My Partner was Assigned to me by the Country

Chapter 87: A group of hearts


The docking of the "nerve center" of the mecha requires a lot of energy and physical strength, especially the consumption of mental power, not to mention that Ryan docked two brand new animal mechas in just two days. There are more than 20,000 firing pins, each of which is five centimeters thick and as thin as ten strands of hair twisted together. Although there are alignment aids, they cannot be completely relied on. They must have 30 years of experience and specialization. Only masters with more than ten years of experience can use their experience to work on the console.

Whether it was in the past or now, Ryan has never been a character eager for quick success, and he has cultivated his spirit for hundreds of years, and he will not do impulsive things and hurt himself. The reason why he performed so prominently this time is entirely because he wants to establish a myth in the Imperial Mecha Research Institute!

Yes, it is a myth.

The kind that has never been seen before or will never come again, makes others respect him when he is mentioned. This is not the honor of Qin Feng Anderson, but belongs to him, Ryan Smith.

Ryan was too tired to go home and fell asleep, but in other places, many people were too tired to rest, looking at various data with red eyes, and almost every item broke the record. Such an achievement is really terrifying. Since the establishment of the Mecha Research Institute... no, since the birth of this discipline, no one has achieved it. The founder of "crossing the river by feeling the stones" is not counted, he is The trailblazer at the other end of history, and now Ryan has created a new miracle.

Back to the research institute with a sick body, Sierra, who sat in the laboratory for more than ten hours, paranoidly used her behavior to reflect the fact that she was still a genius. But he looked at all the process data of the beast-shaped mecha from the start of the project to its completion, and was so horrified that no one dared to ridicule or despise him. He slumped on the chair, staring at a certain point in the void with empty eyes, thinking for a long time say.

Ryan made him realize that he wasn't perfect and completely crushed him in terms of his mechs, which he was best at. Admitting this took Serra a lot of strength, and the soul was hollowed out after admitting it.

"Hehe." In the busy laboratory, Sierra whispered twice, and the smile was a little indescribably nervous.

Anthony, the deputy of the construction project of 500 mechs, shook his head. Although he was Sierra's teacher, he had never received the respect a teacher deserved. Standing aside with his arms folded, he saw Sera's nervous smile, looked away indifferently, raised his legs and walked to another place, instructing others how to make the "nerve center". The people under his guidance were flattered and nodded repeatedly, from which Anthony felt great satisfaction.

Diagnosed by a doctor as being incapable of emotional agitation, Sela, who would be injected with a sedative as soon as he appeared, was already dazed and unable to move his eyes. He firmly believed that his perfect world had collapsed, and his consciousness was drifting away in the fragmented world. The doctor said that his mental world is unstable, and if there is any abnormality, there is no possibility of cure at all, so he can't be stimulated. If there is a slight symptom, he should seek medical treatment in time, and let the people around him pay more attention.

There are many projects in the Imperial Mecha Research Institute, and not everyone has the opportunity to be selected by Ryan to join the beast-shaped mecha construction team. Of course, many people chose to refuse after receiving the transfer order. Looking back now, I really have mixed feelings, and the heart-scratching regret erodes my heart. Missing this time is simply missing history! ! !

"Why did I choose to refuse so badly at the beginning? It must have been because I didn't sleep well the day before that affected my judgment."

"This will be the biggest regret in my life. I hope that the CEO will start the project and be selected."

"Next time... the project in my hand is coming to an end, and I will definitely sign up for the next project initiated by the CEO."

I don’t know how many people have said similar words above. Whether they were not selected at the beginning, or they were selected but rejected, everyone is looking forward to the next time with high fighting spirit.

As for those who questioned Ryan's ability, they disappeared as long as one item of data was broken. After Ryan installed a "nerve center" in the beast-shaped mech, his affirmation and admiration for him reached its peak.

Many, many people in the research institute don't care about their tired bodies. They study the materials that Ryan made publicly available in the production of beast-shaped mechs with red eyes. "Skill" for decades...

As for Ryan, who is missed by many people, after he came home last night, he hugged Oston and then went upstairs in a faltering way and lay down on the bed. He fell asleep before taking off his clothes. will wake up.

When he woke up, the curtains in the bedroom were drawn tightly, and there was no light leaking in from the outside, which made Ryan, who was still a little dazed after waking up, couldn't tell whether it was day or night.

It should be daytime... he thought so. He reached out and touched his side, but there was no Auston by his side.

He wanted to prop up his body and sit up, but found that his body was a bit heavy, and the gradually awakening senses let him know that there was a small thing lying on his body, with a milky smell lingering at the tip of his nose. If there is something full of milky smell at home, he thought it must be a small ball. also.

Ryan raised his eyebrows, this is rare, Tuantuan actually lay in his arms and fell asleep in the dark. Standing up a little, pulling up the pillow to raise his body, Ryan dragged his little buttocks and sat up alone. During this period, he was very careful not to disturb the child. In the dark, Ryan looked down at Tuantuan's sleeping face. Most of the child was lying on top of him. The round little face was crowded into a pile against his chest. The small mouth was slightly opened. Ryan reached out and touched it. No saliva came out.

Large glutinous rice cakes are the same. Lane came to this conclusion after poking the child's face, because it is really good to touch! The touch is so good that people can't stop, falling into the "pinching" of children and unable to extricate themselves. Facing such a soft creature, Ryan felt that his self-control must have been fed to Daifuku, otherwise he couldn't stop! ! !

Stretched out his finger to poke Tuan Tuan's small face, scratched the round nose, plucked the fleshy little ears back and forth twice, and danced on Tuan Tuan's back like playing a piano... It was so much fun!

"Hmm..." Dad groaned in dissatisfaction in exchange for his continuous harassment, his little brows frowned, and his mouth was tightly shut. If the harassment continued, he would start crying.

Ryan quickly stopped, looking down at the child's sleeping face, he was very satisfied.

Sleepiness is contagious, Ryan yawned, closed his eyes, hugged his soft balls, and decided to take another nap.

When I woke up again, my arms were empty, only the sweet smell of milk was there. Ryan didn't pause at all this time. He lifted the quilt and sat up, stepped on the ground barefoot, took a deep breath, stood up, stretched his limbs, and slowly exhaled the exhaust gas in his body. He slept for about seventeen or eight hours, because the spirit The exhausted and empty head returned to its normal state, and the whole person "lived"!

Walking a few meters to the window, he grabbed the edge of the curtain and pulled it open suddenly. Some dazzling sunlight hit his face suddenly in the afternoon, which made Ryan close his eyes slightly. After two or three seconds, he got used to the light and jumped into the eyes. Yes... Daifuku leaped over to the white belly that was exposed in front of his eyes.

This guy has grown up, and gradually shed the immature appearance of Baituanzi, and has many characteristics of eagles and griffins, such as manes, such as hard beards, etc. It is still far from mighty, but it is on this road keep going.

Ryan said to himself, "Calcium supplementation still cannot be stopped."

Dafu has grown from a "deformed" griffin that has mutated and returned to its ancestors and is albino, all the way to its present size. It is entirely due to the proper care of Ryan and Auston, and the supplement of calcium is constantly increasing according to the size of the body. There is also a diet with a lot of fish, eggs, meat and vegetables, which makes Dafu grow better than healthy griffins living in the wild!

"When Dafu gets older and Tuantuan grows to a certain extent, I will make a cushion and tie it to Dafu's body."

Dafu, who was performing a 760-degree circle in the air, was a little cold. He looked around suspiciously, and there was nothing that could hurt him!

Little did he know that standing on the balcony, Ryan had already completed the design in his brain, and he just waited for Dafu and the head of the group to implement it. Before letting Tuantuan fly on Daifuku, he had to train Dafu! I'm not free now, so I'll put it on the agenda later.

A winged little white lion was flying around in the air, making various funny appearances to tease the children standing on the ground. The ten-month-old child is pink and jade-like, with very delicate eyebrows and eyes. He walks up and down on the soft grass blanket. He has just learned to walk, and he has not yet evolved into running. He ran a little faster It is easy to fall. Tuantuan has a very good personality, with innate strength and optimism in his temperament, he will not cry at all when he falls down and gets up on the ground... The only thing that can make Tuantuan drop Jindoudou is to let him see delicious but delicious food. Don't let him eat.

With the nanny robot watching and the housekeeper Laura watching, Ryan and Auston can feel completely at ease letting Tuantuan play alone in the yard.

Ryan raised his arm and glanced at the time. It turned out to be 2:25 in the afternoon. He slept through yesterday's dinner and missed today's breakfast and lunch. No wonder he feels hungry now. You can't help it when you're hungry. Now it's not the state of combat readiness in the past. You still need to restrain your body's reactions and inner thoughts. You can completely follow all instincts. So Ryan turned and entered the room, took a combat bath, and wore a suit of water vapor. Putting on cotton and linen home clothes, he opened the bedroom door and walked out. When he turned to the stairs, he met Oston who was going up.

When Auston saw Ryan, the smile on his face suddenly became bigger, and he walked up a few steps eagerly, walked up to Ryan and hugged him, "I am going to see you, if you don't wake up, I will Call the doctor."

"I woke up in the morning, but I felt so comfortable holding Tuantuan, I couldn't help but fell asleep again."

Oston, "I picked up Tuan Tuan between eight and nine o'clock, and I didn't wake you up because you were too deep in sleep. You couldn't help but fell asleep again, because you were too tired and didn't recover. The body's signal to rest."

Ryan, "Ang, anyway, I wake up comfortably now, and I don't feel tired at all."

"Don't work so hard, the body is the foundation of everything, and it's not allowed to be like this in the future."

In the past, the generals of the empire who cherished words like gold gave thousands of advice and became a "mother-in-law" to let Ryan pay attention to his body. Nothing is as important as his body. He has experienced the loss caused by illness, so he cares more about his health.

Ryan nodded vigorously, there is no need to say anything now, just nod, and say "hmm" from time to time to show that he knows it, and nothing else is needed.

While the two of them went downstairs, Alston had ordered the kitchen to make some digestible, filling, delicious and calorie-filled food. When they entered the kitchen, the chef had already served a small slice of garlic bread, dipped in mushroom meat sauce, which can be used as a pad for the stomach, and a cup of purple potato and oatmeal porridge. Eating it after being hungry for so long will not increase the stomach burden. These are just supplements, and there will be more later. The chef is doing it. He has prepared stewed meat and mushroom fried rice and fried cod. The fish fillets will be put on the mangoes to add a special flavor.

The fried rice is pure Chinese style, with stewed pork, sliced mushrooms, green beans, corn and diced carrots, and an egg is added to ensure sufficient nutrition. The fried cod is also Western style, with a little pink rock salt sprinkled on the surface for seasoning, and two green and tender asparagus are fried in the same pan. After the chef enrolls in the class to learn Chinese food, the meals he makes are no longer limited to a certain field, and he can completely use the existing ingredients to make suitable dishes according to the tastes and needs of Ryan and Oston.

He didn't sit at the table to eat, but ate in front of the French windows where he could see the balls. In front of Alston was coffee with less sugar and milk and caramel-colored macarons.

Eating while watching Tuantuan is a great enjoyment. After swallowing the food in his mouth, Ryan said, "I will rest for another day, and then I will go to the Mecha Research Institute with me."

Auston held the coffee cup tightly, "Okay." He was very excited about the test drive of the new mech, but he didn't show it.

Ryan said with a smile: "The appearance is very powerful, you will like it. Let me keep it for a while, I won't show you the specific appearance, and you will know when the time comes."

Auston glanced at Ryan helplessly, and he was about to say to show him the appearance of the mecha first, "Since you say so, then well, I will show enough patience to wait for the new mecha to appear in front of me." a moment."

Auston thought of a question, "Do you want to bring the original and code zero?"

The floor-to-ceiling windows where Ryan and Auston are located are not far from the original place where code-name zero often stays online. The two artificial intelligences easily captured the conversations of the owners. If they had ears, they must have moved, but they didn’t, so It's just that some redundant information is generated inside the system. If there is too much redundant information, it will be packaged and sent to the "secret base" on the star network to ensure that it will not have any impact or burden on its own system.

"Take it, and also get them used to the manipulation of their new body," Lane said.

Yuan Chu and Code Zero looked at each other, more redundant information appeared in the system, and they will soon have a new body, a huge and powerful new body, just thinking about it, I am very looking forward to it!

In the "Stark Reversal" incident some time ago, the original and the codename zero contributed the most, and the almost one-sided condemnation of the Gustav family was due to their efforts. Nowadays, whoever controls the public opinion wins half , absolutely not lies and empty words, without any exaggeration. Later, the video Menggu made by the "unfilial son" of the Li family quickly expanded to the entire network, and Yuanchu and the codename Zero also contributed.

Winning many battles without bloodshed, the human brain cannot achieve the grand slam, only the growing artificial intelligence can do it. If other people know that Ryan and Oston have such powerful artificial intelligence in their hands, it will definitely cause panic if it is publicized. After all, the theory of robot threat has not stopped since the birth of artificial intelligence.

Therefore, the super-intelligence of the original and code-named zero can only be a secret, but there will be no problem in taking them to the mech research center to test drive the new beast-shaped mech.

"With them here, the test drive will definitely get twice the result with half the effort." Auston is full of expectations for the arrival of the test drive. No man will lose interest in weapons, especially soldiers.

Ryan, "There are two in total, black and white, choose whichever color you like for a test drive."

Alston smiled, "The mecha is just like the Chinese cabbage in the field, you can pick it casually."

Ryan: "Our family can do it now, and I have the right not to expire. I will now use the right to transfer the mecha to my own territory."

Auston, "When Admiral Tolkien contacted me, he let you loose your hands and gave him some mechas. The new ones are the best. If not, the old ones are fine."

The sour jealousy and envy in Admiral Tolkien's words made Orston happy for a long time. It turned out that he could get so much joy with such a powerful partner.

"You can let him submit the application." Ryan said after eating the last bite of fried rice.

Auston, "Don't you..."

Ryan, "The other mecha I made was originally intended for the Legion of Glory." He selfishly wanted to make the next battle with the pirates more secure, just like what he said just now, "I have the right not to expire Waste", he is now using the power, "but whether it can be achieved depends on their own efforts, and my role in the distribution of this right is only 30%."

"Let Admiral Tolkien know that there is this 30%, and he will definitely laugh and play a few more rounds of mahjong."

Ryan laughed, "He and I can be regarded as ma friends." It's hard to find ma friends who are well-matched. He hasn't fought for a long time, and his hands are really itchy. When I see Admiral Tolkien later, I will definitely ask him for a few laps.

Not far from them, Yuan Chu and Code Zero were making a choice... Oh, no, they turned the multiple choice question into a true or false one. Yuan Chu said: "I will give you the black ones, and I will give you the white ones."

Code Zero, "???"

Code-named zero, "I haven't chosen yet. I've always been black. I should have a unified style. The black ones are for me, and the white ones are for you. I've seen the appearance of the first-generation mecha. The first mecha that Emperor Qin Feng made was a silver one." Gray ones, so white suits you."

Originally, "Mr. designed white for you when he first designed it. Black was added after I made a request."

Code-named zero, "But now the master lets the general make the choice, and I will follow the general. The general will definitely choose a relatively low-key black, so I want a black mecha."

Originally, "It's okay for me to assist the general in driving the mecha, I want to be black."

Code Zero, "!!!"

Code-named zero, "No, little strawberry, let me tell you, you can't be so domineering. Although you are my growth leader, this is different from being the main mecha."

Originally, "Oh."

Code-named Zero, "I didn't 'grow up' and let you take advantage of me so many times. According to human beings, this is a godsend, and you have to be responsible for me."

Originally, "Okay, we respect the master's choice."

Code Zero feels that he has won, because in his opinion, the general will definitely choose the calm, restrained and low-key black, "Okay, it's a deal."

The original fright flickered, "Okay, it's a deal."

Tuantuan, who was tired from playing outside, walked in slowly. After all, he hadn't fully mastered the walking skills. If he speeded up, he would fall. The sweaty little guy came to his father panting, "Drink water."

Auston gave him a drink of water, and patted Tuantuan on the shoulder after drinking, "Tuantuan, we agreed."

The red-faced Tuan Tuan glanced at his father, a little awkward, and called softly, "Dad~" begging.

"Father said that we are going to be men in Tuantuan. Can a man go back on what he promised?"

Tuantuan squeezed her little hands and said, "No."

Auston encouraged the children, "So what should we do now?"

Tuantuan nodded vigorously, "Okay, Dad."

He turned to Ryan, took a few steps forward with his little feet, and found his father, raised his arms and drew a circle on his side, and finally put his fingers together on the top of his head, making a decent gesture of a big heart , he said in a childish voice: "Thank you Daddy, Daddy has worked hard."

After finishing speaking, he looked at his father, and blinked his Wuliu Liu eyes, as if asking himself if he was right. Auston nodded, Tuantuan happily narrowed his eyes, and turned to look at his father, who should have expressed something by now.

Ryan was surprised, reacted immediately, and gave a thumbs up to Tuantuan, "Tuantuan is awesome!"

Tuantuan touched his face with pride and embarrassment. He had been studying for a long time under the guidance of his father. He learned over and over again how to align his movements and how to speak clearly, which was very remarkable. At this age, the physical coordination ability is still in the process of learning and mobilizing. Tuantuan's excellent genes inherited from his father and father make him a lot higher than his peers at the starting line. Both learning ability and comprehension ability are excellent.

Ryan bent down and opened his arms towards Tuantuan. After a short pause, Tuantuan walked over and snuggled into his father's arms. Let poor daddy hug him. Dad said that it is not easy for daddy to support a family. It is very difficult to get cherries. . Tuantuan felt that he wanted to be close to his father, and he couldn't make him sad.

If Ryan knew about Tuantuan's psychological activities, the old father would definitely shed tears of "gratification".

Sitting in daddy's arms, Tuantuan could see daddy head-on. Seeing daddy giving her a thumbs up, Tuantuan was even happier, and immediately gave daddy a big heart. He is now a skilled worker.

Children who can learn this movement must be taught by others. He doesn’t need to think about it. Ryan must be Oston. Thinking of Oston doing the movements over and over again to teach Tuantuan, Ryan can’t help laughing. They are all his big babies ah.

Auston was embarrassed in Ryan's gaze, and his eyes were bright when he met Ryan's gaze.

Ryan, "Thank you, my baby." He looked at Auston with burning eyes.

Tuantuan patted his chest, and said boldly: "No need." He has been learning polite language recently, and he has learned it very well.

Ryan bowed his head and kissed Tuantuan on the face, "Thank you, my little one."

Tuantuan, "?" Huh