My Patients Fall in Love with Me

Chapter 104: The domineering boss loves me


666 asked angrily, "Did your man do the mastermind's virus attack?"

Pei Lu was surprised, "Did Jin Ming attack the mastermind?!"

666 looked at him suspiciously, Pei Lu's expression was too exaggerated, and he wanted to deliberately pretend that he didn't know anything, so that he couldn't doubt it, "Don't you know? Zhao Mu's world, the entire spiritual world All information has been illegally stolen.”

Pei Lugang wanted to say that the whole world is just the last section...,

"Why are you telling me this? I don't know." When the words came to his lips, Pei Lu suddenly reacted, bluffing his defense.

666 snorted softly, "It's best if it doesn't have anything to do with you. The mastermind is still getting angry recently. If he finds out that he did it, he will definitely not give up."

Pei Lu laughed twice, touched his nose and stopped talking. I secretly thought that I must remind Jin Ming after the task is over.

The two chattered in the end, but they didn't reach an agreement. 666 was unwilling to open the back door to Pei Lu, and Pei Lu groaned angrily, saying that he would never exchange a new body with 666 again.


In May, it was the graduation season. Pei Lu successfully passed his thesis defense. Today is the graduation ceremony held by the department.

The thanked head of the department talked on the podium for an hour and a half. When he finally finished his speech, there was warm applause in the auditorium.

After the ceremony, it's time for free activities.

The bachelor's robe on Pei Lu's body hadn't been changed yet, the black bachelor's robe was empty, filled with wind, like an inflated balloon.

Shen Feng led 666 under the tree, and saw Pei Lu who looked like a balloon from a distance.

He waved his hand at Pei Lu, Fat Ball jumped up and down twice, and yelled at Pei Lu.

With a big smile on Pei Lu's face, he took the hat in his hand and ran towards the person and dog under the tree. .

Fat Ball's speed was much faster than Shen Feng's. It straightened the leash, and the whole dog lay on Pei Lu's body. The tail behind its buttocks was wagging. Pei Lu couldn't move it.

With a dark face, Shen Feng grabbed the silly dog who was ahead of him, and stepped forward to give Pei Lu a hug, "Congratulations on graduation."

Pei Lu narrowed his eyes with a smile, and rubbed the man's dog hair.

Since it is the graduation season, graduation photos must be taken. Shen Feng specially brought a camera here to take pictures of Pei Lu.

Pei Lu was wearing a bachelor's uniform and a bachelor's cap on his head in a neat manner. He smiled in the camera, like an angel.

Shen Feng's angel.

Shen Feng pressed the shutter, and the moment the photo was frozen, Fat Ball suddenly came over and looked at the camera curiously, while Shen Feng flipped through the photos taken.


The entire screen is taken up by the silly dog's nose.

Too ugly and stupid.

Pei Lu looked at it curiously, hugged Fat Ball with a smile and straight softly, Fat Ball's face blankly accepted the enthusiasm of the master, was very flattered, and carefully slipped into Pei Lu's arms, imagining being held in his arms like when he was a child .

But it didn't realize that he was already a big dog, so he kicked Pei Lu hard twice, and directly turned Pei Lugong over.

Pei Lu lay on the ground laughing frantically.

Fat Ball followed him frantically and fell on all fours, writhing and howling on the grass.

Shen Feng's eyes were full of tenderness, and he pressed the shutter, freezing this moment.

The two, Yi Yigou, played until the afternoon before resting. Shen Feng was flipping through the photos on the camera. Pei Lu was pillowed on his lap, and Fat Ball lay beside him, sweeping his tail leisurely.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

Pei Lu sat up straight like a carp, and called Fat Ball to find the toilet.

"I'll wait for you here." Shen Feng said with a smile.

Pei Lu led the fat ball forward, bouncing on his toes, and his back was very cheerful.

Shen Feng continued to fiddle with the photos on the camera, thinking that maybe he could buy a set of academic uniforms and go back, and let Pei Lu vacuum wear them for him to see next time.

He flipped through the photos in the camera, but Pei Lu hadn't come back yet. He checked the time and found that twenty minutes had passed. He frowned and called Pei Lu.

The phone beeped twice, then hung up.

Shen Feng's heart sank.

He put the camera in his bag, picked up his backpack and walked to the gym, where the nearest bathroom is.

The farther you go, the fewer people there are. There are not many students in the school on weekends, and there are even fewer people in the gymnasium. Shen Feng walked faster and faster, and met Fat Ball running back halfway.

"Where's the little book?"

Shen Feng held the leash in his hand, and Fat Ball anxiously called him "Wow, woof" twice, and led him to run back and forth.

There's no one in the bathroom,

Fat Ball sniffed around, turned around and ran outside.

Shen Feng followed behind him, with a gloomy and frightening expression, he called his subordinates who were on standby at the school gate.

"Have people guard the gates of S University. If you see any suspicious people, stop them all. People from the villa, let them go to Lu's house to guard."

Shen Feng's face was gloomy and terrifying, and the only gentleness left in his body was put away, leaving only the hostility that gnawed at people.

Fat Ball sniffed all the way to the grove by the side gate of the school, and then lost its scent. It circled under the wall, whining anxiously, as if it knew that its owner was in danger.

Shen Feng looked at the high wall in front of him, touched Fat Ball's head, and silently led him out through the side door.

The kidnapper was very smart, he probably guessed that the time was too short, and he was easy to be noticed by I. He didn't go through the door, so he jumped over the wall and took Pei Lu out.

Shen Feng's five fingers clenched into a fist, and cold sweat broke out from his palm.


After Pei Lu washed his hands and was about to open the door to go out, someone suddenly knocked him out from behind.

When he woke up again, he found himself locked in a warehouse.

There was no one in the warehouse, and there were several wooden boxes facing the corner, which were covered with cobwebs and dust, and looked old.

The warehouse is sealed all around, except for the closed door he is facing, there is only a small window on the right hand side.

The window is small and the location is very high. It is more appropriate to poke a vent. It is better to find a way to escape. Pei Lu closed his eyes and pretended to be unconscious, thinking secretly in his heart. Try not to anger the kidnappers, just protect yourself before Shen Feng comes.

He lay motionless on the ground, pretending that he was still in a coma.

After about ten minutes, there was a sound at the door. It was the sound of someone opening the door.

Pei Lu didn't dare to steal eyes, so he could only judge by his hearing. The person who came in was walking very heavily, and he should be very heavy. He was a large man.

Pei Lu felt regretful, and the chance of escaping by himself became slimmer.

When the big man walked up to him, Pei Luneng felt a shadow cast in front of him, but he still held it motionless, but cold sweat was seeping from his back.

The big man stood there for a while, seeing that he hadn't moved at all, he was a little muttering in his heart, Pei Lu heard him say in standard mandarin: "Why hasn't this kid woke up yet, did you hit too hard?"

These words should be said to the outside, Pei Lu heard another male voice coming from the door, a little shrill, "I didn't use much force, this kid has delicate skin and tender flesh, he doesn't need to be beaten."

The big man let out a "tch", and his footsteps moved towards the door, "Young master with thin skin and tender flesh, you are really delicate."

There was a muffled sound at the door, and then the sound of a lock being locked, and the door was locked.

Pei Lu let out a breath quietly. When the big man was by his side just now, he didn't dare to take a breath, and he almost couldn't hold his breath. If the big man didn't leave, he might be ruined.

The light coming in from the vent had dimmed, and Pei Lu estimated that it was already night.

He was a little worried about Shen Feng. If the man found out that he was gone, he would probably lose his temper again. Pei Lu hadn't gone back yet, and he had already started to have a headache. How to calm down the man's anger after returning.

He was sure that Shen Feng would definitely find him, it was just a matter of time.


It was getting dark outside, Shen Feng was sitting in the living room, his face was like the sea suppressing a storm, calm on the surface, but a destructive storm was already brewing inside.

Several subordinates lowered their heads, not daring to look at him, and reported in low voices that they had found the news.

The kidnappers were familiar with the surroundings of S University, and the traces left outside were well disposed of, and none of their people could find any traces.

All have been sent out.

Shen Feng sat upright in the living room. All night, his people turned S City upside down, but they still couldn't find Pei Lu's whereabouts.

The sky outside brightened up, and the night was over, Shen Feng didn't dare to think about where and how Pei Lu spent the night, just thinking about it, his heart throbbed with pain.

Fat Ball lay down at his feet sensiblely, licking his fingers with his wet tongue.

"Keep looking."

"Keep an eye on the Lu family."

Shen Feng's voice was hoarse. He was sitting upright on the sofa, and the landline at home was at hand. He kidnapped Pei Lu. He must be asking for something from him, so the other party would definitely contact him.

Shen Feng waited patiently until noon, when the landline on the right suddenly rang.

Shen Feng quickly picked it up, "Hello?"

The person on the other side was silent for a while, as if he didn't expect the call to be connected so quickly, as if someone was on guard all the time.

"Master Xu is in our hands..."

The voice in the microphone is very low, with a little distorted vibrato, it should be a voice changer.

"What do you want?"

His reaction was too cooperative, and the other party was taken aback for a moment before answering, "Money."

"How much?"

"Five billion."

The person opposite quickly reported a card number and asked Shen Feng to transfer the money into the account before twelve o'clock in the evening, otherwise the ticket would be torn up.

Shen Feng said yes calmly, but the hand holding the microphone almost deformed in pain.

The other party got the promise and hung up the phone neatly.

"Have you found it?" Shen Feng's eyes were full of fear.

"Found it, the signal is sent from S University."

Shen Feng nodded, "What about the bank card, can I find useful information?"

The subordinate shook his head, "The offshore account, the head of the account is from the United States, and no useful information can be traced in a short time."

Shen Feng lowered his eyes and tapped the back of the chair with his fingers. After sitting all night, he suddenly stood up, "Half of the staff is lost, go to S University, and search again."

Fat Ball followed behind him step by step. Shen Feng hesitated for a while, but still took it on. Fat Ball was familiar with Xu Shu's smell, so maybe he could help.

When Shen Feng was about to go out, he met the third child of the Lu family who brought someone over at the door.

Lu Laosan looked very concerned: "I heard that Xu Shu was kidnapped. I'll come and have a look. Maybe I can help find someone."

Shen Feng looked at him coldly, and after a while, the corners of his mouth curled up into a cold arc, "Then there is trouble."

The third Lu's scalp was numb when he looked at him, and he almost thought that he had been seen through, so he struggled to find a way out.

He took his own people and followed behind Shen Feng.

Shen Feng led the people straight to S University, and searched again like a carpet, but there was still no clue.

Lu Laosan was at the back, feeling that the time had come, he stepped forward and said, "This place is too big, why don't we search separately."

Shen Feng looked at him unpredictably for a while, and said "OK".

After Lu Laosan led the people away, Shen Feng motioned to Ada, "Follow him."

Ada took the order to follow, while Shen Feng led his people to the side to continue searching.


Pei Lu was still lying in the warehouse. He hadn't eaten for a day and a night, and he was about to pass out without pretending.

People from the outside came in to look at him twice, but seeing that he was still awake, they muttered curses and closed the door again.

While Pei Lu was in a daze, there was a loud noise outside the door. He tried his best to stay awake and looked in the direction of the door expectantly.

The fight outside the door weakened, the door opened in Pei Lu's anticipation, and the bright light outside the door stimulated Pei Lu to close his eyes, and then opened them again, but Lu Wanwan was not the man he was expecting in front of him.

Lu Wanwan squatted in front of him, looking down at him with obvious gloating in her eyes.

"Tsk tsk, how pitiful, it's rare that Young Master Xu is in such a mess."

Pei Lu rubbed back and looked at her cautiously. Lu Wanwan didn't seem to be in the same group as the people outside, but she appeared at this time, and it didn't look like she was here to save him.

Perhaps amused by his vigilant and embarrassed appearance, Lu Wanwan laughed, "You are afraid i..."

She lifted Pei Lu's chin, and there was hatred in her eyes. Sometimes I really want to scratch your face... If you are disfigured, will Shen Feng still love you? "

Pei Lu clenched his cheeks, tried to stay awake, and didn't answer her.

Of course Shen Feng still loves him, no matter what he looks like, he almost turned into a zombie in his previous life, Zhao Mu is still very interested in him, men don't love his face.

But these words must not be said, he was afraid that Lu Wanwan would really go crazy and scratch his face.

Lu Wanwan's chest rose and fell, she stared fiercely at Pei Lu for a while, then suddenly calmed down, and said to the people behind her, "Put him on your back, don't knock him."

The man who looked like a bodyguard following her stepped forward to carry Pei Lu on his back.

Pei Lu was so limp that he couldn't use his strength, so he could only be carried up honestly. He glanced at Lu Wanwan, overturning his previous guess. Maybe Lu Wanwan really came to save him, in order to make a deal with Shen Feng.

Lu Wanwan took the bodyguards and detoured down a hidden path.

Halfway through, I just remembered and sent a message to Shen Feng.

Someone sent you home.

Shen Feng followed Lu Laosan forward, the phone in his pocket vibrated, but he didn't take it out immediately.

Lu Laosan was still making up stories, and he made up a decent one, saying that his people accidentally discovered such an abandoned warehouse in the back hill of S City.

He made up stories over and over while leading Shen Feng inside, halfway there, he suddenly fell silent.

Without him, the warehouse does have it, but two men fell down at the gate of the warehouse. The gate was open, and Shen Feng rushed in. It was empty of lotion, without his little book.

They came a step late.

Shen Feng's face twisted for a moment, and he stared at Lu Lao San gloomily. He wasn't sure if this was Lu Lao San's play.

At this time, his phone vibrated again. He took out the phone, swipe the screen, and unlock it.

The top one is spam, the other one is—

Shen Feng stared at it for a few seconds, the corners of his mouth curled up, his cold eyes that didn't match his smile were like a poisonous snake aiming at its prey, "Tie him up."

The subordinates behind him reacted quickly, and they subdued Lu Laosan before he could react.

"What are you doing?" Lu Laosan looked stunned, not understanding why Shen Feng suddenly turned his face.

Shen Feng sneered without explaining.

He drove the car himself and galloped all the way back to the villa.

All the people in the villa were called out by him, so that he didn't even have anyone to verify the authenticity, so he could only drive back.

The door of the villa is open.

Shen Feng's expression eased a little, and he rushed in with big strides.

On the sofa in the living room, he searched through the entire city of S and couldn't find anyone. He was lying quietly on the sofa at this moment.

Shen Feng's eyes were red, he knelt down lightly, and held him in his arms with trembling hands.

The jealousy in Lu Wanwan's eyes flashed, but was quickly suppressed, and she turned around and stopped looking at the two of them.

Pei Lu heard the man's voice in a daze, and struggled to open his eyes, just in time to see Shen Feng's red eyes.

He called out weakly, "Brother..."

"I'm here, I'm here..." Shen Feng hugged him, pecking and kissing his cheek cherishingly, wishing to hide the lost and recovered treasure in his own flesh and blood.

Lu Laosan, who was pushed in behind, had a pale face, and the only luck in his mind was finally extinguished when he saw Lu Wanwan at the door.

They fought back and forth, and ended up taking advantage of Lu Wanwan, a pampered good-for-nothing.

The doctor came soon, examined Pei Lu carefully, and made sure that he was just frightened, and he was frozen on the ground all night. If he got cold, it would be fine if he took a good rest later.

Shen Feng personally reported him upstairs, fed him a bowl of hot porridge, and put him to sleep before going down to deal with the rest of the matter.

Lu Wanwan didn't leave. In the courtyard, Lu Laosan, Lu Laosi, and the two kidnapped men knelt in a row with pale faces.

Shen Feng didn't look at them more, and said to Lu Wanwan, "You saved Xiaoshu's life, what conditions do you have?"

Lu Wanwan looked at this heartless man with a complicated expression, and laughed at herself after a while, "I want half of the working capital of the Lu family, and I will take my mother abroad."

"that's it?"

Lu Wanwan nodded, not because she didn't want anything else, but because she saw clearly that Shen Feng had a grudge against the Lu family, and he was going to destroy the Lu family. After returning home, the final fate may be to be implicated by these two idiots, watching the Lu family collapse, and then living on the streets in poverty.

Lu Wanwan didn't dare to be greedy, she nodded sharply.

Shen Feng's tone did not fluctuate, "I promise, you pay as soon as possible, and I will transfer the money to your account."

Lu Wanwan's heart fell to the ground, she took one last look at him, and turned around to leave.

Wait for someone to leave.

"Take it down, I want them to die."

Shen Feng's cold eyes glanced at the four kneeling people, Lu Lao San struggled and wanted to say something, but Shen Feng had already turned and went upstairs.