My Partner was Assigned to me by the Country

Chapter 92: Her Majesty


Omega military base, this is another very ordinary and unusual day, large and small starships come in and out of the docking port, no one will care about three small starships leaving the port, they cut through the sky, disappear into the sky, and pass through the atmosphere , go to the specified coordinate planet. It was Ryan and his group who left the military base in order to perform important tasks. Their success or failure is the key to determining whether the next joint operation of the three armies will take shape.

On the sixteenth floor of the military base complex, Oston, wearing a dark military uniform, looked up at the sky with his hands behind his back. The sky was blue with long white clouds, and there were occasional starships passing by. Other than that, there was nothing special about it.

Admiral Ivan, who was rough on the outside but not delicate on the inside, raised his little finger, pinched a small cup made of purple sand with his big thumb and forefinger, walked to Auston's side, shook his head and said, "Young man It’s good, it’s not like our old lady, who knows I’m going out, and is more anxious than me to tidy up and salute me, wishing to kick my ass to get me out, where is the romance of youth.” He awkwardly said Picking up the teacup, ready to take a sip like Admiral Tolkien, when he put his lips on the cup, he felt self-awareness, and when he put down the cup, he drank it all in one gulp, smash it, taste it, Admiral Ivan shook his head , I didn't feel it at all.

Looking at the cup, Admiral Ivan admitted that he could not be vassal.

Auston smiled and said nothing. Since he and Ryan were together, this was the first time that Ryan had carried out such a large military mission. It was inevitable that he felt a little worried. The worry had nothing to do with knowing Ryan's past. Ryan went to perform the mission, and half of his heart followed him.

Admiral Ivan put the small teacup made of purple sand aside, and declined Admiral Tolkien’s idea of refilling a cup for him. Instead of drinking tea, he would rather have a glass of vodka with a few olives, which is enough.” Oston, your little husband is very powerful. When the news broke, I still couldn’t believe that you were married! Why don’t you tell us elders, at least we watched you grow up, and we are with your father It's a good friend."

"I haven't found the right opportunity to say it."

"It's the same now, Ryan has given up his position as the executive director of the Imperial Mecha Research Institute?"

"Hmm." Auston was always succinct in front of others, and he was even more reticent when it came to his private life.

Admiral Ivan stroked his thick beard, and there was a light of thought in the depths of his eyes, "Young people are self-willed. If you give up such a high position, you will give up. For you."

Auston smiled and said nothing, neither said yes nor no, Admiral Ivan took him as his acquiescence, "Hahaha, Ryan's temper is to my liking, if I go back to my youth, I will do the same, if What business, my wife and children can’t accompany me, for a while I worked overtime every day and couldn’t go home, and I didn’t know until my wife was pregnant with her second and third month and was about to have the baby removed.”

… Um

Auston and Tolkien, who heard Admiral Ivan's emotion, paused at the same time, and a little doubt flashed in their hearts.

Admiral Ivan continued, "The mistakes of the years have been missed, and there is no way to undo it. The beautiful and lovely young woman back then has become my aunt with a waist thicker than mine... There is nothing to dislike, and I have become a bad old man. He is bigger than his height, haha. Ryan has a lot of good things in his hands." General Ivan changed the subject, and after a lot of ramblings, he finally got to the point, "I heard that Ryan gave Thor Jin got a beast-shaped mecha?"

"It was us who applied," Tolkien added.

Admiral Ivan waved his big hand, looked at Auston and continued: "I'm just one step late in the application, otherwise I'll tell you in advance, give me that beast-shaped mecha, my legion will definitely be better than Glory These fake gentlemen use it better."

"It's not up to Ryan to decide. Approval is a decision made by the Military Commission." Auston said it tightly.

Admiral Ivan pressed Oston's shoulder with his big hand, winked and said, "I understand, I understand. When will Ryan design a new beast-shaped mecha?"

"It depends on the project progress of the institute, and it will be designed when necessary."

"As long as the legion submits the request, there will be a need." Admiral Ivan said with a smile: "If Ryan is to design a brown bear, it must be powerful and domineering, in line with Baikal's brave and fearless spirit." For those who require customized models, the animal-shaped mecha of bats is very special and different, but it does not have much to do with domineering and mighty. The beast-shaped mecha is more suitable for beasts such as wolves, bears, tigers, and lions.

The corners of his lips curled up in disdain, Admiral Ivan looked at Tolkien who was ordering tea, with envy and jealousy in his expression, it was one of the most powerful animal-shaped mechs so far (he subconsciously ignored Maia The wolf-shaped animal-shaped mecha designed by the master, because the data is obvious to all, the superiority of the mecha designed and produced by Ryan is higher), and being able to own one goes out and makes the waist stronger among colleagues.

Admiral Tolkien smiled indifferently, and the trumpet's life winner (compared to Auston) did not explain.

Auston spoke conservatively, and Admiral Ivan did not confide in Auston. Everyone smiled, and ordinary colleagues are like this.

At a transition point tens of thousands of light-years away from the Omega military base, the space suddenly twisted and deformed for a moment, and a 20-ton small starship jumped out of it, stabilized its figure, and then drove quickly towards a certain target . Inside the starship, Jack is in charge of driving, and Fan Lunting is calibrating the course. Outside the cockpit, Ryan, Derrick, and Harriet are discussing the next action. Their voices have not been lowered. The two of you can hear and give some advice when necessary.

"This planet is in the storm star field, with coordinates X33.33, Y66.68, and Z111.23. It is an asteroid, far away from the regular shipping lanes. There are no small or medium-sized human settlements nearby. It is very barren and has no value. The available resources." The universe is too big, and the star field is very vast. There are many areas that cannot be radiated by administration and military affairs, just like desert islands floating on the high seas in the ancient earth period.

Where the regular army doesn't want, wild pirates grow when they are idle. Sometimes the military will clean up some places that are too presumptuous, and sometimes they just open one eye and close the other eye and let them go. After all, these are still in the Within the controllable range, there is no need to waste manpower, material resources and a lot of energy on it.

Cranberry Planet is the destination of their trip. The name sounds soft and cute, but it is actually quite cute and cute, because this is a paradise for female pirates. The men headed by Ryan, regardless of whether the gene sequence is X or Y, all looked at Harriet who was sitting on the chair with her legs crossed. This trip was led by Harriet. Women acted more respectfully on the Cranberry planet. Calm, no scruples... and the men are on top, either subordinates, thugs, or gadgets for entertainment~

Harriet looked at the men present and smiled modestly, "I'll be impolite from now on, hahaha, I actually don't want to be humble at all, you all have to listen to me from now on. Now, we Looking at the information on Cranberry Planet again, the military only has a fuzzy topographic map of Cranberry, which does not provide us with much help. After entering Cranberry, the first thing we need to do is to determine the escape route. Let me say this, everyone Do you have any comments?"

All the men shook their heads, and they did not have any objections, because the only way to ensure better completion of the mission is to ensure that they can escape and have rear support.

Cranberry has been a prosperous pirate stronghold for more than twenty years... It is said that the pirate who discovered this planet and made it a long-term stronghold was a red-haired lady who likes to eat cranberries, hence the name. It is a satellite of a large planet with a relatively fast rotation speed. There are only twelve hours a day and night. The whole planet is covered with heavy snow all year round, but it has abundant geothermal resources deep in the snow-capped mountains. If the planet it orbits can be inhabited and utilized For what it's worth, The Cranberry would definitely make a great vacation spot.

There is no so-called space station outside the Cranberry, and the entire planet does not have strong security facilities, but all the pirates living on the ground wear weapons. ——As a tradition, every newly landed pirate has to bury some on the ground as a ceremony for joining the group, even they themselves forget how many ammunition is inside. Anyway, after becoming a pirate, with his head pinned to his belt, he earned every day he lived.

When the small starship entered the Cranberry's atmosphere, a small spaceship followed. After landing, the small spaceship stopped directly in front of Ryan's starship. Two men descended from it, waving to open the hatch and come down.

Harriet stood up first, put on her hat, and brushed the white fur on the brim of the hat. She raised her head and said, "Guys, let's go."

"Yes, boss." Derrick was very cooperative.

Fan Lunting was also a good fighter who cooperated, and he raised his hand and said, "Yes, Your Majesty the Queen."

"Little Fan is still cute and sensible~" Harriet put her arms around Fan Lunting's shoulders, stretched out her fingers painted with black nail polish and lifted Fan Lunting's chin, "The height is just what my sister likes."

Fan Luanting: "..." His knees hurt so much, he is the shortest among them all!

Harriet gave Derrick a squinting look, "I really have no eyesight, what should I shout, don't you have a clue in your heart?"

"...Okay, Your Lady Queen." Derrick changed his words.

Lane decides to be an emotionless thug, stern with Jack, no talking, no laughing, and that's it.

The cabin door opened, and the two men holding weapons outside saw a group of five people coming out, a tall woman, four good-looking men, and the guy with a hippie smile who walked in the front kept calling Her Lady Queen... The two of them looked at each other, very good, this is basically the case for those who come to the Cranberry asteroid, and there are countless more exaggerated than this, men are worthless on the Cranberries.

"As long as the things on the starship are not messed up, you can look at them as you like. If you dare to mess up a little bit, haha." Harriet smiled normally, but when she looked at the two people, her eyes were cold. The eyes of countless people with blood.

The two of them froze in their hearts, and they didn't dare to neglect at all. Those who are serving here must keep their eyes open, and dare not offend anyone easily. After they entered the small starship and walked around inside, especially in the master bedroom, they saw a lot of inappropriate things. One of the hostess contacted the ground base, "Make sure there is nothing suspicious and let them go in."

"Understood, first take them to dig a hole anywhere, and bury some bang bang bang."

"The ceremony must be completed." From the corner of his eyes, Xiao Jia glanced at a big stick on the bed, grinned and said, "Is that something that humans should use?"

Another person who entered the small starship said: "It's not enough for her to be very talented. Besides, it's not for that woman anyway, she can do whatever she wants."

"Uh, it makes sense. You can do whatever you want to torment others. The women who come here are good enough, haha."

After checking and finding nothing unusual, the two walked out, looking at Fan Lunting with sympathy.

Fan Luanting: "..." What kind of terrible look is that, get out!

The sullen Ryan's face darkened even more, "...!" Why did you look at him with that look? He was obviously a thug.

The hostess Xiao Jia withdrew her gaze from looking at the little boy, and smiled flatteringly at Harriet, "There is still a ceremony that has not been completed. Her Majesty the Queen knows about the Cranberries, so she should know what the ceremony is, right?"

"I know." Harriet said impatiently, "Isn't it just burying mines? Now, I brought a big box and buried it here."

"This..." Xiao Jia hesitated, after all, this is the landing point.

"No?" Harriet's eyes had already stood up.

"Ok, Ok."

Okay, let's dig a hole with thugs. During the process of digging the hole, Ryan and Jack were silent and immersed in their work, but they did a lot in the process. With a light hand, Ryan activated all the small and medium-sized detectors hidden in □□. It is the second-generation version of the tracker released when returning to the planting star. It has better performance and longer standby time, but the only disadvantage is that it is still Disposable.

After preparing to carry out the task and go back, Ryan applied for a patent, which can still be exchanged for some small money.

Ryan nodded slightly towards Jack, and after getting the response from the other party, he began to fill in the hole. It was not pleasant to stay outside under the heavy snow.

"The movement is so slow, I didn't give you food, really!" Harriet was completely involved in the scene, and she couldn't get out for the time being, "Go back and receive the reward, thirty whips per person."

"Yes, Her Majesty."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Ryan and Jack said in unison.

Xiao Jia gritted her teeth, and beat people with the whip at every turn, which was also something that many queens who came to the Cranberries liked to do.

The climate conditions of Cranberries are really not good. There are only a few types of weather changes, heavy snow, moderate snow, light snow... Light snow is the good weather here. Unfortunately, it is a heavy snow day for Cranberries, and the visibility is almost It is zero, I just logged in blindly, haha. If it is a good weather in Cranberry, you can see the rolling snow-capped mountains, which are spectacular and beautiful, and you can also see some birds with big wings. No matter how harsh the environment is, there are still animals.

People living in the Cranberries naturally have a way to survive in the extremely harsh environment. The transparent spherical aircraft can hold all of them, but the feeling of flying in a snowstorm is not good. The poor line of sight is one of them, and the turbulence is serious in the strong wind It's the second, the third... Ryan's eyes moved slightly, and his brows frowned unobtrusively. Once something happens in this environment, it's not easy to retreat.

Hopefully those modified versions of the probes will survive the freezing temperatures.

Ryan's hand moved slightly, and the slight shaking of the personal terminal could only be felt by the wearer, which proved that the detector was continuously sending him messages.

I don't know how long I walked in the storm. It was so long that Harriet asked impatiently: "What do you mean, take us around? Hehe, believe it or not, I will detonate the bomb, and we will go to the west together."

Xiao Jia clasped his hands together and begged for mercy, "The wind is too strong today, which affects the speed. It usually takes 30 minutes to arrive. This time it will take a little longer."

Ryan snorted, raised his eyes and looked at Xiao Jia coldly, "Don't lie to us, Your Majesty, will it take more than half an hour to spend more time? If you don't get anywhere, today is your death day."

"The owner of Cranberries won't mind the loss of two men." Harriet yawned and said lazily with folded arms.

Xiao Jia's cheeks trembled a bit, it's not that he doesn't mind, it's that he doesn't mind, many men die every day on Cranberry Planet, "It's really bad weather, I just operated the aircraft and took another route, a little farther away , right away, right away."

"When is it soon?" Ryan asked for a clear answer.

"Ten minutes, no, no, twelve minutes." Xiao Jia raised his hand and swore, "If you don't reach the place after fifteen minutes, you can kill me."

Ryan nodded, took a step back and pretended to be a taciturn, dark-faced thug again.

Xiaojia breathed a sigh of relief, and did not dare to neglect at all. Within ten minutes, he arrived at the place, which was a cave entrance on the mountainside of the highest mountain in Cranberries. There are many forks in the road, and the caves that pass by quickly don't know where they will end up. There are dots of light on the cave walls, so that there is no lighting tool here to see the direction clearly.

After descending more than a thousand meters, I finally saw an open space, which is a place where human beings gather. The temperature in the space is very high, and the men and women walking around are all wearing thin swimsuits. It is not the fabric that covers the body, but the When others didn't focus on their eyes, Ryan and the others felt a little bit in their hearts, feeling that their eyes were hurt.

"Her Majesty, the real cranberries have arrived."

Harriet showed a bright smile, "This is heaven!" I really want to blow up the real heaven here.

Xiao A, "Xiao B and I are the hosts on the ground, so we will send you here. I wish Her Majesty the Queen a good time."

"What a pity." Harriet looked at Xiao Jia up and down unabashedly, but it was a pity that it was beyond words.

Xiao A's heart trembled, "Goodbye, Your Majesty the Queen." After everyone on the aircraft had left, he complained to Xiao B beside him, "Fortunately, we are doing guides, if you stay inside, tsk tsk , Those big and thick things are going to be used on us."

Xiao Yi nodded timidly, "You're right, that woman touched the man in her arms all the way, but the man's face was full of enjoyment, and his face was super red."

Ryan and the others who have entered the underground street really don't want to stay here if they don't have a mission. They are serious people. Fan Lunting forced a smile on his face, leaned close to Harriet's ear, and said through gritted teeth: "If you touch me again, I will put my big foot on your butt to let you know that the sun will not come out tomorrow. "

Harriet said, "You can't see the sun in the Cranberry." There is no sun here. "Hahaha."

Fan Lunting: "..."

Ryan felt a little sympathetic to Fan Luanting, and the shorter he was, the more he could bear.

The Cranberry’s underground settlement is just like this one, which is as big as five football fields and has complete facilities. It looks like a small town. You will be sweating after walking here for a while, and the geothermal resources are very rich. Ryan saw a figure flashing by in the crowd, but when he looked closely, it had disappeared. He no longer was distracted by it, and turned his gaze back to continue walking behind Harriet.

While walking, one or two mosquito-sized detectors flew out of Ryan's hand. These are improved versions based on the first and second generations. They are smaller and more concealed, but correspondingly, their lifespan is shorter. It should be enough for regional use, and Ryan called it the third-generation detector for the time being. If the effect is good this time, you can apply for a patent, and you will have a small amount of money, and you will have more money to buy cakes for Tuantuan.

"Your Majesty, do you need accommodation?"

Wearing heavy winter clothes, they knew that they had just arrived. Hotel receptionists like to find such people. Newcomers, who don't know the rules, are fat sheep and easy to slaughter.

Harriet yawned and said, "Where is your home?"

"Just to the side, Her Majesty looking to the left."

On the left, there is nothing special but one of the three best hotels here (the choice is very small), it doesn’t matter what you choose, several people agreed tacitly, and Harriet, as the leader of this operation, said: " OK, take us there."

"Okay, please come here, Your Majesty the Queen." The waiter had a very sweet mouth, and he said, "Your vision is really good." He also praised his hotel.

Before walking into the hotel, Ryan stomped his feet and looked behind him, feeling like he was being watched.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that Ryan was not leaving, Jack asked naturally.

Ryan said: "Maybe I met someone I know." He shouldn't have admitted the figure he saw just now.

Jack twitched his eyebrows, "Acquaintance?" They are all pirates here.

Lane said: "There is no way to be well-informed."

Jack: "... oh." What does the general like in this man

Ryan: "Let's go, go in and change clothes, don't you feel hot?"

Jack looked at the men and women around him, "I don't want to wear that kind of transparent underwear, it will make me feel insecure."

Ryan: "Me neither."

The hotel's revolving door turned, and a person walked out. Derrick knew the general content without hearing what they were saying, and walked over to pat the two of them on the shoulder, "Let's go, Her Majesty is waiting for us." I said what I knew, and then said in a low voice: "What are you afraid of if you have capital!"

Ryan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I really should let Bunier come over to see your rascal appearance."

"Don't, don't say it when you get home."

Ryan: "Depending on the situation, I can still keep the secret..." As soon as he finished speaking, he felt his butt being slapped. Ryan turned his head and looked over... Looking down, he saw a short woman who was less than sixty centimeters tall , She just slapped her own ass with her hand.

The short woman in a bikini smiled and said, "How much is a day?"