My Patients Fall in Love with Me

Chapter 113: The last world


Pei Lu shook his head, "It's still early, I don't want to sleep."

Jin Ming moved, the blanket was still covering his lap in a disguised way, and he said calmly, "Then sleep well later."

The journey on the spaceship was long and boring. Pei Lu stared at the porthole for a while, and then asked Jin Ming to use the terminal to watch the drama. However, with the lessons learned, Pei Lu became more vigilant, and he personally chose a funny movie. Look.

The spaceship was running smoothly above the clouds, and kept flying in this state. After half a day, they arrived at the first wormhole jumping point. The hull was bumping. Jin Ming subconsciously hugged Pei Lu tightly, and together they dealt with the sudden shock.

The glass windows on the spaceship had all been sealed, and the turbulence lasted for about half an hour before stopping.

The closed porthole was opened again, and outside was a sea of white clouds and an orange sky.

It is already evening.

After watching three dramas, Pei Lu yawned tiredly, his eyes dimmed with tears.

Jin Ming closed the terminal, moved it to the side, and patted himself on the shoulder, "Sleep for a while?"

Pei Lu yawned again, leaned on his shoulder obediently, and closed his eyes.

Jin Ming turned his face slightly, leaving a light kiss on the top of his hair with his lips, and closed his eyes.

When he woke up early the next morning, the spaceship had almost arrived at Hain Star.

Jin Ming ordered two nutritional supplements and took them with Pei Lu.

In order to maximize the use of space, there is no ordinary food on the spacecraft, and all the nutrients are provided.

After breakfast, the two chatted head to head again. At ten o'clock in the morning, the spaceship landed.

The two officially arrived at Hain Star.

Jin Ming carried his luggage and led Pei Lu off the spaceship with the soldiers.

The soldiers who got off the spaceship stood up according to their own teams. After counting the number of people, they began to allocate bases.

There are 30,000 soldiers in this group who came to support them. It is impossible for all of these 30,000 soldiers to be together. They will all be broken up and incorporated into the current team.

Jin Ming's squad was organized into the 52nd Field Brigade under the First Army.

Jin Ming followed the team to the base stationed by the First Army Corps.

Hain Star is a strategically important military planet, on which are stationed the armies of the four legions of the Federation, namely the First Legion, the Third Legion, the Fifth Legion, and the Eighth Legion.

Among them, the second and fifth legions are in the hands of the royal family, the first legion is controlled by the Jin family, and the eighth legion is Madam Jin's Mu family.

There are clear barriers between the two camps.

The base of the First Legion is located in the southeast of Hain Star. The base is large and well guarded. In addition to powerful soldiers, it also has the most advanced weapons.

Pei Lu followed Jin Ming all the way to the living area. The entire base was covered with metal, and a tall watchtower stood on the open ground.

Not with heavily armed patrols walking by.

The important parts of the entire base are underground, except for the large excavating robots working in the energy area, which are exposed on the ground, and the factories, living areas, and most important laboratories are all built underground.

The new arrivals were led underground.

The underground part was built more grandly, the bright shadowless lights did not have a shadow, and the entire underground building was exposed to bright lights and monitoring.

The adjutant who took them there was the adjutant next to the major. The adjutant was rough but had a good temper, and his attitude towards the newly recruited friendly troops was kind.

"Everyone will rest here from now on."

The adjutant pointed to the building in front. For the sake of stability and safety, the underground buildings were not built high, and the shape was mainly solid. In front of them was a large dormitory, usually only three floors, square, and looked very solid.

The dormitory has been allocated according to the number. Jin Ming is assigned to Room 208 on the second floor. The rooms here are bunk beds, six people to one room, and a separate bathroom.

The overall color of the dormitory is mainly white, and it looks clean and bright. Except for the fact that there are more people, it is a good place for soldiers to rest.

Jin Ming's first reaction was to look up at the bed, but fortunately, considering the size of the soldiers, the bed in the dormitory is not too small, and he and Pei Lu could sleep comfortably.

But it's better if you can't sleep, Jin Ming thinks lightly, if you squeeze a little more, you can sleep with the little rabbit in your arms.

After each settled down, Jin Ming started to pack his luggage. Apart from the change of clothes for the two of them, what Pei Lu brought most were all kinds of healing potions that he prepared himself.

After running around all day, Jin Ming obediently sat down beside the bed, obediently waiting for Jin Ming to take a bath with him after tidying up.

Pei Lu swayed his legs, thinking wildly, and when he thought that he would be with Jin Ming later, he began to blush and his heart beat, and his blood flowed backwards.

Jin Ming put everything in the cabinet and locked it, and saw Pei Lu was blushing and lost in thought.

Jin Ming pretended to touch his calf casually and gestured with his eyes.

Pei Lu came back to his senses, jumped off the upper bunk, and followed Jin Ming in slowly.

Pei Lu brought him pajamas, and he put them away, leaned against the door and said with a straight face, "You wash first."

"..." Pei Lu dawdled, the blood all over his body rushed to his face, "Why don't you wash it first?"

Jin Ming raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth curled into an inconspicuous arc, "It makes a difference who washes first?" Anyway, he didn't go out until Pei Lu finished washing.

Pei Lu stopped talking, stretched out his hand to take off his clothes, and the water from the shower washed his whole body pink.

Jin Ming crossed his hands in front of his chest, lowered his eyes as if trying to avoid suspicion.

Pei Lu breathed a sigh of relief, quickly washed himself clean, and changed into his pajamas in a hurry.

He vacated his seat, his eyes were still steaming, and his whole body was limp, "I've finished washing."

Jin Ming let out a low "hmm", and inadvertently slid his fingers across the terminal, and turned off the terminal with the camera function turned on.

All this was fast and subtle, Pei Lu didn't realize it, and was a little bit entangled in his impure thoughts, Jin Ming was still young, so he didn't understand it at all.

After Jin Ming finished washing, the two went out together.

Jin Ming carried the clothes into the washing machine for cleaning and disinfection. After washing, he folded the clothes and put them in the cabinet.

During this period, Pei Lu had already climbed onto the bed and waited obediently for him.

The other people in the dormitory were still chatting and chatting about the mountains. One or two strong men were shirtless and flirting with enthusiasm. Seeing Jin Ming come out, they wanted to invite him to play together.

"You guys play." Jin Ming stared at the strong muscles of the big guys, frowned, turned up the shop neatly, and squeezed Pei Lu, who was stretching his neck down to watch the excitement, inside.

Pei Lu didn't watch it lively, and leaned against the wall with a bored face.

Jin Ming pinched his bulging cheeks, took out the terminal, and showed him typing.

Jin Ming: Watch the video for a while

Pei Lu followed along to join in the fun, without saying a word, reached out and tapped on the screen: Don't look, you help me play the game, "Chicken Run" has a new map, you get me the first score.

Jin Ming: "..."

He felt helpless, and finally couldn't resist Pei Lu's eye attack, so he agreed.

Jin Ming opened the game interface of "Chicken Run". After the update, a cheerful background music played, and he logged into the game interface.

Jin Ming landed under Pei Lu's expectant gaze, and clicked Start.

The lost chick ran wildly in the forest.

For the convenience of watching, Pei Lu moved to Jin Ming's side after a while. Jin Ming controlled the chick carelessly, and at the same time distracted Pei Lu to get closer to him.

Pei Lu was obsessed with games, and within a short while, half of him was on Jin Ming's body.

The tender yellow chick jumped nimbly with its small claws, Pei Luhang screamed on Jin Ming's arm,

"Catch up, catch up, jump!"

Jin Ming deliberately jumped up at the last moment, and the monster chasing him was thrown behind.

The onlooker Pei Lu was more nervous than playing by himself, let out a long breath, his thin chest pressed against Jin Ming's arm, and the body temperature of the two blended together.

Jin Ming seemed to move his arm unintentionally, but suddenly touched a soft pearl, Jin Ming paused, and after realizing what it was, he dawdled maliciously to write it down.

This time it was Pei Lu's turn to froze, he stepped back a bit in embarrassment, his eyes were hesitant, his cheeks were flushed, and he didn't even bother to watch the game.

Jin Ming paused the game, looked at him suspiciously, and typed: What's wrong? give up

Pei Lu shook his head uncomfortably, saying that he couldn't play anymore. ,

Jin Ming exited the game, put away the terminal and lay down first, patted the position beside him,

"Then rest early."

The bed is 1.2 meters, two adult men can just sleep, but they can't avoid touching each other. It's much better than when they were on Orion, Jin Ming could only hug Pei Lu when he fell asleep in the middle of the night.

Pei Lu hesitated to lie down, Jin Ming lay on his side, his face was facing Pei Lu, Pei Lu was almost pressed against the wall, but he had no choice but to hide in one of the positions so that the warm breath between each other could The feeling is not bad.

Jin Ming still pretended not to understand anything, his eyes were half closed, his voice was low,

"Sleep, it won't be so crowded when I find a way to change to a single room."

When he said this, Pei Lu felt embarrassed. He felt like an oil bottle, and there were too many demands. He tore himself off the wall, lay down and slept soundly, trying to ignore the breathing around his neck.

"Good night."

Jin Ming chuckled calmly, then leaned closer to his neck and said, "Good night."

The night was uneventful.

Early in the morning, there was a piercing whistle, and the snoring sounded one after another in the dormitory. Everyone got up quickly, folded the quilt and squeezed into the bathroom to wash.

After cleaning up in ten minutes, the six hurried down to assemble.

Pei Lu was also woken up by the movement, he looked down the railing in a daze, Jin Ming waved to him, and went downstairs quickly.

As soon as everyone left, the dormitory was immediately empty. Pei Lu got up slowly after hearing the loud counting sound from downstairs.

Cleaned up, Pei Lu had nothing to do, so he went downstairs to watch their training.

Jin Ming stood in the last row of the team, and the captain who happened to be in charge of their team happened to come with Orion.

The team is very familiar with each other, and the tacit understanding is sufficient, and they quickly found the rhythm of training.

They have just arrived at Hain Star, and they don't need to fight on the front line for the time being. What they have to do now is to adapt to Hain Star's combat mode and new weapons.

You must know that Orion's star is poor, and the weapons used by the soldiers are also old-style weapons eliminated above, and the new ones are not their turn.

But now that they are on Hain Star, they can experience the latest scientific research achievements of the Federation to their heart's content.

Jin Ming took aim with a latest sniper rifle on his wrist.

This kind of gun has long-range infrared positioning, and the laser bullets it emits are powerful. However, the gun itself is complicated to operate and has a huge size. Each team is equipped with a maximum of two. Only soldiers with the best overall ability are eligible to use it.

Jin Ming's fame on Orion was not for nothing. The captain who led him directly ordered him and another soldier, and each assigned a sniper rifle for them to practice.

Jin Ming's hands were very steady, the gun rested on his shoulders, and both hands held the gun body firmly. The series of actions of aiming, locking, and pulling the trigger took only a moment.

The laser bullets shot out silently, instantly smashing the distant target into pieces.

During the whole process, the huge sniper rifle didn't even shake.

You must know that although the laser bullets are fired silently, they actually have a huge impact. The reason why the requirements for the user are so high is because as long as there is the slightest shake of the gun body, the trajectory of the bullet will deviate.

Most of the time, this destructive sniper rifle can only be operated by a machine.

However, the role of machines is limited after all, far less flexible than human operations. Therefore, if it is not impossible to find a suitable candidate, humans will usually operate in battle.

After Jin Ming hit a row of targets, he didn't stop and continued.

Pei Lu was watching him not far away.

He had never seen Jin Ming like this, with a serious expression, sharp eyes, and a strong fighting spirit all over his body, like a sharp sword out of its sheath.

Sharp and mesmerizing.

No matter how long Jin Ming practiced, Pei Lu watched from the side.

The training didn't end until noon. As soon as Jin Ming turned around, he saw Pei Lu standing by.

Pei Lu smiled and ran towards him.

With a smile in his eyes, Jin Ming deliberately lagged behind the team, and asked him softly, "Why are you here?"

Pei Lu's eyes sparkled, and he looked at him adoringly, "It's boring to stay in the dormitory."

Jin Ming resisted the urge to rub his head, and continued to talk to him in a low voice, "After a few days, I will find a way to change the dormitory, so you can be free."

Pei Lu smiled embarrassedly, "Okay."

It was inconvenient for Pei Lu to eat in the cafeteria, so Jin Ming packed food for two and went back to the dormitory to eat with Pei Lu.

The others in the dormitory hadn't come back yet, so Pei Lu ate quickly and finished eating before the others came back.

During training in the afternoon, Jin Ming asked about changing dormitories like the captain who came with him.

The captain didn't respond to his request, and simply told him the way.

"On Hayne Star, as long as you can kill enough enemies, you can make any request within a reasonable range."

Jin Ming kept this in mind.

After Jin Ming and the others trained for three days, the empire launched an attack again.

The base entered a state of preparation for war, and Jin Ming and the others joined the first battle under the leadership of the captain.

The empire's huge war fortress was suspended above Hain Star, and a steady stream of imperial soldiers parachuted down from the fortress.

The two sides fought quickly, and Jin Ming calmly aimed and shot with a sniper rifle on his shoulder, and blood burst out on the battlefield.

He moved very quickly, and there were almost afterimages when his fingers moved, and the bulky sniper rifle seemed to become a well-behaved toy in his hands.

The Empire and the Federation have the same number of people, and the strength of both sides is equal. The Federation has a slight upper hand because of its home field advantage.

The fighting went on for a while.

The soldiers of the empire suddenly began to retreat. After all the soldiers had withdrawn, another batch of things was put down from the black fortress.

The Federation seems to have had experience, and quickly sounded the alarm, ready for battle.

Jin Ming squinted his eyes and looked into the distance. His eyesight was very good. When the comrades around him were still wondering, he had already seen the things put down on the opposite side.

"It's a bug."

A huge mutated bug, waving its sharp claws, rushed towards it like a federal army.

There are not many mutated bugs, but their huge size and hard carapace are enough for ordinary people to drink a pot.

After everyone retreated to the defense, the sniper rifles and artillery fire locked on the rushing insects.

Jin Ming squinted his eyes, and aimed at the huge praying mantis-shaped bug in front of him.

The carapace of the mutated insect is hard, and after evolution, even the soft abdomen is armed, with almost no weaknesses.

It is exactly like this, mutant bugs are the greatest enemy of human beings, but it was unexpected that the empire took the lead in breaking the agreement and using mutant bugs as weapons in the Battle of Hain Star.

They have their own method of controlling the mutated bugs, but the mutated bugs have high combat effectiveness and extremely strong reproductive ability. As long as there are bugs crossing the border, there are almost no survivors left.

When the Federation and the Empire became independent, it was stipulated in the peace treaty that mutated bugs should never be used as biochemical weapons.

The attack power of the mutated insects is the envy of all soldiers, but they are brutal by nature and feed on humans, so they are too uncontrollable, even though the Federation can see it. However, live experiments on mutated insects have never been approved.

Jin Ming aimed at the slender leg joints of the mutant mantis, and shot quickly.

Almost instantly, the huge mutated mantis fell to the ground, unable to get up after struggling.

Jin Ming judged calmly, and soon as long as the mutated bugs with slender limbs were shot by him, their claws were broken and they lost their mobility.

Soon someone noticed his method and concocted it according to the law, most of the mutated bugs were "paralyzed" on the battlefield.

A few crustaceans were also smashed into slag by the concentrated fire.

The Federation eliminated all the mutated bugs and dragged back the remaining dozen or so bugs that had lost their combat effectiveness.

The commanders of the empire watching the battle scolded their mothers angrily.

But the mutated bugs themselves were still in the experimental stage, otherwise they wouldn't have put down a dozen at a time.

After the mutated bugs were cleaned up, there was no movement on the side of the empire, and the black fortress was suspended above Hain Star like a dark cloud.

All the soldiers retreated, leaving only a part to monitor the movement of the fort.

Jin Ming walked back with the sniper rifle on his shoulders, and when he was halfway there, he heard a light beep from the terminal.

He clicked on it and saw that it was a message from the base:

Name: Jin Ming.

Kill fifty-three enemies.

Kill six mutated bugs.

A total of six hundred and fifty points.

After thinking about it for a while, Jin Ming knew that this was probably what the captain said "to make demands within a reasonable range". The First Army Corps adopted an internal point system to motivate soldiers. Points can be exchanged for resources inside the base. , and after passing the assessment, it can also be used as an assessment standard for military rank promotion.