because there has been no video for a while I forgot the looks of my grandma and grandpa and grandma, and smiled.

After being upgraded to be a grandma, Grandma Ryan became more loving, looking at her great-grandchildren with tenderness in their eyes, "It's so good, Tuantuan is one year old, grandma gives red envelopes."

Technology has shortened the distance between people, thousands of miles have shrunk to a square inch, but people can see it, but the feeling of touch cannot be conveyed. It is a pity and a pity, but it will not feel sad, and it will be possible soon. met.

Tuantuan didn't know what a red envelope was. He liked to be lively, and he was very excited when he saw a crowd. Holding his father's leg, he stood up unsteadily, and had the idea of wandering around the crowd twice. One excitedly didn't stand still, Tuantuan fell down on his buttocks and squatted, shaking his head, Tuantuan felt nothing but a little pain, continued to grunt and try to stand up, and then fell again.

"Lane!" Mom Paley's disapproving voice.

Ryan apologized, rubbed his nose, and took back his feet beside Tuantuan. Seeing that Tuantuan wrestling was fun, he stumbled a little, turned his head and said to Auston, "Oh, children are just born to play. Don't be so serious, right?"

What can Auston say? After all, sometimes it is fun to watch Tuantuan's movements, and he will deliberately tease them.

The whole family gathers together to hold a traditional Chinese event—Zhou Zhou, just like blowing out candles. Ryan and Auston have practiced with Tuantuan before. There are all kinds of things around the house, coins, books, pencils and spatulas... It's just a moral, grab something to please yourself. In the previous rehearsal, these were the same ones around me. Tuantuan grabbed different ones every time. He grabbed apples and oranges, pencils and books, Dafu who was lying on the side playing, and Yuanchu and Codename who were standing on the side. Zero, there is no single-minded goal, it all depends on your own mind.

Auston: "Tuantuan catch one, and we'll go to bed after we catch it, okay?"

Tuan Tuan, who was still full of energy just now, yawned, rubbed his eyes and looked listlessly at the things on the edge of the blanket, "No." He said something in a low voice, but the adults stood a little far away and couldn't hear clearly.

After a minute or two, Tuantuan suddenly lay down on his stomach, so lazy that he didn't even want to walk anymore. He aimed at the target and crawled to Auston's feet under the surprised eyes of everyone, and sat down on his father's feet , That's it, he doesn't want to move anymore.

After a short silence, Ryan said jealously, "Why didn't Tuantuan come and catch me?"

Hearing his father's voice calling him, Tuantuan raised his head in response, and continued to rub his eyes with his little hands, he was really sleepy. Oston told everyone to go to bed with the baby in his arms, and Ryan talked to many relatives and friends in the small living room. During the daytime of E69 at night in Eve City, relatives and friends gathered together and opened a small Celebrate ladder climbing for a lovely new addition to the family.

Uncle Potter Tyrion looked at Ryan and wanted to say a thousand words, but when he came to his mouth, he found that those words were meaningless. Only a thank you could express his true feelings.

For more than seven hundred years, those with the surname Tyrion have changed their surnames one after another, not wanting to have the slightest connection with the traitor, but their family still uses this surname tenaciously because they know that their ancestors are innocent and look forward to revealing the truth one day. Little Potter's grandfather didn't see it, and neither did his father. Little Potter thought that he would spend his whole life expecting a result that would never exist, just like his grandparents and fathers.

Unexpectedly, an uproar appeared from Eve City, the center of the empire, like a stone falling into a calm water, a stone falling into a deep lake, but the impact it brought did not disappear completely, and the ripples it brought out appeared round after round , Affected the entire Great Lake to make waves. There is a star network, where information spreads very fast, and it is almost updated synchronously with the news on the star network. A group of people on the small planet E69 in the Storm Star Field, a remote star field far away from the political and cultural center, are always paying attention to the development of the situation.

Who would have thought that there would be two families involved in the remote planting star—the descendants of the Qin family and Tyrion.

During the development of the situation, Dad once asked Ryan, should they appear as descendants of the Qin family? Ryan said no. There is no need to break the peace of the existing life because of the past. Dad and Uncle Potter followed Ryan's advice, but they flew to Eve City while planting Star Heart in E69, and followed the development of the situation.

When the dust settles, the result is clear, and all the history books have to be rewritten. The people who learned of this result did not scream with joy like those onlookers. On the contrary, Dad and Uncle Potter looked at each other calmly and smiled.

"The country will pay compensation to the three families," Ryan said.

Little Uncle Potter was startled, he didn't expect that there would be a follow-up, he looked at his wife and smiled lightly, "I won't go to collect it, donate it to the Hope Reading Project, so that children on remote planets can have more books to read. "

Dad doesn't want this money either. The family is rich enough. Although it's not as rich as a rich man, it's enough to live on. There is no need for this compensation to add to the cake. "Donate it, I remember you mentioned that when you were at home... Forget it, it seems to be about the military, it will definitely have an impact, let’s buy books for the children, there are so many children on remote planets who don’t have books to read, last time I saw the news, it was quite miserable.”

"That's a lot of money," Lane said.

Mom agreed with Dad's choice, and asked casually, "How much?"

"Add up to one billion."

Everyone: "..."

I'm short of breath. Well, this is a very large sum of money, one billion. Only a handful of people in the entire empire with tens of billions of people have seen it.

"Let's discuss it." Dad expressed his heart on behalf of everyone, not to mention a billion, as long as there is 100 million, he can update the equipment for Planting Star, buy a bigger pavement on Newnes Planet, and increase advertising investment to open up more sales channels.

Ryan smiled. He felt that this was the most real reaction of a person. If he was not tempted by money at all, he would wonder if his family members were spiritually stimulated.

After more than ten minutes of family meetings, Dad still said on behalf of everyone: "Donate half and get back half, is that okay?"

"Of course!" Ryan approved the plan, and he had drafted a donation plan before he said it.

Dad let out a long breath, afraid that the children would think that their elders smelled like money, "Is there any procedure for receiving compensation?"

"Verify your identity, don't worry about this, I will take care of it." The three families received a total of 1.5 billion star coins in compensation, which is not worth mentioning compared with generations of hiding and working hard, but the government can once It is already a relatively generous performance to spend 1.5 billion yuan, otherwise the government can turn a blind eye and close one eye without paying a penny.

Dad smiled and said, "Once you get the money, you can spend whatever belongs to the Qin family, and just give us the rest."

Ryan was not polite to his father, "Then I'll use it casually." After getting the money, he used the 1,000 star coins in it to buy a set of small train toys for Tuantuan. Transferred to Dad's account, he asked Yuan Yuan to erase the final trace of the transfer, not wanting the outside world to disturb the family's peaceful life. Of course, this is a later period. Today, everyone is still discussing how to give E69 the money. The security system is updated and updated, and the defense capabilities are improved, so that everyone can live more safely.

The ravages of pirates many years ago are still in sight. At that time, the planet Newnes was not the first star in the Storm Star Field. At that time, the arrogance of Starscream was stronger than now. The rampant pirates bloodbathed many small planets around Newnes, E69 In it, Lane's grandpa died during that pirate madness.

Because of the painful experience, everyone attaches great importance to improving the security of the planet. Although there are Ryan's deployment and adjustments, the weapons used are not strong enough due to limited funds. After the funds are available, the equipment and ammunition power will be updated. It is definitely not a problem to upgrade a few levels on the existing security basis.

After Auston calmed Tuantuan to sleep and went downstairs, the family talked for a while, and they didn't leave until ten o'clock in the evening in Eve City.


After Tuantuan's first birthday, one day later is the assembly date stipulated by Ryan. It is a big event for the entire Imperial Mecha Research Center to assemble all the parts of the beast-shaped mecha on this day.

On this day, all the members of the animal-shaped mech project team came to the research institute early, and only more than a hundred of them were able to enter the laboratory C001, but everyone was in the same mood of nervousness and anticipation. It wasn't that other people in the project silently looked at them in high spirits, as if under the CEO's training/teaching, their mental outlook was completely different.


Leonard, who was walking and talking with his team members with his hands in his pockets, heard a voice calling him. He turned his head and saw a friend smiling cautiously. There was an obvious gap in his exposed front teeth, which was said to be It came out of melon seeds, but this friend insisted that it was wrestled and fell out. Only God knows how the hole in the tooth came out.

"Hello." Leonard's attitude has not changed much, he has always been so dull and aloof and indifferent.

Brother Guazi took a few steps forward, walked side by side with Leonard, and talked a lot, only to get Leonard's "um, ah, yes, ok" response, he was a little embarrassed,

He simply saved his face and got to the point, "Leonard, after the beast mecha project is over, are you returning to your original position?"

"Well, I will go back."

"No change?"


Brother Guazi waited for a long time, but he didn't get any response, so he almost slapped his forehead. Why did he forget that Leonard is the kind of person who "can't beat a boring fart with a stick", "What change?"

"I submitted an application to become a personal team to conduct synthetic research on a batch of new materials, and the CEO agreed." Speaking of this, stars appeared in the eyes of the man with a dull expression. If it wasn't for the CEO, he would only He will be an ordinary scientific researcher with no achievements, who has done one or two things in his life. The appearance of the chief executive changed his destiny, and he was able to advance to a higher level in his career. The most important thing is that his mood is different, and his life is more motivated. There are not a few people who have the same idea as him. Everyone in the project team is grateful to the CEO for his kindness.

After hearing this, Brother Guazi became short of breath due to nervousness. He rubbed his hands to cheer himself up, "I, can I be transferred to your side?"

"Aren't you working on the project of five hundred mechanical mechs?"

Brother Guazi smiled wryly, "It's not my turn to intervene." Not every leader is like the CEO who "knows heroes with eyesight".

Leonard has experienced this feeling, and it has been a long time, knowing that his friends have real materials, he said: "When my group is established, you come and join us." He wants to be a person like the CEO, If people are given opportunities, whether they can succeed or not depends on the fate of the individual.

Brother Guazi was overjoyed and thanked again and again, "Thank you, thank you."

In another corner of the research institute, in the lounge of the material distribution warehouse, Jasmine, who likes brightly colored dresses to make her figure more exquisite and beautiful, took out her uniform from the cabinet and put it on. But Jasmine prefers to wear a uniform, which can remind her all the time that she is a member of the animal project team, as if she has the encouraging voice of the CEO in her ears, and she will be more confident.

"Molly, are you going to the laboratory?"

The colleagues who used to mock her had become flattering and kind in front of Jasmine, as if it was Jasmine's illusion before.

Mo Lier nodded with a smile, "Yes." She is not a tolerant person who puts aside past grievances, but the CEO said, "Leave a line in life, so we can meet each other in the future", maybe it will be useful in the future.

"Go early and come back early, don't forget that we have dinner at noon."

Molly closed the cabinet door and said, "Sorry, I can't attend lunch this time. My boyfriend and I have made an appointment to have dinner and watch a movie."

"Oh, that's it, let's make an appointment later."

"Okay." Jasmine walked out confidently with her head held high, just like what the CEO said, a confident life will be perfect.

At 8:10 in the morning in Adam City, those who could not enter the laboratory were quietly guarding the door outside, and the laboratory a few doors away was another scene. It is somewhat one-sided to describe it as busy, and the atmosphere Nervous and orderly, everything was going on step by step. Standing on the console, Ryan's calm and calm mood could infect everyone. With his order, the first mecha had begun to take shape.

"Install the head."

"Line connection."

"Diode installation."

"There is a problem with the connection of the right hand part, check it."

"Never mind the finish, it won't scratch, install it boldly, don't be careful."


Ryan controlled the audience, calmly, and directed the crowd to move forward in an orderly and steady manner amidst the chaos. When it was twelve o'clock, he asked everyone to rest where they were, "There is no way to let everyone go to the cafeteria to enjoy a big meal today. I heard from the kitchen that there are big lobsters today."

Everyone knew that this was the CEO trying to relieve everyone's tense nerves. They all laughed and booed and said that the CEO should compensate everyone for the big lobster. If there is no big lobster, they will be depressed.

Ryan said: "After the mech is assembled successfully, I will invite everyone to have a big meal. There are enough big lobsters, and crayfish of various flavors will make everyone full." "Okay!" I don't know who started it, everyone followed agreed.

Ryan pretended to sigh helplessly, "It seems that my wallet is about to bleed, but I am happy to treat everyone to dinner, because we have made history!"

The applause rang out, they are all creators of history and will be recorded in the annals of history forever.

Until the assembly is successful, the laboratory will continue to operate, because once it starts, there is no way to stop it. Stopping during the assembly process will lead to unexpected results, and the prerequisite work will be destroyed. For the long-term continuation of the project, everyone's food is a nutrient. Ryan's timing was just right. When he directed everyone to get up and work, it happened to be the end of the robotic arm hoisting the half-assembled mecha, and the remaining half of the project could start, and this half was to install the nerve center.